GetURIRelLink() public method

public GetURIRelLink ( string URL, string &passeduri ) : XmlDocument
URL string
passeduri string
return System.Xml.XmlDocument
        protected void cmdSaveByURI_onclick(object sender, ImageClickEventArgs e)
            Edit.Utilities.DataIO data = new Profiles.Edit.Utilities.DataIO();

            if (txtURI.Text.ToLower().Trim() != string.Empty)
                string uri = string.Empty;
                bool validuri = false;
                bool urifound = false;
                XmlNamespaceManager nmsmanager = null;

                pnlAddByURI.Visible = false;

                    //you need to get back the actual URI that is discovered during the post.
                    //The post might be to an HTML document where I have to look for an alt link to RDF data.
                    //Plus the URI we get back from this method needs to be used to create a triple in our Database so dont lose it.
                    XmlDocument rtndata = data.GetURIRelLink(txtURI.Text.Trim(), ref uri);

                    if (rtndata.InnerXml != string.Empty)
                        urifound = true;

                    if (urifound)
                        Framework.Utilities.Namespace namespaces = new Namespace();
                        nmsmanager = namespaces.LoadNamespaces(rtndata);

                        if (rtndata.SelectSingleNode("rdf:RDF/rdf:Description/rdf:type[@rdf:resource='" + PropertyList[0].Value + "']", nmsmanager) != null)
                            validuri = true;

                    if (uri.Trim() != string.Empty)
                        litAddByURIConfirmLabel.Text = rtndata.SelectSingleNode("rdf:RDF/rdf:Description[@rdf:about='" + uri + "']/rdfs:label", nmsmanager).InnerText;
                        hdnURI.Value = uri;
                        litAddByURIConfirmLabel.Text = txtURI.Text.Trim();
                        hdnURI.Value = txtURI.Text.Trim();


                    if (validuri)
                        litAddByURIConfirmType.Text = PropertyList[0].Text;
                    else if (!urifound)
                        litAddByURIConfirmType.Text = "The item could not be found. Do you still want to add this URL?";
                    else if (!validuri)
                        litAddByURIConfirmType.Text = "The item type is invalid. Do you want to add this item anyway?";

                    pnlAddByURIConfirm.Visible = true;
                    pnlAddBySearch.Visible = false;
                    pnlAddNew.Visible = false;
                    pnlAddByURI.Visible = false;
                    phAddBySearch.Visible = false;
                    phAddNew.Visible = false;
                    phAddByURL.Visible = true;
                    imgAddArror.ImageUrl = "~/Framework/Images/icon_squareDownArrow.gif";
                    Session["pnlAddByURI.Visible"] = true;

        protected void cmdSaveByURI_onclick(object sender, ImageClickEventArgs e)
            Edit.Utilities.DataIO data = new Profiles.Edit.Utilities.DataIO();

            if (txtURI.Text.ToLower().Trim() != string.Empty)
                string uri      = string.Empty;
                bool   validuri = false;
                bool   urifound = false;
                XmlNamespaceManager nmsmanager = null;

                pnlAddByURI.Visible = false;

                //you need to get back the actual URI that is discovered during the post.
                //The post might be to an HTML document where I have to look for an alt link to RDF data.
                //Plus the URI we get back from this method needs to be used to create a triple in our Database so dont lose it.
                XmlDocument rtndata = data.GetURIRelLink(txtURI.Text.Trim(), ref uri);

                if (rtndata.InnerXml != string.Empty)
                    urifound = true;

                if (urifound)
                    Framework.Utilities.Namespace namespaces = new Namespace();
                    nmsmanager = namespaces.LoadNamespaces(rtndata);

                    if (rtndata.SelectSingleNode("rdf:RDF/rdf:Description/rdf:type[@rdf:resource='" + PropertyList[0].Value + "']", nmsmanager) != null)
                        validuri = true;

                if (uri.Trim() != string.Empty)
                    litAddByURIConfirmLabel.Text = rtndata.SelectSingleNode("rdf:RDF/rdf:Description[@rdf:about='" + uri + "']/rdfs:label", nmsmanager).InnerText;
                    hdnURI.Value = uri;
                    litAddByURIConfirmLabel.Text = txtURI.Text.Trim();
                    hdnURI.Value = txtURI.Text.Trim();

                if (validuri)
                    litAddByURIConfirmType.Text = PropertyList[0].Text;
                else if (!urifound)
                    litAddByURIConfirmType.Text = "The item could not be found. Do you still want to add this URL?";
                else if (!validuri)
                    litAddByURIConfirmType.Text = "The item type is invalid. Do you want to add this item anyway?";

                pnlAddByURIConfirm.Visible     = true;
                pnlAddBySearch.Visible         = false;
                pnlAddNew.Visible              = false;
                pnlAddByURI.Visible            = false;
                phAddBySearch.Visible          = false;
                phAddNew.Visible               = false;
                phAddByURL.Visible             = true;
                imgAddArror.ImageUrl           = "~/Framework/Images/icon_squareDownArrow.gif";
                Session["pnlAddByURI.Visible"] = true;