public void createPlayerProjectile()
     Projectile tempProjectile = new Projectile(player.Position, player.Rotation);
        //ProjectileV2 creation method for enemy class
        private void ShootProjectileV2()
            //if the enemy is alive
            if (alive == true)
                //set this create new flag to true
                bool aCreateNew = true;

                //and then for each bullet in the bullet list
                foreach (Projectile aProjectile in mBullets)
                    //if it's not currently being shot
                    if (aProjectile.Visible == false)
                        aCreateNew = false;     //set the flag back to false to avoid a loop
                        //    400, mRotation);// adjusted fire speed

                //if you reach the end of the bullet list without changing the create flag
                if (aCreateNew == true)
                    //create a new ProjectileV2, init it, add it to the list, and shoot it
                    Projectile aProjectile = new Projectile();
                    //    400, mRotation);