Beispiel #1
        public void updatepaddle(Ball ball,Paddle P)
            AIPaddle = P;
            Vector2 PaddleCenter = new Vector2(AIPaddle.Position.X, AIPaddle.Position.Y + (AIPaddle.Height) / 2);
            if (counter != Difficulty)

                if (ball.Location.Y > (PaddleCenter.Y) && ball.Motion.X < 0)
                else if (ball.Location.Y < (PaddleCenter.Y) && ball.Motion.X < 0)

                else if (ball.Motion.X < 0 && PaddleCenter.Y < 250)
                else if (ball.Motion.X < 0 && PaddleCenter.Y > 250)
            else { counter = 0; }
Beispiel #2
		public static void Main (string[] args)
			Window window = new Window (1200, 700, "RingPong", PixelFormat.RGB);
			//Definizione : Ring, Finestra del programma, Palla, Barra Player 1, Barra Player 2
			Ring ring = new Ring (window);
			Ball ball = new Ball ();
			//Parametri Bar : Posizione X, Posizione Y, Comando per andare su, Comando per andare giù
			Bar bar1= new Bar (window.width-25, window.height/2, KeyCode.Up, KeyCode.Down);
			Bar bar2 = new Bar (10, window.height/2, KeyCode.W, KeyCode.S);

			//Inizio Gioco
			bool isGameRunning = true;
			while (isGameRunning) 
				//Pulizia della Finestra
				ring.Clear(window, 0, 0, 0);

				ring.Update (window, bar1, bar2, ball);

				//Scrittura del punteggio 
				if (bar1.GetPoints () == 15)
					Console.WriteLine ("Player 1 VINCE");
					isGameRunning = false;
				else if (bar2.GetPoints () == 15)
					Console.WriteLine ("Player 2 VINCE");
					isGameRunning = false;

Beispiel #3
		public void Move(Window window, Ball ball, int h)
			if (window.GetKey (KeyCode.Up)) {
				this.y -= this.speed;

			if (window.GetKey (KeyCode.Down)) {
				this.y += this.speed;

			if (this.y <= 14)
				this.y += this.speed;

			if (this.y >= h - this.height - 15)
				this.y -= this.speed;

			if ((ball.GetX () == this.x - 15) && (ball.GetY () >= this.y) && (ball.GetY () <= this.y + this.height)) {
				ball.SetDirezioneX (ball.GetDirezioneX () * -1);

				if ((ball.GetY () < this.y + (height / 5)))
					ball.SetDirezioneY (-2);
				else if ((ball.GetY () < (this.y + (height / 5) * 2)))
					ball.SetDirezioneY (-1);
				else if ((ball.GetY () < (this.y + (height / 5) * 3)))
					ball.SetDirezioneY (0);
				else if ((ball.GetY () < (this.y + (height / 5) * 4)))
					ball.SetDirezioneY (1);
					ball.SetDirezioneY (2);
 public BallOutMananger(Ball ball, int worldWidth, SoundEffect soundEffect, Score score)
     this.score = score;
     this.ball = ball;
     this.worldWidth = worldWidth;
     this.soundEffect = soundEffect;
Beispiel #5
		public void Update(Window window, Bar bar1, Bar bar2, Ball ball)
			//Disegno parte superiore del Ring
			this.DrawRectFilled (window, 10, 10, 255, 255, 255, window.width-20, 10);
			//Disegno parte inferiore del Ring
			this.DrawRectFilled (window, 10, window.height-20, 255, 255, 255, window.width-20, 10);
			//Disegno righe tratteggiate che separano il ring
			int k = 20;
			while(k < window.height-20)
				this.DrawRectFilled(window, window.width/2, k, 255, 255, 255, 7, 30);
				k += 40;
			//Disegno la Palla
			//this.DrawRectFilled (window, ball.GetX(), ball.GetY(), ball.GetR(), ball.GetG(), ball.GetB(), ball.GetWidht(), ball.GetHeight());
			this.DrawCircle(window, ball.GetX(), ball.GetY(), ball.GetRaggio(), 255, 255, 255);
			//Disegno la barra del Player 1
			this.DrawRectFilled (window, bar1.GetX(), bar1.GetY(), 255, 0, 0, bar1.GetWidht(), bar1.GetHeight());
			//Disegno la Barra del Player 2
			this.DrawRectFilled (window, bar2.GetX(), bar2.GetY(), 0, 255, 0, bar2.GetWidht(), bar2.GetHeight());
			//Movimeto barra del Player 1
			bar1.Move (window, ball);
			//Movimeto barra del Player 2
			bar2.Move2 (window, ball, window.height);
			//Movimeto della Palla
			ball.Update (window.height, window.width);

			numb1.CurrentResultDec (window, bar1.GetPoints());

			numb2.CurrentResult (window, bar1.GetPoints());

			numb3.CurrentResultDec (window, bar2.GetPoints());

			numb4.CurrentResult (window, bar2.GetPoints());
Beispiel #6
        private async void moveBall()

            while (true)
                await Task.Delay(30);
                PlayerOne_Counter.Text = "" + PlayerOnePoints;
                PlayerTwo_Counter.Text = "" + PlayerTwoPoints;
                if (moving_ball.getX() < 0)
                    PlayerOne_Counter.Text = "" + PlayerOnePoints;
                    moving_ball = new Ball(350, 250);

                if (moving_ball.getX() > gameField.Width - ball.Width)
                    PlayerTwo_Counter.Text = "" + PlayerTwoPoints;
                    moving_ball = new Ball(350, 250);

Beispiel #7
 protected override void LoadContent()
         spriteBatch = new SpriteBatch(GraphicsDevice);
         live = Content.Load<Texture2D> ("spr_ball");
         background = Content.Load<Texture2D> ("spr_background");
         startgame = Content.Load<Texture2D>("spr_startgame");
         gameover = Content.Load<Texture2D>("spr_GameOver");
         player2wins= Content.Load<Texture2D> ("spr_P2win");
         player1wins = Content.Load<Texture2D>("spr_P1win");
         paddle = Content.Load<Texture2D> ("spr_paddle");
         ball = Content.Load<Texture2D> ("spr_ball");
         paddle1 = new Paddles();
         velocity = 200;
         paddle1.position = new Vector2(0, GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Height / 2 - paddle.Height / 2);
         paddle1.velocity = velocity;
         paddle2 = new Paddles();
         paddle2.position = new Vector2(GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Width - paddle.Width, GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Height / 2 - paddle.Height / 2);
         paddle2.velocity = velocity;
         Ball = new Ball();
         Ball.position = new Vector2(GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Bounds.Width / 2 - ball.Width / 2, GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Bounds.Height / 2 - ball.Height / 2);
         Ball.velocity = velocity;
         gamestate = 0;
         acceleration = 1.07f;
         color = Color.White;
         angle = new Vector2(1,0);
         player1lives = 3;
         player2lives = 3;
Beispiel #8
        /// <summary>
        /// Initialises Game Engine with given dimensions of game-world
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="clientSize">dimensions of game-world</param>
        public GameEngine(Size clientSize)
            this.clientSize = clientSize;
            ballStartPosition = new Point(clientSize.Width / 2, clientSize.Height / 2);
            ball = new Ball(BALL_SIZE, Color.Orange, clientSize, ballStartPosition);

