public InterpolatedDefaultDensityCurve(
            List <Date> dates,
            List <double> densities,
            DayCounter dayCounter,
            Calendar calendar            = null,
            List <Handle <Quote> > jumps = null,
            List <Date> jumpDates        = null,
            Interpolator interpolator    = default(Interpolator))
            : base(dates[0], calendar, dayCounter, jumps, jumpDates)
            dates_ = new List <Date>(dates);
            times_ = new List <double>();
            data_  = new List <double>(densities);

            if (interpolator == null)
                interpolator_ = FastActivator <Interpolator> .Create();
                interpolator_ = interpolator;

            initialize(dates, densities, dayCounter);
Beispiel #2
 public InitializedList(int size) : base(size)
     for (int i = 0; i < this.Capacity; i++)
         this.Add(default(T) == null ? FastActivator <T> .Create() : default(T));
        public InterpolatedPiecewiseZeroSpreadedTermStructure(Handle <YieldTermStructure> h,
                                                              List <Handle <Quote> > spreads,
                                                              List <Date> dates,
                                                              Compounding compounding = Compounding.Continuous,
                                                              Frequency frequency     = Frequency.NoFrequency,
                                                              DayCounter dc           = default(DayCounter),
                                                              Interpolator factory    = default(Interpolator))
            originalCurve_ = h;
            spreads_       = spreads;
            dates_         = dates;
            times_         = new InitializedList <double>(dates.Count);
            spreadValues_  = new InitializedList <double>(dates.Count);
            compounding_   = compounding;
            frequency_     = frequency;
            dc_            = dc ?? new DayCounter();
            factory_       = factory ?? FastActivator <Interpolator> .Create();

            Utils.QL_REQUIRE(!spreads_.empty(), () => "no spreads given");
            Utils.QL_REQUIRE(spreads_.Count == dates_.Count, () => "spread and date vector have different sizes");


            for (int i = 0; i < spreads_.Count; i++)

            if (!originalCurve_.empty())
Beispiel #4
        public XABRCoeffHolder(double t, double forward, List <double?> _params, List <bool> paramIsFixed,
                               List <double?> addParams)
            t_               = t;
            forward_         = forward;
            params_          = _params;
            paramIsFixed_    = new InitializedList <bool>(paramIsFixed.Count, false);
            addParams_       = addParams;
            weights_         = new List <double>();
            error_           = null;
            maxError_        = null;
            XABREndCriteria_ = EndCriteria.Type.None;
            model_           = FastActivator <Model> .Create();

            Utils.QL_REQUIRE(t > 0.0, () => "expiry time must be positive: " + t + " not allowed");
            Utils.QL_REQUIRE(_params.Count == model_.dimension(), () =>
                             "wrong number of parameters (" + _params.Count + "), should be " + model_.dimension());
            Utils.QL_REQUIRE(paramIsFixed.Count == model_.dimension(), () =>
                             "wrong number of fixed parameters flags (" + paramIsFixed.Count + "), should be " +

            for (int i = 0; i < _params.Count; ++i)
                if (_params[i] != null)
                    paramIsFixed_[i] = paramIsFixed[i];

            model_.defaultValues(params_, paramIsFixed_, forward_, t_, addParams_);
Beispiel #5
        protected override double integrate(Func <double, double> f, double a, double b)
            // start from the coarsest trapezoid...
            int    N = 1;
            double I = (f(a) + f(b)) * (b - a) / 2.0, newI;
            // ...and refine it
            int i = 1;

            IntegrationPolicy ip = FastActivator <IntegrationPolicy> .Create();

                newI = ip.integrate(f, a, b, I, N);
                N   *= ip.nbEvalutions();
                // good enough? Also, don't run away immediately
                if (Math.Abs(I - newI) <= absoluteAccuracy() && i > 5)
                    // ok, exit
                // oh well. Another step.
                I = newI;
            }while (i < maxEvaluations());
            Utils.QL_FAIL("max number of iterations reached");
Beispiel #6
        public InterpolatedSmileSection(Date d,
                                        List <double> strikes,
                                        List <Handle <Quote> > stdDevHandles,
                                        Handle <Quote> atmLevel,
                                        DayCounter dc             = null, //Actual365Fixed(),
                                        Interpolator interpolator = default(Interpolator),
                                        Date referenceDate        = null,
                                        VolatilityType type       = VolatilityType.ShiftedLognormal,
                                        double shift = 0.0)
            : base(d, dc ?? new Actual365Fixed(), referenceDate, type, shift)
            exerciseTimeSquareRoot_ = Math.Sqrt(exerciseTime());
            strikes_       = strikes;
            stdDevHandles_ = stdDevHandles;
            atmLevel_      = atmLevel;
            vols_          = new InitializedList <double>(stdDevHandles.Count);

