Beispiel #1
        // TODO:
        // new private Sate goalState, initialState
        // why actually put NPuzzleState in here?
        //private NPuzzleState<int[]> goalState, initialState;

        // against, just use State instead of NPuzzleState<int[]>
        //  State should have a State property
        public NPuzzleProblem(NPuzzleState <int[]> goal, NPuzzleState <int[]> initial)
            //! both goal and initial should be the same length
            //! goal should be a valid goal state (positive integers 1 through size in order
            //! initial should be an acceptableState (even number of inversions,
            //!     not including inversions with the largest
            //!     element in the state, which = size
            string error     = "State empty";
            bool   errorFlag = false;

            if (!EqualStateLengths(goal.State, initial.State))
                error     = "Goal state length and initial state length differ";
                errorFlag = true;
            if (!ValidStateLength(goal.State))
                error     = "The length of a state should be equal to the square of an integer.";
                errorFlag = true;
            if (!ValidGoalState(goal.State))
                error     = "Invalid goal state. It should be the positive integers from 1 to n, where n is the size of the puzzle";
                errorFlag = true;
            else if (!ValidInitialState(initial.State))
                error     = "Invalid initial state. It should contain all positive integers from 1 to n, where n is the size of the puzzle, and contain an even number of inversions when not comparing elements to the largest element of size n";
                errorFlag = true;

            if (errorFlag)
                NPuzzleUtils.InvalidNPuzzleStatesException ex =
                    new NPuzzleUtils.InvalidNPuzzleStatesException(error);
                throw ex;

            double sqrt = Math.Sqrt(goal.State.Length);

            size         = goal.State.Length;
            dimension    = (int)sqrt;
            GoalState    = goal;
            InitialState = initial;
Beispiel #2
        // TODO: again, NPuzzleState return type instead of int[]
        public override NPuzzleState <int[]> Result(NPuzzleState <int[]> s, int action)
            int[] state    = s.State;
            int[] newState = new int[state.Length];
            int   emptyIndex;

            state.CopyTo(newState, 0);

            emptyIndex = GetEmptyIndex(state);
            if (emptyIndex == -1)
                NPuzzleUtils.MissingEmptyElementException ex = new NPuzzleUtils.MissingEmptyElementException(state.Length.ToString());
                throw ex;
            if (AcceptableAction(state, emptyIndex, action))
                if (action == 1)
                    NPuzzleUtils.Swap(newState, emptyIndex, emptyIndex + 1);
                else if (action == -1)
                    NPuzzleUtils.Swap(newState, emptyIndex, emptyIndex - 1);
                else if (action == -2)
                    NPuzzleUtils.Swap(newState, emptyIndex, emptyIndex + dimension);
                    NPuzzleUtils.Swap(newState, emptyIndex, emptyIndex - dimension);
                String msg = String.Format("You entered an invalid action: {0} for the state {1}", action, state.ToString());
                NPuzzleUtils.ResultAcceptableActionException ex = new NPuzzleUtils.ResultAcceptableActionException(msg);
                throw ex;

            return(new NPuzzleState <int[]>(newState));
Beispiel #3
         * Get all the actions possible in a givens state.
         * First, we must locate the index of the 'empty'
         * space in the 'board' (array), which in this case
         * is equal to 'size'.
         * We can determine the possible actions by the direction the
         * 'empty' space can be moved: up, down, left or right
         * We'll use the following conventions:
         * up : 2
         * down: -2
         * left: -1
         * right: 1
        // TODO: use State instead of int[]
        public override List <int> Actions(NPuzzleState <int[]> s)
            int[] state      = s.State;
            int   emptyIndex = GetEmptyIndex(state);

            if (emptyIndex == -1)
                NPuzzleUtils.MissingEmptyElementException ex = new NPuzzleUtils.MissingEmptyElementException(state.Length.ToString());
                throw ex;
            List <int> actions = new List <int>();

            //! if emptyIndex is in the rightmost column,
            //! then adding one to it will be divisible by dimension
            if ((emptyIndex + 1) % dimension != 0)

            //! if emptyIndex is in the leftmost column,
            //! it can be divided by dimension
            //! Anything not in the leftmost column can be moved left, or - 1
            if (emptyIndex % dimension != 0)

            //! if emptyIndex is greater than or equal to dim, it
            //! must not be in the first row, and hence
            //! can be moved up, or 2
            if (emptyIndex >= dimension)

            if (emptyIndex < size - dimension)

Beispiel #4
        public override bool GoalTest(NPuzzleState <int[]> state)
            if (GoalState.Equals(state))

             * if (GoalState.State.Length != state.State.Length)
             * {
             *      return false;
             * }
             * for(int i = 0; i < state.State.Length; i++)
             * {
             *      if (GoalState.State[i] != state.State[i]) return false;
             * }
             * return true;*/
Beispiel #5
        public bool Equals(NPuzzleState <int[]> s)
            //Console.WriteLine("in NPuzzleState<int[]> equals");
            if (Object.ReferenceEquals(s.State, null))

            if (Object.ReferenceEquals(this.State, s.State))

            if (this.State.GetType() != s.State.GetType())

            int l = s.State.Length;

            if (this.State.Length != l)

            for (int i = 0; i < l; i++)
                if (s.State[i] != this.State[i])

Beispiel #6
 public override int PathCost(int cost, NPuzzleState <int[]> state1, int action, NPuzzleState <int[]> state2)
     return(cost + 1);