/// <remarks/>
 public void addTasksToExistingWorkPlanAsync(AddTasksToExistingWorkPlan AddTasksToExistingWorkPlan1) {
     this.addTasksToExistingWorkPlanAsync(AddTasksToExistingWorkPlan1, null);
 /// <remarks/>
 public void addTasksToExistingWorkPlanAsync(AddTasksToExistingWorkPlan AddTasksToExistingWorkPlan1, object userState) {
     if ((this.addTasksToExistingWorkPlanOperationCompleted == null)) {
         this.addTasksToExistingWorkPlanOperationCompleted = new System.Threading.SendOrPostCallback(this.OnaddTasksToExistingWorkPlanOperationCompleted);
     this.InvokeAsync("addTasksToExistingWorkPlan", new object[] {
                 AddTasksToExistingWorkPlan1}, this.addTasksToExistingWorkPlanOperationCompleted, userState);
        static void Main(string[] args)
            string hostURL;

            Console.Write("Please enter the URL of the webservice host, without the path name of the service file, and press Enter.");
            Console.WriteLine(" [Leave blank for http://localhost:8080]");
            hostURL = Console.ReadLine().Trim();

            if (hostURL.Length == 0) hostURL = "http://localhost:8080";
            if (!hostURL.EndsWith("/")) hostURL += "/";
            hostURL += "itg/ppmservices/ProjectService?wsdl";

            Console.WriteLine("\nCreating service proxy...");
            ProjectServiceWse serviceProxy = new ProjectServiceWse();
            serviceProxy.Url = hostURL;

            Console.WriteLine("\nSetting authentication policy...");
            UsernameOverTransportAssertion policyAssertion = new UsernameOverTransportAssertion();
            policyAssertion.UsernameTokenProvider = new UsernameTokenProvider("admin", "admin");
            Policy p = new Policy(policyAssertion);

            Console.WriteLine("\nCalling createProject service...");
            CreateProject cp = new CreateProject();
            cp.projectBean = new projectType();
            cp.projectBean.Item = "Enterprise";
            cp.projectBean.plannedFinishPeriodFullName = "May 2007";
            cp.projectBean.plannedStartPeriodFullName = "May 2007";
            cp.projectBean.projectName = "Test webservices project " + DateTime.Now.Ticks;
            cp.projectBean.regionName = "America";
            cp.projectBean.projectManagerUserName = new string[1] { "admin" };
            CreateProjectResponse cpr = serviceProxy.createProject(cp);
            Console.WriteLine("Project created with ID={0}; Name={1}", [email protected], cp.projectBean.projectName);

            Console.WriteLine("\nCalling createBlankWorkPlan service...");
            CreateBlankWorkPlan cbwp = new CreateBlankWorkPlan();
            cbwp.projectInput = new workPlanInputType();
            cbwp.projectInput.Item = cp.projectBean.projectName;
            CreateBlankWorkPlanResponse cbwpr = serviceProxy.createBlankWorkPlan(cbwp);
            Console.WriteLine("Blank work plan created with response={0}", cbwpr.ToString());

            Console.WriteLine("\nAdding a task to the blank work plan (addTasksToExistingWorkPlan)...");
            AddTasksToExistingWorkPlan attewp = new AddTasksToExistingWorkPlan();
            attewp.workPlanInput = new workPlanInputType();
            attewp.workPlanInput.Item = cp.projectBean.projectName;

            //Create and add an empty task element
            taskType task1 = new taskType();

            attewp.tasks = new taskType[1];
            attewp.tasks[0] = task1;

            //Set required properties for task
            //set outline level
            task1.outlineLevel = 2;
            //set sequence
            task1.taskSequence = 1;
            //set task name
            task1.taskName = "pm ws test addTask 1";

            //create and add task scheduling bean to task.
            scheduleInfo si = new scheduleInfo();
            si.scheduledDuration = 4;
            si.scheduledEffort = 34;
            si.scheduledStart = new DateTime(2007, 2, 21);
            si.scheduledFinish = new DateTime(2007, 2, 22);
            si.constraintType = scheduleInfoConstraintType.assoonaspossible;
            task1.schedulingBean = si;

            attewp.anchors = new taskAnchors();
            attewp.anchors.topAnchor = new anchorType();
            attewp.anchors.topAnchor.outLineLevel = 1;
            attewp.anchors.topAnchor.taskSequeceNumber = 0;