            for (int i = 0; i < stdDevHandles_.Count; ++i)
            // check strikes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
            if (interpolator == null)
                interpolator = FastActivator <Interpolator> .Create();
            interpolation_ = interpolator.interpolate(strikes_, strikes_.Count, vols_);
Beispiel #7
        public InterpolatedSmileSection(double timeToExpiry,
                                        List <double> strikes,
                                        List <double> stdDevs,
                                        double atmLevel,
                                        Interpolator interpolator = default(Interpolator),
                                        DayCounter dc             = null, //Actual365Fixed(),
                                        VolatilityType type       = VolatilityType.ShiftedLognormal,
                                        double shift = 0.0)
            : base(timeToExpiry, dc ?? new Actual365Fixed(), type, shift)
            exerciseTimeSquareRoot_ = Math.Sqrt(exerciseTime());
            strikes_       = strikes;
            stdDevHandles_ = new InitializedList <Handle <Quote> >(stdDevs.Count);
            vols_          = new InitializedList <double>(stdDevs.Count);

            // fill dummy handles to allow generic handle-based
            // computations later on
            for (int i = 0; i < stdDevs.Count; ++i)
                stdDevHandles_[i] = new Handle <Quote>(new SimpleQuote(stdDevs[i]));

            atmLevel_ = new Handle <Quote>(new SimpleQuote(atmLevel));
            // check strikes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
            if (interpolator == null)
                interpolator = FastActivator <Interpolator> .Create();
            interpolation_ = interpolator.interpolate(strikes_, strikes_.Count, vols_);
        public InterpolatedZeroInflationCurve(Date referenceDate, Calendar calendar, DayCounter dayCounter, Period lag,
                                              Frequency frequency, bool indexIsInterpolated, Handle <YieldTermStructure> yTS,
                                              List <Date> dates, List <double> rates,
                                              Interpolator interpolator = default(Interpolator))
            : base(referenceDate, calendar, dayCounter, rates[0],
                   lag, frequency, indexIsInterpolated, yTS)
            times_        = new List <double>();
            dates_        = dates;
            data_         = rates;
            interpolator_ = interpolator ?? FastActivator <Interpolator> .Create();

            Utils.QL_REQUIRE(dates_.Count > 1, () => "too few dates: " + dates_.Count);

            // check that the data starts from the beginning,
            // i.e. referenceDate - lag, at least must be in the relevant
            // period
            KeyValuePair <Date, Date> lim = Utils.inflationPeriod( - this.observationLag(), frequency);

            Utils.QL_REQUIRE(lim.Key <= dates_[0] && dates_[0] <= lim.Value, () =>
                             "first data date is not in base period, date: " + dates_[0]
                             + " not within [" + lim.Key + "," + lim.Value + "]");

            // by convention, if the index is not interpolated we pull all the dates
            // back to the start of their inflationPeriods
            // otherwise the time calculations will be inconsistent
            if (!indexIsInterpolated_)
                for (int i = 0; i < dates_.Count; i++)
                    dates_[i] = Utils.inflationPeriod(dates_[i], frequency).Key;

            Utils.QL_REQUIRE(this.data_.Count == dates_.Count, () =>
                             "indices/dates count mismatch: "
                             + this.data_.Count + " vs " + dates_.Count);

            this.times_    = new InitializedList <double>(dates_.Count);
            this.times_[0] = timeFromReference(dates_[0]);
            for (int i = 1; i < dates_.Count; i++)
                Utils.QL_REQUIRE(dates_[i] > dates_[i - 1], () => "dates not sorted");

                // but must be greater than -1
                Utils.QL_REQUIRE(this.data_[i] > -1.0, () => "zero inflation data < -100 %");

