Beispiel #1
        public override PlayerAction BettingRound2(List <PlayerAction> actions, Card[] hand)
            //todo gather information about the other player beforehand based on what they are drawing
            //ie if they draw 3 cards and we have a two pair then we have a 2/3 chance of beating them
            //since we know they have one pair

            Card highCard;

            PlayerAction lastAction = actions[actions.Count - 1];

            int handValue = Evaluate.RateAHand(hand, out highCard);

            //how aggressively we will raise/call
            //compared against aggressionR2, if opponent is not aggressive then we will assume that our hand is stronger above a certain aggressionR2 threshold

            initialTurn = actions.Count;
            //int moneyToBet = 0;
            bool firstPlay = false;

            if (lastAction.ActionName == "stand pat" || lastAction.ActionName == "draw")
                firstPlay = true;

            int  pairHigh = -1;
            Card currentCard;

            for (int outer = 0; outer < 5; outer++)
                currentCard = hand[outer];

                for (int inner = 0; inner < 5; inner++)
                    if (outer != inner)
                        if ((hand[inner].Value == hand[outer].Value) && hand[inner].Value > pairHigh)
                            pairHigh = hand[inner].Value;

            if (handValue >= 8)
                r2MaxRaise = Money;
            else if (handValue < 2 || (handValue == 2 && pairHigh < 14))
                r2MaxRaise = 0;
                r2MaxRaise = 20 + 20 * (handValue - 1);

            //Player is playing first in round 2
            if (actions[actions.Count - 1].ActionPhase == "Draw")
                if (handValue < 2 || (handValue == 2 && pairHigh < 14))
                    aggressionR2 = 0;
                    return(new PlayerAction(name, "Bet2", "check", 0));
                //pair of kings or better play conservatively
                else if (handValue == 2 && pairHigh >= 14)
                    aggressionR2 = .3f;
                    moneyBetR2  += 10;
                    return(new PlayerAction(name, "Bet2", "bet", 10));
                else if (handValue == 3)
                    if (pairHigh >= 12) //two pair high of 10s
                        aggressionR2 = .7f;
                        moneyBetR2  += 20;
                        return(new PlayerAction(name, "Bet2", "bet", 20));
                    else //two pair high of less than 10s
                        aggressionR2 = 0.5f;
                        moneyBetR2  += 15;
                        return(new PlayerAction(name, "Bet2", "bet", 15));
                else if (handValue == 4)
                    //3 of a kind 10s or higher
                    if (pairHigh <= 12)
                        aggressionR2 = .9f;
                        moneyBetR2  += 30;
                        return(new PlayerAction(name, "Bet2", "bet", 30));
                    else // 3 of a kind 9s or lower
                        aggressionR2 = .8f;
                        moneyBetR2  += 25;
                        return(new PlayerAction(name, "Bet2", "bet", 25));
                else if (handValue >= 5)
                    aggressionR2 = 1.0f;
                    moneyBetR2  += 30;
                    return(new PlayerAction(name, "Bet2", "bet", 30));
            //player is playing second in round 2
            else if (actions[actions.Count - 2].ActionPhase == "Draw" && actions[actions.Count - 1].ActionPhase == "Bet2")
                if (lastAction.ActionName == "check")
                    opponentAggression = .5f;
                    if (aggressionR2 > .5f)
                        moneyBetR2 += 20;
                        return(new PlayerAction(name, "Bet2", "bet", 20));
                        moneyBetR2 += 10;
                        return(new PlayerAction(name, "Bet2", "bet", 10));
                //I'd love to scale aggression based on how much they bet but I'm really not sure how much money is a lot in this game
                //so I opt to scale it based on how the opponent chooses actions instead of the specific values
                else if (lastAction.ActionName == "bet")
                    opponentAggression = .5f;
                    if (aggressionR2 > .5f)
                        int moneyThisTurn = (int)(((float)r2MaxRaise / 2.0f * (float)aggressionR2));
                        moneyBetR2 += moneyThisTurn;
                        return(new PlayerAction(name, "Bet2", "raise", moneyThisTurn));
                    else if (aggressionR2 > .3f)
                        int moneyThisTurn = lastAction.Amount;
                        moneyBetR2 += moneyThisTurn;
                        return(new PlayerAction(name, "Bet2", "call", moneyThisTurn));
                        return(new PlayerAction(name, "Bet2", "fold", 0));
            //not player's first turn in the round

            return(new PlayerAction(name, "Bet2", "fold", 0));
Beispiel #2
        public override PlayerAction BettingRound1(List <PlayerAction> actions, Card[] hand)
            PokerTournament.Card highCard;
            int   handEval   = Evaluate.RateAHand(this.Hand, out highCard);
            int   pot        = CurrentPot(actions, "Bet1");
            int   betAmount  = GetCurrentBet(actions, "Bet1");
            float odds       = CalculatePotOdds(betAmount, pot);
            float returnRate = CalculateRateOfReturn(handEval, odds);
            float chance     = rand.Next(0, 100);

            Console.WriteLine("Return rate: " + returnRate);
            Console.WriteLine("Chance: " + chance);
            if (returnRate < 0.8)
                if (chance > 94)
                    return(new PlayerAction(Name, "Bet1", "raise", betAmount));
                    return(new PlayerAction(Name, "Bet1", "fold", 0));
            else if (returnRate < 1)
                if (chance > 94)
                    return(new PlayerAction(Name, "Bet1", "call", 0));
                else if (chance > 79)
                    return(new PlayerAction(Name, "Bet1", "raise", betAmount));
                    return(new PlayerAction(Name, "Bet1", "fold", 0));
            else if (returnRate < 1.3)
                if (chance > 70)
                    return(new PlayerAction(Name, "Bet1", "call", 0));
                    return(new PlayerAction(Name, "Bet1", "raise", betAmount));
            int res;

            if (returnRate > 0 && returnRate != float.PositiveInfinity)
                float fres = betAmount * (returnRate);
                res = (int)fres;
                res = 5 * handEval;
            return(new PlayerAction(Name, "Bet1", "bet", res));
            //return new PlayerAction(Name, "Bet1", "bet", betAmount);
            //throw new NotImplementedException();
Beispiel #3
        public override PlayerAction Draw(Card[] hand)
            /// Keeping it super rudimentary
            /// Fuzzy logic might be better here
            /// But since every rank corresponds with a different set of cards (IE: 1 = high card,  2 = Two pair, 10 is always = Royal Flush), 10 if statements are easier to manage imo

            PlayerAction pa = new PlayerAction(Name, "Draw", "stand pat", 0);

            // Print out the hand so we can see it

            // The first thing we should do is to evaluate our hand
            Card highCard = null;
            int  rank     = Evaluate.RateAHand(hand, out highCard);

            // If you have nothing
            switch (rank)
            case 1:     // You have nothing;
                #region Section 1 (High Card)
                Console.WriteLine("\n AI didn't like their hand.");
                // If your high is 10 or greater, then get rid of everything but the 10+
                // Otherwise, dump everything and redraw
                if (highCard.Value >= 10)
                    for (int i = 0; i < hand.Length; i++)
                        if (hand[i] == highCard)

                        hand[i] = null;
                    pa = new PlayerAction(Name, "Draw", "draw", 4);
                    Console.WriteLine("\n AI Discarded 4 cards, and kept their high card");
                    // Dump!
                    for (int i = 0; i < hand.Length; i++)
                        hand[i] = null;
                    pa = new PlayerAction(Name, "Draw", "draw", 5);
                    Console.WriteLine("\n AI Discarded all 5 cards.");

            case 2:     // We have exactly a 1 pair
                #region Section 2 (Single Pair)

                // First identify what number of a pair we have
                int pairValue = 0;
                for (int i = 2; i < 15; i++)               // Loop through every possible card number
                    if (Evaluate.ValueCount(i, hand) == 2) // Thankfully we have this method
                        pairValue = i;

                // We know which number it is
                // If our high card is 10 or higher, we'll want to dump every card, except for the high card and our double
                if (highCard.Value >= 10 && highCard.Value != pairValue)     // Also check to make sure our high card isn't actually our pairValue. If it is then we'll just dump everything except for the pair
                    for (int i = 0; i < hand.Length; i++)
                        if (hand[i].Value == pairValue || hand[i].Value == highCard.Value)

