void Awake()
     showUI                  = false;
     editingProp             = null;
     editingBuilding         = null;
     dependencyGroups        = new List <DependencyGroup>();
     lockedVertices          = new List <Vertex>();
     selectedDependencyGroup = null;
 void Update()
     if (ProceduralObjectsMod.ShowDeveloperTools.value)
         if (useRegion && showUI && !settingMainVertex && selectedDependencyGroup != null)
             if (Input.GetMouseButton(0))
                 if (!clickingRegion)
                     topLeftRegion  = new Vector2(Input.mousePosition.x, Screen.height - Input.mousePosition.y);
                     clickingRegion = true;
                     bottomRightRegion = new Vector2(Input.mousePosition.x, Screen.height - Input.mousePosition.y);
             else if (clickingRegion)
                 bottomRightRegion = new Vector2(Input.mousePosition.x, Screen.height - Input.mousePosition.y);
                 Rect region = CreateRectFromVector2s(topLeftRegion, bottomRightRegion);
                 clickingRegion = false;
                 foreach (Vertex vertex in allVertices.Where(v => !v.IsDependent))
                     if (!DependencyGroup.AlreadyBelongsToAGroup(vertex, dependencyGroups, true, selectedDependencyGroup) && !lockedVertices.Contains(vertex))
                         if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.LeftShift))
                             if ((selectedDependencyGroup.mainVertex != vertex) && selectedDependencyGroup.subVertices.Contains(vertex))
                                 if (region.Contains((vertex.Position + levelVector).WorldToGuiPoint()))
                             if ((selectedDependencyGroup.mainVertex != vertex) && !selectedDependencyGroup.subVertices.Contains(vertex))
                                 if (region.Contains((vertex.Position + levelVector).WorldToGuiPoint()))
 void OnGUI()
     if (ProceduralObjectsMod.ShowDeveloperTools.value)
         if (clickingRegion && useRegion)
             GUI.Box(CreateRectFromVector2s(topLeftRegion, bottomRightRegion), "");
         if (!showUI)
             if (GUI.Button(new Rect(Screen.width - 200, 60, 195, 30), "Procedural Obj Helper"))
                     if (ToolsModifierControl.toolController.m_editPrefabInfo.GetType() == typeof(PropInfo))
                         editingType = "PROP";
                         editingProp = ToolsModifierControl.toolController.m_editPrefabInfo as PropInfo;
                         allVertices = Vertex.CreateVertexList(editingProp);
                         showUI      = true;
                     else if (ToolsModifierControl.toolController.m_editPrefabInfo.GetType() == typeof(BuildingInfo))
                         editingType     = "BUILDING";
                         editingBuilding = ToolsModifierControl.toolController.m_editPrefabInfo as BuildingInfo;
                         allVertices     = Vertex.CreateVertexList(editingBuilding);
                         showUI          = true;
                 catch { }
             window = GUIUtils.Window(this.GetInstanceID(), window, DrawWindow, "Procedural Objects Asset Creator Helper");
             if (settingMainVertex)
                 #region when user is Setting the MAIN VERTEX
                 foreach (Vertex vertex in allVertices.Where(v => !v.IsDependent))
                     if (!DependencyGroup.AlreadyBelongsToAGroup(vertex, dependencyGroups, true, selectedDependencyGroup) && !lockedVertices.Contains(vertex))
                         if (selectedDependencyGroup.mainVertex != vertex)
                             if (GUI.Button(new Rect((vertex.Position + levelVector).WorldToGuiPoint() + new Vector2(-11, -11), new Vector2(23, 22)), "<size=20>+</size>"))
                                 if (selectedDependencyGroup.subVertices.Contains(vertex))
                                     selectedDependencyGroup.mainVertex = vertex;
                                     settingMainVertex = false;
                                     selectedDependencyGroup.mainVertex = vertex;
                                     settingMainVertex = false;
             else if (selectedDependencyGroup != null)
                 #region vertex edit tool
                 foreach (Vertex vertex in allVertices.Where(v => !v.IsDependent))
                     if (!DependencyGroup.AlreadyBelongsToAGroup(vertex, dependencyGroups, true, selectedDependencyGroup) && !lockedVertices.Contains(vertex))
                         if (selectedDependencyGroup.mainVertex == vertex)
                             GUI.contentColor = Color.red;
                             GUI.Label(new Rect((vertex.Position + levelVector).WorldToGuiPoint() + new Vector2(-8, -8), new Vector2(23, 22)), "<size=20><b>X</b></size>");
                             GUI.contentColor = Color.white;