                // this can be negative
                this.times_[i] = timeFromReference(dates_[i]);
                Utils.QL_REQUIRE(!Utils.close(this.times_[i], this.times_[i - 1]), () =>
                                 "two dates correspond to the same time " +
                                 "under this curve's day count convention");

            this.interpolation_ = this.interpolator_.interpolate(times_, times_.Count, data_);
 public MakeMCDiscreteGeometricAPEngine <RNG, S> withTolerance(double tolerance)
     Utils.QL_REQUIRE(samples_ == null, () => "number of samples already set");
     Utils.QL_REQUIRE(FastActivator <RNG> .Create().allowsErrorEstimate != 0, () =>
                      "chosen random generator policy " + "does not allow an error estimate");
     tolerance_ = tolerance;
Beispiel #10
 public MakeMCHestonHullWhiteEngine <RNG, S> withAbsoluteTolerance(double tolerance)
     Utils.QL_REQUIRE(samples_ == null, () => "number of samples already set");
     Utils.QL_REQUIRE(FastActivator <RNG> .Create().allowsErrorEstimate != 0, () =>
                      "chosen random generator policy does not allow an error estimate");
     tolerance_ = tolerance;
Beispiel #11
        public RandomSequenceGenerator(int dimensionality, ulong seed)
            dimensionality_ = dimensionality;
            rng_            = (RNG)FastActivator <RNG> .Create().factory(seed);

            sequence_      = new Sample <List <double> >(new InitializedList <double>(dimensionality), 1.0);
            int32Sequence_ = new InitializedList <ulong>(dimensionality);
Beispiel #12
        public FiniteDifferenceModel(object L, object bcs, List <double> stoppingTimes)
            evolver_ = (Evolver)FastActivator <Evolver> .Create().factory(L, bcs);

            stoppingTimes_ = stoppingTimes;
            stoppingTimes_ = stoppingTimes_.Distinct().ToList();
Beispiel #13
        public PdeConstantCoeff(GeneralizedBlackScholesProcess process, double t, double x)
            PdeClass pde = (PdeClass)FastActivator <PdeClass> .Create().factory(process);

            diffusion_ = pde.diffusion(t, x);
            drift_     = pde.drift(t, x);
            discount_  =, x);
Beispiel #14
 public ParallelEvolver(List <IOperator> L, BoundaryConditionSet bcs)
     evolvers_ = new List <IMixedScheme>(L.Count);
     for (int i = 0; i < L.Count; i++)
         evolvers_.Add(FastActivator <Evolver> .Create().factory(L[i], bcs[i]));
Beispiel #15
 public InterpolatedForwardCurve(DayCounter dayCounter,
                                 List <Handle <Quote> > jumps = null,
                                 List <Date> jumpDates        = null,
                                 Interpolator interpolator    = default(Interpolator))
     : base(dayCounter, jumps, jumpDates)
     interpolator_ = interpolator ?? FastActivator <Interpolator> .Create();
Beispiel #16
        protected override IPathGenerator <IRNG> pathGenerator()
            int      dimensions = process_.factors();
            TimeGrid grid       = timeGrid();
            IRNG     generator  = (IRNG)FastActivator <RNG> .Create().make_sequence_generator(dimensions * (grid.size() - 1), seed_);

