private void runButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // Disable the form
            this.Enabled = false;

            // Set up the settings we will be using for this
            Settings settings = new Settings();
            settings.OverwriteSourceFile = overwriteSourceFileCheckbox.Checked;
            settings.DeleteSourceFile = deleteSourceFileCheckbox.Checked;

            // Set up the process dialog and then run the tool
            ProgressDialog dialog = new ProgressDialog();
            dialog.WindowTitle = "Processing";
            dialog.Title = "Decompressing Files";
            dialog.DoWork += delegate(object sender2, DoWorkEventArgs e2)
                Run(settings, dialog);
            dialog.RunWorkerCompleted += delegate(object sender2, RunWorkerCompletedEventArgs e2)
                // The tool is finished doing what it needs to do. We can close it now.
Beispiel #2
        private void Run(Settings settings, ProgressDialog dialog)
            for (int i = 0; i < fileList.Count; i++)
                string file = fileList[i];

                // Report progress. If we only have one file to process, no need to display (x of n).
                if (fileList.Count == 1)
                    dialog.ReportProgress(i * 100 / fileList.Count, String.Format("Processing {0}", Path.GetFileName(file)));
                    dialog.ReportProgress(i * 100 / fileList.Count, String.Format("Processing {0} ({1:N0} of {2:N0})", Path.GetFileName(file), i + 1, fileList.Count));

                // Let's open the file.
                // But, we're going to do this in a try catch in case any errors happen.
                    // Set the output path and filename
                    string outPath;
                    if (settings.OutputToSourceDirectory)
                        outPath = Path.GetDirectoryName(file);
                        outPath = Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(file), "Encoded Textures");
                    string outFname = Path.ChangeExtension(Path.GetFileName(file), Texture.Formats[settings.TextureFormat].FileExtension);

                    MemoryStream buffer = new MemoryStream();

                    // Run it through the texture encoder.
                    TextureBase texture = Texture.Formats[settings.TextureFormat];

                    using (FileStream source = File.OpenRead(file))
                        // Set the source path (really only used for GIM textures at the current moment).
                        texture.SourcePath = file;

                        // Set texture settings
                        if (settings.WriterSettingsControl != null)

                        texture.Write(source, buffer, (int)source.Length);

                    // Do we want to compress this texture?
                    if (settings.CompressionFormat != CompressionFormat.Unknown)
                        MemoryStream tempBuffer = new MemoryStream();
                        buffer.Position = 0;

                        Compression.Compress(buffer, tempBuffer, settings.CompressionFormat);

                        buffer = tempBuffer;

                    // Create the output path it if it does not exist.
                    if (!Directory.Exists(outPath))

                    // Time to write out the file
                    using (FileStream destination = File.Create(Path.Combine(outPath, outFname)))

                    // Write out the palette file (if one was created along with the texture).
                    if (texture.PaletteStream != null)
                        using (FileStream destination = File.Create(Path.Combine(outPath, Path.ChangeExtension(outFname, Texture.Formats[settings.TextureFormat].PaletteFileExtension))))
                            texture.PaletteStream.Position = 0;
                            PTStream.CopyTo(texture.PaletteStream, destination);

                    // Delete the source if the user chose to
                    if (settings.DeleteSource)
                    // Meh, just ignore the error.
        private void Run(Settings settings, ProgressDialog dialog)
            for (int i = 0; i < fileList.Count; i++)
                string file = fileList[i];

                // Report progress. If we only have one file to process, no need to display (x of n).
                if (fileList.Count == 1)
                    dialog.ReportProgress(i * 100 / fileList.Count, String.Format("Processing {0}", Path.GetFileName(file)));
                    dialog.ReportProgress(i * 100 / fileList.Count, String.Format("Processing {0} ({1:N0} of {2:N0})", Path.GetFileName(file), i + 1, fileList.Count));

                // Let's open the file.
                // But, we're going to do this in a try catch in case any errors happen.
                    CompressionFormat format;
                    MemoryStream buffer = new MemoryStream();

                    using (FileStream source = File.OpenRead(file))
                        // Just run it through the decompressor.
                        // No need to check the format beforehand.
                        format = Compression.Decompress(source, buffer, Path.GetFileName(file));

