Beispiel #1
         * Event handler for whan a pins window is clicked
        async void OnLabelClick(object sender, EventArgs e)
            System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Pin clicked");

            // Figure out what pin was clicked
            ProctorCreekPin loc     = (ProctorCreekPin)sender;
            string          locName = loc.story.Name;
            Position        latlong = loc.Position;

            // Loop through story list and find the matching story to this location
            int   storyID = -1;
            Story story   = null;

            foreach (Story s in storyList)
                if (s.Name.Equals(locName))
                    // Update storyID
                    storyID = s.ID;
                    story   = s;

            // FOR TESTING
            if (storyID == -1)
                Debug.WriteLine("NO STORY FOUND; USING DEFAULT");
                storyID = 5;
                story   = storyList[0];

            // Direct to story page
            await Navigation.PushAsync(new StoryPage(story));
Beispiel #2
         * Central database is called and the stories are retreived
         * Map is populated with pins for each location
        protected async override void OnAppearing()

            List <Story> stories = await App.DBManager.GetStoriesAsync();

            // Loop through each story
            foreach (Story s in stories)
                // Get story info
                double lat     = s.Lat;
                double lng     = s.Long;
                string locName = s.Name;
                int    imageID = -1;

                if (s.Images.Count > 0)
                    string[] split = s.Images[0].Split('/');
                        imageID = System.Convert.ToInt32(split[4]);
                    catch (Exception e)
                //s.ImageURL = await App.DBManager.GetImageURLAsync(s.ID);
                // Create new pin
                var             pos = new Position(lat, lng);
                ProctorCreekPin pin = new ProctorCreekPin
                    Label    = "",
                    Position = pos,
                    story    = s,
                    ImageURL = await App.DBManager.GetImageURLAsync(imageID),
                pin.Clicked += this.OnLabelClick;
        //Builds MKAnnotationView for display.
        MKAnnotationView GetViewForAnnotation(MKMapView mapView, IMKAnnotation annotation)
            MKAnnotationView annotationView = null;

            //If the annotation is the user's location, simply return null
            //if (annotation is MKUserLocation) return null;

            //Grab pin that matches location
            ProctorCreekPin pin = GetPin(annotation as MKPointAnnotation);

            //If pin is null, we f****d up
            if (pin == null)
                throw new Exception("Pin not found.");

            annotationView = mapView.DequeueReusableAnnotation(pin.Id.ToString());

            if (annotationView == null)
                annotationView = new MKPinAnnotationView(annotation, pin.story.ID.ToString());

                //Create container UIStackView.
                UIStackView containerStackView = new UIStackView();
                containerStackView.Axis         = UILayoutConstraintAxis.Horizontal;
                containerStackView.Distribution = UIStackViewDistribution.FillEqually; //Play around with this
                containerStackView.Alignment    = UIStackViewAlignment.Fill;
                containerStackView.Spacing      = (System.nfloat) 16.0;

                //Create new UIStackView for the left side, and set it up.
                UIStackView stackViewLeft = new UIStackView();
                stackViewLeft.Axis         = UILayoutConstraintAxis.Vertical;
                stackViewLeft.Distribution = UIStackViewDistribution.Fill;
                stackViewLeft.Alignment    = UIStackViewAlignment.Center;
                stackViewLeft.Spacing      = (System.nfloat) 16.0;

                //Create new UIStackView for the right side, and set it up.
                UIStackView stackViewRight = new UIStackView();
                stackViewRight.Axis         = UILayoutConstraintAxis.Vertical;
                stackViewRight.Distribution = UIStackViewDistribution.EqualSpacing;
                stackViewRight.Alignment    = UIStackViewAlignment.Center;
                stackViewRight.Spacing      = (System.nfloat) 16.0;

                //Create a new Label for the left side, and set the storyname.
                UILabel storyNameLabel = new UILabel();
                storyNameLabel.Text = pin.story.Name;
                storyNameLabel.AdjustsFontSizeToFitWidth = true;
                //Create a new TextView for the right side, and set it to DescriptionShort
                //from the pin. Also set to not editable.
                UILabel shortDescText = new PCGUILabel();
                shortDescText.Text  = pin.story.Details;
                shortDescText.Lines = 12;
                shortDescText.UserInteractionEnabled = true;

                ((PCGUILabel)shortDescText).pin = pin;
                UITapGestureRecognizer descTextTap = new UITapGestureRecognizer(tap => this.OnShortDescClick(tap))
                    NumberOfTapsRequired = 1

                //Create a new Label that says "Continue Reading..." for the right side.
                UILabel continueReadingLabel = new UILabel();
                continueReadingLabel.Text = "Continue Reading";

                //Create a new image for the left side, and set it from Story.PictureURL

                NSData imageData = null;
                imageData = NSData.FromUrl(new NSUrl(pin.ImageURL));

                UIImage image = null;

                //Check if imageData is null. If it's not, then make an image
                if (imageData != null)
                    image = new UIImage(imageData);

                //Add the label (for the left side) to stackViewLeft.

