private async Task MemberJoinedAsync(MemberJoinedEvent msg)
            _logger.LogInformation("Member Joined {0}", msg.Address);
            //TODO: right now we transfer ownership on a per actor basis.
            //this could be done in a batch
            //ownership is also racy, new nodes should maybe forward requests to neighbours (?)
            foreach (var(actorId, _) in _partition.ToArray())
                var address = await MemberList.GetMemberAsync(actorId, _kind);

                if (address != ProcessRegistry.Instance.Address)
                    TransferOwnership(actorId, address);
        private void GetPid(IContext context, PidCacheRequest msg)
            if (_cache.TryGetValue(msg.Name, out var pid))
                context.Respond(new ActorPidResponse
                    Pid = pid
                return; //found the pid, replied, exit

            var name = msg.Name;
            var kind = msg.Kind;

            context.ReenterAfter(MemberList.GetMemberAsync(name, kind), address =>
                var remotePid = Partition.PartitionForKind(address.Result, kind);
                var req       = new ActorPidRequest
                    Kind = kind,
                    Name = name
                var resp = remotePid.RequestAsync <ActorPidResponse>(req);
                context.ReenterAfter(resp, t =>
                    var res            = t.Result;
                    var respid         = res.Pid;
                    var key            = respid.ToShortString();
                    _cache[name]       = respid;
                    _reverseCache[key] = name;