                    // If the compression format is unknown, then nothing happened.
                    // Just continue on with the next file
                    if (format == CompressionFormat.Unknown)

                    // Now that we have a decompressed file (we hope!), let's see what we need to do with it.
                    if (settings.OverwriteSourceFile)
                        // Overwrite the source file. Ok, we can do that!
                        using (FileStream destination = File.Create(file))

                            // We are done here. Continue on with the next file

                    // Get the output path and create it if it does not exist.
                    string outPath = Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(file), "Decompressed Files");
                    if (!Directory.Exists(outPath))

                    // Time to write out the file
                    using (FileStream destination = File.Create(Path.Combine(outPath, Path.GetFileName(file))))

                    // Delete the source file if the user chose to
                    if (settings.DeleteSourceFile)
                    // Meh, just ignore the error.
Beispiel #4
        private void Run(Settings settings, ProgressDialog dialog)
            for (int i = 0; i < fileList.Count; i++)
                string file = fileList[i];

                // Report progress. If we only have one file to process, no need to display (x of n).
                if (fileList.Count == 1)
                    dialog.ReportProgress(i * 100 / fileList.Count, String.Format("Processing {0}", Path.GetFileName(file)));
                    dialog.ReportProgress(i * 100 / fileList.Count, String.Format("Processing {0} ({1:N0} of {2:N0})", Path.GetFileName(file), i + 1, fileList.Count));

                // Let's open the file.
                // But, we're going to do this in a try catch in case any errors happen.
                    // Set the output path and filename
                    string outPath;
                    if (settings.OutputToSourceDirectory)
                        outPath = Path.GetDirectoryName(file);
                        outPath = Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(file), "Encoded Textures");
                    string outFname = Path.ChangeExtension(Path.GetFileName(file), Texture.Formats[settings.TextureFormat].FileExtension);

                    MemoryStream buffer = new MemoryStream();

                    // Run it through the texture encoder.
                    TextureBase texture = Texture.Formats[settings.TextureFormat];

                    using (FileStream source = File.OpenRead(file))
                        // Set the source path (really only used for GIM textures at the current moment).
                        texture.SourcePath = file;

                        // Set texture settings
                        ModuleSettingsControl settingsControl = settings.WriterSettingsControl;
                        if (settingsControl != null)
                            Action moduleSettingsAction = () => settingsControl.SetModuleSettings(texture);

                        texture.Write(source, buffer, (int)source.Length);

                    // Do we want to compress this texture?
                    if (settings.CompressionFormat != CompressionFormat.Unknown)
                        MemoryStream tempBuffer = new MemoryStream();
                        buffer.Position = 0;

                        Compression.Compress(buffer, tempBuffer, settings.CompressionFormat);

                        buffer = tempBuffer;

                    // Create the output path it if it does not exist.
                    if (!Directory.Exists(outPath))

                    // Time to write out the file
                    using (FileStream destination = File.Create(Path.Combine(outPath, outFname)))

                    // Write out the palette file (if one was created along with the texture).
                    if (texture.PaletteStream != null)
                        using (FileStream destination = File.Create(Path.Combine(outPath, Path.ChangeExtension(outFname, Texture.Formats[settings.TextureFormat].PaletteFileExtension))))
                            texture.PaletteStream.Position = 0;
                            PTStream.CopyTo(texture.PaletteStream, destination);

                    // Delete the source if the user chose to
                    if (settings.DeleteSource)
                    // Meh, just ignore the error.
Beispiel #5
        private void runButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // Disable the form
            this.Enabled = false;

            // Get the format of the texture the user wants to create
            TextureFormat textureFormat = textureFormats[textureFormatBox.SelectedIndex - 1];

            // Set the settings for the tool
            Settings settings = new Settings();
            settings.TextureFormat = textureFormat;
            settings.OutputToSourceDirectory = outputToSourceDirButton.Checked;
            settings.DeleteSource = deleteSourceButton.Checked;

            if (compressionFormatBox.SelectedIndex != 0)
                settings.CompressionFormat = compressionFormats[compressionFormatBox.SelectedIndex - 1];
                settings.CompressionFormat = CompressionFormat.Unknown;

            settings.WriterSettingsControl = writerSettingsControls[textureFormatBox.SelectedIndex - 1];

