/// <summary>
        /// Syncs the specifies subscriptions at the frontier time
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="frontier">The time used for syncing, data in the future won't be included in this time slice</param>
        /// <param name="subscriptions">The subscriptions to sync</param>
        /// <param name="sliceTimeZone">The time zone of the created slice object</param>
        /// <param name="cashBook">The cash book, used for creating the cash book updates</param>
        /// <param name="nextFrontier">The next frontier time as determined by the first piece of data in the future ahead of the frontier.
        /// This value will equal DateTime.MaxValue when the subscriptions are all finished</param>
        /// <returns>A time slice for the specified frontier time</returns>
        public TimeSlice Sync(DateTime frontier, IEnumerable<Subscription> subscriptions, DateTimeZone sliceTimeZone, CashBook cashBook, out DateTime nextFrontier)
            var changes = SecurityChanges.None;
            nextFrontier = DateTime.MaxValue;
            var earlyBirdTicks = nextFrontier.Ticks;
            var data = new List<DataFeedPacket>();

            SecurityChanges newChanges;
                newChanges = SecurityChanges.None;
                foreach (var subscription in subscriptions)
                    if (subscription.EndOfStream)

                    // prime if needed
                    if (subscription.Current == null)
                        if (!subscription.MoveNext())

                    var packet = new DataFeedPacket(subscription.Security);

                    var configuration = subscription.Configuration;
                    var offsetProvider = subscription.OffsetProvider;
                    var currentOffsetTicks = offsetProvider.GetOffsetTicks(frontier);
                    while (subscription.Current.EndTime.Ticks - currentOffsetTicks <= frontier.Ticks)
                        // we want bars rounded using their subscription times, we make a clone
                        // so we don't interfere with the enumerator's internal logic
                        var clone = subscription.Current.Clone(subscription.Current.IsFillForward);
                        clone.Time = clone.Time.ExchangeRoundDown(configuration.Increment, subscription.Security.Exchange.Hours, configuration.ExtendedMarketHours);
                        if (!subscription.MoveNext())

                    // we have new universe data to select based on
                    if (subscription.IsUniverseSelectionSubscription && packet.Count > 0)
                        // assume that if the first item is a base data collection then the enumerator handled the aggregation,
                        // otherwise, load all the the data into a new collection instance
                        var collection = packet.Data[0] as BaseDataCollection ?? new BaseDataCollection(frontier, subscription.Configuration.Symbol, packet.Data);
                        newChanges += _universeSelection.ApplyUniverseSelection(subscription.Universe, frontier, collection);

                    if (subscription.Current != null)
                        // take the earliest between the next piece of data or the next tz discontinuity
                        earlyBirdTicks = Math.Min(earlyBirdTicks, Math.Min(subscription.Current.EndTime.Ticks - currentOffsetTicks, offsetProvider.GetNextDiscontinuity()));

                changes += newChanges;
            while (newChanges != SecurityChanges.None);

            nextFrontier = new DateTime(Math.Max(earlyBirdTicks, frontier.Ticks), DateTimeKind.Utc);

            return TimeSlice.Create(frontier, sliceTimeZone, cashBook, data, changes);
Beispiel #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Primary entry point.
        /// </summary>
        public void Run()
            IsActive = true;

            // we want to emit to the bridge minimally once a second since the data feed is
            // the heartbeat of the application, so this value will contain a second after
            // the last emit time, and if we pass this time, we'll emit even with no data
            var nextEmit = DateTime.MinValue;

                while (!_cancellationTokenSource.IsCancellationRequested)
                    // perform sleeps to wake up on the second?
                    _frontierUtc = _timeProvider.GetUtcNow();

                    var data = new List<DataFeedPacket>();
                    foreach (var subscription in Subscriptions)
                        var packet = new DataFeedPacket(subscription.Security, subscription.Configuration);

                        // dequeue data that is time stamped at or before this frontier
                        while (subscription.MoveNext() && subscription.Current != null)

                        // if we have data, add it to be added to the bridge
                        if (packet.Count > 0) data.Add(packet);

                        // we have new universe data to select based on
                        if (subscription.IsUniverseSelectionSubscription && packet.Count > 0)
                            var universe = subscription.Universe;

                            // always wait for other thread to sync up
                            if (!_bridge.WaitHandle.WaitOne(Timeout.Infinite, _cancellationTokenSource.Token))

                            // assume that if the first item is a base data collection then the enumerator handled the aggregation,
                            // otherwise, load all the the data into a new collection instance
                            var collection = packet.Data[0] as BaseDataCollection ?? new BaseDataCollection(_frontierUtc, subscription.Configuration.Symbol, packet.Data);