                        hand[i] = null;

                    pa = new PlayerAction(Name, "Draw", "draw", 2);
                    Console.WriteLine("\n AI has a 2 pair and has discarded everything but the 2 pair and their high card.");
                    // If our high card isn't 10 or higher, then dump every card except for the high cards
                    // Dump!
                    for (int i = 0; i < hand.Length; i++)
                        if (hand[i].Value == pairValue)

                        hand[i] = null;
                    pa = new PlayerAction(Name, "Draw", "draw", 3);
                    Console.WriteLine("\n AI has a 2 pair and has discarded everything but the 2 pair.");

            case 3:     // We have two pairs!
                #region Section 3 (Two Pairs)
                // Ok first thing we need to do is to figure out which numbers are the two pair
                int pairValue1 = 0;
                int pairValue2 = 0;
                for (int i = 2; i < 15; i++)     // Loop through every possible card number
                    if (Evaluate.ValueCount(i, hand) == 2)
                        pairValue1 = i;

                // Do it again and get the second one
                for (int i = 2; i < 15; i++)     // Loop through every possible card number
                    if (Evaluate.ValueCount(i, hand) == 2)
                        if (i == pairValue2)
                        pairValue2 = i;

                if (pairValue1 == highCard.Value || pairValue2 == highCard.Value)
                    // Dump the other card and hope for a higher card
                    for (int i = 0; i < hand.Length; i++)
                        if (hand[i].Value == pairValue1 || hand[i].Value == pairValue2)

                        hand[i] = null;
                        pa      = new PlayerAction(Name, "Draw", "draw", 1);
                    // Keep it! Your hand is good!
                    pa = new PlayerAction(Name, "Draw", "stand pat", 0);

            case 4:     // Three of a kind
                #region Section 4 (Three of a Kind)
                // Pretty simple. Exactly the same as 1 pair except that it's with 3
                // First identify what number of a pair we have
                int triValue = 0;
                for (int i = 2; i < 15; i++)               // Loop through every possible card number
                    if (Evaluate.ValueCount(i, hand) == 3) // Thankfully we have this method
                        pairValue = i;

                // We know which number it is
                // If our high card is 10 or higher, we'll want to dump every card, except for the high card and our tripple
                if (highCard.Value >= 10 && highCard.Value != triValue)     // Also check to make sure our high card isn't actually our trieValue. If it is then we'll just dump everything except for the tripple
                    for (int i = 0; i < hand.Length; i++)
                        if (hand[i].Value == triValue || hand[i].Value == highCard.Value)

                        hand[i] = null;

                    pa = new PlayerAction(Name, "Draw", "draw", 1);
                    Console.WriteLine("\n AI has a tripple and has discarded everything but the 3 of a kind and their high card.");
                    // If our high card isn't 10 or higher, then dump every card except for the high cards
                    // Dump!
                    for (int i = 0; i < hand.Length; i++)
                        if (hand[i].Value == triValue)

                        hand[i] = null;
                    pa = new PlayerAction(Name, "Draw", "draw", 2);
                    Console.WriteLine("\n AI has a 3 of a kind and has discarded everything but the tripple.");

            // There's no reason for a case. Case 5 is a stroke, and we stand pat if we have a stroke
            case 8:     // 4 of a kind
                #region Section 8 (Four of a Kind)
                // Check to see if our high is high enough. If it isn't drop it and as for another.
                int theQuadNumber = hand[3].Value;
                if (theQuadNumber == highCard.Value || highCard.Value <= 10)
                    // Get rid of the other card because we can do better
                    for (int i = 0; i < hand.Length; i++)
                        if (hand[i].Value == theQuadNumber)

                        hand[i] = null;
                    pa = new PlayerAction(Name, "Draw", "draw", 1);
                // Any other selection is just a hold hand because we don't want to drop anything

Beispiel #4
        public override PlayerAction Draw(Card[] hand)
            // BRANCHING BEHAVIOR TREE (?) //

            // Get hand Eval
            Card highCard = null;

            handStrength = Evaluate.RateAHand(hand, out highCard);

            // number of tossed cards (and number to be drawn)
            // pass into PlayerAction return at the end
            int removed = 0;

            // Do stuff according to handStrength
            switch (handStrength)
            case 1:                                       // weakest hand: HIGH CARD
                if (highCard.Value >= 10)                 // Check the highCard's value, if highCard is a 10-J-Q-K-A
                    for (int i = 0; i < hand.Length; i++) // remove everything but the high card
                        if (hand[i] == highCard)
                            continue;       // ignore if the current card is the high card
                        hand[i] = null;     // remove

                    //thisAction = new PlayerAction(Name, "Draw", "draw", removed); ////////////////DO THIS AT THE END OF SWITCH?????

                    Console.WriteLine("Player 10 threw away and will draw" + removed + " cards.");
                else     // if high card is not 10-J-Q-K-A then all these cards mean literally nothing, toss all
                    for (int i = 0; i < hand.Length; i++)
                        hand[i] = null;

                    //thisAction = new PlayerAction(Name, "Draw", "draw", 5);///////////////////////////

                    removed = 5;
                    Console.WriteLine("Player 10 throws away its entire hand.");

            case 2:                                        // 1-PAIR
                int pairValue = 0;                         // have to get the value of the 1pair, must be initialized to something

                for (int i = 2; i < 15; i++)               // check all values
                    if (Evaluate.ValueCount(i, hand) == 2) // count occurences of value (once 2 are found, break from for loop)
                        pairValue = i;

                // optimize chances of getting a higher hand
                // if the high card is not one of the pair AND it is 10-J-Q-K-A
                if (highCard.Value != pairValue && highCard.Value >= 10)
                    for (int i = 0; i < hand.Length; i++)
                        if (hand[i].Value == pairValue || hand[i].Value == highCard.Value)
                            continue;       // do not toss if the current card is one of the pair OR if it is the HIGH CARD (that is different from the pair in this case)
                        hand[i] = null;

                    removed = 2;
                else     // otherwise toss everything that isn't the pair
                    for (int i = 0; i < hand.Length; i++)
                        if (hand[i].Value == pairValue)
                        hand[i] = null;

                    removed = 3;


            case 3:     // 2-PAIR
                // Get 2 pairs value
                int pair1Value = 0;
                int pair2Value = 0;

                // Count occurances of values and put as pair1's value
                for (int i = 2; i < 15; i++)
                    if (Evaluate.ValueCount(i, hand) == 2)
                        pair1Value = i;

                // Count occurences of values and put as pair2's value
                for (int i = 2; i < 15; i++)
                    if (Evaluate.ValueCount(i, hand) == 2)
                        if (i == pair1Value)
                            continue;                       // make sure to ignore pair 1
                        pair2Value = i;

                // Check if either pair's value is the high card
                if (pair1Value == highCard.Value || pair2Value == highCard.Value)
                    for (int i = 0; i < hand.Length; i++)       // toss the 1 remaining card
                        if (hand[i].Value == pair1Value || hand[i].Value == pair2Value)
                        hand[i] = null;

                    removed = 1;
                    // Any other factors to decide what to do????

                    // Otherwise return a stand pat action
                    return(new PlayerAction(Name, "Draw", "stand pat", 0));

            case 4:     // 3-OF-A-KIND
                // Get the triple's value
                int tripleValue = 0;
                for (int i = 2; i < 15; i++)
                    if (Evaluate.ValueCount(i, hand) == 3)
                        tripleValue = i;

                // optimize chances of getting a higher hand
                // if the high card is not one of the triple AND it is 10-J-Q-K-A
                if (highCard.Value != tripleValue && highCard.Value >= 10)
                    for (int i = 0; i < hand.Length; i++)
                        if (hand[i].Value == tripleValue || hand[i].Value == highCard.Value)

                        hand[i] = null;

                    removed = 1;
                    // otherwise, toss the cards that aren't the triple and not 10-J-Q-K-A
                    for (int i = 0; i < hand.Length; i++)
                        if (hand[i].Value == tripleValue)

                        hand[i] = null;

                    removed = 2;

            // case 5: // STRAIGHT
            // probably not worth it to toss anything draw again, weigh this?
            // case 6: // FLUSH
            // same as STRIAGHT

            //case 7: // FULL HOUSE
            // which pair has the high card? (the triple or double?)
            // if the high card is of the triple

            // CASE 8: If 4 of a kind
            // if the diffent card is the high AND (10+)
            // weight whether or not to risk discarding the quadruple?
            // otherwise stand pat