            Size paddleSize = new Size(PADDLE_WIDTH, PADDLE_HEIGHT);

            Point paddlePosition = new Point(PADDLE_X, PADDLE_Y);
            leftPaddle = new Paddle(paddleSize, paddlePosition, Color.Red, clientSize, "femaleGrunt.wav");

            paddlePosition = new Point((clientSize.Width - PADDLE_WIDTH) - PADDLE_X, PADDLE_Y);
            rightPaddle = new Paddle(paddleSize, paddlePosition, Color.Red, clientSize, "maleGrunt.wav");

            topCentre = new Point((clientSize.Width / 2), 0);
            bottomCentre = new Point((clientSize.Width / 2), clientSize.Height);
            dashedLinePen = new Pen(Color.White, PENWIDTH);
            dashedLinePen.DashStyle = DashStyle.Dash;

            winConditions = false;

            int x = Convert.ToInt32((clientSize.Width * POSITION_1ST_QUARTER) - FONT_SIZE);
            Point position = new Point(x, (clientSize.Height / POSITION_Y_DIVISOR));
            scoreLeft = new Score(position);

            x = Convert.ToInt32((clientSize.Width * POSITION_3RD_QUARTER) - FONT_SIZE);
            position = new Point (x, (clientSize.Height / POSITION_Y_DIVISOR));
            scoreRight = new Score(position);
Beispiel #9
 static void BounceX(Paddle p1, Ball b1)
     if ((b1.Pos[1] <= p1.Pos[1] && b1.Pos[1] >= p1.Pos[1] - p1.Size) && (p1.Pos[0] >= b1.Pos[0] - (b1.Vel[0] + 1)   && p1.Pos[0] <= b1.Pos[0] + b1.Vel[0]))
         b1.Vel[0] = -b1.Vel[0];
         b1.Last = p1;
Beispiel #10
        public PongGame(Size ScreenDimensions)
            PongBall = new Ball(new Vector2(0.0f, 0.0f), 1.0f);
            LeftPaddle = new Paddle(new Vector2(-19.0f, 0.0f), 3.0f);
            RightPaddle = new Paddle(new Vector2(19.0f, 0.0f), 3.0f);
            Board = new GameBoard(20.0f, 15.0f);

            Score = new int[2] { 0, 0 };
        public static void KeyboardPlayer(RectangleF area, float timeRatio,
            Ball ball, Racquet racquet, Keys keysEvent, Point? mouseLocation)
            const int moveSpeed = 50;

            if (keysEvent == Keys.Z)
                racquet.SetY(racquet.Y - (int) (moveSpeed * timeRatio), area);
            else if (keysEvent == Keys.S)
                racquet.SetY(racquet.Y + (int)(moveSpeed * timeRatio), area);
Beispiel #12
        /// <summary>
        /// Allows the game to perform any initialization it needs to before starting to run.
        /// This is where it can query for any required services and load any non-graphic
        /// related content.  Calling base.Initialize will enumerate through any components
        /// and initialize them as well.
        /// </summary>
        protected override void Initialize()
            ScreenWidth = GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Width;
            ScreenHeight = GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Height;

            player1 = new Player();
            player2 = new Player();
            ball = new Ball();

Beispiel #13
		//In questo metodo facciamo gli UPDATE della barra del player 1
		public void Move(Window window, Ball ball)
				this.y -= this.speed;

				this.y += this.speed;

			//Controllo pe non superare il bordo superiore
			if (this.y <= 14)
				this.y = 20;
			//Controllo per non superare il bordo inferiore
			if (this.y >= window.height-this.height-17)
				this.y = window.height - this.height-20;

			//int distance = (int)(ball.GetRaggio() *  26.67)/100;

			//Controllo il punto della barra in cui è avvenuto il contatto con la pallina per far cambiare l'angolazione del tiro 
			if ((ball.GetX () + ball.GetRaggio()-17 >= this.x - 15) && (ball.GetY () >= this.y) && (ball.GetY () <= this.y + this.height)) 
				ball.SetDirezioneX (ball.GetDirezioneX () * -1);
				if ((ball.GetY () < this.y + (height / 5)))
					ball.SetDirezioneY (-2);
				else if ((ball.GetY () < (this.y + (height / 5) * 2)))
					ball.SetDirezioneY (-1);
				else if ((ball.GetY () < (this.y + (height / 5) * 3)))
					ball.SetDirezioneY (0);
				else if ((ball.GetY () < (this.y + (height / 5) * 4)))
					ball.SetDirezioneY (1);
					ball.SetDirezioneY (2);
			else if (ball.GetX () > window.width) 
				ball.SetX (window.width/2);
				ball.SetY (window.height/2);
				if (RandomGenerator.GetRandom (0, 1) == 0)
					ball.SetDirezioneX (-1);
				else ball.SetDirezioneX (1);
				ball.SetDirezioneY (RandomGenerator.GetRandom (-2, 2));


Beispiel #14
 static void DrawB(Ball b1)
         Console.SetCursorPosition(b1.Pos[0], b1.Pos[1]);
         b1.Pos[0] = -b1.Pos[0];
 protected override void Init()
     Entities.world2D.Gravity /= 10.0f;
     Entities.Register(new Sprite(new Texture("Background.jpg"), new Size(2.0f, 1.4f)));
     ball = new Ball(new Sprite(new Texture("Ball.png"), Constants.BallSize));
     var paddleTexture = new Texture("Paddle.png");
     leftPaddle = new Paddle(new Sprite(paddleTexture, Constants.PaddleSize),
         new Vector2D(Constants.LeftPaddleX, 0));
     rightPaddle = new Paddle(new Sprite(paddleTexture, Constants.PaddleSize),
         new Vector2D(Constants.RightPaddleX, 0));
Beispiel #16
        public Ball Clone()
            Ball newBall = new Ball();

            newBall.position = this.position;
            newBall.width = this.width;
            newBall.height = this.height;
            newBall.speedX = this.speedX;
            newBall.speedY = this.speedY;
            newBall.boundingBox = this.boundingBox;
            newBall.right = this.right;
            newBall.start = this.start;
            newBall.up = this.up;

            return newBall;
Beispiel #17
        protected override void LoadContent()
            spriteBatch = new SpriteBatch(GraphicsDevice);

            var gameBoundaries = new Rectangle(0, 0, Window.ClientBounds.Width, Window.ClientBounds.Height);
            var paddleTexture = Content.Load<Texture2D>("Paddle");