                            _changes += _universeSelection.ApplyUniverseSelection(universe, _frontierUtc, collection);

                    // check for cancellation
                    if (_cancellationTokenSource.IsCancellationRequested) return;

                    // emit on data or if we've elapsed a full second since last emit
                    if (data.Count != 0 || _frontierUtc >= nextEmit)
                        _bridge.Add(TimeSlice.Create(_frontierUtc, _algorithm.TimeZone, _algorithm.Portfolio.CashBook, data, _changes), _cancellationTokenSource.Token);

                        // force emitting every second
                        nextEmit = _frontierUtc.RoundDown(Time.OneSecond).Add(Time.OneSecond);

                    // reset our security changes
                    _changes = SecurityChanges.None;

                    // take a short nap
            catch (Exception err)
                _algorithm.RunTimeError = err;

            Log.Trace("LiveTradingDataFeed.Run(): Exited thread.");
            IsActive = false;
        /// <summary>
        /// Primary entry point.
        /// </summary>
        public void Run()
            IsActive = true;

            // we want to emit to the bridge minimally once a second since the data feed is
            // the heartbeat of the application, so this value will contain a second after
            // the last emit time, and if we pass this time, we'll emit even with no data
            var nextEmit = DateTime.MinValue;

                while (!_cancellationTokenSource.IsCancellationRequested)
                    // perform sleeps to wake up on the second?
                    _frontierUtc = _timeProvider.GetUtcNow();

                    var data = new List <DataFeedPacket>();
                    foreach (var subscription in Subscriptions)
                        var packet = new DataFeedPacket(subscription.Security, subscription.Configuration);

                        // dequeue data that is time stamped at or before this frontier
                        while (subscription.MoveNext() && subscription.Current != null)

                        // if we have data, add it to be added to the bridge
                        if (packet.Count > 0)

                        // we have new universe data to select based on
                        if (subscription.IsUniverseSelectionSubscription && packet.Count > 0)
                            var universe = subscription.Universe;

                            // always wait for other thread to sync up
                            if (!_bridge.WaitHandle.WaitOne(Timeout.Infinite, _cancellationTokenSource.Token))

                            // assume that if the first item is a base data collection then the enumerator handled the aggregation,
                            // otherwise, load all the the data into a new collection instance
                            var collection = packet.Data[0] as BaseDataCollection ?? new BaseDataCollection(_frontierUtc, subscription.Configuration.Symbol, packet.Data);

                            _changes += _universeSelection.ApplyUniverseSelection(universe, _frontierUtc, collection);

                    // check for cancellation
                    if (_cancellationTokenSource.IsCancellationRequested)

                    // emit on data or if we've elapsed a full second since last emit
                    if (data.Count != 0 || _frontierUtc >= nextEmit)
                        _bridge.Add(TimeSlice.Create(_frontierUtc, _algorithm.TimeZone, _algorithm.Portfolio.CashBook, data, _changes), _cancellationTokenSource.Token);

                        // force emitting every second
                        nextEmit = _frontierUtc.RoundDown(Time.OneSecond).Add(Time.OneSecond);

                    // reset our security changes
                    _changes = SecurityChanges.None;

                    // take a short nap
            catch (Exception err)
                _algorithm.RunTimeError = err;
                _algorithm.Status       = AlgorithmStatus.RuntimeError;

                // send last empty packet list before terminating,
                // so the algorithm manager has a chance to detect the runtime error
                // and exit showing the correct error instead of a timeout
                nextEmit = _frontierUtc.RoundDown(Time.OneSecond).Add(Time.OneSecond);

                if (!_cancellationTokenSource.IsCancellationRequested)
                        TimeSlice.Create(nextEmit, _algorithm.TimeZone, _algorithm.Portfolio.CashBook, new List <DataFeedPacket>(), SecurityChanges.None),

            Log.Trace("LiveTradingDataFeed.Run(): Exited thread.");
            IsActive = false;
Beispiel #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Syncs the specified subscriptions. The frontier time used for synchronization is
        /// managed internally and dependent upon previous synchronization operations.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="subscriptions">The subscriptions to sync</param>
        public TimeSlice Sync(IEnumerable <Subscription> subscriptions)
            var delayedSubscriptionFinished = false;
            var changes = SecurityChanges.None;
            var data    = new List <DataFeedPacket>();
            // NOTE: Tight coupling in UniverseSelection.ApplyUniverseSelection
            var universeData = new Dictionary <Universe, BaseDataCollection>();
            var universeDataForTimeSliceCreate = new Dictionary <Universe, BaseDataCollection>();

            var frontierUtc = _frontierTimeProvider.GetUtcNow();