            //case 8: // 4 of a kind
            //    // Get Quadruple value
            //    int quadValue = 0;
            //    for (int i = 2; i < 15; i++)
            //    {
            //        if (Evaluate.ValueCount(i, hand) == 4)  // when there are 4 occurances of one of the values (i)
            //        {
            //            pairValue = i;
            //            break;
            //        }
            //    }

            //    //
            //    if (quadValue == highCard.Value || highCard.Value <= 10)
            //    {
            //        // Get rid of the other card because we can do better
            //        for (int i = 0; i < hand.Length; i++)
            //        {
            //            if (hand[i].Value == quadValue)
            //                continue;

            //            hand[i] = null;
            //        }
            //        removed = 1;
            //    }
            //    break;

            case 5:
            case 6:
            case 7:
            case 8:
            case 9:     // STRAIGHT FLUSH
            case 10:    // ROYAL FLUSH
                // just stand pat like a winner
                return(new PlayerAction(Name, "Draw", "stand pat", 0));

            // otherwise, do approriate action
            return(new PlayerAction(Name, "Draw", "draw", removed));
Beispiel #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Initial betting for when going first or after draw phase
        /// Can bet, check, and fold
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="highCard"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private PlayerAction InitialBetting(PlayerAction lastAct, Card highCard, int roundedEstimate)
            string phase = null;

            //Get the right phase name
            if (lastAct == null)
                phase = "Bet1";
                phase = "Bet2";

            switch (handStrength)
            case 1:     //Junk
                if (highCard.Value >= 11)
                    return(new PlayerAction(Name, phase, "bet", CalcAmount(0, false)));
                else if (roundedEstimate <= handStrength)     //Check if we feel good about this hand
                    return(new PlayerAction(Name, phase, "check", 0));
                else     //Fold if we don't
                    return(new PlayerAction(Name, phase, "fold", 0));

            case 2:                                 //One pair
                if (roundedEstimate < handStrength) //Bet if we feel good about this hand
                    for (int i = 2; i < 15; i++)    //Loop for pair
                        if (Evaluate.ValueCount(i, Hand) == 2)
                            if (i > 12)
                                return(new PlayerAction(Name, phase, "bet", CalcAmount(i / 2, true)));
                                return(new PlayerAction(Name, phase, "bet", CalcAmount(i / 2, false)));
                else if (roundedEstimate == handStrength)     //Check if we could win this hand
                    return(new PlayerAction(Name, phase, "check", 0));

                return(new PlayerAction(Name, phase, "fold", 0)); //Fold if we don't feel good about this hand

            case 3:                                               //Two pair
                if (roundedEstimate < handStrength)               //Bet if we feel good about this hand
                    for (int i = 15; i > 2; i--)                  //Loop for pair
                        if (Evaluate.ValueCount(i, Hand) == 2)
                            return(new PlayerAction(Name, phase, "bet", CalcAmount(i * (3 / 4), true)));
                else if (roundedEstimate == handStrength)     //Check if we could win this hand
                    return(new PlayerAction(Name, phase, "check", 0));

                return(new PlayerAction(Name, phase, "fold", 0)); //Fold if we don't feel good about this hand

            case 4:                                               //Three of a kind
                if (roundedEstimate < handStrength)               //Bet if we feel good about this hand
                    for (int i = 2; i < 15; i++)                  //Loop for pair
                        if (Evaluate.ValueCount(i, Hand) == 3)
                            return(new PlayerAction(Name, phase, "bet", CalcAmount(i, true)));
                else if (roundedEstimate == handStrength)     //Check if we could win this hand
                    return(new PlayerAction(Name, phase, "check", 0));

                return(new PlayerAction(Name, phase, "fold", 0)); //Fold if we don't feel good about this hand

            case 5:                                               //Straight
                if (roundedEstimate < handStrength)               //Bet if we feel good about this hand
                    return(new PlayerAction(Name, phase, "bet", CalcAmount(highCard.Value, false)));
                else if (roundedEstimate == handStrength)     //Check if we could win this hand
                    return(new PlayerAction(Name, phase, "check", 0));

                return(new PlayerAction(Name, phase, "fold", 0)); //Fold if we don't feel good about this hand

            case 6:                                               //Flush
                if (roundedEstimate < handStrength)               //Bet if we feel good about this hand
                    return(new PlayerAction(Name, phase, "bet", CalcAmount(highCard.Value, false)));
                else if (roundedEstimate == handStrength)     //Check if we could win this hand
                    return(new PlayerAction(Name, phase, "check", 0));

                return(new PlayerAction(Name, phase, "fold", 0)); //Fold if we don't feel good about this hand

            case 7:                                               //Full house //Loop
                if (roundedEstimate < handStrength)               //Bet if we feel good about this hand
                    for (int i = 2; i < 15; i++)                  //Loop for pair
                        if (Evaluate.ValueCount(i, Hand) == 3)
                            return(new PlayerAction(Name, phase, "bet", CalcAmount(i, true)));
                else if (roundedEstimate == handStrength)     //Check if we could win this hand
                    return(new PlayerAction(Name, phase, "check", 0));

                return(new PlayerAction(Name, phase, "fold", 0)); //Fold if we don't feel good about this hand

            case 8:                                               //Four of a kind
                if (roundedEstimate < handStrength)               //Bet if we feel good about this hand
                    for (int i = 2; i < 15; i++)                  //Loop for pair
                        if (Evaluate.ValueCount(i, Hand) == 4)
                            return(new PlayerAction(Name, phase, "bet", CalcAmount(i, true)));
                else if (roundedEstimate == handStrength)     //Check if we could win this hand
                    return(new PlayerAction(Name, phase, "check", 0));

                return(new PlayerAction(Name, phase, "fold", 0));                                //Fold if we don't feel good about this hand

            case 9:                                                                              //Straight flush
                return(new PlayerAction(Name, phase, "bet", CalcAmount(highCard.Value, false))); //Bet because who's gonna pull a royal flush

            case 10:                                                                             //Royal flush
                return(new PlayerAction(Name, phase, "bet", CalcAmount(highCard.Value, false))); //Bet because we're UNSTOPPABLE

            return(new PlayerAction(Name, phase, "fold", 0)); //Fold, but this should never happen
Beispiel #6
        bool turnOfBluffing = false; //this becomes true if we find an AI that doesn't fall for 'stand pat' bluff

        // handle the first round of betting
        public override PlayerAction BettingRound1(List <PlayerAction> actions, Card[] hand)
            //increment bluff counter at start of bet1 if we haven't already
            if (!alreadyIncrementedBluffCounter)
                alreadyIncrementedBluffCounter = true;

            // list the hand

            //get rank manually
            Card highCard = null;
            int  rank     = Evaluate.RateAHand(hand, out highCard);

            // select an action
            string       actionSelection = "";
            PlayerAction pa = null;

                Console.WriteLine("Select an action:\n1 - bet\n2 - raise\n3 - call\n4 - check\n5 - fold");

                //AI input for this round

                /* Decision Tree
                 *              BET1            |           DRAW      |                 BET2
                 *             /    \                        |                      /           \
                 *      FIRST?        SECOND                RANK                 FIRST?         SECOND?
                 *      RANK          ACTION                         CHECK THEIR DISCARD        ACTION
                 *                    RANK                           CHECK RANK                 CHECK THEIR DISCARD
                 *                                                                              CHECK RANK

                if (actions.Count < 1) //BET1, going first
                    actionSelection = Bet1Start(rank, hand);
                    //get what phase we are in
                    PlayerAction lastAction = actions[actions.Count - 1];

                    if (lastAction.ActionPhase.Equals("Bet1")) //BET1 responding
                        actionSelection = Bet1(rank, hand, lastAction);
                    else if (lastAction.ActionPhase.Equals("Bet2")) //BET2, responding
                        actionSelection = Bet2(rank, hand, lastAction, actions);
                    else if (lastAction.ActionPhase.ToLower().Equals("draw")) //you are going first in Bet2
                        actionSelection = Bet2Start(rank, hand, lastAction);