                //If the image isn't null, then add a UIImageView to stackView.
                if (image != null)
                    UIImageView imageView = new ScaledImageView(image);
                    imageView.ContentMode = UIViewContentMode.ScaleAspectFit;
                    stackViewLeft.AddConstraint(NSLayoutConstraint.Create(imageView, NSLayoutAttribute.Height, NSLayoutRelation.Equal, 1.0f, 200));

                //Add the labels (for the right side) to stackViewRight.


                /*var margins = stackViewRight.LayoutMarginsGuide;
                 * shortDescText.LeadingAnchor.Constraint(equalTo: margins.LeadingAnchor, constant: 20).isActive = true;*/

                //Add the left and right StackViews to the container StackView.

                /*var width = NSLayoutConstraint.Create(containerStackView, NSLayoutAttribute.Width, NSLayoutRelation.Equal, null, NSLayoutAttribute.NoAttribute, 1.0f, 1.0f);
                 * var height = NSLayoutConstraint.Create(containerStackView, NSLayoutAttribute.Height, NSLayoutRelation.Equal, null, NSLayoutAttribute.NoAttribute, 1.0f, 1.0f);
                 * containerStackView.AddConstraint(width);
                 * containerStackView.AddConstraint(height);*/
                annotationView.DetailCalloutAccessoryView = containerStackView;

            annotationView.CanShowCallout = true;
Beispiel #4
         * Generic Mapview function for both Android and IOS
         * Shown on MainPage when App is started
        public MapView()
            // Location of proctor creek
            var proctorCreek = new Position(33.778822, -84.439945);

            //Inititialize map centered around proctor creek
            map = new ProctorCreekMap(
                    proctorCreek, Distance.FromMiles(2)))
                IsShowingUser   = true,
                HeightRequest   = 100,
                WidthRequest    = 960,
                VerticalOptions = LayoutOptions.FillAndExpand

            MessagingCenter.Subscribe <ProctorCreekMap, ProctorCreekPin>(this, "Navigation", async(sender, args) =>
                ProctorCreekPin pin = args;
                var page1           = new StoryPage(pin.story);
                await Navigation.PushAsync(page1);

            // Initialize search bar functionality
            searchBar = new SearchBar {
                Placeholder = "Search", BackgroundColor = Xamarin.Forms.Color.White
            searchBar.SearchButtonPressed += this.OnSearchClick;
            //searchBar.TextChanged += this.OnSearchTextChange;

            // Initialize QR functionality
            var options = new ZXing.Mobile.MobileBarcodeScanningOptions();

            options.PossibleFormats = new List <ZXing.BarcodeFormat>()

            var scanner = new QRScan(options);

            scanner.OnScanResult += async(result) =>
                scanner.IsScanning = false;
                Device.BeginInvokeOnMainThread(async() =>
                    scanner.readout = result.Text;
                    await Navigation.PopAsync();

            Button button = new Button()
                Text = "QR"

            button.Clicked += async(sender, e) =>
                await Navigation.PushAsync(scanner);

            // GUI stuff
            stack = new StackLayout {
                Spacing = 0
            var grid = new Grid();

            grid.RowDefinitions.Add(new RowDefinition {
                Height = new GridLength(12, GridUnitType.Star)
            grid.RowDefinitions.Add(new RowDefinition {
                Height = new GridLength(1, GridUnitType.Star)
            grid.ColumnDefinitions.Add(new ColumnDefinition {
                Width = new GridLength(1, GridUnitType.Star)
            grid.Children.Add(map, 0, 0);
            Grid.SetRowSpan(map, 2);
            grid.Children.Add(button, 0, 1);
            Content = stack;
        //Builds MKAnnotationView for display.
        MKAnnotationView GetViewForAnnotation(MKMapView mapView, IMKAnnotation annotation)
            MKAnnotationView annotationView = null;

            //If the annotation is the user's location, simply return null
            //if (annotation is MKUserLocation) return null;

            //Grab pin that matches location
            ProctorCreekPin pin = GetPin(annotation as MKPointAnnotation);

            //If pin is null, we f****d up
            if (pin == null)
                throw new Exception("Pin not found.");

            annotationView = mapView.DequeueReusableAnnotation(pin.Id.ToString());

            if (annotationView == null)
                annotationView = new MKPinAnnotationView(annotation, pin.story.StoryID.ToString());
                annotationView.CalloutOffset = new CGPoint(0, 0);