            playerPaddle = new Paddle(paddleTexture, Vector2.Zero, gameBoundaries, PlayerTypes.Human);
            computerPaddle = new Paddle(paddleTexture, new Vector2(gameBoundaries.Width - paddleTexture.Width, 0), gameBoundaries, PlayerTypes.Computer);
            ball = new Ball(Content.Load<Texture2D>("Ball"), Vector2.Zero, gameBoundaries);

            score = new Score(Content.Load<SpriteFont>("GameFont"), gameBoundaries);

            gameObjects = new GameObjects { PlayerPaddle = playerPaddle, ComputerPaddle = computerPaddle, Ball = ball, Score=score };
Beispiel #18
 public override void UpdatePosition(Ball ball)
     if (ball.GetDirection() > 1.5 * Math.PI || ball.GetDirection() < 0.5 * Math.PI)
         if (ball.GetPosition().Y - 5 > GetPosition().Y + GetSize().Height / 2)
         else if (ball.GetPosition().Y == GetPosition().Y + GetSize().Height / 2)
         else if (ball.GetPosition().Y + 5 < GetPosition().Y + GetSize().Height / 2)
Beispiel #19
        public GameScene()
            _physics = new PongPhysics();

            ball = new Ball(_physics.SceneBodies[(int)PongPhysics.BODIES.Ball]);
            _player = new Paddle(Paddle.PaddleType.PLAYER,
            _ai = new Paddle(Paddle.PaddleType.AI,
            _scoreboard = new Scoreboard();


            // This is debug routine that will draw the physics bounding box around the players paddle
                this.AdHocDraw += () => {
                    var bottomLeftPlayer = _physics.SceneBodies[(int)PongPhysics.BODIES.Player].AabbMin;
                    var topRightPlayer = _physics.SceneBodies[(int)PongPhysics.BODIES.Player].AabbMax;
                        new Bounds2(bottomLeftPlayer*PongPhysics.PtoM,topRightPlayer*PongPhysics.PtoM));

                    var bottomLeftAi = _physics.SceneBodies[(int)PongPhysics.BODIES.Ai].AabbMin;
                    var topRightAi = _physics.SceneBodies[(int)PongPhysics.BODIES.Ai].AabbMax;
                        new Bounds2(bottomLeftAi*PongPhysics.PtoM,topRightAi*PongPhysics.PtoM));

                    var bottomLeftBall = _physics.SceneBodies[(int)PongPhysics.BODIES.Ball].AabbMin;
                    var topRightBall = _physics.SceneBodies[(int)PongPhysics.BODIES.Ball].AabbMax;
                        new Bounds2(bottomLeftBall*PongPhysics.PtoM,topRightBall*PongPhysics.PtoM));

            //Now load the sound fx and create a player
            _pongSound = new Sound("/Application/audio/pongblip.wav");
            _pongBlipSoundPlayer = _pongSound.CreatePlayer();

Beispiel #20
        public GameWorld(ContentManager Content)
            ballTex = Content.Load<Texture2D>("UI/lives");
            backgroundTex = Content.Load<Texture2D>("UI/background");
            startTex = Content.Load<Texture2D>("UI/startScreen");
            gameFont = Content.Load<SpriteFont>("UI/gameFont");


            rightPlayer = new Pad(Content, 1);
            leftPlayer = new Pad(Content, 0);
            ball = new Ball(Content);
            disco = new Disco[maxDisco];

            for (int i = 0; i < maxDisco; i++)
                disco[i] = new Disco(Content);

            Reset(GameState.GameStart); //Sets the game to initial positions and sets correct gamestate
        public static void Computer(RectangleF area, float timeRatio,
            Ball ball, Racquet racquet, Keys keysEvent, Point? mouseLocation)
            const int moveSpeed = 10;

            if (ball.CenterY < racquet.Y) {
                    racquet.Y - (int) Math.Min(
                        racquet.Y - ball.CenterY,
                        moveSpeed * timeRatio
                    ), area
            } else if (ball.CenterY > racquet.Y) {
                    racquet.Y + (int)Math.Min(
                        ball.CenterY - racquet.Y,
                        moveSpeed * timeRatio
                    ), area
Beispiel #22
        public Game1()
            graphics = new GraphicsDeviceManager(this);
            Content.RootDirectory = "Content";

            menuSprite = new Sprite();
            pointerSprite = new Sprite();
            creditSprite = new Sprite();
            gameOverSprite = new Sprite();

            gameball = new Ball(285, 285, 30, 30, 5, 5);
            paddle1 = new Paddle(1);
            paddle2 = new Paddle(2);
            paddle3 = new Paddle(3);
            paddle4 = new Paddle(4);
            ballsprite = new Sprite(gameball.getx(), gameball.gety());
            paddlesprite1 = new Sprite(paddle1.getX(), paddle1.getY());
            paddlesprite2 = new Sprite(paddle2.getX(), paddle2.getY());
            paddlesprite3 = new Sprite(paddle3.getX(), paddle3.getY());
            paddlesprite4 = new Sprite(paddle4.getX(), paddle4.getY());
            menu = new Menu();
Beispiel #23
        public void Render()
            PaddleName? GameStatus = PongBall.UpdateBallLocation(LeftPaddle.YLocation, RightPaddle.YLocation);

            if (GameStatus != null)
                //Add 1 to the score of the winning side
                if (GameStatus == PaddleName.LEFT)
                if (GameStatus == PaddleName.RIGHT)

                Console.WriteLine("Player1: {0} | Player2: {1}", Score[0].ToString(), Score[1].ToString());

                //reset the ball
                PongBall = new Ball(new Vector2(0.0f, 0.0f), 1.0f);

Beispiel #24
        // Retourne le nouveau mouvement effectué par la
        // balle en fonction de l'endroit où elle touche
        // la raquette.
        public Ball.Movement NewMove(Ball.Movement oldMove, int y)
            float xBar = (float) (y - this.Y) / (Heigth / 2);

            float direction;
            if (this.Side == RacquetSides.Left)
                direction = +1;
                direction = -1;

            // Vitesse avant réflexion (distance de Manathan)
            var oldSpeed = Math.Sqrt(
                oldMove.X * oldMove.X
                + oldMove.Y * oldMove.Y
            // Vitesse uni-dimentionnelle amortie (si dx = dy);
            var oldSpeedMult = Math.Sqrt((oldSpeed * oldSpeed) / 2);

            // Direction après réflexion
            var reflX = DxReflection(xBar);
            var reflY = DyReflection(xBar);
            // Vitesse de la réflexion
            var reflSpeed = Math.Sqrt(
                reflX * reflX + reflY * reflY
            // Vitesse uni-dimentionnelle de la réflexion
            var reflSpeedMult = Math.Sqrt((reflSpeed * reflSpeed) / 2);

