public Line(int vertex1X, int vertex1Y, int vertex2X, int vertex2Y, string color)
     : base(color)
     point1 = new Vertex(vertex1X, vertex1Y);
     point2 = new Vertex(vertex2X, vertex2Y);
 public override void Translate(Vertex toTranslate)
     Center = toTranslate;
 public abstract void Translate(Vertex toTranslate);
 public Circle(int centerX, int centerY, int radius, string color)
     : base(color)
     center = new Vertex(centerX, centerY);
     Radius = radius;
 /*  X and Y coordinate make a vertex
     2 vertices make a line
     line is a shape
 static void Main()
     Vertex v = new Vertex(1, 5);
     Console.WriteLine("X,Y Coordinates of first vertex: {0},{1}", v.XCoord, v.YCoord);
     Line l = new Line(10,2,2,4,"red");
     l.Translate(v);                     //translate the line by the amount in vertex v
                                         //in this case, move all points by 1 x and 1 y
     Shape[] shapeCollection = { new Line(14, 1, -2, 1, "magenta"),
                                 new Circle(4,5, 10, "blue")
     foreach(Shape s in shapeCollection)
         s.Translate(new Vertex(4, 1));
         Console.WriteLine(s.ToString());    //after translate on shape
 public override void Translate(Vertex toTranslate)
     Point1 = toTranslate;       //using property to translate point/vertex by amount
     Point2 = toTranslate;