            SecurityChanges newChanges;

                newChanges = SecurityChanges.None;
                foreach (var subscription in subscriptions)
                    if (subscription.EndOfStream)

                    // prime if needed
                    if (subscription.Current == null)
                        if (!subscription.MoveNext())

                    var packet = new DataFeedPacket(subscription.Security, subscription.Configuration, subscription.RemovedFromUniverse);

                    while (subscription.Current != null && subscription.Current.EmitTimeUtc <= frontierUtc)

                        if (!subscription.MoveNext())
                            delayedSubscriptionFinished = true;

                    if (packet.Count > 0)
                        // we have new universe data to select based on, store the subscription data until the end
                        if (!subscription.IsUniverseSelectionSubscription)
                            // assume that if the first item is a base data collection then the enumerator handled the aggregation,
                            // otherwise, load all the the data into a new collection instance
                            var packetBaseDataCollection = packet.Data[0] as BaseDataCollection;
                            var packetData = packetBaseDataCollection == null
                                ? packet.Data
                                : packetBaseDataCollection.Data;

                            BaseDataCollection collection;
                            if (universeData.TryGetValue(subscription.Universes.Single(), out collection))
                                if (packetBaseDataCollection is OptionChainUniverseDataCollection)
                                    var current = packetBaseDataCollection as OptionChainUniverseDataCollection;
                                    collection = new OptionChainUniverseDataCollection(frontierUtc, subscription.Configuration.Symbol, packetData, current?.Underlying);
                                else if (packetBaseDataCollection is FuturesChainUniverseDataCollection)
                                    collection = new FuturesChainUniverseDataCollection(frontierUtc, subscription.Configuration.Symbol, packetData);
                                    collection = new BaseDataCollection(frontierUtc, subscription.Configuration.Symbol, packetData);

                                universeData[subscription.Universes.Single()] = collection;

                    if (subscription.IsUniverseSelectionSubscription &&
                        subscription.Universes.Single().DisposeRequested ||
                        delayedSubscriptionFinished = false;
                        // we need to do this after all usages of subscription.Universes

                foreach (var kvp in universeData)
                    var universe           = kvp.Key;
                    var baseDataCollection = kvp.Value;
                    universeDataForTimeSliceCreate[universe] = baseDataCollection;
                    newChanges += _universeSelection.ApplyUniverseSelection(universe, frontierUtc, baseDataCollection);

                changes += newChanges;
            }while (newChanges != SecurityChanges.None);

            var timeSlice = TimeSlice.Create(frontierUtc, _sliceTimeZone, _cashBook, data, changes, universeDataForTimeSliceCreate);

        /// <summary>
        /// Syncs the specifies subscriptions at the frontier time
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="frontier">The time used for syncing, data in the future won't be included in this time slice</param>
        /// <param name="subscriptions">The subscriptions to sync</param>
        /// <param name="sliceTimeZone">The time zone of the created slice object</param>
        /// <param name="cashBook">The cash book, used for creating the cash book updates</param>
        /// <param name="nextFrontier">The next frontier time as determined by the first piece of data in the future ahead of the frontier.
        /// This value will equal DateTime.MaxValue when the subscriptions are all finished</param>
        /// <returns>A time slice for the specified frontier time</returns>
        public TimeSlice Sync(DateTime frontier, IEnumerable <Subscription> subscriptions, DateTimeZone sliceTimeZone, CashBook cashBook, out DateTime nextFrontier)
            var changes = SecurityChanges.None;

            nextFrontier = DateTime.MaxValue;
            var earlyBirdTicks = nextFrontier.Ticks;
            var data           = new List <DataFeedPacket>();

            SecurityChanges newChanges;

                newChanges = SecurityChanges.None;
                foreach (var subscription in subscriptions)
                    if (subscription.EndOfStream)

                    // prime if needed
                    if (subscription.Current == null)
                        if (!subscription.MoveNext())

                    var packet = new DataFeedPacket(subscription.Security, subscription.Configuration);

                    var configuration      = subscription.Configuration;
                    var offsetProvider     = subscription.OffsetProvider;
                    var currentOffsetTicks = offsetProvider.GetOffsetTicks(frontier);
                    while (subscription.Current.EndTime.Ticks - currentOffsetTicks <= frontier.Ticks)
                        // we want bars rounded using their subscription times, we make a clone
                        // so we don't interfere with the enumerator's internal logic
                        var clone = subscription.Current.Clone(subscription.Current.IsFillForward);
                        clone.Time = clone.Time.ExchangeRoundDown(configuration.Increment, subscription.Security.Exchange.Hours, configuration.ExtendedMarketHours);
                        if (!subscription.MoveNext())