            // Rapport de vitesse entre la réflexion et l'ancienne vitesse
            // auquel le multiplicateur de vitesse est appliqué
            var speedMult = oldSpeedMult / reflSpeedMult * SpeedMult(xBar);

            return new Ball.Movement(
                (float) (reflX * speedMult * direction),
                (float) (reflY * speedMult)
Beispiel #25
        public void ResetPlayfield (int loserIndex) {
            Paddles = new Paddle[] { 
                new Paddle {
                    Bounds = new Bounds(
                        new Vector2(24, Playfield.Bounds.Center.Y - 48),
                        new Vector2(24 + 16, Playfield.Bounds.Center.Y + 48)
                    Playfield = this.Playfield
                new Paddle {
                    Bounds = new Bounds(
                        new Vector2(Graphics.PreferredBackBufferWidth - 24 - 16, Playfield.Bounds.Center.Y - 48), 
                        new Vector2(Graphics.PreferredBackBufferWidth - 24, Playfield.Bounds.Center.Y + 48)
                    Playfield = this.Playfield

            var random = new Random();
            var velocity = new Vector2(loserIndex == 0 ? 1 : -1, (float)random.NextDouble(-1, 1));
            if (Math.Abs(velocity.Y) < 0.15f)
                velocity.Y += Math.Sign(velocity.Y) * 0.15f;
            velocity *= 4;

            Ball = new Ball {
                Position = Playfield.Bounds.Center,
                Velocity = velocity,
                Playfield = this.Playfield,
                Radius = 8.0f
Beispiel #26
        protected override void LoadContent()
            base.LoadContent ();

            paddleOne = new Paddle (game, spriteBatch);
            paddleOne.Direction = new Vector2 (0, 0);
            paddleTwo = new Paddle (game, spriteBatch);
            paddleTwo.Direction = new Vector2 (0, 0);
            ball = new Ball (game, spriteBatch);
            ball.Direction = new Vector2 (0, 0);

            paddleOne.LoadContent (content);
            paddleOne.Position = new Vector2 (20, 20);

            paddleTwo.LoadContent (content);
            paddleTwo.Position = new Vector2 (GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Width - 40, GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Height - 100);

            ball.LoadContent (content);
            ball.Position = new Vector2 (GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Width + 10, 0);
Beispiel #27
        /// <summary>
        /// Allows the game to perform any initialization it needs to before starting to run.
        /// This is where it can query for any required services and load any non-graphic
        /// related content.  Calling base.Initialize will enumerate through any components
        /// and initialize them as well.
        /// </summary>
        protected override void Initialize()
            // TODO: Add your initialization logic here
            IsMouseVisible = true;
            masterServerIP = File.ReadAllText(@"Content\MasterServerIP.txt");

            if (!hasStarted)
                state = State.Connect;
                focus = FieldFocus.Name;
                serverNameTextHost = new InputBox(new Vector2(100, 100));
                passwordTextHost = new InputBox(new Vector2(100, 130));
                serverNameTextJoin = new InputBox(new Vector2(100, 400));
                passwordTextJoin = new InputBox(new Vector2(100, 430));

            ballCount = 1;
            powerCount = 1;
            powerTimer = 0;
            allGameObjects = new List<GameObject>();
            suicidalObjects = new List<GameObject>();
            addThese = new List<GameObject>();
            windowHeight = Window.ClientBounds.Height;
            windowWidth = Window.ClientBounds.Width;

            if (hasStarted)
                Sprite pongSprite = new Sprite(new Vector2(200, 200), 0.5f, new Vector2(1, 1), Color.White, SpriteEffects.None);
                Sprite ballSprite = new Sprite(new Vector2(200, 200), 0.5f, new Vector2(1, 1), Color.White, SpriteEffects.None);
                Sprite wallSprite = new Sprite(new Vector2(200, 200), 1, new Vector2(80, 2), Color.White, SpriteEffects.None);
                Sprite netSprite = new Sprite(new Vector2(200, 200), 0.5f, new Vector2(0.5f, 1), Color.White, SpriteEffects.None, @"PongMiddle");

                Rectangle pongCollision = new Rectangle(0, 0, 10, 82);
                Rectangle ballColl = new Rectangle(0, 0, 15, 15);
                Rectangle pwrColl = new Rectangle(0, 0, 40, 40);
                Rectangle wallCollision = new Rectangle(0, 0, Window.ClientBounds.Width, 15);

                SpriteA animatedSprite = new SpriteA(new Vector2(200, 200), 0.5f, new Vector2(1, 1), Color.White, SpriteEffects.None, @"powerpad");
                animatedSprite.CreateAnimation("Orb", 8, 0, 1, (648 / 8), (486 / 6), Vector2.Zero, 15f);
                PowerUp powerup = new PowerUp(animatedSprite, new Vector2(rnd.Next(50, 600), rnd.Next(100, 350)), new Vector2(40, 0), 0, Content, pwrColl);

                SoundEffect wallBounce = Content.Load<SoundEffect>(@"SoundFX\wall_effect");
                SoundEffect pad1Bounce = Content.Load<SoundEffect>(@"SoundFX\pad1_effect");
                SoundEffect pad2Bounce = Content.Load<SoundEffect>(@"SoundFX\pad2_effect");

                GameObject net = new GameObject(netSprite, new Vector2(windowWidth / 2, windowHeight / 2), new Vector2(1, 0), 0, Content, new Rectangle(0, 0, 0, 0));

                if (isHost)
                    p1Pad = new PongPaddle(PlayerNumber.player1, pongSprite, new Vector2(50, 250), new Vector2(0, 0), 100, Content, pongCollision, pad1Bounce);
                    p2PadGobject = new Dummyclass(pongSprite, new Vector2(740, 250), new Vector2(0, 0), 100, Content, pongCollision, 'p', ClientPort, pad2Bounce);
                    myBallDummy = null;
                    p1Pad = new PongPaddle(PlayerNumber.player1, pongSprite, new Vector2(740, 250), new Vector2(0, 0), 100, Content, pongCollision, pad1Bounce);
                    p2PadGobject = new Dummyclass(pongSprite, new Vector2(50, 250), new Vector2(0, 0), 100, Content, pongCollision, 'p', ClientPort, pad1Bounce);
                    myBallDummy = new Dummyclass(ballSprite, new Vector2(400, 200), new Vector2(0, 0), 0, Content, ballColl, 'b', ClientPort + 1, null);
                p1Pad.Sprite.Scale = new Vector2(1, 8);
                //P2 is basicly useless though
                p2Pad = new PongPaddle(PlayerNumber.player2, pongSprite, new Vector2(740, 250), new Vector2(0, 0), 100, Content, pongCollision, pad2Bounce);
                myBall = new Ball(ballSprite, new Vector2(400, 200), new Vector2(40f, 20), 100, Content, ballColl, rnd);