            // Set up the process dialog and then run the tool
            ProgressDialog dialog = new ProgressDialog();
            dialog.WindowTitle = "Processing";
            dialog.Title = "Encoding Textures";
            dialog.DoWork += delegate(object sender2, DoWorkEventArgs e2)
                Run(settings, dialog);
            dialog.RunWorkerCompleted += delegate(object sender2, RunWorkerCompletedEventArgs e2)
                // The tool is finished doing what it needs to do. We can close it now.
        private void Run(Settings settings, ProgressDialog dialog)
            for (int i = 0; i < fileList.Count; i++)
                string file = fileList[i];
                string description;

                if (fileList.Count == 1)
                    description = String.Format("Processing {0}", Path.GetFileName(file));
                    description = String.Format("Processing {0} ({1:N0} of {2:N0})", Path.GetFileName(file), i + 1, fileList.Count);

                dialog.ReportProgress(i * 100 / fileList.Count, description);

                // Let's open the file.
                // But, we're going to do this in a try catch in case any errors happen.
                    ArchiveFormat format;
                    string outPath, outName;
                    Queue<TextureEntry> textureFileQueue = null;

                    using (FileStream inStream = File.OpenRead(file))
                        // Set source to inStream
                        // The reason we do it like this is because source does not always equal inStream.
                        // You'll see why very soon.
                        Stream source = inStream;

                        // Get the format of the archive
                        format = Archive.GetFormat(source, Path.GetFileName(file));
                        if (format == ArchiveFormat.Unknown)
                            // Maybe it's compressed? Let's check.
                            // But first, we need to make sure we want to check
                            if (settings.DecompressSourceArchive)
                                // Get the compression format, if it is compressed that is.
                                CompressionFormat compressionFormat = Compression.GetFormat(source, Path.GetFileName(file));
                                if (compressionFormat != CompressionFormat.Unknown)
                                    // Ok, it appears to be compressed. Let's decompress it, and then check the format again
                                    source = new MemoryStream();
                                    Compression.Decompress(inStream, source, compressionFormat);

                                    source.Position = 0;
                                    format = Archive.GetFormat(source, Path.GetFileName(file));

                            // If we still don't know what the archive format is, just skip the file.
                            if (format == ArchiveFormat.Unknown)

                        // Now that we know its format, let's open it and start working with it.
                        ArchiveReader archive = Archive.Open(source, format);

                        // Get the appropiate output directory
                        if (settings.ExtractToSourceDirectory)
                            // Extract to the same directory as the source archive
                            outPath = Path.GetDirectoryName(file);
                        else if (settings.ExtractToSameNameDirectory)
                            // Extract to a directory of the same name
                            outPath = file + "." + Path.GetRandomFileName();
                            // Just the standard output path
                            outPath = Path.Combine(Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(file), "Extracted Files"), Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(file));

                        // Create the output directory if it does not exist
                        if (!Directory.Exists(outPath))

                        // Now we can start extracting the files
                        for (int j = 0; j < archive.Entries.Count; j++)
                            if (fileList.Count == 1)
                                // If there is just one file in the file list, then the progress will be
                                // based on how many files are being extracted from the archive, not
                                // how many archives we are extracting.
                                dialog.ReportProgress(j * 100 / archive.Entries.Count, description + "\n\n" + String.Format("{0:N0} of {1:N0} extracted", j + 1, archive.Entries.Count));
                                dialog.Description = description + "\n\n" + String.Format("{0:N0} of {1:N0} extracted", j + 1, archive.Entries.Count);

                            ArchiveEntry entry = archive.Entries[j];
                            Stream entryData = entry.Open();

                            // Get the output name for this file
                            if (settings.FileNumberAsFilename || entry.Name == String.Empty)
                                // Use the file number as its filename
                                outName = j.ToString("D" + archive.Entries.Count.ToString().Length) + Path.GetExtension(entry.Name);
                            else if (settings.AppendFileNumber)
                                // Append the file number to its filename
                                outName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(entry.Name) + j.ToString("D" + archive.Entries.Count.ToString().Length) + Path.GetExtension(entry.Name);
                                // Just use the filename as defined in the archive
                                outName = entry.Name;

