/// <summary>
        /// Adds all of the geometry used by a model component to the static geometry.
        /// This is used by the ModelComponent.
        /// </summary>
        public void Add(ModelComponent mc, ThingBlock template, ModelBlock block, ThingDefinition def)
            // if the model detail option is low and this model wants imposters, don't even make any static geometry of it
            if (Options.ModelDetail == ModelDetailOption.Low) {
                if (def.GetBoolProperty("Imposters", false))

            var sceneMgr = LKernel.GetG<SceneManager>();

            string meshName = block.GetStringProperty("mesh", null);
            // map region goes first
            string sgeomName = template.GetStringProperty("MapRegion", "(Default)");
            // static group can override map region
            sgeomName = block.GetStringProperty("StaticGroup", sgeomName);
            Entity ent;

            // get our entity if it already exists
            if (!ents.TryGetValue(meshName, out ent)) {
                // getting the entity was not successful, so we have to create it
                ent = sceneMgr.CreateEntity(meshName + mc.ID, meshName);
                string material;
                if (block.StringTokens.TryGetValue("material", out material))

                ents.Add(meshName, ent);

            Vector3 pos;
            // two ways to get the position
            // inherit it from the lthing, the default (if we were using nodes, this would be the default too)
            if (block.GetBoolProperty("InheritOrientation", true)) {
                pos = (mc.Owner.SpawnOrientation * block.GetVectorProperty("position", Vector3.ZERO)) + template.VectorTokens["position"];
            // or we can choose not to inherit it for whatever reason
            else {
                pos = block.GetVectorProperty("position", Vector3.ZERO) + template.VectorTokens["position"];
            Quaternion orient = block.GetQuatProperty("orientation", Quaternion.IDENTITY) * template.GetQuatProperty("orientation", Quaternion.IDENTITY);
            Vector3 sca = block.GetVectorProperty("scale", Vector3.UNIT_SCALE);

            StaticGeometry sg;
            if (!sgeoms.TryGetValue(sgeomName, out sg)) {
                sg = LKernel.GetG<SceneManager>().CreateStaticGeometry(sgeomName);

                sg.RegionDimensions = regionDimensions;
                sg.RenderingDistance = 300 / 5f;

                sgeoms.Add(sgeomName, sg);

            sg.AddEntity(ent, pos, orient, sca);
        public void Add(ModelComponent mc, ThingBlock template, ModelBlock block, ThingDefinition def)
            // if the model detail option is low and this model wants imposters, don't even make any instanced geometry of it
            if (Options.ModelDetail == ModelDetailOption.Low) {
                if (def.GetBoolProperty("Imposters", false))

            var sceneMgr = LKernel.GetG<SceneManager>();

            string meshName = block.GetStringProperty("mesh", null);
            string mapRegion = template.GetStringProperty("MapRegion", string.Empty);
            string key = mapRegion + meshName;

            // create our entity if it doesn't exist
            if (!ents.ContainsKey(key)) {
                Entity ent = sceneMgr.CreateEntity(mc.Name + mc.ID, meshName);
                ent.SetMaterialName(block.GetStringProperty("Material", string.Empty));
                // then add it to our dictionary
                ents.Add(key, ent);

            // get our transforms
            Vector3 pos;
            // two ways to get the position
            // inherit it from the lthing, the default (if we were using nodes, this would be the default too)
            if (block.GetBoolProperty("InheritOrientation", true)) {
                pos = (mc.Owner.SpawnOrientation * block.GetVectorProperty("position", Vector3.ZERO)) + template.VectorTokens["position"];
            // or we can choose not to inherit it for whatever reason
            else {
                pos = block.GetVectorProperty("position", Vector3.ZERO) + template.VectorTokens["position"];
            Quaternion orient = block.GetQuatProperty("orientation", Quaternion.IDENTITY) * template.GetQuatProperty("orientation", Quaternion.IDENTITY);
            Vector3 sca = block.GetVectorProperty("scale", Vector3.UNIT_SCALE);

            // put them in one class
            Transform trans = new Transform {
                Position = pos,
                Orientation = orient,
                Scale = sca,

            // if the transforms dictionary doesn't contain the mesh yet, add a new one
            if (!transforms.ContainsKey(key)) {
                transforms.Add(key, new List<Transform>());
            // then put our transform into the dictionary
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a CollisionShape from the ShapeComponents of the given thing. If the shape already exists, we'll just return that instead.
        /// </summary>
        public CollisionShape CreateAndRegisterShape(LThing thing, ThingDefinition def)
            CollisionShape shape;
            if (!Shapes.TryGetValue(thing.Name, out shape)) {
                // create the shape

                bool forceCompound = def.GetBoolProperty("forcecompound", false);