                // get amount if appropriate
                int amount = 0;
                if (actionSelection[0] == '1' || actionSelection[0] == '2')
                        if (actionSelection[0] == '1') // bet
                            Console.Write("Amount to bet? ");
                            //amtText = Console.ReadLine();
                            //amtText = "10";
                        else if (actionSelection[0] == '2') // raise
                            Console.Write("Amount to raise? ");
                            //amtText = Console.ReadLine();
                            //amtText = "10";
                        // convert the string to an int
                        int tempAmt = 0;
                        int.TryParse(amtText, out tempAmt);

                        // check input
                        if (tempAmt > this.Money) //
                            Console.WriteLine("Amount bet is more than the amount you have available.");
                            amount = 0;
                        else if (tempAmt < 0)
                            Console.WriteLine("Amount bet or raised cannot be less than zero.");
                            amount = 0;
                            amount = tempAmt;
                    } while (amount <= 0);

                // create the PlayerAction
                switch (actionSelection)
                case "1": pa = new PlayerAction(Name, "Bet1", "bet", amount); break;

                case "2": pa = new PlayerAction(Name, "Bet1", "raise", amount); break;

                case "3": pa = new PlayerAction(Name, "Bet1", "call", amount); break;

                case "4": pa = new PlayerAction(Name, "Bet1", "check", amount); break;

                case "5": pa = new PlayerAction(Name, "Bet1", "fold", amount); break;

                default: Console.WriteLine("Invalid menu selection - try again"); continue;
            } while (actionSelection != "1" && actionSelection != "2" &&
                     actionSelection != "3" && actionSelection != "4" &&
                     actionSelection != "5");
            // return the player action
Beispiel #7
 private void AnalyzeHand()
     rank = Evaluate.RateAHand(this.Hand, out highCard);
     // May implement more later if necessary
Beispiel #8
        //Handles discarding and drawing new cards
        public override PlayerAction Draw(Card[] hand)
            PokerTournament.Card highCard;
            int        handEval      = Evaluate.RateAHand(this.Hand, out highCard);
            List <int> cardsToDelete = new List <int>();
            List <int> pair          = new List <int>();

            pair = CheckPair();
            PlayerAction pa            = null;
            int          discardAmount = 0;

            if (handEval > 4)
                //Counts for the dominant suit and dominant value of the hand
                int[] suites = { 0, 0, 0, 0 };
                int[] values = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 };
                for (int i = 0; i < this.Hand.Length; i++)
                    //Add this card's suit to the count
                    switch (this.Hand[i].Suit)
                    case "Club":

                    case "Diamond":

                    case "Heart":


                //If we have a dominant suit (4 cards), discard any cards that aren't part of it
                List <int> discards = new List <int>();
                for (int i = 0; i < suites.Length; i++)
                    //Add this card's suit to the count
                    switch (suites[i])
                    case 1:
                        //Get the card's index if it should be discarded
                        for (int k = 0; k < this.Hand.Length; i++)
                            if (this.Hand[k].Suit == "Club" && i == 0)
                            else if (this.Hand[k].Suit == "Diamond" && i == 1)
                            else if (this.Hand[k].Suit == "Club" && i == 2)
                            else if (this.Hand[k].Suit == "Spade" && i == 3)


                if (discards.Count > 0)
                    Console.WriteLine("Discarding " + discards[0].ToString());
                    pa = new PlayerAction(Name, "Draw", "draw", discards.Count);

                pa = new PlayerAction(Name, "Draw", "stand pat", 0);
            if (pair.Count == 0)
                if (highCard.Value == 14) //If Ace
                    for (int i = 0; i < Hand.Length; i++)
                        if (Hand[i].Value != 14)
                            Console.WriteLine("Discarding " + Hand[i].ToString());
                            hand[i] = null;
                else //Otherwise keep highest two cards
                    PokerTournament.Card highCardOld;
                    int    handEvalNew = Evaluate.RateAHand(this.Hand, out highCardOld);
                    Card[] handTemp    = this.Hand;
                    for (int i = 0; i < Hand.Length; i++)
                        if (Hand[i] == highCardOld)
                            handTemp[i] = new PokerTournament.Card("Spades", 2);;
                    PokerTournament.Card highCardNew;
                    handEvalNew = Evaluate.RateAHand(handTemp, out highCardNew);
                    for (int i = 0; i < Hand.Length; i++)
                        if (Hand[i] == highCardOld || Hand[i] == highCardNew)
                            Hand[i] = null;
                pa = new PlayerAction(Name, "Draw", "draw", discardAmount); //Draws equal to discard amount
                //Should keep ace or two highest cards
                Console.WriteLine("There are " + pair.Count + " pairs, attempting to discard.");
                for (int r = 0; r < pair.Count; r++)
                    for (int i = 0; i < Hand.Length; i++)
                        if (Hand[i] != null)
                            if (!pair.Contains(Hand[i].Value))
                                Console.WriteLine("Discarding " + Hand[i].ToString());
                                hand[i] = null;
            pa = new PlayerAction(Name, "Draw", "draw", discardAmount); //Draws equal to discard amount
Beispiel #9
        public override PlayerAction BettingRound2(List <PlayerAction> actions, Card[] hand)
            PokerTournament.Card highCard;
            int   handEval   = Evaluate.RateAHand(this.Hand, out highCard);
            int   pot        = CurrentPot(actions, "Bet2");
            int   betAmount  = GetCurrentBet(actions, "Bet2");
            float odds       = CalculatePotOdds(betAmount, pot);
            float returnRate = CalculateRateOfReturn(handEval, odds);
            float chance     = rand.Next(0, 100);

            Console.WriteLine("Return rate: " + returnRate);
            //Console.WriteLine("Chance: " + chance);
            //Console.WriteLine("Pairs: " + CheckPair().Count);
            if (returnRate < 4)
                if (chance > 94)
                    return(new PlayerAction(Name, "Bet2", "raise", betAmount));
                    return(new PlayerAction(Name, "Bet2", "fold", 0));
            else if (returnRate < 20)
                if (chance > 94)
                    return(new PlayerAction(Name, "Bet2", "call", 0));
                else if (chance > 79)
                    return(new PlayerAction(Name, "Bet2", "raise", betAmount));
                    return(new PlayerAction(Name, "Bet2", "fold", 0));
                if (returnRate == float.PositiveInfinity)
                    int res;
                    res = 5 * handEval;
                    if (res > Money)
                        res = Money;
                    return(new PlayerAction(Name, "Bet2", "bet", res));
                if (chance > 70)
                    return(new PlayerAction(Name, "Bet2", "call", 0));
                    float fres = betAmount * (returnRate);
                    int   res;
                    res = (int)fres;
                    if (res > Money)
                        res = Money;
                    return(new PlayerAction(Name, "Bet2", "raise", res));
            //return new PlayerAction(Name, "Bet2", "bet", 0);
Beispiel #10
        public override PlayerAction Draw(Card[] hand)
            Card curHighCard;
            int  curHandStrength = Evaluate.RateAHand(hand, out curHighCard);
            bool takeASmallRisk  = false;
            bool takeABigRisk    = false;

            //Determine if we need to take a risk
            if (estimatedEnemyHand > 0.15f && estimatedEnemyHand <= 0.35f)
                takeASmallRisk = true;
            else if (estimatedEnemyHand > 0.35f)
                takeASmallRisk = true;
                takeABigRisk   = true;