                            // What we're going to do here may seem a tiny bit hackish, but it'll make my job much simplier.
                            // First, let's check to see if the file is compressed, and if we want to decompress it.
                            if (settings.DecompressExtractedFiles)
                                // Get the compression format, if it is compressed that is.
                                CompressionFormat compressionFormat = Compression.GetFormat(entryData, entry.Name);
                                if (compressionFormat != CompressionFormat.Unknown)
                                    // Ok, it appears to be compressed. Let's decompress it, and then edit the entry
                                    MemoryStream decompressedData = new MemoryStream();
                                    Compression.Decompress(entryData, decompressedData, compressionFormat);

                                    entryData = decompressedData;
                                    entryData.Position = 0;

                            // Check to see if this file is a texture. If so, let's convert it to a PNG and then edit the entry
                            if (settings.ConvertExtractedTextures)
                                // Get the texture format, if it is a texture that is.
                                TextureFormat textureFormat = Texture.GetFormat(entryData, entry.Name);
                                if (textureFormat != TextureFormat.Unknown)
                                    // Ok, it appears to be a texture. We're going to attempt to convert it here.
                                    // If we get a TextureNeedsPalette exception, we'll wait until after we extract
                                    // all the files in this archive before we process it.
                                        MemoryStream textureData = new MemoryStream();
                                        Texture.Read(entryData, textureData, textureFormat);

                                        // If no exception was thrown, then we are all good doing what we need to do
                                        entryData = textureData;
                                        entryData.Position = 0;

                                        outName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(outName) + ".png";
                                    catch (TextureNeedsPaletteException)
                                        // Uh oh, looks like we need a palette.
                                        // What we are going to do is add it to textureFileQueue, then convert it
                                        // after we extract all of the files.
                                        if (textureFileQueue == null)
                                            textureFileQueue = new Queue<TextureEntry>();

                                        TextureEntry textureEntry = new TextureEntry();
                                        textureEntry.Format = textureFormat;
                                        textureEntry.Filename = Path.Combine(outPath, outName);


                            // Time to write out the file
                            using (FileStream destination = File.Create(Path.Combine(outPath, outName)))
                                PTStream.CopyTo(entryData, destination, (int)entryData.Length);

                            // Let's check to see if this is an archive. If it is an archive, add it to the file list.
                            entryData.Position = 0;
                            if (settings.ExtractExtractedArchives)
                                ArchiveFormat archiveFormat = Archive.GetFormat(entryData, entry.Name);
                                if (archiveFormat != ArchiveFormat.Unknown)
                                    // It appears to be an archive. Let's add it to the file list
                                    if (settings.ExtractToSameNameDirectory)
                                        // If we're adding to a directory of the same name, the outPath will be different.
                                        // We should remember that.
                                        fileList.Add(Path.Combine(file, outName));
                                        fileList.Add(Path.Combine(outPath, outName));

                                    if (fileList.Count == 2)
                                        // If there was one archive in the file list, and now there is more,
                                        // adjust the progress bar and the description
                                        description = String.Format("Processing {0} ({1:N0} of {2:N0})", Path.GetFileName(file), i + 1, fileList.Count);
                                        dialog.ReportProgress(i * 100 / fileList.Count, description + "\n\n" + String.Format("{0:N0} of {1:N0} extracted", j + 1, archive.Entries.Count));

                    // Let's see if we have any textures we still need to convert.
                    if (settings.ConvertExtractedTextures && textureFileQueue != null)
                        // Ok, it appears we do. So, let's loop through the queue until it is empty.
                        while (textureFileQueue.Count > 0)
                            TextureEntry textureEntry = textureFileQueue.Dequeue();

                            // Get the palette file name, and the out file name
                            string paletteName = Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(textureEntry.Filename), Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(textureEntry.Filename)) + Texture.Formats[textureEntry.Format].PaletteFileExtension;
                            string textureOutName = Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(textureEntry.Filename), Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(textureEntry.Filename)) + ".png";

                            // Make sure the two files exist before we attempt to open them.
                            // Wrap the whole thing in a try catch in case for some reason the texture file was modifed.
                            // That way, it'll fail peacefully and not screw over last minute things that need to be done to the archive.