                // if we only have one shape we don't have to do as much
                if (thing.ShapeComponents.Count == 1) {
                    // force us to use a compound shape?
                    if (forceCompound) {
                        CompoundShape comp = new CompoundShape();
                        comp.AddChildShape(thing.ShapeComponents[0].Transform, CreateShapeForComponent(thing.ShapeComponents[0]));

                        shape = comp;
                    // one component, no compound is the easiest
                    else {
                        shape = CreateShapeForComponent(thing.ShapeComponents[0]);
                // otherwise, make all of our shapes and stick them in a compound shape
                else {
                    CompoundShape comp = new CompoundShape();

                    foreach (ShapeComponent component in thing.ShapeComponents) {
                        comp.AddChildShape(component.Transform, CreateShapeForComponent(component));

                    shape = comp;

                // then put the shape in our dictionary
                Shapes.Add(thing.Name, shape);
            return shape;
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a model component for a Thing.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="lthing">The Thing this component is attached to</param>
        /// <param name="template">The template from the Thing</param>
        /// <param name="block">The block we're creating this component from</param>
        public ModelComponent(LThing lthing, ThingBlock template, ModelBlock block, ThingDefinition def)
            ID = IDs.Incremental;
            Owner = lthing;
            var sceneMgr = LKernel.GetG<SceneManager>();

            Name = block.GetStringProperty("name", template.ThingName);

            // set these up here because static/instanced geometry might need them
            // position
            SpawnPosition = block.GetVectorProperty("position", Vector3.ZERO);

            // orientation
            SpawnOrientation = block.GetQuatProperty("orientation", Quaternion.IDENTITY);
            // if orientation was not found, we fall back to rotation
            if (SpawnOrientation == Quaternion.IDENTITY) {
                Vector3 rot = block.GetVectorProperty("rotation", Vector3.ZERO);
                if (rot != Vector3.ZERO)
                    SpawnOrientation = rot.DegreeVectorToGlobalQuaternion();
            // scale
            SpawnScale = block.GetVectorProperty("scale", Vector3.UNIT_SCALE);

            ThingEnum shad = block.GetEnumProperty("CastsShadows", ThingEnum.Some);
            // if we're static, set up the static geometry
            // don't set up static geometry if we want to cast shadows though, since static geometry doesn't work with shadows
            if ((block.GetBoolProperty("static", false) || def.GetBoolProperty("static", false))
                // make static if we never want shadows
                && (shad == ThingEnum.None
                // or if the mesh has "some" shadows but we don't want any
                    || (shad == ThingEnum.Some && Options.ShadowDetail == ShadowDetailOption.None)
                // or if the mesh has "many" shadows but we only want those with "some"
                    || (shad == ThingEnum.Many && Options.ShadowDetail != ShadowDetailOption.Many)))
                LKernel.GetG<StaticGeometryManager>().Add(this, template, block, def);
                Entity = null;
            else if (block.GetBoolProperty("instanced", false) || def.GetBoolProperty("instanced", false)) {
                LKernel.GetG<InstancedGeometryManager>().Add(this, template, block, def);
                Entity = null;
            // for attachments
            else if (block.GetBoolProperty("Attached", false)) {
                SetupEntity(sceneMgr, block);

                string boneName = block.GetStringProperty("AttachBone", null);
                int modelComponentID = (int) block.GetFloatProperty("AttachComponentID", null);
                Quaternion offsetQuat = block.GetQuatProperty("AttachOffsetOrientation", Quaternion.IDENTITY);
                Vector3 offsetVec = block.GetVectorProperty("AttachOffsetPosition", Vector3.ZERO);

                lthing.ModelComponents[modelComponentID].Entity.AttachObjectToBone(boneName, Entity, offsetQuat, offsetVec);
            // otherwise continue as normal
            else {
                Node = lthing.RootNode.CreateChildSceneNode(Name + "Node" + ID);

                Node.Position = SpawnPosition;
                Node.Orientation = SpawnOrientation;

                Node.InheritScale = block.GetBoolProperty("InheritScale", true);
                Node.InheritOrientation = block.GetBoolProperty("InheritOrientation", true);

                // make our entity
                SetupEntity(sceneMgr, block);


                // then attach it to the node!
Beispiel #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Set up all of the stuff needed before we create our body
        /// </summary>
        private void SetUpBodyInfo(ThingDefinition def)
            // set up our collision shapes
            CollisionShape shape = LKernel.GetG<CollisionShapeManager>().CreateAndRegisterShape(this, def);

            // get the physics type and set up the mass of the body
            ThingEnum physicsType = def.GetEnumProperty("physics", null);
            float mass = physicsType.HasFlag(ThingEnum.Static) ? 0 : def.GetFloatProperty("mass", 1);

            // create our construction info thingy
            Vector3 inertia;
            shape.CalculateLocalInertia(mass, out inertia);

            // if it's static and doesn't have a sound, we don't need a mogre motion state because we'll be disposing of the root node afterwards
            if (def.GetBoolProperty("Static", false) && SoundComponents == null)
                MotionState = new DefaultMotionState();
                MotionState = InitializationMotionState;

