Beispiel #1
 private bool AlreadySelected( Pet pet)
     for( int i=0; i<3; i++)
         string petId = _selectedpets[i].pet.PetId;
         if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(petId) && petId == pet.PetId) { return true; }
     return false;
Beispiel #2
 public Pet( Pet pet)
     // TODO: make this thing normal
     _petLua = pet._petLua;
     Level = pet.Level;
     PetId = pet.PetId;
     SpeciesID = pet.SpeciesID;
     CreatureID = pet.CreatureID;
     _health = pet.Health;
     _maxHealth = pet.MaxHealth;
     _attack = pet.Attack;
     _speed = pet.Speed;
     IsWild = pet.IsWild;
     CanBattle = pet.CanBattle;
     _rarity = pet.Rarity;
     _isFav = pet.IsFav;
     PROTECTEDfromreleasing = pet.PROTECTEDfromreleasing;
     Name = pet.Name;
     _statsAreLoaded = pet._statsAreLoaded;
Beispiel #3
        private List<Pet> LoadFromJournal()
            List<Pet> ownedPets = new List<Pet>();
            int partsize = 10;
            int PetsOwned = _petLua.GetNumPets();

            if (PetsOwned == 0) { Logger.Write("0 pets in journal."); return ownedPets; }

            int remaining = (PetsOwned - 1) % partsize;
            int maxportions = ((PetsOwned - 1) / partsize) + 1;

            string[] AllCollectedPetFullData;
            //string additionlreporttext = "";
            for (uint k = 0; k < maxportions; k++)
                List<string> List1 = null;
                for (uint t = 0; t < 1; t++)
                    int currentportionsize = ((k == maxportions - 1) ? remaining : partsize - 1);
                    List1 = _petLua.GetPetInfoByIndex(partsize, k, currentportionsize);

                    if (List1 == null)
                if (List1 == null)
                AllCollectedPetFullData = List1.ToArray();

                for (int i = 0; i < AllCollectedPetFullData.Count(); i++)
                    if (AllCollectedPetFullData[i] == "----------")
                        Pet pd = new Pet(_petLua);
                        pd.PROTECTEDfromreleasing = true;
                        for (int j = 1; j < 25; j++)
                            if (i + j >= AllCollectedPetFullData.Count()) break;

                            if (AllCollectedPetFullData[i + j] == "----------")
                            if (j == 1)
                                pd.PetId = AllCollectedPetFullData[i + j];
                            if (j == 2)
                                pd.SpeciesID = AllCollectedPetFullData[i + j].ToInt32();
                            if (j == 5) pd.Level = AllCollectedPetFullData[i + j].ToInt32();
                            if (j == 6) pd.IsFav = AllCollectedPetFullData[i + j].ToBoolean();
                            if (j == 8) pd.Name = AllCollectedPetFullData[i + j];
                            if (j == 11) pd.CreatureID = AllCollectedPetFullData[i + j].ToInt32();
                            if (j == 12) if ((AllCollectedPetFullData[i + j].IndexOf("Áèòâû ïèòîìöåâ") >= 0) || (AllCollectedPetFullData[i + j].IndexOf("battles") >= 0)) pd.PROTECTEDfromreleasing = false;
                            if (j == 12) if (AllCollectedPetFullData[i + j].IndexOf("UI-GOLDICON") >= 0) pd.PROTECTEDfromreleasing = true;
                            if (j == 12) if (AllCollectedPetFullData[i + j].IndexOf("UI-SILVERICON") >= 0) pd.PROTECTEDfromreleasing = true;
                            if (j == 12) if (AllCollectedPetFullData[i + j].IndexOf("MONEYFRAME") >= 0) pd.PROTECTEDfromreleasing = true;
                            if (j == 12) if ((AllCollectedPetFullData[i + j].IndexOf("Ïðîôåññèÿ") >= 0) || (AllCollectedPetFullData[i + j].IndexOf("rofess") >= 0)) pd.PROTECTEDfromreleasing = true;
                            if (j == 12) if ((AllCollectedPetFullData[i + j].IndexOf("Äîñòèæåíèå") >= 0) || (AllCollectedPetFullData[i + j].IndexOf("chiev") >= 0)) pd.PROTECTEDfromreleasing = true;
                            if (j == 12) if ((AllCollectedPetFullData[i + j].IndexOf("ÿéöî") >= 0) || (AllCollectedPetFullData[i + j].IndexOf("egg") >= 0)) pd.PROTECTEDfromreleasing = true;
                            if (j == 14) pd.IsWild = AllCollectedPetFullData[i + j].ToBoolean();
                            if (j == 15) pd.CanBattle = AllCollectedPetFullData[i + j].ToBoolean();