                            // Open up the archive and test to make sure it's still a valid texture.
                            // You know, in case somehow it was edited or not extracted properly.
                            if (File.Exists(textureEntry.Filename) && File.Exists(paletteName))
                                    using (FileStream inTextureStream = File.OpenRead(textureEntry.Filename))
                                        if (!Texture.Formats[textureEntry.Format].Is(inTextureStream, (int)inTextureStream.Length, textureEntry.Filename))
                                            // Oh dear, somehow this isn't a texture anymore. Just skip over it

                                        // Ok, now we can load the palette data and try to convert it.
                                        using (FileStream inPaletteStream = File.OpenRead(paletteName),
                                        outTextureStream = File.Create(textureOutName))
                                            TextureBase texture = Texture.Formats[textureEntry.Format];
                                            texture.PaletteStream = inPaletteStream;
                                            texture.PaletteLength = (int)inPaletteStream.Length;
                                            texture.Read(inTextureStream, outTextureStream, (int)inTextureStream.Length);

                                    // Now we can delete those two files
                                    // Something happened! But we'll just ignore it.

                    // Delete the source archive if the user chose to
                    if (settings.DeleteSourceArchive)

                    // If we're extracting to a directory of the same name, we can now rename the directory
                    if (settings.ExtractToSameNameDirectory)
                        Directory.Move(outPath, file);
                    // Meh, just ignore the error.
        private void runButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // Disable the form
            this.Enabled = false;

            // Set up the settings we will be using for this
            Settings settings = new Settings();
            settings.DecompressSourceArchive = decompressSourceArchiveCheckbox.Checked;
            settings.ExtractToSourceDirectory = extractToSourceDirCheckbox.Checked;
            settings.ExtractToSameNameDirectory = extractToSameNameDirCheckbox.Checked && !settings.ExtractToSourceDirectory;
            settings.DeleteSourceArchive = deleteSourceArchiveCheckbox.Checked || settings.ExtractToSameNameDirectory;

            settings.DecompressExtractedFiles = decompressExtractedFilesCheckbox.Checked;
            settings.FileNumberAsFilename = fileNumberAsFilenameCheckbox.Checked;
            settings.AppendFileNumber = appendFileNumberCheckbox.Checked && !settings.FileNumberAsFilename;
            settings.ExtractExtractedArchives = extractExtractedArchivesCheckbox.Checked;
            settings.ConvertExtractedTextures = convertExtractedTexturesCheckbox.Checked;

            // Set up the process dialog and then run the tool
            ProgressDialog dialog = new ProgressDialog();
            dialog.WindowTitle = "Processing";
            dialog.Title = "Extracting Archives";
            dialog.DoWork += delegate(object sender2, DoWorkEventArgs e2)
                Run(settings, dialog);
            dialog.RunWorkerCompleted += delegate(object sender2, RunWorkerCompletedEventArgs e2)
                // The tool is finished doing what it needs to do. We can close it now.
Beispiel #8
        private void Run(Settings settings, ProgressDialog dialog)
            for (int i = 0; i < fileList.Count; i++)
                string file = fileList[i];

                // Report progress. If we only have one file to process, no need to display (x of n).
                if (fileList.Count == 1)
                    dialog.ReportProgress(i * 100 / fileList.Count, String.Format("Processing {0}", Path.GetFileName(file)));
                    dialog.ReportProgress(i * 100 / fileList.Count, String.Format("Processing {0} ({1:N0} of {2:N0})", Path.GetFileName(file), i + 1, fileList.Count));

                // Let's open the file.
                // But, we're going to do this in a try catch in case any errors happen.
                    CompressionFormat format;
                    MemoryStream      buffer = new MemoryStream();

                    using (FileStream source = File.OpenRead(file))
                        // Just run it through the decompressor.
                        // No need to check the format beforehand.
                        format = Compression.Decompress(source, buffer, Path.GetFileName(file));

                    // If the compression format is unknown, then nothing happened.
                    // Just continue on with the next file
                    if (format == CompressionFormat.Unknown)

