Beispiel #1
        protected Step astar(IntVec3 start)
            if (stepCache == null)
                stepCache = new StepFactory();
            stepCache.Reset(dest, costPerMoveCardinal, costPerMoveDiagonal, Math.Max(Math.Abs(start.x - dest.Cell.x), Math.Abs(start.z - dest.Cell.z)) > maxDistanceBeforeCheating, mapSizeX, mapSizeZ);
            openlist = openlistShared;
            if (openlist == null)
                openlist       = new Priority_Queue.FastPriorityQueue <Step>(limitForSearch + 10);
                openlistShared = openlist;
            List <int> destCells = CalculateAllowedDestCells(map, dest, peMode, traverseParms);

            // Initialisierung der Open List, die Closed List ist noch leer
            // (die Priorität bzw. der f Wert des Startknotens ist unerheblich)
            Step firstStep = stepCache.getCachedOrNewStep(start, cellIndices.CellToIndex(start));

            openlist.Enqueue(firstStep, 0);
            // diese Schleife wird durchlaufen bis entweder
            // - die optimale Lösung gefunden wurde oder
            // - feststeht, dass keine Lösung existiert
            while (openlist.Count != 0)
                // Knoten mit dem geringsten f Wert aus der Open List entfernen
                Step currentStep = openlist.Dequeue();
                // Wurde das Ziel gefunden?
                if (destCells.Contains(currentStep.currentIndx))
                if (stepCache.Count >= limitForSearch)
                // Wenn das Ziel noch nicht gefunden wurde: Nachfolgeknoten
                // des aktuellen Knotens auf die Open List setzen
                // der aktuelle Knoten ist nun abschließend untersucht
                currentStep.closed = true;
                //if ( drawPath ) map.debugDrawer.FlashCell(currentStep.current, 0.9f, "closed", 100);
            // die Open List ist leer, es existiert kein Pfad zum Ziel
Beispiel #2
 public void Enqueue(RawMsg msg)
     lock (this)
         _raws.Enqueue(new Node(msg), 0);
        public TrailblazerPather_HAStar(PathfindData pathfindData) : base(pathfindData)
            regionGrid =;
            int regions = regionGrid.AllRegions.Count();

            // Worst case scenario - a large region where every single edge cell links to a different neighboring region
            maxLinks = Region.GridSize * 4 * regions;

            rraOpenSet   = new Priority_Queue.FastPriorityQueue <LinkNode>(maxLinks);
            rraClosedSet = new Dictionary <LinkNode, int>();

            destRegions.AddRange(from cell in pathfindData.DestRect.Cells
                                 let region = regionGrid.GetValidRegionAt(cell)
                                              where region != null
                                              select region);

            // Initialize the RRA* algorithm
            IEnumerable <LinkNode> initialNodes = (from region in destRegions
                                                   from link in region.links
                                                   from node in LinkNode.Both(link)
                                                   select node).Distinct();

            foreach (LinkNode node in initialNodes)
                rraClosedSet[node] = RRAHeuristic(node, destCell);
                rraOpenSet.Enqueue(node, rraClosedSet[node]);
 private void ProfilingEnqueue(Priority_Queue.FastPriorityQueue <CellRefNode> queue, CellRefNode node, int priority)
     if (queue.Contains(node))
         queue.UpdatePriority(node, priority);
         queue.Enqueue(node, priority);
        /// <summary>
        /// Initiates or resumes RRA* pathfinding on the region grid with the given target.
        /// The grid is made up of nodes, where each region link is represented by two nodes (either end of the link).
        /// All nodes of all links that share a region are considered to share edges, with the cost of the edge
        /// being the octaline distance between the two cells.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>The region link closest to the target cell</returns>
        /// <param name="targetCell">Target cell.</param>
        private LinkNode ReverseResumableAStar(CellRef targetCell)
            Region targetRegion = regionGrid.GetValidRegionAt_NoRebuild(targetCell);

            // Rebuild the open set based on the new target
            LinkNode[] cachedNodes = rraOpenSet.ToArray(); // Cache the nodes because we'll be messing with the queue
            foreach (LinkNode link in cachedNodes)
                rraOpenSet.UpdatePriority(link, rraClosedSet[link] + RRAHeuristic(link, targetCell));

            int closedNodes = 0;

            while (rraOpenSet.Count > 0)
                LinkNode currentNode = rraOpenSet.Dequeue();