            //Decision Tree (if statements for now)
            PlayerAction pa            = null;
            List <int>   deleteIndices = new List <int>();

            if (curHandStrength >= 5)               //Do we have a strong hand?
                if (curHandStrength >= 7)           //Is it almost unbeatable?
                    if (curHandStrength == 8)       //Is it a 4 of a kind?
                        if (curHighCard.Value > 10) //Get rid of a low high card
                            pa = new PlayerAction(Name, "Draw", "stand pat", 0);
                            DeleteCards(hand, UnmatchingCards(hand, 4));
                            pa = new PlayerAction(Name, "Draw", "draw", 1);
                    else //Nothing to get rid of that wouldn't ruin the hand
                        pa = new PlayerAction(Name, "Draw", "stand pat", 0);
                    if (takeABigRisk)                                             //Do we need to take a risk?
                        if (curHandStrength == 5)                                 //Is it a straight?
                            if (SimilarSuitedCards(hand, out deleteIndices) == 4) //Is it almost a flush?
                                DeleteCards(hand, deleteIndices);
                                pa = new PlayerAction(Name, "Draw", "draw", 1);
                                pa = new PlayerAction(Name, "Draw", "stand pat", 0);
                            if (ConsecutiveCards(hand, out deleteIndices) == 4) //Is it almost a straight flush?
                                DeleteCards(hand, deleteIndices);
                                pa = new PlayerAction(Name, "Draw", "draw", 1);
                                pa = new PlayerAction(Name, "Draw", "stand pat", 0);
                        pa = new PlayerAction(Name, "Draw", "stand pat", 0);
                if (takeASmallRisk)               //Do we need to take a risk?
                    if (curHandStrength > 2)      //Is it a medium strength hand?
                        if (curHandStrength == 4) //Is it a 3 of a kind?
                            DeleteCards(hand, UnmatchingCards(hand, 3));
                            pa = new PlayerAction(Name, "Draw", "stand pat", 2);
                            if (SimilarSuitedCards(hand, out deleteIndices) >= 3) //Is it almost a flush?
                                DeleteCards(hand, deleteIndices);
                                pa = new PlayerAction(Name, "Draw", "draw", deleteIndices.Count);
                            else if (ConsecutiveCards(hand, out deleteIndices) >= 3) //Is it almost a straight?
                                DeleteCards(hand, deleteIndices);
                                pa = new PlayerAction(Name, "Draw", "draw", deleteIndices.Count);
                            else // Ditch the 5th card
                                hand[OddCardOut(hand)] = null;
                                pa = new PlayerAction(Name, "Draw", "stand pat", 1);
                        if (SimilarSuitedCards(hand, out deleteIndices) >= 3) //Is it almost a flush?
                            DeleteCards(hand, deleteIndices);
                            pa = new PlayerAction(Name, "Draw", "draw", deleteIndices.Count);
                        else if (ConsecutiveCards(hand, out deleteIndices) >= 3) //Is it almost a straight?
                            DeleteCards(hand, deleteIndices);
                            pa = new PlayerAction(Name, "Draw", "draw", deleteIndices.Count);
                            if (curHandStrength == 2) //Is it a pair?
                                DeleteCards(hand, UnmatchingCards(hand, 2));
                                pa = new PlayerAction(Name, "Draw", "draw", 3);
                            else //Ditch all but the high card
                                for (int i = 0; i < hand.Length; i++)
                                    if (i != 4)
                                        hand[i] = null;
                                pa = new PlayerAction(Name, "Draw", "draw", 4);
                    if (curHandStrength > 2)      //Is it a medium strength hand?
                        if (curHandStrength == 4) //Is it a 3 of a kind?
                            //Find the high card of the 2 remaining, discard the lower
                            List <int> tempCardList = UnmatchingCards(hand, 3);
                            int        deleteIndex  = 0;
                            foreach (int i in tempCardList)
                                if (deleteIndex == 0)
                                    deleteIndex = i;
                                    if (hand[deleteIndex].Value > hand[i].Value)
                                        hand[i] = null;
                                        hand[deleteIndex] = null;
                            pa = new PlayerAction(Name, "Draw", "draw", 1);
                        else //If a two pair, ditch the 5th card
                            hand[OddCardOut(hand)] = null;
                            pa = new PlayerAction(Name, "Draw", "stand pat", 1);
                        if (curHandStrength == 2) //If a pair, lose the other 3
                            DeleteCards(hand, UnmatchingCards(hand, 2));
                            pa = new PlayerAction(Name, "Draw", "draw", 3);
                        else //Discard all but the high card
                            for (int i = 0; i < hand.Length; i++)
                                if (i != 4)
                                    hand[i] = null;
                            pa = new PlayerAction(Name, "Draw", "draw", 4);

            // return the action
Beispiel #11

        public override PlayerAction BettingRound1(List <PlayerAction> actions, Card[] hand)
            // create a test hand to test reactions
            Card[] testHand = new Card[5];
            testHand[0] = new Card("Spades", 4);
            testHand[1] = new Card("Diamonds", 6);
            testHand[2] = new Card("Diamonds", 11);
            testHand[3] = new Card("Spades", 12);
            testHand[4] = new Card("Hearts", 7);

            int test = (int)(((float)rng.Next(33, 100) / 0.01) * 100);


            //info to keep track of
            roundNum = actions.Count;

            // evaluate the hand
            Card highCard     = null;
            int  handStrength = Evaluate.RateAHand(hand, out highCard);

            //update stats
            if (actions.Count > 0) //ai goes second
                //Console.WriteLine("\n*round stats-> First Player: " + actions[0].Name + " total turns taken: " + actions.Count);
                for (int i = 0; i < actions.Count; i++)
                    //Console.WriteLine("   (" + (i) + "): PLR: " + actions[i].Name + ", action: " + actions[i].ActionName + ", inPhase: " + actions[i].ActionPhase + ", amount: " + actions[i].Amount);
            else //ai goes first
                //Console.WriteLine("\n*round stats-> player 1: " + Name + " takes first turn of round.");

            //setup action
            PlayerAction pa = null;

            //start turn
            //Console.WriteLine("\n-> in ai betting round 1");
            //Console.WriteLine("   Total games played: "+roundNum);

            //if ai is first
            // actions available: bet, check, fold
            if (Round1FirstCheck(handStrength, out pa, highCard))
                // we're at round 0, increment so we get an accurate read
            else // the ai is going second, actions available: check, call, raise, fold
                // evaluate the enemy's hand
                estimatedEnemyHand = EvaluateEnemyHand(actions);
                //Console.WriteLine("Estimated enemy hand strength: " + estimatedEnemyHand);

                pa = Round1ActionSelector(TurnOrder.SECOND, actions[roundNum - 1], handStrength, highCard);
Beispiel #12
        public override PlayerAction BettingRound2(List <PlayerAction> actions, Card[] hand)
            Console.WriteLine("-> in ai betting round 2");

            // evaluate the hand
            Card highCard     = null;
            int  handStrength = Evaluate.RateAHand(hand, out highCard);

            //setup action
            Actions      action = Actions.BET;
            PlayerAction pa     = null;
            Random       rng    = new Random();

            //keep track of
            float amount  = 0;
            int   risk    = 0;
            int   act     = 0;
            bool  isFirst = true;

            float riskTaking = rng.Next(100); //low=take no risk -- high=take much risk

            //probably replace with calculated value based on overall game

            //get previous bet
            for (int i = actions.Count - 1; i > 0; i--)
                if (actions[i].ActionPhase == "Bet1" && (actions[i].ActionName == "bet" || (actions[i].ActionName == "call") || (actions[i].ActionName == "raise")))
                    previousBet = currentBet = actions[i].Amount; //update last bet (round 1 bet)
            //check if first
            if (actions[actions.Count - 1].ActionPhase == "Draw") //if was just in last phase
                if (actions[actions.Count - 1].Name == Name)      //if ai went last
                    isFirst = false;

            //check hand strength and decide on move
            if (handStrength == 1 || handStrength == 2)
                if (riskTaking < 100 * 1 / 6)
                    action = Actions.FOLD;
                    Console.WriteLine("AI gives in and folds");
                else if (riskTaking < 100 * 4 / 6)
                    action = Actions.CHECK;
                    Console.WriteLine("AI plays it safe and checks");
                else if (riskTaking < 100 * 5 / 6)
                    act = rng.Next(3); //2/3 chance of folding
                    if (act == 0)
                        action = Actions.CHECK;
                    else if (act == 1)
                        action = Actions.CHECK;
                    else if (act == 2)
                        amount = Bet(isFirst, handStrength, previousBet, riskTaking, out action);
                    Console.WriteLine("AI is considering taking a risk");
                    amount = Bet(isFirst, handStrength, previousBet, riskTaking, out action);
                    Console.WriteLine("AI is taking a risk");
            if (handStrength > 2 && handStrength <= 5) // 3, 4, 5
            {                                          //check or evaluate risk
                float mod = riskTaking * (handStrength / 10 * 0.55f);

                if (riskTaking + mod < 100 * 1 / 10)
                    action = Actions.FOLD;
                    Console.WriteLine("AI gives in and folds");
                else if (riskTaking + mod < 100 * 3 / 6)
                    action = Actions.CHECK;
                    Console.WriteLine("AI plays it safe and checks");
                else if (riskTaking + mod < 100 * 5 / 6)
                    act = rng.Next(100);
                    if (act + mod < 25)
                        action = Actions.CHECK;
                    else if (act + mod < 50 && !isFirst)
                        action = Actions.CALL;
                        amount = Bet(isFirst, handStrength, previousBet, riskTaking, out action);
                    Console.WriteLine("AI is considering taking a risk");
                    amount = Bet(isFirst, handStrength, previousBet, riskTaking, out action);
                    Console.WriteLine("AI is taking a risk");
            if (handStrength > 5 && handStrength <= 8) // 6, 7, 8
                //check or evaluate risk
                float mod = riskTaking * (handStrength / 10 * 0.7f);

                if (riskTaking + mod < 100 * 1 / 18)
                    action = Actions.CHECK;
                    Console.WriteLine("AI gives in and checks");
                else if (riskTaking + mod < 100 * 1.8 / 6)
                    if (!isFirst)
                        action = Actions.CALL;
                        amount = Bet(isFirst, handStrength, previousBet, riskTaking * 0.8f, out action);