                    // Now that we have a decompressed file (we hope!), let's see what we need to do with it.
                    if (settings.OverwriteSourceFile)
                        // Overwrite the source file. Ok, we can do that!
                        using (FileStream destination = File.Create(file))

                            // We are done here. Continue on with the next file

                    // Get the output path and create it if it does not exist.
                    string outPath = Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(file), "Decompressed Files");
                    if (!Directory.Exists(outPath))

                    // Time to write out the file
                    using (FileStream destination = File.Create(Path.Combine(outPath, Path.GetFileName(file))))

                    // Delete the source file if the user chose to
                    if (settings.DeleteSourceFile)
                    // Meh, just ignore the error.
Beispiel #9
        private void runButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // Get the format of the archive the user wants to create
            ArchiveFormat archiveFormat = archiveFormats[archiveFormatBox.SelectedIndex - 1];
            string        fileExtension = (Archive.Formats[archiveFormat].FileExtension != String.Empty ? Archive.Formats[archiveFormat].FileExtension : ".*");

            // Prompt the user to save the archive
            SaveFileDialog sfd = new SaveFileDialog();

            sfd.Title  = "Save Archive";
            sfd.Filter = Archive.Formats[archiveFormat].Name + " Archive (*" + fileExtension + ")|*" + fileExtension + "|All Files (*.*)|*.*";

            if (sfd.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
                // Disable the form
                this.Enabled = false;

                Settings settings = new Settings();
                settings.ArchiveFormat = archiveFormat;
                settings.OutFilename   = sfd.FileName;

                if (compressionFormatBox.SelectedIndex != 0)
                    settings.CompressionFormat = compressionFormats[compressionFormatBox.SelectedIndex - 1];
                    settings.CompressionFormat = CompressionFormat.Unknown;

                settings.WriterSettingsControl = writerSettingsControls[archiveFormatBox.SelectedIndex - 1];

                settings.FileEntries = new List <FileEntry>();
                foreach (ListViewItem item in listView.Items)
                    FileEntry listViewEntry = (FileEntry)item.Tag;
                    FileEntry entry         = new FileEntry();

                    entry.Filename          = listViewEntry.Filename;
                    entry.FilenameInArchive = listViewEntry.FilenameInArchive;
                    entry.SourceFile        = listViewEntry.SourceFile;


                // Set up the process dialog and then run the tool
                ProgressDialog dialog = new ProgressDialog();
                dialog.WindowTitle = "Processing";
                dialog.Title       = "Creating Archive";
                dialog.DoWork     += delegate(object sender2, DoWorkEventArgs e2)
                    Run(settings, dialog);
                dialog.RunWorkerCompleted += delegate(object sender2, RunWorkerCompletedEventArgs e2)
                    // The tool is finished doing what it needs to do. We can close it now.
Beispiel #10
        private void Run(Settings settings, ProgressDialog dialog)
            // Setup some stuff for the progress dialog
            int    numFilesAdded = 0;
            string description   = String.Format("Processing {0}", Path.GetFileName(settings.OutFilename));

            dialog.ReportProgress(0, description);

            // For some archives, the file needs to be a specific format. As such,
            // they may be rejected when trying to add them. We'll store such files in
            // this list to let the user know they could not be added.
            List <string> FilesNotAdded = new List <string>();

            // Create the stream we are going to write the archive to
            Stream destination;

            if (settings.CompressionFormat == CompressionFormat.Unknown)
                // We are not compression the archive. Write directly to the destination
                destination = File.Create(settings.OutFilename);
                // We are compressing the archive. Write to a memory stream first.
                destination = new MemoryStream();

            // Create the archive
            ArchiveWriter archive = Archive.Create(destination, settings.ArchiveFormat);

            // Set archive settings
            ModuleSettingsControl settingsControl = settings.WriterSettingsControl;

            if (settingsControl != null)
                Action moduleSettingsAction = () => settingsControl.SetModuleSettings(archive);

            // Add the file added event handler the archive
            archive.FileAdded += delegate(object sender, EventArgs e)