            return ownedPets;
Beispiel #4
        public void PopulatePetJournal()
            Logger.Write("Populating pet journal...");

            using (StyxWoW.Memory.AcquireFrame())

                    _ownedPetsList = LoadFromJournal();
                    Logger.Write("Owned pets journal count: " + _ownedPetsList.Count);

                    // TODO: leave sort order as is?
                    //_ownedPetsList.Sort(delegate(Pet p1, Pet p2) { return p1.Name.CompareTo(p2.Name); });
                    _ownedPetsList.Sort(delegate(Pet p1, Pet p2) { return p1.Level-p2.Level; });

                    _favouritePetsList = new List<Pet>();
                    foreach (Pet pet in _ownedPetsList)  // TODO: Select ToList
                        if (pet.IsFav)
                            Pet pf = new Pet(pet);
                    Logger.Write("Favourite pets journal count: " + _favouritePetsList.Count);

                    if (_pluginProperties.Mode != eMode.Capture)  // TODO: what's wrong with capture

                    Logger.Write("Journal init query fail!!! ");
                        int PetCount = _petLua.GetNumPets();
                        int PetsOwned = _petLua.GetNumPetsOwned();
                        Logger.Write("Query too large?? " + PetsOwned + "," + PetCount);
                        Logger.Write("simple C_PetJournal.GetNumPets function failed. Try in WoW: \n/run local numPets, numOwned = C_PetJournal.GetNumPets(false); print('Journal: pet count:' .. tostring(numOwned) .. ' total:' .. tostring(numPets));");
Beispiel #5
        private List <Pet> LoadFromJournal()
            List <Pet> ownedPets = new List <Pet>();
            int        partsize  = 10;
            int        PetsOwned = _petLua.GetNumPets();

            if (PetsOwned == 0)
                Logger.Write("0 pets in journal."); return(ownedPets);

            int remaining   = (PetsOwned - 1) % partsize;
            int maxportions = ((PetsOwned - 1) / partsize) + 1;

            string[] AllCollectedPetFullData;
            //string additionlreporttext = "";
            for (uint k = 0; k < maxportions; k++)
                List <string> List1 = null;
                for (uint t = 0; t < 1; t++)
                    int currentportionsize = ((k == maxportions - 1) ? remaining : partsize - 1);
                    List1 = _petLua.GetPetInfoByIndex(partsize, k, currentportionsize);

                    if (List1 == null)
                if (List1 == null)
                AllCollectedPetFullData = List1.ToArray();

                for (int i = 0; i < AllCollectedPetFullData.Count(); i++)
                    if (AllCollectedPetFullData[i] == "----------")
                        Pet pd = new Pet(_petLua);
                        pd.PROTECTEDfromreleasing = true;
                        for (int j = 1; j < 25; j++)
                            if (i + j >= AllCollectedPetFullData.Count())