                Wall topWall = new Wall(wallSprite, new Vector2(Window.ClientBounds.Width * 0.5f, 0), new Vector2(0, 1), 0, Content, wallCollision, wallBounce);
                Wall bottomWall = new Wall(wallSprite, new Vector2(Window.ClientBounds.Width * 0.5f, Window.ClientBounds.Bottom), new Vector2(0, -1), 0, Content, wallCollision, wallBounce);

                hasJustScored = false;
Beispiel #28
 public void SpawnMoreBalls(int amount)
     for (int i = 0; i < amount; i++)
         Rectangle ballColl = new Rectangle(0, 0, 15, 15);
         Sprite ballSprite = new Sprite(new Vector2(200, 200), 0.5f, new Vector2(1, 1), Color.White, SpriteEffects.None);
         Ball newBall = new Ball(ballSprite, new Vector2(400, 200), new Vector2(40f, 20), 100, Content, ballColl, rnd);
     ballCount += amount;
Beispiel #29
        static void DrawPong(int boardX, int boardY, Player lPlayer, Player rPlayer, Ball b, int numTrial, int trialIteration)

            //for (int y = 0; y < boardY + 2; y++)
            for (int y = 0; y < boardY; y++)
                //if (y == 0 || y == boardX + 2)
                //    Console.Write("-");
                //for (int x = 0; x < boardX + 2; x++)
                for (int x = 0; x < boardX; x++)
                    if (lPlayer == null)
                        //if (y == 0 || y == boardY + 1)
                        //    Console.Write("-");
                        //    if (x == 0)
                        //    {
                        //        Console.Write("|");
                        //    }
                        if (x == lPlayer.DiscretePaddleX && y == lPlayer.DiscretePaddleY)

                        if (x == b.DiscreteBallX && y == b.DiscreteBallY && x == lPlayer.DiscretePaddleX && y == lPlayer.DiscretePaddleY)

                    //if (x == b.DiscreteBallX - 1 && y == b.DiscreteBallY && x == rPlayer.DiscretePaddleX - 1 && y == rPlayer.DiscretePaddleY)
                    if (x == b.DiscreteBallX && y == b.DiscreteBallY && x == rPlayer.DiscretePaddleX && y == rPlayer.DiscretePaddleY)
                    //else if (x == rPlayer.DiscretePaddleX-1 && y == rPlayer.DiscretePaddleY)
                    else if (x == rPlayer.DiscretePaddleX && y == rPlayer.DiscretePaddleY)
                    //else if (x == b.DiscreteBallX-1 && y == b.DiscreteBallY)
                    else if (x == b.DiscreteBallX && y == b.DiscreteBallY)
                        //if (y != 0 && y != boardY + 1)
                        //    Console.Write(" ");

                        Console.Write(" ");
            Console.WriteLine("Trial #: " + numTrial);
            Console.WriteLine("Trial Length: " + trialIteration);
            Console.WriteLine("Number of Agent Deflections: " + rPlayer.Deflections);
Beispiel #30
        /// <summary>
        /// Allows the game to perform any initialization it needs to before starting to run.
        /// This is where it can query for any required services and load any non-graphic
        /// related content.  Calling base.Initialize will enumerate through any components
        /// and initialize them as well.
        /// </summary>
        protected override void Initialize()
            screenHeight = 600;
            screenWidth = 800;
            menu = new Menu();
            gamestate = GameStates.Menu;
            resetTimer = 0;
            resetTimerInUse = true;
            lastScored = false;
            graphics.PreferredBackBufferWidth = screenWidth;
            graphics.PreferredBackBufferHeight = screenHeight;
            graphics.IsFullScreen = false;

            // TODO: Add your initialization logic here
            ball = new Ball(Content, new Vector2(screenWidth, screenHeight));
            input = new Input();
Beispiel #31
 protected void gamestart()
     playerleft = new Player(new Vector2(50, 480), font,"Player Left");
     playerright = new Player(new Vector2(600, 480), font,"Player Right");
     Left = new Paddle(0, 213, paddle, Keys.W, Keys.S);
     Right = new Paddle(740, 213, paddle, Keys.Up, Keys.Down);
     upb = new Boundary(0, 0, 750, 20);
     downb = new Boundary(0, 480, 750, 20);
     gameball = new Ball(ball, upb.boundary, downb.boundary, Left.boundary, Right.boundary, font);
     timerstarted = true;
     gamescreen = GameScreens.GameState.Play;
Beispiel #32
        static bool deflectionDetected(Tuple <double, double, double, double, double> currState, Tuple <double, double, double, double, double> prevState, Player rP, Player lP, Ball b)
            // right player deflects it
            if (prevState.Item1 < rP.PaddleX && currState.Item1 >= rP.PaddleX)
                // Calculate Y coordinate when ball is at the same level as the paddle
                //double yIntersect = currState.Item4 * prevState.Item1 + prevState.Item2;
                double yIntersect = (b.VelocityY / b.VelocityX) * (-1 * b.VelocityX) + b.BallY;

                if (yIntersect <= rP.PaddleY + GlobalValues.PaddleHeight && yIntersect >= rP.PaddleY)

                    // HERE
                    //rP.updateQ(b, rP.PrevAction, rP, lP, GlobalValues.DiscreteBoardX, GlobalValues.DiscreteBoardY, GlobalValues.PaddleHeight, GlobalValues.LearningRate, GlobalValues.DiscountFactor);

            if (lP != null)
                // left player deflects it
                if (prevState.Item1 < lP.PaddleX && currState.Item1 >= lP.PaddleX)
                    // Calculate Y coordinate when ball is at the same level as the paddle
                    //double yIntersect = currState.Item4 * prevState.Item1 + prevState.Item2;
                    double yIntersect = (b.VelocityY / b.VelocityX) * (-1 * b.VelocityX) + b.BallY;

                    if (yIntersect >= lP.PaddleY - 0.2 && yIntersect <= lP.PaddleY)
Beispiel #33
        static void Main(string[] args)
            GlobalValues.DiscreteBoardX   = 12;
            GlobalValues.DiscreteBoardY   = 12;
            GlobalValues.InitialBallX     = 0.5;
            GlobalValues.InitialBallY     = 0.5;
            GlobalValues.InitialVelocityX = 0.03;
            GlobalValues.InitialVelocityY = 0.01;
            GlobalValues.PaddleHeight     = 0.2;
            GlobalValues.RandomVelocityX  = 0.015;
            GlobalValues.RandomVelocityY  = 0.03;
            Random rand = new Random();

            double boardX = 1.0;
            double boardY = 1.0;
            //double ball_x = 0.5;
            //double ball_y = 0.5;
            //double vel_x = 0.03;
            //double vel_y = 0.01;
            //double paddleHeight = 0.2;
            //double randomVelX = 0.015;
            //double randomVelY = 0.03;

            int    totalTrials      = 600000;
            double learningConstant = 30;  //30
            double discountFactor   = .4;  //.4
            int    explorationLimit = 300; //300