                //Create container UIStackView.
                UIStackView containerStackView = new UIStackView();
                containerStackView.Axis         = UILayoutConstraintAxis.Horizontal;
                containerStackView.Distribution = UIStackViewDistribution.FillEqually; //Play around with this
                containerStackView.Alignment    = UIStackViewAlignment.Center;
                containerStackView.Spacing      = (System.nfloat) 16.0;

                //Create new UIStackView for the left side, and set it up.
                UIStackView stackViewLeft = new UIStackView();
                stackViewLeft.Axis         = UILayoutConstraintAxis.Vertical;
                stackViewLeft.Distribution = UIStackViewDistribution.EqualSpacing;
                stackViewLeft.Alignment    = UIStackViewAlignment.Center;
                stackViewLeft.Spacing      = (System.nfloat) 16.0;

                System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Created 1st StackView");

                //Create new UIStackView for the right side, and set it up.
                UIStackView stackViewRight = new UIStackView();
                stackViewRight.Axis         = UILayoutConstraintAxis.Vertical;
                stackViewRight.Distribution = UIStackViewDistribution.EqualSpacing;
                stackViewRight.Alignment    = UIStackViewAlignment.Center;
                stackViewRight.Spacing      = (System.nfloat) 16.0;

                System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Created 2nd StackView");

                //Create a new Label for the left side, and set the storyname.
                UILabel storyNameLabel = new UILabel();
                storyNameLabel.Text = pin.story.StoryName;

                System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Created StoryNameLabel");

                //Create a new TextView for the right side, and set it to DescriptionShort
                //from the pin. Also set to not editable.
                UILabel shortDescText = new UILabel();
                shortDescText.Text  = pin.story.DescriptionLong;
                shortDescText.Lines = 10;

                //shortDescText.Editable = false;


                //Create a new Label that says "Continue Reading..." for the right side.
                UILabel continueReadingLabel = new UILabel();
                continueReadingLabel.Text = "Continue Reading";

                System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Created ContinueReadingLabel");

                //Create a new image for the left side, and set it from Story.PictureURL
                NSData  imageData = NSData.FromUrl(new NSUrl(pin.story.PictureURL));
                UIImage image     = null;

                //Check if imageData is null. If it's not, then make an image
                if (imageData != null)
                    image = new UIImage(imageData);

                //Add the label (for the left side) to stackViewLeft.

                //If the image isn't null, then add a UIImageView to stackView.
                if (image != null)
                    UIImageView imageView = new UIImageView(image);
                    imageView.ContentMode = UIViewContentMode.ScaleAspectFit;
                    NSLayoutConstraint topL = NSLayoutConstraint.Create(imageView, NSLayoutAttribute.Top, NSLayoutRelation.Equal,
                                                                        storyNameLabel, NSLayoutAttribute.Bottom, 1.0f, 2.0f);
                    NSLayoutConstraint sidesL = NSLayoutConstraint.Create(imageView, NSLayoutAttribute.Width, NSLayoutRelation.Equal,
                                                                          stackViewLeft, NSLayoutAttribute.Width, 1.0f, 0.0f);
                //annotationView.Image = null;
                //Add the labels (for the right side) to stackViewRight.
                NSLayoutConstraint topR = NSLayoutConstraint.Create(shortDescText, NSLayoutAttribute.Top, NSLayoutRelation.Equal,
                                                                    stackViewRight, NSLayoutAttribute.Top, 1.0f, 2.0f);
                NSLayoutConstraint sidesR = NSLayoutConstraint.Create(shortDescText, NSLayoutAttribute.Width, NSLayoutRelation.Equal,
                                                                      stackViewRight, NSLayoutAttribute.Width, 1.0f, 0.0f);


                /*var margins = stackViewRight.LayoutMarginsGuide;
                 * shortDescText.LeadingAnchor.Constraint(equalTo: margins.LeadingAnchor, constant: 20).isActive = true;*/

                //Add the left and right StackViews to the container StackView.

                //Assign stackViewLeft to the LeftCalloutAccessory of the annotation.
                annotationView.DetailCalloutAccessoryView = containerStackView;
                //annotationView.LeftCalloutAccessoryView = new UIImageView(image);
                //annotationView.RightCalloutAccessoryView = shortDescLabel;
                //Assign stackViewRight to the RightCalloutAccessory of the annotation.
                //annotationView.RightCalloutAccessoryView = stackViewRight;

            annotationView.CanShowCallout = true;