                            if (AllCollectedPetFullData[i + j] == "----------")
                            if (j == 1)
                                pd.PetId = AllCollectedPetFullData[i + j];
                            if (j == 2)
                                pd.SpeciesID = AllCollectedPetFullData[i + j].ToInt32();
                            if (j == 5)
                                pd.Level = AllCollectedPetFullData[i + j].ToInt32();
                            if (j == 6)
                                pd.IsFav = AllCollectedPetFullData[i + j].ToBoolean();
                            if (j == 8)
                                pd.Name = AllCollectedPetFullData[i + j];
                            if (j == 11)
                                pd.CreatureID = AllCollectedPetFullData[i + j].ToInt32();
                            if (j == 12)
                                if ((AllCollectedPetFullData[i + j].IndexOf("Áèòâû ïèòîìöåâ") >= 0) || (AllCollectedPetFullData[i + j].IndexOf("battles") >= 0))
                                    pd.PROTECTEDfromreleasing = false;
                            if (j == 12)
                                if (AllCollectedPetFullData[i + j].IndexOf("UI-GOLDICON") >= 0)
                                    pd.PROTECTEDfromreleasing = true;
                            if (j == 12)
                                if (AllCollectedPetFullData[i + j].IndexOf("UI-SILVERICON") >= 0)
                                    pd.PROTECTEDfromreleasing = true;
                            if (j == 12)
                                if (AllCollectedPetFullData[i + j].IndexOf("MONEYFRAME") >= 0)
                                    pd.PROTECTEDfromreleasing = true;
                            if (j == 12)
                                if ((AllCollectedPetFullData[i + j].IndexOf("Ïðîôåññèÿ") >= 0) || (AllCollectedPetFullData[i + j].IndexOf("rofess") >= 0))
                                    pd.PROTECTEDfromreleasing = true;
                            if (j == 12)
                                if ((AllCollectedPetFullData[i + j].IndexOf("Äîñòèæåíèå") >= 0) || (AllCollectedPetFullData[i + j].IndexOf("chiev") >= 0))
                                    pd.PROTECTEDfromreleasing = true;
                            if (j == 12)
                                if ((AllCollectedPetFullData[i + j].IndexOf("ÿéöî") >= 0) || (AllCollectedPetFullData[i + j].IndexOf("egg") >= 0))
                                    pd.PROTECTEDfromreleasing = true;
                            if (j == 14)
                                pd.IsWild = AllCollectedPetFullData[i + j].ToBoolean();
                            if (j == 15)
                                pd.CanBattle = AllCollectedPetFullData[i + j].ToBoolean();

Beispiel #6
        private Pet SelectPetForSlot(int slot, int Level)  // 0-2
            eMode mode     = _pluginProperties.Mode;
            bool  isRinger = (slot == 1 && mode == eMode.Ringerx2) || (slot == 2 && (mode == eMode.Ringer || mode == eMode.Ringerx2));

            int minLevel = Level;

            if (slot == 1)
                minLevel += mode == eMode.Ringerx2 ? PluginSettings.ModeInfo.Pet3_Diff : PluginSettings.ModeInfo.Pet2_Diff;
                //Logger.WriteDebug("Slot " + (slot + 1) + ": Added Pet2_Diff" + (eMode.Ringerx2 ? PluginSettings.ModeInfo.Pet3_Diff : PluginSettings.ModeInfo.Pet2_Diff) + ", result =" + minLevel);
            else if (slot == 2)
                minLevel += PluginSettings.ModeInfo.Pet3_Diff;
                //Logger.WriteDebug("Slot " + (slot + 1) + ": Added Pet3_Diff" + PluginSettings.ModeInfo.Pet3_Diff + ", result =" + minLevel);
            minLevel = ValidLevel(minLevel);
            //Logger.WriteDebug("Slot " + (slot + 1) + ": Applied ValidLevel, result =" + minLevel);

            int maxLevel = _pluginProperties.MaxLevel;

            if (maxLevel < minLevel)
                maxLevel = minLevel;
            if (mode == eMode.Capture)
                maxLevel = 25;

            Pet pet = SelectPet(slot, minLevel, maxLevel, isRinger, true);

            if (pet != null)

            // try some corrections, like:
            if (isRinger && maxLevel < 25)
                Logger.WriteDebug("Slot " + (slot + 1) + ": Trying to increase the level for the Ringer");
                maxLevel = 25;
                pet      = SelectPet(slot, minLevel, maxLevel, isRinger, true);
                if (pet != null)

            if (minLevel > PluginSettings.Instance.MinLevel)
                Logger.WriteDebug("Slot " + (slot + 1) + ": Trying to consider lower level pets, ignoring mode diff");
                for (int i = minLevel; i >= PluginSettings.Instance.MinLevel; i--)  // going down
                    pet = SelectPet(slot, i, i, isRinger, true);
                    if (pet != null)

            Pet candidate = null;