                         else if (selectedDependencyGroup.subVertices.Contains(vertex))
                             GUI.contentColor = Color.green;
                             if (GUI.Button(new Rect((vertex.Position + levelVector).WorldToGuiPoint() + new Vector2(-11, -11), new Vector2(23, 22)), "<size=20>x</size>"))
                             GUI.contentColor = Color.white;
                             if (GUI.Button(new Rect((vertex.Position + levelVector).WorldToGuiPoint() + new Vector2(-11, -11), new Vector2(23, 22)), "<size=20>+</size>"))
 public static bool AlreadyBelongsToAGroup(Vertex vertex, List <DependencyGroup> dependencyGroups, bool exceptHisOwnGroup = false, DependencyGroup ownGroup = null)
     if (exceptHisOwnGroup)
         foreach (DependencyGroup group in dependencyGroups.Where(group => group != ownGroup))
             if (group.mainVertex == vertex || group.subVertices.Contains(vertex))
         foreach (DependencyGroup group in dependencyGroups)
             if (group.mainVertex == vertex || group.subVertices.Contains(vertex))
        public void DrawWindow(int id)
            GUI.DragWindow(new Rect(0, 0, 348, 28));
            if (GUIUtils.CloseHelpButtons(window, "Asset_Creator_Helper"))
                showUI                  = false;
                editingType             = string.Empty;
                editingProp             = null;
                editingBuilding         = null;
                allVertices             = null;
                dependencyGroups        = new List <DependencyGroup>();
                lockedVertices          = new List <Vertex>();
                selectedDependencyGroup = null;
                scrollGroups            = Vector2.zero;

            if (selectedDependencyGroup == null)
                #region main panel
                GUI.Label(new Rect(10, 30, 350, 30), "Dependency Groups");
                GUI.Box(new Rect(5, 58, 390, 302), string.Empty);
                scrollGroups = GUI.BeginScrollView(new Rect(10, 60, 350, 295), scrollGroups, new Rect(0, 0, 320, 35 * dependencyGroups.Count()));
                for (int i = 0; i < dependencyGroups.Count(); i++)
                    if (GUI.Button(new Rect(10, i * 33 + 2, 300, 33), "Group " + (i + 1).ToString()))
                        selectedDependencyGroup = dependencyGroups[i];
                if (GUI.Button(new Rect(10, 422, 185, 25), "Save Data in Asset"))
                    // saving process
                    string data = ProceduralObjectAssetUtils.SaveDependencyData(dependencyGroups, lockedVertices);
                    if (editingType == "PROP")
                        editingProp.m_material.name = data;
                        editingBuilding.m_material.name = data;
                    Debug.Log("[ProceduralObjects] Saved the following data in asset : " + data);
                    showUI                  = false;
                    editingProp             = null;
                    editingBuilding         = null;
                    allVertices             = null;
                    dependencyGroups        = new List <DependencyGroup>();
                    lockedVertices          = new List <Vertex>();
                    selectedDependencyGroup = null;
                    scrollGroups            = Vector2.zero;
                if (GUI.Button(new Rect(205, 422, 185, 25), "Create Dependency Group"))
                    var group = new DependencyGroup();
                    selectedDependencyGroup = group;
                    settingMainVertex       = true;
            else if (selectedDependencyGroup != null)
                #region group editor
                if (settingMainVertex)
                    GUI.Label(new Rect(50, 270, 380, 80), "Select a new main vertex");
                    if (GUI.Button(new Rect(10, 100, 380, 80), "Delete Group"))
                        selectedDependencyGroup = null;
                        useRegion         = false;
                        topLeftRegion     = Vector2.zero;
                        bottomRightRegion = Vector2.zero;
                    if (GUI.Button(new Rect(10, 270, 380, 80), "OK"))
                        selectedDependencyGroup = null;
                        useRegion         = false;
                        topLeftRegion     = Vector2.zero;
                        bottomRightRegion = Vector2.zero;
                    if (GUI.Button(new Rect(10, 185, 380, 80), "Change main vertex"))
                        settingMainVertex = true;
                        useRegion         = false;
                        topLeftRegion     = Vector2.zero;
                        bottomRightRegion = Vector2.zero;
                    useRegion = GUI.Toggle(new Rect(30, 360, 350, 30), useRegion, "Use Mouse Region selection");