            Ball   initialBall = new Ball(GlobalValues.InitialBallX, GlobalValues.InitialBallY, GlobalValues.InitialVelocityX, GlobalValues.InitialVelocityY, GlobalValues.DiscreteBoardX, GlobalValues.DiscreteBoardY, false);
            Player rP          = new Player(1, 0.5 - (GlobalValues.PaddleHeight / 2), learningConstant, discountFactor, Tuple.Create(initialBall.DiscreteBallX, initialBall.DiscreteBallY, initialBall.DiscreteVelocityX, initialBall.DiscreteVelocityY, (int)Math.Floor(GlobalValues.DiscreteBoardY * (0.5 - (GlobalValues.PaddleHeight / 2)) / (1 - GlobalValues.PaddleHeight))), GlobalValues.DiscreteBoardX, GlobalValues.DiscreteBoardY, explorationLimit);

            int maxDeflections   = 0;
            int totalTrialLength = 0;

            DateTime start = DateTime.Now;

            for (int numTrial = 0; numTrial < totalTrials; numTrial++)
                // initial state of the ball
                Ball b = new Ball(GlobalValues.InitialBallX, GlobalValues.InitialBallY, GlobalValues.InitialVelocityX, GlobalValues.InitialVelocityY, GlobalValues.DiscreteBoardX, GlobalValues.DiscreteBoardY, false);
                rP.PaddleY         = 0.5 - (GlobalValues.PaddleHeight / 2);
                rP.DiscretePaddleY = rP.getDiscretePaddleY();
                rP.PrevAction      = "N/A";
                //totalTrials = 300000;
                //learningConstant = 450000;
                //explorationLimit = 50000;
                var currentStateTuple    = Tuple.Create(b.BallX, b.BallY, b.VelocityX, b.VelocityY, rP.PaddleY);
                var currentDiscreteTuple = Tuple.Create(b.DiscreteBallX, b.DiscreteBallY, b.DiscreteVelocityX, b.DiscreteVelocityY, rP.DiscretePaddleY);
                var prevStateTuple       = Tuple.Create(b.BallX, b.BallY, b.VelocityX, b.VelocityY, rP.PaddleY);

                // Epsiode/Trial Loop
                int trialIterations = 0;
                while (true)

                    // Previous Discrete Values
                    //int prevDiscreteBallX = b.DiscreteBallX;
                    //int prevDiscreteBallY = b.DiscreteBallY;
                    //int prevDiscretePaddleX = rP.DiscretePaddleX;
                    //int prevDiscretePaddleY = rP.DiscretePaddleY;
                    //int prevDiscreteVelX = b.DiscreteVelocityX;
                    //int prevDiscreteVelY = b.DiscreteVelocityY;

                    //var prevDiscreteState = Tuple.Create(prevDiscreteBallX, prevDiscreteBallY, prevDiscreteVelX, prevDiscreteVelY, prevDiscretePaddleX, prevDiscretePaddleY);
                    prevStateTuple = currentStateTuple;
                    currentStateTuple = Tuple.Create(b.BallX, b.BallY, b.VelocityX, b.VelocityY, rP.PaddleY);

                    DrawPong(GlobalValues.DiscreteBoardX, GlobalValues.DiscreteBoardY, null, rP, b, numTrial, trialIterations);
                    if (goalState(currentStateTuple, rP, null))
                        if (deflectionDetected(currentStateTuple, prevStateTuple, rP, null, b))
                            if (rP.Deflections >= 9)

                            b.BallX = 2 * rP.PaddleX - b.BallX;
                            double randomXVel = rand.NextDouble() * (GlobalValues.RandomVelocityX - (-1 * GlobalValues.RandomVelocityX)) + (-1 * GlobalValues.RandomVelocityX);
                            double randomYVel = rand.NextDouble() * (GlobalValues.RandomVelocityY - (-1 * GlobalValues.RandomVelocityY)) + (-1 * GlobalValues.RandomVelocityY);

                            if (Math.Abs(randomXVel) > 0.015)
                            if (Math.Abs(randomYVel) > .03)

                            b.VelocityX = b.VelocityX * -1 + randomXVel;
                            b.VelocityY = b.VelocityY + randomYVel;

                            if (Math.Abs(b.VelocityX) < 0.03)
                                if (b.VelocityX < 0)
                                    b.VelocityX = -0.03;
                                    //b.VelocityX = b.VelocityX * -1;
                                    b.VelocityX = 0.03;
                            // TODO: Put direction?
                            if (Math.Abs(b.VelocityX) > 1)
                                if (b.VelocityX < 0)
                                    b.VelocityX = -1;
                                    b.VelocityX = 1;
                            if (Math.Abs(b.VelocityY) > 1)
                                if (b.VelocityY < 0)
                                    b.VelocityY = -1;
                                    b.VelocityY = 1;
                            if (rP.Deflections >= 9)
                            //rP.updateQ(b, rP.PrevAction, rP, null, GlobalValues.DiscreteBoardX, GlobalValues.DiscreteBoardY, GlobalValues.PaddleHeight, GlobalValues.LearningRate, GlobalValues.DiscountFactor, int stateReward);

                    // Draw Board
                    DrawPong(GlobalValues.DiscreteBoardX, GlobalValues.DiscreteBoardY, null, rP, b, numTrial, trialIterations);

                    //DrawPong(GlobalValues.DiscreteBoardX, GlobalValues.DiscreteBoardY, null, rP, b, numTrial);
                    // Right Player Makes Decision

                    // Move Ball

                    DrawPong(GlobalValues.DiscreteBoardX, GlobalValues.DiscreteBoardY, null, rP, b, numTrial, trialIterations);

                    rP.tdUpdate3(b, prevStateTuple, currentStateTuple);

                    //// Current Discrete Values
                    //int currDiscreteBallX = b.DiscreteBallX;
                    //int currDiscreteBallY = b.DiscreteBallY;
                    //int currDiscretePaddleX = rP.DiscretePaddleX;
                    //int currDiscretePaddleY = rP.DiscretePaddleY;
                    //int currDiscreteVelX = b.DiscreteVelocityX;
                    //int currDiscreteVelY = b.DiscreteVelocityY;

                    //var currDiscreteState = Tuple.Create(currDiscreteBallX, currDiscreteBallY, currDiscreteVelX, currDiscreteVelY, currDiscretePaddleX, currDiscretePaddleY);

                    //// Check if there was a change, if so, update Q
                    //if (prevDiscreteBallX != currDiscreteBallX ||
                    //    prevDiscreteBallY != currDiscreteBallY ||
                    //    prevDiscretePaddleX != currDiscretePaddleX ||
                    //    prevDiscretePaddleY != currDiscretePaddleY ||
                    //    prevDiscreteVelX != currDiscreteVelX ||
                    //    prevDiscreteVelY != currDiscreteVelY)
                    //    rP.tdUpdate2(b, prevDiscreteState, currDiscreteState);