            return(new PathGenerator <IRNG>(process_, grid, generator, brownianBridge_));
Beispiel #17
 public virtual void calculate()
     base.calculate(requiredTolerance_, requiredSamples_, maxSamples_);
     (results_ as OneAssetOption.Results).value = mcModel_.sampleAccumulator().mean();
     if (FastActivator <RNG> .Create().allowsErrorEstimate != 0)
         (results_ as OneAssetOption.Results).errorEstimate = mcModel_.sampleAccumulator().errorEstimate();
Beispiel #18
 public InterpolatedDiscountCurve(Date referenceDate,
                                  DayCounter dayCounter,
                                  List <Handle <Quote> > jumps = null,
                                  List <Date> jumpDates        = null,
                                  Interpolator interpolator    = default(Interpolator))
     : base(referenceDate, null, dayCounter, jumps, jumpDates)
     interpolator_ = interpolator ?? FastActivator <Interpolator> .Create();
 public void calculate()
     base.calculate(requiredTolerance_, requiredSamples_, maxSamples_);
     results_.value = this.mcModel_.sampleAccumulator().mean();
     if (FastActivator <RNG> .Create().allowsErrorEstimate != 0)
         results_.errorEstimate =
Beispiel #20
 public InterpolatedForwardCurve(int settlementDays,
                                 Calendar calendar,
                                 DayCounter dayCounter,
                                 List <Handle <Quote> > jumps = null,
                                 List <Date> jumpDates        = null,
                                 Interpolator interpolator    = default(Interpolator))
     : base(settlementDays, calendar, dayCounter, jumps, jumpDates)
     interpolator_ = interpolator ?? FastActivator <Interpolator> .Create();
Beispiel #21
 /*! Protected version for use when descendents don't want to
  *  (or can't) provide the points for interpolation on
  *  construction.
 protected internal InterpolatedYoYInflationCurve(Date referenceDate,
                                                  Calendar calendar,
                                                  DayCounter dayCounter,
                                                  Period lag,
                                                  Frequency frequency,
                                                  bool indexIsInterpolated,
                                                  double baseZeroRate,
                                                  Handle <YieldTermStructure> yTS,
                                                  Interpolator interpolator = default(Interpolator))
     : base(referenceDate, calendar, dayCounter, baseZeroRate, lag, frequency, indexIsInterpolated, yTS)
     interpolator_ = interpolator ?? FastActivator <Interpolator> .Create();
 public InterpolatedHazardRateCurve(List <Date> dates, List <double> hazardRates, DayCounter dayCounter, Interpolator interpolator)
     : base(dates[0], null, dayCounter)
     dates_ = dates;
     if (interpolator == null)
         interpolator_ = FastActivator <Interpolator> .Create();
         interpolator_ = interpolator;
Beispiel #23
        public void setInterpolation <Interpolator>(Interpolator i = default(Interpolator))
            where Interpolator : class, IInterpolationFactory, new ()
            Interpolator i_ = i ?? FastActivator <Interpolator> .Create();

            for (int j = 0; j < times_.Count; ++j)
                                          strikes_[j], strikes_[j].Count,
Beispiel #24
        public InterpolatedForwardCurve(List <Date> dates,
                                        List <double> forwards,
                                        DayCounter dayCounter,
                                        List <Handle <Quote> > jumps,
                                        List <Date> jumpDates,
                                        Interpolator interpolator = default(Interpolator))
            : base(dates[0], null, dayCounter, jumps, jumpDates)
            times_        = new List <double>();
            dates_        = dates;
            data_         = forwards;
            interpolator_ = interpolator ?? FastActivator <Interpolator> .Create();

 public InterpolatedDefaultDensityCurve(
     DayCounter dayCounter,
     List <Handle <Quote> > jumps = null,
     List <Date> jumpDates        = null,
     Interpolator interpolator    = default(Interpolator))
     : base(dayCounter, jumps, jumpDates)
     if (interpolator == null)
         interpolator_ = FastActivator <Interpolator> .Create();
         interpolator_ = interpolator;
Beispiel #26
        public InterpolatedDiscountCurve(List <Date> dates,
                                         List <double> discounts,
                                         DayCounter dayCounter,
                                         Calendar calendar            = null,
                                         List <Handle <Quote> > jumps = null,
                                         List <Date> jumpDates        = null,
                                         Interpolator interpolator    = default(Interpolator))
            : base(dates[0], calendar, dayCounter, jumps, jumpDates)
            times_        = new List <double>();
            dates_        = dates;
            data_         = discounts;
            interpolator_ = interpolator ?? FastActivator <Interpolator> .Create();

