private void VerifyMapValid()
            if (GameModeData.MapId.HasValue == false)
                throw new Exception($"Map Id not set. Set it using /{Commands.COMMAND_GAMEMODE_SET_MAP}.");

            BaseGameModeMapData mapData = _gameModeHandler.GetMap(GetGameModeData().MapId.Value);

            if (mapData == null)
                throw new Exception($"Map Id not found. Verify game map json data required. Contact owner!");
        public void SetMaxPlayers(uint maxPlayers)

                BaseGameModeMapData mapData = GetMapData();
                if (maxPlayers > mapData.MaxPlayers)
                    throw new Exception($"Map does not support that amount of players! Max Players Supported :{mapData.MaxPlayers}");

                GameModeData.MaxPlayers = maxPlayers;
                Main.Logger.LogClient(GameModeData.EventHost, $"Max players set to {maxPlayers}");
            catch (Exception e)
                throw e;
        public void SetGameModeMapId(uint mapId)
            BaseGameModeMapData mapData = _gameModeHandler.GetMap(mapId);

            if (mapData == null)
                throw new System.Exception("Map not found!");

            if (mapData.SuitedGameModes.Contains(GameModeData.Type) == false)
                throw new System.Exception("Map is not suited to this game mode!");

            GameModeData.MapId = mapId;

            if (mapData.MaxPlayers < GameModeData.MaxPlayers)
                Main.Logger.LogClient(GameModeData.EventHost, $"Map does not support number of players {GameModeData.MaxPlayers}, lowering to {mapData.MaxPlayers}.");
                GameModeData.MaxPlayers = (uint)mapData.SpawnPoints.Length;

            Main.Logger.LogClient(GameModeData.EventHost, $"Map changed to ({mapData.MapId})  {mapData.DisplayName}.");
        protected GamePosition GetRandomSpawnPosition()
            BaseGameModeMapData mapData = GetMapData();