                //if (numFilesAdded == archive.NumberOfFiles)
                if (numFilesAdded == archive.Entries.Count)
                    dialog.ReportProgress(100, "Finishing up");
                    dialog.ReportProgress(numFilesAdded * 100 / archive.Entries.Count, description + "\n\n" + String.Format("Adding {0} ({1:N0} of {2:N0})", Path.GetFileName(settings.FileEntries[numFilesAdded].SourceFile), numFilesAdded + 1, archive.Entries.Count));

            // Add the files to the archive. We're going to do this in a try catch since
            // sometimes an exception may be thrown (namely if the archive cannot contain
            // the file the user is trying to add)
            foreach (FileEntry entry in settings.FileEntries)
                    archive.CreateEntryFromFile(entry.SourceFile, entry.FilenameInArchive);
                catch (CannotAddFileToArchiveException)

            // If filesNotAdded is not empty, then show a message to the user
            // and ask them if they want to continue
            if (FilesNotAdded.Count > 0)
                if (new FilesNotAddedDialog(FilesNotAdded).ShowDialog() != DialogResult.Yes)

            if (archive.Entries.Count == 1)
                dialog.Description = description + "\n\n" + String.Format("Adding {0}", Path.GetFileName(settings.FileEntries[numFilesAdded].SourceFile));
                dialog.Description = description + "\n\n" + String.Format("Adding {0} ({1:N0} of {2:N0})", Path.GetFileName(settings.FileEntries[numFilesAdded].SourceFile), numFilesAdded + 1, archive.Entries.Count);


            // Do we want to compress this archive?
            if (settings.CompressionFormat != CompressionFormat.Unknown)
                destination.Position = 0;

                using (FileStream outStream = File.Create(settings.OutFilename))
                    Compression.Compress(destination, outStream, settings.CompressionFormat);

Beispiel #11
        private void Run(Settings settings, ProgressDialog dialog)
            for (int i = 0; i < fileList.Count; i++)
                string file = fileList[i];

                // Report progress. If we only have one file to process, no need to display (x of n).
                if (fileList.Count == 1)
                    dialog.ReportProgress(i * 100 / fileList.Count, String.Format("Processing {0}", Path.GetFileName(file)));
                    dialog.ReportProgress(i * 100 / fileList.Count, String.Format("Processing {0} ({1:N0} of {2:N0})", Path.GetFileName(file), i + 1, fileList.Count));

                // Let's open the file.
                // But, we're going to do this in a try catch in case any errors happen.
                    TextureFormat format;
                    MemoryStream  textureData = new MemoryStream();

                    using (FileStream inStream = File.OpenRead(file))
                        // Set source to inStream
                        // The reason we do it like this is because source does not always equal inStream.
                        // You'll see why very soon.
                        Stream source = inStream;

                        // Get the format of the texture
                        format = Texture.GetFormat(source, Path.GetFileName(file));
                        if (format == TextureFormat.Unknown)
                            // Maybe it's compressed? Let's check.
                            // But first, we need to make sure we want to check
                            if (settings.DecodeCompressedTextures)
                                // Get the compression format, if it is compressed that is.
                                CompressionFormat compressionFormat = Compression.GetFormat(source, Path.GetFileName(file));
                                if (compressionFormat != CompressionFormat.Unknown)
                                    // Ok, it appears to be compressed. Let's decompress it, and then check the format again
                                    source = new MemoryStream();
                                    Compression.Decompress(inStream, source, compressionFormat);

                                    source.Position = 0;
                                    format          = Texture.GetFormat(source, Path.GetFileName(file));

                            // If we still don't know what the texture format is, just skip the file.
                            if (format == TextureFormat.Unknown)

                        // Alright, let's decode the texture now
                        TextureBase texture = Texture.GetModule(format);
                            texture.Read(source, textureData, (int)source.Length);
                            //Texture.Read(source, textureData, (int)source.Length, format);
                        catch (TextureNeedsPaletteException)
                            // It appears that we need to load an external palette.
                            // Let's get the filename for this palette file, see if it exists, and load it in
                            string paletteName = Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(file), Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(file)) + Texture.GetModule(format).PaletteFileExtension;

                            if (!File.Exists(paletteName))
                                // If the palette file doesn't exist, just skip over this texture.