                    //DrawPong(GlobalValues.DiscreteBoardX, GlobalValues.DiscreteBoardY, null, rP, b, numTrial);
                    // Add new State
                    //prevStateTuple = currentStateTuple;
                    //currentStateTuple = Tuple.Create(b.BallX, b.BallY, b.VelocityX, b.VelocityY, rP.PaddleY);
                if (rP.Deflections > maxDeflections)
                    maxDeflections = rP.Deflections;
                totalTrialLength         = totalTrialLength + trialIterations;
                rP.TotalTrialDeflections = rP.TotalTrialDeflections + rP.Deflections;
                Console.WriteLine("Trial: " + numTrial);
                Console.WriteLine("Trial Length: " + trialIterations);
                Console.WriteLine("Number of deflections: " + rP.Deflections);
                Console.WriteLine("Avg Trial number of deflections: " + (double)rP.TotalTrialDeflections / rP.GamesPlayed);
                Console.WriteLine("Avg Trial length: " + (double)totalTrialLength / rP.GamesPlayed);
                if ((double)rP.TotalTrialDeflections / rP.GamesPlayed > 9)
                    Console.WriteLine("Agent may have found an optimal policy!");
                Console.WriteLine("Max number of deflections: " + maxDeflections);
                rP.Deflections = 0;

            DateTime end = DateTime.Now;

            Console.WriteLine("Training start: " + start);
            Console.WriteLine("Training end: " + end);
            Console.WriteLine("Training duration: " + (end - start));

                Console.WriteLine("Press p to play, 1 player");
            } while (Console.ReadKey().KeyChar != 'p');

            int totalGames = 1000;

            //double learningConstant = 5;
            //double discountFactor = .9;
            maxDeflections = 0;

            Dictionary <int, int> gameDeflections = new Dictionary <int, int>();

            rP.Deflections      = 0;
            rP.ExplorationLimit = 1;
            DateTime startGame = DateTime.Now;

            for (int numGame = 0; numGame < totalGames; numGame++)
                Ball b = new Ball(GlobalValues.InitialBallX, GlobalValues.InitialBallY, GlobalValues.InitialVelocityX, GlobalValues.InitialVelocityY, GlobalValues.DiscreteBoardX, GlobalValues.DiscreteBoardY, false);

                // initial state of the ball, make random velocity, ball in the middle, paddleY is in the middle
                Ball b = new Ball(GlobalValues.InitialBallX, GlobalValues.InitialBallY, GlobalValues.InitialVelocityX + rand.NextDouble() * (GlobalValues.RandomVelocityX - (-1 * GlobalValues.RandomVelocityX)) + (-1 * GlobalValues.RandomVelocityX), rand.NextDouble() * (GlobalValues.RandomVelocityY - (-1 * GlobalValues.RandomVelocityY)) + (-1 * GlobalValues.RandomVelocityY), GlobalValues.DiscreteBoardX, GlobalValues.DiscreteBoardY, false);
                rP.PaddleY         = 0.5 - (GlobalValues.PaddleHeight / 2);
                rP.DiscretePaddleY = rP.getDiscretePaddleY();
                rP.PrevAction      = "N/A";

                var currentStateTuple    = Tuple.Create(b.BallX, b.BallY, b.VelocityX, b.VelocityY, rP.PaddleY);
                var currentDiscreteTuple = Tuple.Create(b.DiscreteBallX, b.DiscreteBallY, b.DiscreteVelocityX, b.DiscreteVelocityY, rP.DiscretePaddleY);
                var prevStateTuple       = Tuple.Create(b.BallX, b.BallY, b.VelocityX, b.VelocityY, rP.PaddleY);

                // Epsiode/Trial Loop
                int gameIterations = 0;
                while (true)

                    prevStateTuple = currentStateTuple;
                    currentStateTuple = Tuple.Create(b.BallX, b.BallY, b.VelocityX, b.VelocityY, rP.PaddleY);

                    DrawPong(GlobalValues.DiscreteBoardX, GlobalValues.DiscreteBoardY, null, rP, b, numTrial, trialIterations);

                    if (goalState(currentStateTuple, rP, null))
                        if (deflectionDetected(currentStateTuple, prevStateTuple, rP, null, b))
                            b.BallX = 2 * rP.PaddleX - b.BallX;
                            double randomXVel = rand.NextDouble() * (GlobalValues.RandomVelocityX - (-1 * GlobalValues.RandomVelocityX)) + (-1 * GlobalValues.RandomVelocityX);
                            double randomYVel = rand.NextDouble() * (GlobalValues.RandomVelocityY - (-1 * GlobalValues.RandomVelocityY)) + (-1 * GlobalValues.RandomVelocityY);

                            if (Math.Abs(randomXVel) > 0.015)
                            if (Math.Abs(randomYVel) > .03)

                            b.VelocityX = b.VelocityX * -1 + randomXVel;
                            b.VelocityY = b.VelocityY + randomYVel;

                            if (Math.Abs(b.VelocityX) < 0.03)
                                if (b.VelocityX < 0)
                                    b.VelocityX = -0.03;
                                    //b.VelocityX = b.VelocityX * -1;
                                    b.VelocityX = 0.03;
                            // TODO: Put direction?
                            if (Math.Abs(b.VelocityX) > 1)
                                if (b.VelocityX < 0)
                                    b.VelocityX = -1;
                                    b.VelocityX = 1;
                            if (Math.Abs(b.VelocityY) > 1)
                                if (b.VelocityY < 0)
                                    b.VelocityY = -1;
                                    b.VelocityY = 1;
                            //rP.updateQ(b, rP.PrevAction, rP, null, GlobalValues.DiscreteBoardX, GlobalValues.DiscreteBoardY, GlobalValues.PaddleHeight, GlobalValues.LearningRate, GlobalValues.DiscountFactor, int stateReward);
                    // Draw Board
                    DrawPong(GlobalValues.DiscreteBoardX, GlobalValues.DiscreteBoardY, null, rP, b, numGame, gameIterations);

                    DrawPong(GlobalValues.DiscreteBoardX, GlobalValues.DiscreteBoardY, null, rP, b, numTrial, trialIterations);

                    rP.tdUpdate3(b, prevStateTuple, currentStateTuple);

                    //DrawPong(GlobalValues.DiscreteBoardX, GlobalValues.DiscreteBoardY, null, rP, b, numTrial);
                    // Add new State
                    //prevStateTuple = currentStateTuple;
                    //currentStateTuple = Tuple.Create(b.BallX, b.BallY, b.VelocityX, b.VelocityY, rP.PaddleY);
                gameDeflections.Add(numGame, rP.Deflections);
                if (rP.Deflections > maxDeflections)
                    maxDeflections = rP.Deflections;
                Console.WriteLine("Game: " + numGame);
                Console.WriteLine("Game Length: " + gameIterations);
                Console.WriteLine("Number of deflections: " + rP.Deflections);
                Console.WriteLine("Max number of deflections: " + maxDeflections);
                double avgDeflections = (double)gameDeflections.Sum(v => v.Value) / (double)gameDeflections.Count;
                Console.WriteLine("Average number of deflections: " + avgDeflections.ToString());

                rP.Deflections = 0;

            DateTime endGame = DateTime.Now;