            //All other data is optional, but can be set up the same way as above.
            //Calling service layer api
            addTaskResultType[] addedTasks = serviceProxy.addTasksToExistingWorkPlan(attewp);
            //Check the response and make sure we are getting it back ok
            for (int i = 0; i < addedTasks.Length; i++)
                addTaskResultType addedTask = addedTasks[i];
                Console.WriteLine("Task added: ID={0}; Sequence={1}", addedTask.taskId, addedTask.taskSequenceNumber);

            Console.WriteLine("\nAdding two more tasks to the work plan (addTasksToExistingWorkPlan)...");
            attewp = new AddTasksToExistingWorkPlan();
            attewp.workPlanInput = new workPlanInputType();
            attewp.workPlanInput.Item = cp.projectBean.projectName;

            attewp.tasks = new taskType[2];
            attewp.tasks[0] = new taskType();
            attewp.tasks[1] = new taskType();

            //Set required properties for task
            //set outline level
            attewp.tasks[0].outlineLevel = 2;
            //set sequence
            attewp.tasks[0].taskSequence = 2;
            //set task name
            attewp.tasks[0].taskName = "pm ws test addTask 2";

            //set outline level
            attewp.tasks[1].outlineLevel = 3;
            //set sequence
            attewp.tasks[1].taskSequence = 3;
            //set task name
            attewp.tasks[1].taskName = "pm ws test addTask 3";

            //create and add task scheduling bean to task.
            si = new scheduleInfo();
            si.scheduledDuration = 4;
            si.scheduledEffort = 34;
            si.scheduledStart = new DateTime(2007, 2, 21);
            si.scheduledFinish = new DateTime(2007, 2, 22);
            si.constraintType = scheduleInfoConstraintType.assoonaspossible;
            attewp.tasks[0].schedulingBean = si;

            si = new scheduleInfo();
            si.scheduledDuration = 4;
            si.scheduledEffort = 34;
            si.scheduledStart = new DateTime(2007, 2, 21);
            si.scheduledFinish = new DateTime(2007, 2, 22);
            si.constraintType = scheduleInfoConstraintType.assoonaspossible;
            attewp.tasks[1].schedulingBean = si;

            attewp.anchors = new taskAnchors();
            attewp.anchors.topAnchor = new anchorType();
            attewp.anchors.topAnchor.outLineLevel = 1;
            attewp.anchors.topAnchor.taskSequeceNumber = 0;
            attewp.anchors.bottomAnchor = new anchorType();
            attewp.anchors.bottomAnchor.outLineLevel = 2;
            attewp.anchors.bottomAnchor.taskSequeceNumber = 1;

            //All other data is optional, but can be set up the same way as above.
            //Calling service layer api
            addedTasks = serviceProxy.addTasksToExistingWorkPlan(attewp);

            //Check the response and make sure we are getting it back ok
            for (int i = 0; i < addedTasks.Length; i++)
                addTaskResultType addedTask = addedTasks[i];
                Console.WriteLine("Task added: ID={0}; Sequence={1}", addedTask.taskId, addedTask.taskSequenceNumber);

            Console.WriteLine("\nCalling searchTasks service...");
            SearchTasks searchTasks = new SearchTasks();
            searchTasks.searchPreferences = new searchTaskPreferenceType();
            searchTasks.searchPreferences.projectNames = new string[] { cp.projectBean.projectName };

            searchTasks.searchPreferences.maximumTasksToShow = 10;

            long[] searchTasksResponse = serviceProxy.searchTasks(searchTasks);

            //Check the response and make sure we are getting it back ok
            for (int i = 0; i < searchTasksResponse.Length; i++)
                Console.WriteLine("SearchTasks returned: {0}", searchTasksResponse[i]);

            Console.WriteLine("\nCalling readTasks service...");
            taskType[] readTasksResponse = serviceProxy.readTasks(searchTasksResponse);
            //Check the response and make sure we are getting it back ok
            for (int i = 0; i < readTasksResponse.Length; i++)
                taskType taskResponse = readTasksResponse[i];
                Console.WriteLine("ReadTasks returned: Name={0}; Sequence={1}; Start={2}; Finish={3}", taskResponse.taskName, taskResponse.taskSequence, taskResponse.schedulingBean.scheduledStart, taskResponse.schedulingBean.scheduledFinish);

            Console.WriteLine("\nDone. Press any key to exit.");