                    Console.WriteLine("AI plays it safe and calls");
                else if (riskTaking + mod < 100 * 5 / 6)
                    act = rng.Next(100);
                    if (act + mod < 10)
                        action = Actions.CHECK;
                    if (act + mod < 50 && !isFirst)
                        action = Actions.CALL;
                        amount = Bet(isFirst, handStrength, previousBet, riskTaking, out action);
                    Console.WriteLine("AI is considering taking a risk");
                    amount = Bet(isFirst, handStrength, previousBet, riskTaking, out action);
                    Console.WriteLine("AI is taking a risk");
            if (handStrength == 9 || handStrength == 10) // 9, 10
            {                                            //check or evaluate risk
                //check or evaluate risk
                float mod = riskTaking * (handStrength / 10 * 0.9f);

                if (riskTaking + mod < 100 * 4.5 / 10)
                    if (!isFirst)
                        action = Actions.CALL;
                    Console.WriteLine("AI tries to bluff and calls");
                else if (riskTaking + mod < 100 * 7 / 10)
                    act = rng.Next(100);
                    if (act + mod < 50 && !isFirst)
                        action = Actions.CALL;
                        amount = Bet(isFirst, handStrength, previousBet, riskTaking, out action);
                    Console.WriteLine("AI is considering bluffing to raise pot");
                    amount = Bet(isFirst, handStrength, previousBet, riskTaking, out action);
                    Console.WriteLine("AI is confident and raises the bet");

            //end turn and submit action
            //create the PlayerAction
            switch (action)
            case Actions.BET: pa = new PlayerAction(Name, "Bet2", "bet", (int)Math.Ceiling(amount)); break;

            case Actions.RAISE: pa = new PlayerAction(Name, "Bet2", "raise", (int)Math.Ceiling(amount)); break;

            case Actions.CALL: pa = new PlayerAction(Name, "Bet2", "call", (int)Math.Ceiling(amount)); break;

            case Actions.CHECK: pa = new PlayerAction(Name, "Bet2", "check", (int)Math.Ceiling(amount)); break;

            case Actions.FOLD: pa = new PlayerAction(Name, "Bet2", "fold", (int)Math.Ceiling(amount)); break;

            default: Console.WriteLine("Invalid menu selection - try again"); break;
            Console.WriteLine("< end ai betting round 2 >");

Beispiel #13
 private void AnalyzeHand()
     rank = Evaluate.RateAHand(this.Hand, out highCard);
Beispiel #14
        public override PlayerAction BettingRound2(List <PlayerAction> actions, Card[] hand)
            Random rand     = new Random();
            Card   highCard = null;
            int    rank     = Evaluate.RateAHand(hand, out highCard);

            //Create the variable that will be returned
            PlayerAction pa;

            PlayerAction mostRecentAction = actions[actions.Count - 1];

            //Decision Tree

            //If the other player has already made a move
            if (actions.Count > 0)
                //If the opponent checks
                if (mostRecentAction.ActionName == "check")
                    //If your hand is One Pair or worse, check
                    if (rank < 2)
                        pa = new PlayerAction(Name, "Bet2", "check", 0);
                    //Your hand is better than one pair, bet a small bet to try and coax out more money from the opponent
                        pa = new PlayerAction(Name, "Bet2", "bet", rand.Next(1, 10) * rank);
                //If the opponenet doesn't check
                    //The oppponent bet
                    if (mostRecentAction.ActionName == "bet")
                        //The bet was small (it's hard to know how people are going to bet with their AIs, I'm hoping under 50 is small)
                        if (mostRecentAction.Amount < 50)
                            //If your hand is good, raise a little bit in order to coax out more money from them
                            if (rank > 3)
                                pa = new PlayerAction(Name, "Bet2", "raise", rand.Next(20, 25));
                            //Your hand isn't good
                                //Your hand is decent, so you call that small bet
                                if (rank == 3)
                                    pa = new PlayerAction(Name, "Bet2", "call", 0); //call, so amount doesn't matter
                                //Your hand is bad, so you fold
                                    pa = new PlayerAction(Name, "Bet2", "fold", 0);
                        //The bet was not small
                            //Great hand, so you call
                            if (rank > 6)
                                pa = new PlayerAction(Name, "Bet2", "call", 0);
                            //You won't be able to compete so you fold
                                pa = new PlayerAction(Name, "Bet2", "fold", 0);
                    //The opponent did not bet or check, so they must have raised
                        //They raised a lot
                        if (mostRecentAction.Amount >= 50)
                            //Your hand is great
                            if (rank > 6)
                                pa = new PlayerAction(Name, "Bet2", "raise", rand.Next(20, 25));
                            //Your hand is not great
                                //Your hand isn't good enough
                                if (rank < 4)
                                    pa = new PlayerAction(Name, "Bet2", "fold", 0);
                                //our hand is just good enough
                                    pa = new PlayerAction(Name, "Bet2", "call", 0);
                        //They didn't raise a lot
                            //Your hand is trash
                            if (rank < 2)
                                pa = new PlayerAction(Name, "Bet2", "fold", 0);
                            //Your hand is good enough to call
                                pa = new PlayerAction(Name, "Bet2", "call", 0);
            //If you are the first decision
                //If your hand is One Pair or worse, check
                if (rank < 2)
                    pa = new PlayerAction(Name, "Bet2", "check", 0);
                //If your hand is better than one pair, bet low
                    pa = new PlayerAction(Name, "Bet2", "bet", rand.Next(1, 10));

Beispiel #15
        public override PlayerAction BettingRound1(List <PlayerAction> actions, Card[] hand)
            //display the hand

            //get the suits and values of the cards

            Card highCard;
            int  handValue = Evaluate.RateAHand(hand, out highCard);

            int moneyAvailable;

            int moneyToBet = 0;

            // 1 - 10 how agressive the betting will be
            int aggression = 0;

            //if this is the first or second action, it is this players first action of the round
            if (actions.Count <= 1)
                //reset the money bet since it is a new round
                moneyBet = 0;

                r1MaxBet = 0;

                //determine the maximum bet
                //if the high card is in the low half of cards
                if (highCard.Value < 8)
                    r1MaxBet = 5 + 10 * (handValue - 1);
                //high half of the values
                    r1MaxBet = 10 + 10 * (handValue - 1);

                //make sure that we are not exceeding the money that we have when trying to bet
                if (Money < r1MaxBet)
                    r1MaxBet = Money;

                    atLimit = true;
                    atLimit = false;

                //set the aggression level of the Player
                if (handValue == 1)
                    aggression = 1 + (highCard.Value - 2) / 5;
                else if (handValue == 2)
                    //find the value of the pair
                    for (int i = 12; i >= 0; i--)
                        if (values[i] == 2)
                            highHandValue = i;

                    aggression = 4 + highHandValue / 5;
                else if (handValue == 3)
                    //find the value of the higher pair
                    for (int i = 12; i >= 0; i--)
                        if (values[i] == 2)
                            highHandValue = i;

                    aggression = 7 + highHandValue / 5;
                    aggression = 10;

            //check to see if they are going first
            if (actions.Count == 0)
                if (aggression <= 2)
                    return(new PlayerAction(name, "Bet1", "check", 0));
                    //use random to find the next
                    //high bet
                    if (r.Next(3, 11) <= aggression)
                        moneyBet += 10;
                        return(new PlayerAction(name, "Bet1", "bet", 10));
                    //low bet
                    else if (r.Next(1, 4) <= aggression)
                        moneyBet += 5;
                        return(new PlayerAction(name, "Bet1", "bet", 5));
                    //check to pass
                        return(new PlayerAction(name, "Bet1", "check", 0));