                // Check if we've reached our goal
                if (

                if (closedNodes > SearchLimit)
                    Log.Error("[Trailblazer] RRA* Heuristic closed too many cells, aborting");

                foreach (LinkNode neighbor in currentNode.Neighbors())
                    //DebugDrawRegionEdge(currentNode, neighbor);
                    //debugReplay.DrawLine(currentNode.GetCell(), neighbor.GetCell());

                    int moveCost = DistanceBetween(currentNode, neighbor);
                    // Penalize the edge if the two links don't share a pathable region
                    // TODO should we just totally ignore the edge instead?
                    if (!currentNode.CommonRegions(neighbor).Any(r => r.Allows(pathfindData.traverseParms, false)))
                        moveCost *= 50;

                    int newCost = rraClosedSet[currentNode] + moveCost;
                    if (!rraClosedSet.ContainsKey(neighbor) || newCost < rraClosedSet[neighbor])
                        rraClosedSet[neighbor] = newCost;
                        int estimatedCost = newCost + RRAHeuristic(neighbor, targetCell);

                        if (rraOpenSet.Contains(neighbor))
                            rraOpenSet.UpdatePriority(neighbor, estimatedCost);
                            rraOpenSet.Enqueue(neighbor, estimatedCost);
                        //DebugDrawRegionNode(neighbor, string.Format("{0} ({1})", newCost, moveCost));

            Log.Error("[Trailblazer] RRA heuristic failed to reach target region " + targetRegion);
Beispiel #6
    // minMargin is the number of squares you must be away from the target
    // maxMargin is the number of squared you may be away from the target
    // so if minMargin is 3 and if maxMargin is 5,
    // your destination may then be anywhere between 3-5 squares
    public Task <Result> CalculatePath(Vector3Int start, Vector3Int end, int minMargin)
        Stopwatch totalSw = Stopwatch.StartNew();
        Result    result  = new Result();

        minMargin = minMargin * minMargin + minMargin * minMargin + minMargin * minMargin; // convert from tiles to squared distance
        if (!GridMap.Instance.IsPosInMap(start))
            // explicitly don't care if our own block is passable, it just have to exist.
            // Will help if unit for some reason gets stuck inside a block
            result.failReason    = FailReason.InvalidStartPosition;
            result.executionTime = totalSw.ElapsedMilliseconds;
        if (minMargin == 0 && !GridMap.Instance.IsPosFree(end)) // with a higher margin it's messier to check if end is valid
            result.failReason    = FailReason.InvalidEndPosition;
            result.executionTime = totalSw.ElapsedMilliseconds;
        if (start == end)
            result.foundPath     = true;
            result.executionTime = totalSw.ElapsedMilliseconds;
        const int maxEntries = 100000;

        Priority_Queue.FastPriorityQueue <AstarNode> nodeQueue = new Priority_Queue.FastPriorityQueue <AstarNode>(maxEntries);
        AstarNode currentNode = new AstarNode(start, 0, 0, null);

        nodeQueue.Enqueue(currentNode, 0);

        Dictionary <Vector3Int, int> mapWeights = new Dictionary <Vector3Int, int>();

        int       steps    = 0;
        const int maxSteps = 10000;

        while (nodeQueue.Count > 0)
            if (steps > maxSteps)
                result.failReason    = FailReason.Timeout;
                result.executionTime = totalSw.ElapsedMilliseconds;

            currentNode = nodeQueue.Dequeue();
            Vector3Int currentPos = currentNode.GetPos();
            if (currentNode.GetRemainingDistanceSquared() <= minMargin)
                Unravel(result, currentNode);
                result.executionTime = totalSw.ElapsedMilliseconds;
                foreach (var delta in DeltaPositions.DeltaPositions3D)
                    Vector3Int newPos    = currentPos + delta;
                    bool       validStep = IsStepValid(newPos, currentPos, delta);
                    if (validStep)
                        AstarNode nextNode = new AstarNode(newPos, currentNode, end);
                        int       weight;
                        bool      weightExists = mapWeights.TryGetValue(newPos, out weight);
                        if (!weightExists || nextNode.GetPriority() < weight)
                            weight             = nextNode.GetPriority();
                            mapWeights[newPos] = weight;
                            if (nodeQueue.Count < maxEntries)
                                nodeQueue.Enqueue(nextNode, weight);
                                result.failReason    = FailReason.OutOfMemory;
                                result.executionTime = totalSw.ElapsedMilliseconds;
        result.executionTime = totalSw.ElapsedMilliseconds;
        result.failReason    = FailReason.NoPossiblePath;