                            source.Position = 0;                  // We need to reset the position
                            textureData     = new MemoryStream(); // Just incase some data was written
                            using (FileStream paletteData = File.OpenRead(paletteName))
                                texture.PaletteStream = paletteData;
                                texture.PaletteLength = (int)paletteData.Length;
                                texture.Read(source, textureData, (int)source.Length);

                            // Delete the palette file if the user chose to delete the source texture
                            if (settings.DeleteSource)

                    // Get the output path and create it if it does not exist.
                    string outPath;
                    if (settings.OutputToSourceDirectory)
                        outPath = Path.GetDirectoryName(file);
                        outPath = Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(file), "Decoded Textures");

                    if (!Directory.Exists(outPath))

                    // Time to write out the file
                    using (FileStream destination = File.Create(Path.Combine(outPath, Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(file) + ".png")))

                    // Delete the source if the user chose to
                    if (settings.DeleteSource)
                    // Meh, just ignore the error.
Beispiel #12
        private void Run(Settings settings, ProgressDialog dialog)
            for (int i = 0; i < fileList.Count; i++)
                string file = fileList[i];

                // Report progress. If we only have one file to process, no need to display (x of n).
                if (fileList.Count == 1)
                    dialog.ReportProgress(i * 100 / fileList.Count, String.Format("Processing {0}", Path.GetFileName(file)));
                    dialog.ReportProgress(i * 100 / fileList.Count, String.Format("Processing {0} ({1:N0} of {2:N0})", Path.GetFileName(file), i + 1, fileList.Count));

                // Let's open the file.
                // But, we're going to do this in a try catch in case any errors happen.
                    TextureFormat format;
                    MemoryStream textureData = new MemoryStream();

                    using (FileStream inStream = File.OpenRead(file))
                        // Set source to inStream
                        // The reason we do it like this is because source does not always equal inStream.
                        // You'll see why very soon.
                        Stream source = inStream;

                        // Get the format of the texture
                        format = Texture.GetFormat(source, Path.GetFileName(file));
                        if (format == TextureFormat.Unknown)
                            // Maybe it's compressed? Let's check.
                            // But first, we need to make sure we want to check
                            if (settings.DecodeCompressedTextures)
                                // Get the compression format, if it is compressed that is.
                                CompressionFormat compressionFormat = Compression.GetFormat(source, Path.GetFileName(file));
                                if (compressionFormat != CompressionFormat.Unknown)
                                    // Ok, it appears to be compressed. Let's decompress it, and then check the format again
                                    source = new MemoryStream();
                                    Compression.Decompress(inStream, source, compressionFormat);

                                    source.Position = 0;
                                    format = Texture.GetFormat(source, Path.GetFileName(file));

                            // If we still don't know what the texture format is, just skip the file.
                            if (format == TextureFormat.Unknown)

                        // Alright, let's decode the texture now
                        TextureBase texture = Texture.GetModule(format);
                            texture.Read(source, textureData, (int)source.Length);
                            //Texture.Read(source, textureData, (int)source.Length, format);
                        catch (TextureNeedsPaletteException)
                            // It appears that we need to load an external palette.
                            // Let's get the filename for this palette file, see if it exists, and load it in
                            string paletteName = Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(file), Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(file)) + Texture.GetModule(format).PaletteFileExtension;

                            if (!File.Exists(paletteName))
                                // If the palette file doesn't exist, just skip over this texture.

                            source.Position = 0; // We need to reset the position
                            textureData = new MemoryStream(); // Just incase some data was written
                            using (FileStream paletteData = File.OpenRead(paletteName))
                                texture.PaletteStream = paletteData;
                                texture.PaletteLength = (int)paletteData.Length;
                                texture.Read(source, textureData, (int)source.Length);

                            // Delete the palette file if the user chose to delete the source texture
                            if (settings.DeleteSource)

                    // Get the output path and create it if it does not exist.
                    string outPath;
                    if (settings.OutputToSourceDirectory)
                        outPath = Path.GetDirectoryName(file);
                        outPath = Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(file), "Decoded Textures");

                    if (!Directory.Exists(outPath))

                    // Time to write out the file
                    using (FileStream destination = File.Create(Path.Combine(outPath, Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(file) + ".png")))

                    // Delete the source if the user chose to
                    if (settings.DeleteSource)
                    // Meh, just ignore the error.