            //if the player is not making the first move, it is following a move from the opponent
                //store the last action
                PlayerAction lastAction = actions[actions.Count - 1];


                //if the last action was a check
                if (lastAction.ActionName == "check")
                    //if we are at the money limit, don't raise to same money for second bet
                    if (atLimit)
                        return(new PlayerAction(name, "Bet1", "check", 0));

                    //if we are not at our money limit we should try and make bets
                        //get the money avaiable to bet
                        moneyAvailable = r1MaxBet - moneyBet;

                        //high bet
                        if (r.Next(4, 11) <= aggression && moneyAvailable > 10)
                            moneyAvailable -= 10;
                            moneyToBet      = 10 + r.Next(moneyAvailable / 2, moneyAvailable * 3 / 4);

                            moneyBet += moneyToBet;
                            return(new PlayerAction(name, "Bet1", "bet", moneyToBet));

                        //low bet
                        else if (r.Next(1, 5) <= aggression && moneyAvailable > 5)
                            moneyAvailable -= 5;
                            moneyToBet      = 5 + r.Next(moneyAvailable / 2);

                            moneyBet += moneyToBet;
                            return(new PlayerAction(name, "Bet1", "bet", moneyToBet));

                        //check to end the betting
                            return(new PlayerAction(name, "Bet1", "check", 0));


                //the opponent called the players raise, the only valid move is to call
                else if (lastAction.ActionName == "call")
                    return(new PlayerAction(name, "Bet1", "call", 0));


                //bet and raise are handled the same way
                else if (lastAction.ActionName == "raise" || lastAction.ActionName == "bet")
                    //adjust money the player has bet since there has been a raise/bet
                    moneyBet += lastAction.Amount;

                    //get the amount of money the player has to bet
                    moneyAvailable = r1MaxBet - moneyBet;

                    //check to see if the opponents raise will goes over the max bet set, but if the value bet is insignificant to our maximum, call the bet
                    if (lastAction.Amount > moneyAvailable && lastAction.Amount <= Math.Max(r1MaxBet * .15, 15))
                        return(new PlayerAction(name, "Bet1", "call", 0));

                    //if we are at our money limit and reaching our raise max, call to end betting to try and win and not lose money from the initial ante
                    else if (moneyAvailable < r1MaxBet * 3 / 4 && atLimit)
                        return(new PlayerAction(name, "Bet1", "call", 0));

                    //if the amount that the opponent has bet exceeds the limit that has been placed and is significant (isnt caught in the last check), fold the hand
                    else if (lastAction.Amount > moneyAvailable)
                        return(new PlayerAction(name, "Bet1", "fold", 0));

                    //we still have money to bet and the last amount does not exceed it (caught before reaching here)
                        //high bet
                        if (r.Next(3, 11) <= aggression && moneyAvailable > 10)
                            moneyAvailable -= 10;

                            //adjust the amount to bet by the amount that the opponent placed last turn, so the bet is limited and will not "scare" the opponent
                            //if the bet that would be placed would be too high
                            moneyToBet = 10 + (int)(r.Next(moneyAvailable / 2, moneyAvailable) * Math.Min(((float)lastAction.Amount / (float)moneyAvailable), 1.0f));

                            moneyBet += moneyToBet;

                            return(new PlayerAction(name, "Bet1", "raise", moneyToBet));

                        //low bet
                        else if (r.Next(1, 5) <= aggression && moneyAvailable > 5)
                            moneyAvailable -= 5;

                            //adjust the amount to bet by the amount that the opponent placed last turn, so the bet is limited and will not "scare" the opponent
                            //if the bet that would be placed would be too high
                            moneyToBet = 5 + (int)(r.Next(moneyAvailable * 1 / 4, moneyAvailable / 2) * Math.Min(((float)lastAction.Amount / (float)moneyAvailable), 1.0f));

                            moneyBet += moneyToBet;

                            return(new PlayerAction(name, "Bet1", "raise", moneyToBet));

                        //now decide to call the raise that was made since the player is not placing a high or low bet
                            return(new PlayerAction(name, "Bet1", "call", 0));

                //no fold scenario since a fold will end the round before coming here

            //Console.WriteLine("didnt catch");

            return(new PlayerAction(name, "Bet1", "fold", 0));
Beispiel #16
        // plays 1 round of poker
        private string Round()
            string text = "";                                        // result text
            List <PlayerAction> actions = new List <PlayerAction>(); // list of actions

            // call players in order
            Player[] playerOrder = new Player[2];
            if (p0.Dealer == true)   // player 0 deals?
                playerOrder[0] = p1; // p1 goes first
                playerOrder[1] = p0;
                playerOrder[0] = p0; // p0 goes first
                playerOrder[1] = p1;
            // setup deck for a new round

            // dealer deals out 5 cards to each player
            playerOrder[0].Hand = deck.Deal(5);
            playerOrder[1].Hand = deck.Deal(5);

            // round 1 of betting - loop until both players check,
            // one folds, or one calls
            ResultWriter("Betting round 1:");

            Boolean done = false; // flags when finished

                PlayerAction pa0   = playerOrder[0].BettingRound1(actions, playerOrder[0].Hand);
                bool         valid = CheckAction("Bet1", actions, pa0);
                if (valid == false)
                    ResultWriter(playerOrder[0].Name + " played a bad action of " + pa0.ActionName + " and forfeits the hand");
                    pa0 = new PlayerAction(pa0.Name, pa0.ActionPhase, "fold", 0);
                ResultWriter(" ");
                if (pa0.ActionName != "fold") // first player did not fold
                    PlayerAction pa1 = playerOrder[1].BettingRound1(actions, playerOrder[1].Hand);
                    valid = CheckAction("Bet1", actions, pa1);
                    if (valid == false)
                        ResultWriter(playerOrder[1].Name + " played a bad action of " + pa1.ActionName + " and forfeits the hand");
                        pa1 = new PlayerAction(pa1.Name, pa1.ActionPhase, "fold", 0);
                    ResultWriter(" ");
                done = EvaluateActions(actions, "Bet1");
            } while (done == false);

            // update the pot based on the bets
            int lastBet = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < actions.Count; i++)
                if (actions[i].ActionPhase == "Bet1")
                    switch (actions[i].ActionName)
                    case "bet":
                        lastBet = actions[i].Amount;
                        pot    += lastBet;                          // adjust the pot
                        // deduct from player
                        if (actions[i].Name == playerOrder[0].Name) // player0 bet?
                        else     // must be player1

                    case "raise":
                        int total = lastBet;                        // amt from previous player
                        pot    += lastBet;                          // player raising must match last bet
                        lastBet = actions[i].Amount;
                        total  += lastBet;                          // amt being raised
                        pot    += lastBet;                          // plus the amount raised
                        // deduct from player
                        if (actions[i].Name == playerOrder[0].Name) // player0 bet?
                        else     // must be player1

                    case "call":
                        // skip if this is a call after a bet/raise by the same player
                        if (i - 2 >= 0)
                            if (actions[i - 2].ActionName == "bet" ||
                                actions[i - 2].ActionName == "raise")
                        pot += lastBet;                             // match the last bet
                        // deduct from player
                        if (actions[i].Name == playerOrder[0].Name) // player0 bet?
                        else     // must be player1

            ResultWriter("After Bet1, pot is " + pot);
            ResultWriter(" ");

            // see if someone folded
            if (actions[actions.Count - 1].ActionName == "fold")
                // if the player in playerOrder[1] folded, other
                // player gets the pot
                string result = actions[actions.Count - 1].Name + " folded. Other player gets the pot of " + pot;
                pot = 0;        // clear the pot
                return(result); // skip rest of loop

            if (actions[actions.Count - 2].ActionName == "fold")
                // if the player in playerOrder[0] folded, other
                // player gets the pot
                string result = actions[actions.Count - 2].Name + " folded. Other player gets the pot of " + pot;
                pot = 0;        // clear the pot
                return(result); // skip rest of loop

            // draw
            for (int i = 0; i < playerOrder.Length; i++)
                PlayerAction pa = playerOrder[i].Draw(playerOrder[i].Hand);
                if (pa.Amount > 0)
                    Card[] newCards = deck.Deal(pa.Amount); // get cards
                    playerOrder[i].AddCards(playerOrder[i].Hand, newCards);
                ResultWriter("Name: " + playerOrder[i].Name);
                string handList = Evaluate.ListHand(playerOrder[i].Hand);
                ResultWriter(" ");