Beispiel #27
        public InterpolatedZeroCurve(List <Date> dates,
                                     List <double> yields,
                                     DayCounter dayCounter,
                                     Calendar calendar            = null,
                                     List <Handle <Quote> > jumps = null,
                                     List <Date> jumpDates        = null,
                                     Interpolator interpolator    = default(Interpolator),
                                     Compounding compounding      = Compounding.Continuous,
                                     Frequency frequency          = Frequency.Annual)
            : base(dates[0], calendar, dayCounter, jumps, jumpDates)
            times_        = new List <double>();
            dates_        = dates;
            data_         = yields;
            interpolator_ = interpolator ?? FastActivator <Interpolator> .Create();

            initialize(compounding, frequency);
        public static Complex modifiedBesselFunction_i_impl <T, I>(double nu, Complex x)
            where T : Weight <Complex>, new ()
            where I : baseValue <Complex>, new ()
            if (Complex.Abs(x) < 13.0)
                Complex alpha = Complex.Pow(0.5 * x, nu) / GammaFunction.value(1.0 + nu);
                Complex Y = 0.25 * x * x;
                int     k = 1;
                Complex sum = alpha, B_k = alpha;

                while (Complex.Abs(B_k *= Y / (k * (k + nu))) > Complex.Abs(sum) * Const.QL_EPSILON)
                    sum += B_k;
                    Utils.QL_REQUIRE(++k < 1000, () => "max iterations exceeded");
                return(sum * FastActivator <T> .Create().weightSmallX(x));
                double  na_k = 1.0, sign = 1.0;
                Complex da_k = new Complex(1.0, 0.0);

                Complex s1 = new Complex(1.0, 0.0), s2 = new Complex(1.0, 0.0);
                for (int k = 1; k < 30; ++k)
                    sign *= -1;
                    na_k *= (4.0 * nu * nu -
                             (2.0 * (double)k - 1.0) *
                             (2.0 * (double)k - 1.0));
                    da_k *= (8.0 * k) * x;
                    Complex a_k = na_k / da_k;

                    s2 += a_k;
                    s1 += sign * a_k;

                Complex i = FastActivator <I> .Create().value();

                return(1.0 / Complex.Sqrt(2 * Const.M_PI * x) *
                       (FastActivator <T> .Create().weight1LargeX(x) * s1 +
                        i * Complex.Exp(i * nu * Const.M_PI) * FastActivator <T> .Create().weight2LargeX(x) * s2));
        public static double modifiedBesselFunction_i_impl <T, I>(double nu, double x)
            where T : Weight <double>, new ()
            where I : baseValue <double>, new ()
            if (Math.Abs(x) < 13.0)
                double alpha = Math.Pow(0.5 * x, nu) / GammaFunction.value(1.0 + nu);
                double Y = 0.25 * x * x;
                int    k = 1;
                double sum = alpha, B_k = alpha;

                while (Math.Abs(B_k *= Y / (k * (k + nu))) > Math.Abs(sum) * Const.QL_EPSILON)
                    sum += B_k;
                    Utils.QL_REQUIRE(++k < 1000, () => "max iterations exceeded");
                return(sum * FastActivator <T> .Create().weightSmallX(x));
                double na_k = 1.0, sign = 1.0;
                double da_k = 1.0;

                double s1 = 1.0, s2 = 1.0;
                for (int k = 1; k < 30; ++k)
                    sign *= -1;
                    na_k *= (4.0 * nu * nu -
                             (2.0 * k - 1.0) *
                             (2.0 * k - 1.0));
                    da_k *= (8.0 * k) * x;
                    double a_k = na_k / da_k;

                    s2 += a_k;
                    s1 += sign * a_k;

                double i = FastActivator <I> .Create().value();

                return(1.0 / Math.Sqrt(2 * Const.M_PI * x) *
                       (FastActivator <T> .Create().weight1LargeX(x) * s1 +
                        i * Math.Exp(i * nu * Const.M_PI) * FastActivator <T> .Create().weight2LargeX(x) * s2));
        public InterpolatedCPICapFloorTermPriceSurface(double nominal,
                                                       double startRate,
                                                       Period observationLag,
                                                       Calendar cal,
                                                       BusinessDayConvention bdc,
                                                       DayCounter dc,
                                                       Handle <ZeroInflationIndex> zii,
                                                       Handle <YieldTermStructure> yts,
                                                       List <double> cStrikes,
                                                       List <double> fStrikes,
                                                       List <Period> cfMaturities,
                                                       Matrix cPrice,
                                                       Matrix fPrice)
            : base(nominal, startRate, observationLag, cal, bdc, dc, zii, yts, cStrikes, fStrikes, cfMaturities, cPrice, fPrice)
            interpolator2d_ = FastActivator <Interpolator2D> .Create();
