public async Task InitializeAsync()
            var factory = new LoggerFactory();

            _psesProcess = new PsesStdioProcess(factory, IsDebugAdapterTests);
            await _psesProcess.Start().ConfigureAwait(false);

            Console.WriteLine("PowerShell Editor Services Server started with PID {0}", ProcessId);
            // TIP: Add Breakpoint here and attach debugger using the PID from the above message
            Diagnostics     = new List <Diagnostic>();
            TelemetryEvents = new List <PsesTelemetryEvent>();
            DirectoryInfo testdir =
                Directory.CreateDirectory(Path.Combine(s_binDir, Path.GetRandomFileName()));

            PsesLanguageClient = LanguageClient.PreInit(options =>
                .OnPublishDiagnostics(diagnosticParams => Diagnostics.AddRange(diagnosticParams.Diagnostics.Where(d => d != null)))
                .OnLogMessage(logMessageParams => Output?.WriteLine($"{logMessageParams.Type.ToString()}: {logMessageParams.Message}"))
                .OnTelemetryEvent(telemetryEventParams => TelemetryEvents.Add(
                                      new PsesTelemetryEvent
                    EventName = (string)telemetryEventParams.ExtensionData["eventName"],
                    Data      = telemetryEventParams.ExtensionData["data"] as JObject

                // Enable all capabilities this this is for testing.
                // This will be a built in feature of the Omnisharp client at some point.
                var capabilityTypes = typeof(ICapability).Assembly.GetExportedTypes()
                                      .Where(z => typeof(ICapability).IsAssignableFrom(z) && z.IsClass && !z.IsAbstract);
                foreach (Type capabilityType in capabilityTypes)
                    options.WithCapability(Activator.CreateInstance(capabilityType, Array.Empty <object>()) as ICapability);

            await PsesLanguageClient.Initialize(CancellationToken.None).ConfigureAwait(false);

            // Make sure Script Analysis is enabled because we'll need it in the tests.
            // This also makes sure the configuration is set to default values.
                new DidChangeConfigurationParams
                Settings = JToken.FromObject(new LanguageServerSettingsWrapper
                    Files      = new EditorFileSettings(),
                    Search     = new EditorSearchSettings(),
                    Powershell = new LanguageServerSettings()
        public async Task InitializeAsync()
            var factory = new LoggerFactory();

            _psesProcess = new PsesStdioProcess(factory, true);
            await _psesProcess.Start().ConfigureAwait(false);

            var initialized = new TaskCompletionSource <bool>();

            PsesDebugAdapterClient = DebugAdapterClient.Create(options =>
                // The OnStarted delegate gets run when we receive the _Initialized_ event from the server:
                .OnStarted((client, token) => {
                // The OnInitialized delegate gets run when we first receive the _Initialize_ response:
                .OnInitialized((client, request, response, token) => {

            // PSES follows the following flow:
            // Receive a Initialize request
            // Run Initialize handler and send response back
            // Receive a Launch/Attach request
            // Run Launch/Attach handler and send response back
            // PSES sends the initialized event at the end of the Launch/Attach handler

            // The way that the Omnisharp client works is that this Initialize method doesn't return until
            // after OnStarted is run... which only happens when Initialized is received from the server.
            // so if we would await this task, it would deadlock.
            // To get around this, we run the Initialize() without await but use a `TaskCompletionSource<bool>`
            // that gets completed when we receive the response to Initialize
            // This tells us that we are ready to send messages to PSES... but are not stuck waiting for
            // Initialized.
            await initialized.Task.ConfigureAwait(false);