            Console.WriteLine("Games start: " + startGame);
            Console.WriteLine("Games end: " + endGame);
            Console.WriteLine("Games duration: " + (endGame - startGame));

                Console.WriteLine("Press p to play, 2 player");
            } while (Console.ReadKey().KeyChar != 'p');

            totalGames = 500;
            //double learningConstant = 5;
            //double discountFactor = .9;
            maxDeflections      = 0;
            rP.GamesLost        = 0;
            rP.GamesPlayed      = 0;
            rP.Deflections      = 0;
            rP.ExplorationLimit = 1;

            Player lP = new Player(1, 0.5 - (GlobalValues.PaddleHeight / 2), learningConstant, discountFactor, Tuple.Create(initialBall.DiscreteBallX, initialBall.DiscreteBallY, initialBall.DiscreteVelocityX, initialBall.DiscreteVelocityY, (int)Math.Floor(GlobalValues.DiscreteBoardY * (0.5 - (GlobalValues.PaddleHeight / 2)) / (1 - GlobalValues.PaddleHeight))), GlobalValues.DiscreteBoardX, GlobalValues.DiscreteBoardY, explorationLimit);

            DateTime start2PlayerGame = DateTime.Now;

            for (int numGame = 0; numGame < totalGames; numGame++)
                Ball b = new Ball(GlobalValues.InitialBallX, GlobalValues.InitialBallY, GlobalValues.InitialVelocityX, GlobalValues.InitialVelocityY, GlobalValues.DiscreteBoardX, GlobalValues.DiscreteBoardY, false);
                // initial state of the ball, make random velocity, ball in the middle, paddleY is in the middle
                Ball b = new Ball(GlobalValues.InitialBallX, GlobalValues.InitialBallY, GlobalValues.InitialVelocityX + rand.NextDouble() * (GlobalValues.RandomVelocityX - (-1 * GlobalValues.RandomVelocityX)) + (-1 * GlobalValues.RandomVelocityX), rand.NextDouble() * (GlobalValues.RandomVelocityY - (-1 * GlobalValues.RandomVelocityY)) + (-1 * GlobalValues.RandomVelocityY), GlobalValues.DiscreteBoardX, GlobalValues.DiscreteBoardY, true);
                rP.PaddleY         = 0.5 - (GlobalValues.PaddleHeight / 2);
                rP.DiscretePaddleY = rP.getDiscretePaddleY();
                rP.PrevAction      = "N/A";

                lP.PaddleY         = 0.5 - (GlobalValues.PaddleHeight / 2);
                lP.DiscretePaddleY = lP.getDiscretePaddleY();
                lP.PrevAction      = "N/A";

                var currentStateTuple    = Tuple.Create(b.BallX, b.BallY, b.VelocityX, b.VelocityY, rP.PaddleY);
                var currentDiscreteTuple = Tuple.Create(b.DiscreteBallX, b.DiscreteBallY, b.DiscreteVelocityX, b.DiscreteVelocityY, rP.DiscretePaddleY);
                var prevStateTuple       = Tuple.Create(b.BallX, b.BallY, b.VelocityX, b.VelocityY, rP.PaddleY);

                // Epsiode/Trial Loop
                int gameIterations = 0;
                while (true)

                    prevStateTuple = currentStateTuple;
                    currentStateTuple = Tuple.Create(b.BallX, b.BallY, b.VelocityX, b.VelocityY, rP.PaddleY);

                    DrawPong(GlobalValues.DiscreteBoardX, GlobalValues.DiscreteBoardY, null, rP, b, numTrial, trialIterations);

                    if (goalState(currentStateTuple, rP, lP))
                        if (deflectionDetected(currentStateTuple, prevStateTuple, rP, lP, b))
                            if (b.BallX < 0.5 * boardX)
                                b.BallX = 2 * lP.PaddleX - b.BallX;
                                b.BallX = 2 * rP.PaddleX - b.BallX;
                            double randomXVel = rand.NextDouble() * (GlobalValues.RandomVelocityX - (-1 * GlobalValues.RandomVelocityX)) + (-1 * GlobalValues.RandomVelocityX);
                            double randomYVel = rand.NextDouble() * (GlobalValues.RandomVelocityY - (-1 * GlobalValues.RandomVelocityY)) + (-1 * GlobalValues.RandomVelocityY);

                            if (Math.Abs(randomXVel) > 0.015)
                            if (Math.Abs(randomYVel) > .03)

                            b.VelocityX = b.VelocityX * -1 + randomXVel;
                            b.VelocityY = b.VelocityY + randomYVel;

                            if (Math.Abs(b.VelocityX) < 0.03)
                                if (b.VelocityX < 0)
                                    b.VelocityX = -0.03;
                                    //b.VelocityX = b.VelocityX * -1;
                                    b.VelocityX = 0.03;
                            // TODO: Put direction?
                            if (Math.Abs(b.VelocityX) > 1)
                                if (b.VelocityX < 0)
                                    b.VelocityX = -1;
                                    b.VelocityX = 1;
                            if (Math.Abs(b.VelocityY) > 1)
                                if (b.VelocityY < 0)
                                    b.VelocityY = -1;
                                    b.VelocityY = 1;
                            // Who lost?
                            if (currentStateTuple.Item1 >= rP.PaddleX)
                            if (currState.Item1 <= lP.PaddleX)
                            //rP.updateQ(b, rP.PrevAction, rP, null, GlobalValues.DiscreteBoardX, GlobalValues.DiscreteBoardY, GlobalValues.PaddleHeight, GlobalValues.LearningRate, GlobalValues.DiscountFactor, int stateReward);
                    // Draw Board
                    DrawPong(GlobalValues.DiscreteBoardX, GlobalValues.DiscreteBoardY, lP, rP, b, numGame, gameIterations);


                    DrawPong(GlobalValues.DiscreteBoardX, GlobalValues.DiscreteBoardY, null, rP, b, numTrial, trialIterations);

                    rP.tdUpdate3(b, prevStateTuple, currentStateTuple);

                Console.WriteLine("Game: " + numGame);
                Console.WriteLine("Game Length: " + gameIterations);
                Console.WriteLine("Number of deflections for right player: " + rP.Deflections);
                Console.WriteLine("Number of deflections for left player: " + (lP.Deflections));

                rP.Deflections = 0;

            DateTime end2PlayerGame = DateTime.Now;

            Console.WriteLine("Games start: " + start2PlayerGame);
            Console.WriteLine("Games end: " + end2PlayerGame);
            Console.WriteLine("Games won by agent: " + (rP.GamesPlayed - rP.GamesLost));
            Console.WriteLine("Winning Percentage of agent: " + (double)(rP.GamesPlayed - rP.GamesLost) / rP.GamesPlayed);
            Console.WriteLine("Games duration: " + (end2PlayerGame - start2PlayerGame));

                Console.WriteLine("Press q to quit");
            } while (Console.ReadKey().KeyChar != 'q');