                    // we have new universe data to select based on
                    if (subscription.IsUniverseSelectionSubscription && packet.Count > 0)
                        // assume that if the first item is a base data collection then the enumerator handled the aggregation,
                        // otherwise, load all the the data into a new collection instance
                        var collection = packet.Data[0] as BaseDataCollection ?? new BaseDataCollection(frontier, subscription.Configuration.Symbol, packet.Data);
                        newChanges += _universeSelection.ApplyUniverseSelection(subscription.Universe, frontier, collection);

                    if (subscription.Current != null)
                        // take the earliest between the next piece of data or the next tz discontinuity
                        earlyBirdTicks = Math.Min(earlyBirdTicks, Math.Min(subscription.Current.EndTime.Ticks - currentOffsetTicks, offsetProvider.GetNextDiscontinuity()));

                changes += newChanges;
            }while (newChanges != SecurityChanges.None);

            nextFrontier = new DateTime(Math.Max(earlyBirdTicks, frontier.Ticks), DateTimeKind.Utc);

            return(TimeSlice.Create(frontier, sliceTimeZone, cashBook, data, changes));
        /// <summary>
        /// Syncs the specified subscriptions. The frontier time used for synchronization is
        /// managed internally and dependent upon previous synchronization operations.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="subscriptions">The subscriptions to sync</param>
        public TimeSlice Sync(IEnumerable <Subscription> subscriptions)
            long earlyBirdTicks;
            var  changes = SecurityChanges.None;
            var  data    = new List <DataFeedPacket>();
            // NOTE: Tight coupling in UniverseSelection.ApplyUniverseSelection
            var universeData = new Dictionary <Universe, BaseDataCollection>();
            var universeDataForTimeSliceCreate = new Dictionary <Universe, BaseDataCollection>();

            SecurityChanges newChanges;

                earlyBirdTicks = MaxDateTimeTicks;
                newChanges     = SecurityChanges.None;
                foreach (var subscription in subscriptions)
                    if (subscription.EndOfStream)

                    // prime if needed
                    if (subscription.Current == null)
                        if (!subscription.MoveNext())

                        if (subscription.Current == null)
                            throw new Exception($"SubscriptionSynchronizer.Sync(): subscription.Current is null, configuration: {subscription}");

                    var packet = new DataFeedPacket(subscription.Security, subscription.Configuration, subscription.RemovedFromUniverse);

                    while (subscription.Current.EmitTimeUtc <= _frontier)

                        if (!subscription.MoveNext())

                    if (packet.Count > 0)
                        // we have new universe data to select based on, store the subscription data until the end
                        if (!subscription.IsUniverseSelectionSubscription)
                            // assume that if the first item is a base data collection then the enumerator handled the aggregation,
                            // otherwise, load all the the data into a new collection instance
                            var packetBaseDataCollection = packet.Data[0] as BaseDataCollection;
                            var packetData = packetBaseDataCollection == null
                                ? packet.Data
                                : packetBaseDataCollection.Data;

                            BaseDataCollection collection;
                            if (universeData.TryGetValue(subscription.Universe, out collection))
                                if (packetBaseDataCollection is OptionChainUniverseDataCollection)
                                    var current = packetBaseDataCollection as OptionChainUniverseDataCollection;
                                    collection = new OptionChainUniverseDataCollection(_frontier, subscription.Configuration.Symbol, packetData, current?.Underlying);
                                else if (packetBaseDataCollection is FuturesChainUniverseDataCollection)
                                    collection = new FuturesChainUniverseDataCollection(_frontier, subscription.Configuration.Symbol, packetData);
                                    collection = new BaseDataCollection(_frontier, subscription.Configuration.Symbol, packetData);

                                universeData[subscription.Universe] = collection;

                            // remove subscription for universe data if disposal requested AFTER time sync
                            // this ensures we get any security changes from removing the universe and its children
                            if (subscription.Universe.DisposeRequested)

                    if (subscription.Current != null)
                        if (earlyBirdTicks == MaxDateTimeTicks)
                            earlyBirdTicks = subscription.Current.EmitTimeUtc.Ticks;
                            // take the earliest between the next piece of data or the current earliest bird
                            earlyBirdTicks = Math.Min(earlyBirdTicks, subscription.Current.EmitTimeUtc.Ticks);

                foreach (var kvp in universeData)
                    var universe           = kvp.Key;
                    var baseDataCollection = kvp.Value;
                    universeDataForTimeSliceCreate[universe] = baseDataCollection;
                    newChanges += _universeSelection.ApplyUniverseSelection(universe, _frontier, baseDataCollection);

                changes += newChanges;
            }while (newChanges != SecurityChanges.None);

            var timeSlice = TimeSlice.Create(_frontier, _sliceTimeZone, _cashBook, data, changes, universeDataForTimeSliceCreate);