            Info = new RigidBodyConstructionInfo(mass, MotionState, shape, inertia);

            // physics material stuff from a .physmat file
            string physmat = def.GetStringProperty("PhysicsMaterial", "Default");
            LKernel.GetG<PhysicsMaterialFactory>().ApplyMaterial(Info, physmat);

            // we can override some of them in the .thing file
            if (def.FloatTokens.ContainsKey("bounciness"))
                Info.Restitution = def.GetFloatProperty("bounciness", PhysicsMaterial.DEFAULT_BOUNCINESS);
            if (def.FloatTokens.ContainsKey("friction"))
                Info.Friction = def.GetFloatProperty("friction", PhysicsMaterial.DEFAULT_FRICTION);
            if (def.FloatTokens.ContainsKey("angulardamping"))
                Info.AngularDamping = def.GetFloatProperty("angulardamping", PhysicsMaterial.DEFAULT_ANGULAR_DAMPING);
            if (def.FloatTokens.ContainsKey("lineardamping"))
                Info.LinearDamping = def.GetFloatProperty("lineardamping", PhysicsMaterial.DEFAULT_LINEAR_DAMPING);

            // choose which group to use for a default
            ThingEnum defaultGroup;
            if (physicsType.HasFlag(ThingEnum.Dynamic))
                defaultGroup = ThingEnum.Default;
            else if (physicsType.HasFlag(ThingEnum.Static))
                defaultGroup = ThingEnum.Environment;
            else // kinematic
                defaultGroup = ThingEnum.Default;

            // collision group
            ThingEnum collisionGroup = def.GetEnumProperty("CollisionGroup", defaultGroup);
            PonykartCollisionGroups pcg;
            if (!Enum.TryParse<PonykartCollisionGroups>(collisionGroup + String.Empty, true, out pcg))
                throw new FormatException("Invalid collision group!");
            CollisionGroup = pcg;

            // collides-with group
            ThingEnum collidesWith = def.GetEnumProperty("CollidesWith", defaultGroup);
            PonykartCollidesWithGroups pcwg;
            if (!Enum.TryParse<PonykartCollidesWithGroups>(collidesWith + String.Empty, true, out pcwg))
                throw new FormatException("Invalid collides-with group!");
            CollidesWith = pcwg;

            // update the transforms
            Matrix4 transform = new Matrix4();
            transform.MakeTransform(SpawnPosition, SpawnScale, SpawnOrientation);
            Info.StartWorldTransform = transform;
            MotionState.WorldTransform = transform;
Beispiel #6
        /// <summary>
        /// If this is a static/instanced thing with no ribbons, billboards, or sounds, we can clean up a whole bunch of stuff
        /// to make it faster for ogre.
        /// </summary>
        private void DisposeIfStaticOrInstanced(ThingDefinition def)
            if (def.GetBoolProperty("Static", false) || def.GetBoolProperty("Instanced", false)) {
                if (IsDisposed)

                var sceneMgr = LKernel.GetG<SceneManager>();

                // this bool is to check we only fully dispose lthings if ALL of their model components are static/instanced
                bool removedAllModelComponents = true;
                // dispose of all of the model components
                if (ModelComponents != null) {
                    foreach (ModelComponent mc in ModelComponents) {
                        if (mc.Entity == null) {
                        else {
                            removedAllModelComponents = false;

                // if we have no ribbons, billboards, or sounds, we can get rid of the root node
                if (removedAllModelComponents && RibbonComponents == null && BillboardSetComponents == null && SoundComponents == null) {
                    // if we have no shapes, we can get rid of everything
                    if (ShapeComponents == null/*.Count == 0*/) {
                    // but otherwise we can still get rid of the root scene node
                    else {
                        RootNode = null;
Beispiel #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates the body and makes it static/kinematic if specified.
        /// </summary>
        private void CreateBody(ThingDefinition def)
            Body = new RigidBody(Info);

            // stick on our flags
            ThingEnum te = def.GetEnumProperty("physics", null);
            if (te.HasFlag(ThingEnum.Static))
                Body.CollisionFlags |= CollisionFlags.StaticObject;
            else if (te.HasFlag(ThingEnum.Kinematic))
                Body.CollisionFlags |= CollisionFlags.KinematicObject;

            if (def.GetBoolProperty("CollisionEvents", false))
                Body.CollisionFlags |= CollisionFlags.CustomMaterialCallback;

            if (def.GetBoolProperty("DisableVisualization", false))
                Body.CollisionFlags |= CollisionFlags.DisableVisualizeObject;

            Body.WorldTransform = Info.StartWorldTransform;

            LKernel.GetG<PhysicsMain>().World.AddRigidBody(Body, CollisionGroup, CollidesWith);

            if (def.GetBoolProperty("Deactivated", false))