/// <summary>
 /// Setting up for joint localization
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="markers">The aliases of the marker names</param>
 public JointLocalization(MarkersNames markers)
     this.m = markers;
     bd = new BodyData(m);
     jcFuncs = new List<Action<Bone>>() {
             (b) => Plevis(b),
             (b) => SpineRoot(b),
             (b) => MidSpine(b),
             (b) => SpineEnd(b),
             (b) => Neck(b),
             (b) => GetHead(b),
             (b) => GetHeadTop(b),
             (b) => GetShoulderLeft(b),
             (b) => GetUpperArmLeft(b),
             (b) => GetLowerArmLeft(b),
             (b) => GetWristLeft(b),
             (b) => GetHandLeft(b),
             (b) => GetIndexLeft(b),
             (b) => GetTrapLeft(b),
             (b) => GetThumbLeft(b),
             (b) => GetShoulderRight(b),
             (b) => GetUpperArmRight(b),
             (b) => GetLowerArmRight(b),
             (b) => GetWristRight(b),
             (b) => GetHandRight(b),
             (b) => GetIndexRight(b),
             (b) => GetTrapRight(b),
             (b) => GetThumbRight(b),
             (b) => UpperLegLeft(b),
             (b) => LowerLegLeft(b),
             (b) => GetAnkleLeft(b),
             (b) => GetFootBaseLeft(b),
             (b) => GetFootLeft(b),
             (b) => UpperLegRight(b),
             (b) => LowerLegRight(b),
             (b) => GetAnkleRight(b),
             (b) => GetFootBaseRight(b),
             (b) => GetFootRight(b),