            Logger.WriteDebug("Slot " + (slot + 1) + ": Checking non-healthy pets, ignoring health");
            pet = SelectPet(slot, minLevel, maxLevel, isRinger, false);
            if (pet != null)
                if (pet.Health > 0)
                candidate = pet;
            // candidate not found or has 0 health, checking lower-level

            if (minLevel > PluginSettings.Instance.MinLevel)
                Logger.WriteDebug("Slot " + (slot + 1) + ": Checking lower level non-healthy pets");
                for (int i = minLevel; i >= PluginSettings.Instance.MinLevel; i--)  // going down
                    pet = SelectPet(slot, i, i, isRinger, false);
                    if (pet != null)
                        if (candidate == null || pet.Health > candidate.Health)
                            candidate = pet;
            if (candidate != null)
                Logger.WriteDebug("Slot " + (slot + 1) + ": Using non-healthy with highest health");

            Logger.Write("Slot " + (slot + 1) + ": Failed to obtain any pets");
Beispiel #7
        private Pet SelectPet(int slot, int minPetLevel, int maxPetLevel, bool isRingerSelection, bool healthyNeeded)
            List <Pet> petsList = _petJournal.OwnedPetsList;

            if (isRingerSelection && PluginSettings.Instance.UseFavouriteRingers && _petJournal.FavouritePetsList != null)
                Wd("Fav Ringers");
                petsList = _petJournal.FavouritePetsList;
            else if (!isRingerSelection && PluginSettings.Instance.UseFavouritePetsOnly && _petJournal.FavouritePetsList != null)
                Wd("Fav all");
                petsList = _petJournal.FavouritePetsList;

            Logger.WriteDebug(string.Format("Slot " + (slot + 1) + ": Asked to select [{0}-{1}], ringer={2}, healthy={3}", minPetLevel, maxPetLevel, isRingerSelection, healthyNeeded));
            //find the lowest available pet which matches the criteria
            Pet candidate = null;

            //for (int level = minPetLevel; level <= maxPetLevel; level++)  - we have sorted by level
                foreach (Pet availablePet in petsList)
                    if (availablePet.Level > maxPetLevel)
                        Wd("Max level " + maxPetLevel + " reached. Exit.");
                    Wd("Checking " + availablePet.Name + ", level=" + availablePet.Level + (availablePet.IsRare ? ", Blue" : ""));
                    if (availablePet.Level < minPetLevel)
                        Wd("too low"); continue;
                    if (AlreadySelected(availablePet))
                        Wd("already selected"); continue;
                    }                                                                        //already selected
                    if (!availablePet.IsEquipable)
                        Wd("not eqipable"); continue;
                    }                                                                // not equippable

                    if (availablePet.IsWild && !_pluginProperties.UseWildPets && (!isRingerSelection))
                        Wd("wild"); continue;
                    }                                                                                                            // is wild
                    if (!availablePet.CanBattle)
                        Wd("Can't battle"); continue;
                    }                                                              // can't battle
                    if (_blacklistForSelection.Contains(availablePet.PetId))
                        Wd("Blacklisted"); continue;
                    }                                                                                         // black listed

                    if (minPetLevel <= availablePet.Level && availablePet.Level <= maxPetLevel)
                        if (healthyNeeded && availablePet.HealthPercentage < _pluginProperties.MinPetHealth && !isRingerSelection)
                            Wd("health levelled"); continue;
                        }                                                                                                                                               // health too low
                        if (healthyNeeded && availablePet.HealthPercentage < _pluginProperties.MinRingerPetHealth && isRingerSelection)
                            Wd("Health Ringer"); continue;
                        }                                                                                                                                                  // health too low
                        if (_pluginProperties.OnlyBluePets && !availablePet.IsRare && (!isRingerSelection))
                            Wd("not blue"); continue;
                        }                                                                                                                 // not rare
                        if (availablePet.Name == "Elekk Plushie")
                            Wd("Elekk Plushie"); continue;
                        if (availablePet.IsSummonable() || availablePet.Health == 0)
                            if (healthyNeeded)
                            else if (candidate == null || (candidate.HealthPercentage < availablePet.HealthPercentage))
                                Wd("candidate replaced");
                                candidate = availablePet;
                            Logger.Write("Slot " + (slot + 1) + ": Can't Summon pet " + availablePet.ToString() + "... blacklisting it.");
                        Wd(string.Format("level {0} not in [{1}-{2}]", availablePet.Level, minPetLevel, maxPetLevel));