            // next frontier time
            _frontier = new DateTime(Math.Max(earlyBirdTicks, _frontier.Ticks), DateTimeKind.Utc);

        /// <summary>
        /// Syncs the specified subscriptions. The frontier time used for synchronization is
        /// managed internally and dependent upon previous synchronization operations.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="subscriptions">The subscriptions to sync</param>
        public TimeSlice Sync(IEnumerable <Subscription> subscriptions)
            long earlyBirdTicks;
            var  changes      = SecurityChanges.None;
            var  data         = new List <DataFeedPacket>();
            var  universeData = new Dictionary <Universe, BaseDataCollection>();

            SecurityChanges newChanges;

                earlyBirdTicks = MaxDateTimeTicks;
                newChanges = SecurityChanges.None;
                foreach (var subscription in subscriptions)
                    if (subscription.EndOfStream)

                    // prime if needed
                    if (subscription.Current == null)
                        if (!subscription.MoveNext())

                    var packet = new DataFeedPacket(subscription.Security, subscription.Configuration);

                    var configuration      = subscription.Configuration;
                    var offsetProvider     = subscription.OffsetProvider;
                    var currentOffsetTicks = offsetProvider.GetOffsetTicks(_frontier);
                    while (subscription.Current.EndTime.Ticks - currentOffsetTicks <= _frontier.Ticks)
                        // we want bars rounded using their subscription times, we make a clone
                        // so we don't interfere with the enumerator's internal logic
                        var clone = subscription.Current.Clone(subscription.Current.IsFillForward);
                        clone.Time = clone.Time.ExchangeRoundDownInTimeZone(configuration.Increment, subscription.Security.Exchange.Hours, configuration.DataTimeZone, configuration.ExtendedMarketHours);


                        if (!subscription.MoveNext())

                    if (packet.Count > 0)
                        // we have new universe data to select based on, store the subscription data until the end
                        if (!subscription.IsUniverseSelectionSubscription)
                            // assume that if the first item is a base data collection then the enumerator handled the aggregation,
                            // otherwise, load all the the data into a new collection instance
                            var packetBaseDataCollection = packet.Data[0] as BaseDataCollection;
                            var packetData = packetBaseDataCollection == null
                                ? packet.Data
                                : packetBaseDataCollection.Data;

                            BaseDataCollection collection;
                            if (universeData.TryGetValue(subscription.Universe, out collection))
                                if (packetBaseDataCollection is OptionChainUniverseDataCollection)
                                    var current    = subscription.Current as OptionChainUniverseDataCollection;
                                    var underlying = current != null ? current.Underlying : null;
                                    collection = new OptionChainUniverseDataCollection(_frontier,
                                                                                       subscription.Configuration.Symbol, packetData, underlying);
                                else if (packetBaseDataCollection is FuturesChainUniverseDataCollection)
                                    var current = subscription.Current as FuturesChainUniverseDataCollection;
                                    collection = new FuturesChainUniverseDataCollection(_frontier,
                                                                                        subscription.Configuration.Symbol, packetData);
                                    collection = new BaseDataCollection(_frontier, subscription.Configuration.Symbol,

                                universeData[subscription.Universe] = collection;

                    if (subscription.Current != null)
                        if (earlyBirdTicks == MaxDateTimeTicks)
                            earlyBirdTicks = subscription.Current.EndTime.ConvertToUtc(subscription.TimeZone).Ticks;
                            // take the earliest between the next piece of data or the next tz discontinuity
                            earlyBirdTicks = Math.Min(earlyBirdTicks, Math.Min(subscription.Current.EndTime.Ticks - currentOffsetTicks, offsetProvider.GetNextDiscontinuity()));

                foreach (var kvp in universeData)
                    var universe           = kvp.Key;
                    var baseDataCollection = kvp.Value;
                    newChanges += _universeSelection.ApplyUniverseSelection(universe, _frontier, baseDataCollection);

                changes += newChanges;
            }while (newChanges != SecurityChanges.None);

            var timeSlice = TimeSlice.Create(_frontier, _sliceTimeZone, _cashBook, data, changes);

            // next frontier time
            _frontier = new DateTime(Math.Max(earlyBirdTicks, _frontier.Ticks), DateTimeKind.Utc);
