/// <summary>
        /// Returns the window from the given point (Except hidden / disabled windows).
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="point">The point (x, y)</param>
        /// <returns>The handle to the window beneath the point</returns>
        public static IntPtr LowestLevelWindowFromPoint(WinApi.POINT point)
            var hWnd = WinApi.WindowFromPoint(point);
            //WinApi.ScreenToClient(hWnd, ref cursorPosition);

            var child = WinApi.ChildWindowFromPoint(hWnd, point);

            // Is there any child window?
            if (child != IntPtr.Zero)
                hWnd = child;

            // No more child windows? Just return the current window handle
            if ((WinApi.GetWindowLong(hWnd, (WinConstants.GWL_STYLE))
                 & WinConstants.WS_POPUP) != 0)

            hWnd = GetChildMost(point, hWnd);
        /// <summary>
        /// Return the window handle to the "lowest" child window of a given window handle.
        /// This is necessary, for example, for group boxes or something.
        /// WindowFromPoint will just return a handle to the group box,
        /// instead of returning the handle to one of its child windows (a text box or something).
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="point">The point (x, y)</param>
        /// <param name="hWnd">The window handle (top window)</param>
        /// <returns>The handle to the child window</returns>
        private static IntPtr GetChildMost(WinApi.POINT point, IntPtr hWnd)
            // Max size of a window
            var dwWndArea = WinConstants.MAXDWORD;
            // size of the parent window
            var hWndParent = WinApi.GetParent(hWnd);
            // first child window handle
            var hWndChild = WinApi.GetWindow(hWndParent, WinConstants.GW_CHILD);

            // Iterate child windows
            while (hWndChild != IntPtr.Zero)
                // ignore hidden windows
                if (WinApi.IsWindowVisible(hWndChild))
                    // window beneath the point
                    WinApi.RECT rect;
                    WinApi.GetWindowRect(hWndChild, out rect);
                    // Is the given point within the rectangle of the current child window?
                    if (WinApi.PtInRect(ref rect, point))
                        // find smallest
                        var dwChildArea = (uint)(rect.Width * rect.Height);
                        // Is the current child window size smaller than the one of the last child window?
                        if (dwChildArea < dwWndArea)
                            dwWndArea = dwChildArea;
                            hWnd      = hWndChild;
                // retrieving next child window handle
                hWndChild = WinApi.GetWindow(hWndChild, WinConstants.GW_HWNDNEXT);