            // round 2 of betting- loop until both players check,
            // one folds, or one calls
            ResultWriter("Betting round 2:");
            done = false; // flags when finished
                PlayerAction pa0   = playerOrder[0].BettingRound2(actions, playerOrder[0].Hand);
                bool         valid = CheckAction("Bet2", actions, pa0);
                if (valid == false)
                    ResultWriter(playerOrder[0].Name + " played a bad action of " + pa0.ActionName + " and forfeits the hand");
                    pa0 = new PlayerAction(pa0.Name, pa0.ActionPhase, "fold", 0);
                ResultWriter(" ");
                if (pa0.ActionName != "fold") // first player did not fold
                    PlayerAction pa1 = playerOrder[1].BettingRound2(actions, playerOrder[1].Hand);
                    valid = CheckAction("Bet2", actions, pa1);
                    if (valid == false)
                        ResultWriter(playerOrder[1].Name + " played a bad action of " + pa1.ActionName + " and forfeits the hand");
                        pa1 = new PlayerAction(pa1.Name, pa1.ActionPhase, "fold", 0);
                    ResultWriter(" ");
                done = EvaluateActions(actions, "Bet2");
            } while (done == false);

            // update the pot based on the bets
            lastBet = 0;
            for (int i = 0; i < actions.Count; i++)
                if (actions[i].ActionPhase == "Bet2")
                    switch (actions[i].ActionName)
                    case "bet":
                        lastBet = actions[i].Amount;
                        pot    += lastBet;                          // adjust the pot
                        // deduct from player
                        if (actions[i].Name == playerOrder[0].Name) // player0 bet?
                        else     // must be player1

                    case "raise":
                        int total = lastBet;                        // amt from previous player
                        pot    += lastBet;                          // player raising must match last bet
                        lastBet = actions[i].Amount;
                        total  += lastBet;                          // amt being raised
                        pot    += lastBet;                          // plus the amount raised
                        // deduct from player
                        if (actions[i].Name == playerOrder[0].Name) // player0 bet?
                        else     // must be player1

                    case "call":
                        // skip if this is a call after a bet/raise by the same player
                        if (i - 2 >= 0)
                            if (actions[i - 2].ActionName == "bet" ||
                                actions[i - 2].ActionName == "raise")
                        pot += lastBet;                             // match the last bet
                        // deduct from player
                        if (actions[i].Name == playerOrder[0].Name) // player0 bet?
                        else     // must be player1

            ResultWriter("After Bet2, pot is " + pot);
            ResultWriter(" ");
            // round resolution
            // see if there is a clear winner based on hand strength
            Card highCard = null;
            int  p0Rank   = Evaluate.RateAHand(playerOrder[0].Hand, out highCard);
            int  p1Rank   = Evaluate.RateAHand(playerOrder[1].Hand, out highCard);

            if (p0Rank > p1Rank)
                text = playerOrder[0].Name + " has a better hand and wins " + pot;
                pot = 0;
            else if (p1Rank > p0Rank)
                text = playerOrder[1].Name + " has a better hand and wins " + pot;
                pot = 0;
            else // same rank - needs further examination
                // sort both hands
                Card[] hand0 = playerOrder[0].Hand;
                Card[] hand1 = playerOrder[1].Hand;

                switch (p0Rank)
                case 1:     // high card
                    for (int i = 4; i >= 0; i--)
                        if (hand0[i].Value != hand1[i].Value)
                            if (hand0[i].Value > hand1[i].Value)
                                text = playerOrder[0].Name + " has a better hand and wins " + pot;
                                pot = 0;
                            else if (hand1[i].Value > hand0[i].Value)
                                text = playerOrder[1].Name + " has a better hand and wins " + pot;
                                pot = 0;

                    // could be a tie
                    if (pot != 0)
                        playerOrder[0].ChangeMoney(pot / 2);
                        playerOrder[1].ChangeMoney(pot / 2);
                        text = "Tie, each player gets " + pot / 2;
                        if (pot % 2 != 0)
                            pot = 1;
                            pot = 0;

                case 2:     // one pair
                    // get the pair for playerOrder[0]
                    int p0Pair = 0;
                    for (int j = 14; j >= 2; j--)
                        int count = Evaluate.ValueCount(j, hand0);
                        if (count == 2)    // found the pair
                            p0Pair = j;

                    // do  the same for the other hand
                    int p1Pair = 0;
                    for (int k = 14; k >= 2; k--)
                        int count = Evaluate.ValueCount(k, hand1);
                        if (count == 2)     // found the pair
                            p1Pair = k;

                    // which is higher
                    if (p0Pair > p1Pair)    // playerOrder[0] wins
                        text = playerOrder[0].Name + " has a better hand and wins " + pot;
                    else if (p1Pair > p0Pair)
                        text = playerOrder[1].Name + " has a better hand and wins " + pot;
                    {       // need to see what the high
                            // card is aside from the pair
                            // get the cards that are not part of a pair from hand0
                        Card[] h0NotPair = new Card[3];
                        int    pos       = 0;
                        for (int i = 0; i < hand0.Length; i++)
                            if (hand0[i].Value != p0Pair)
                                h0NotPair[pos] = hand0[i];

                        // do the same for the next hand
                        Card[] h1NotPair = new Card[3];
                        pos = 0;
                        for (int i = 0; i < hand1.Length; i++)
                            if (hand1[i].Value != p1Pair)
                                h1NotPair[pos] = hand1[i];

                        // see if high card breakes the tie
                        for (int i = 2; i >= 0; i--)
                            if (h0NotPair[i].Value != h1NotPair[i].Value)
                                if (h0NotPair[i].Value > h1NotPair[i].Value)
                                    text = playerOrder[0].Name + " has a better hand and wins " + pot;
                                    pot = 0;
                                else if (h1NotPair[i].Value > h0NotPair[i].Value)
                                    text = playerOrder[1].Name + " has a better hand and wins " + pot;
                                    pot = 0;

                        // could be a tie
                        if (pot != 0)
                            playerOrder[0].ChangeMoney(pot / 2);
                            playerOrder[1].ChangeMoney(pot / 2);
                            text = "Tie, each player gets " + pot / 2;
                            if (pot % 2 != 0)
                                pot = 1;
                                pot = 0;

                case 3:     // two pair
                    // get the two pair
                    int[] h0Pair = new int[2];
                    int[] h1Pair = new int[2];

                    // get hand0 pairs
                    int pCount = 0;
                    for (int i = 14; i >= 2; i--)
                        int count = Evaluate.ValueCount(i, hand0);
                        if (count == 2)     // found the pair
                            h0Pair[pCount] = i;

                    // get the hand1 pairs
                    pCount = 0;
                    for (int i = 14; i >= 2; i--)
                        int count = Evaluate.ValueCount(i, hand1);
                        if (count == 2)     // found the pair
                            h1Pair[pCount] = i;
                    // compare the pairs
                    if (h0Pair[0] > h1Pair[0])    // playerOrder[0] wins
                        text = playerOrder[0].Name + " has a better hand and wins " + pot;
                    else if (h1Pair[0] > h0Pair[0])     // playerOrder[1] wins
                        text = playerOrder[1].Name + " has a better hand and wins " + pot;
                        pot = 0;
                    else     // tie on the highest pair
                        // compare the second pair
                        if (h0Pair[1] > h1Pair[1])     // playerOrder[0] wins
                            text = playerOrder[0].Name + " has a better hand and wins " + pot;
                            pot = 0;
                        else if (h1Pair[0] > h0Pair[0])     // playerOrder[1] wins
                            text = playerOrder[1].Name + " has a better hand and wins " + pot;
                            pot = 0;
                        else     // tie on the highest pair
                            playerOrder[0].ChangeMoney(pot / 2);
                            playerOrder[1].ChangeMoney(pot / 2);
                            text = "Tie, each player gets " + pot / 2;
                            // tie overall
                            if (pot % 2 != 0)
                                pot = 1;
                                pot = 0;

                case 4:     // three of a kind
                    // get the pair for playerOrder[0]
                    int p0Three = 0;
                    for (int j = 14; j >= 2; j--)
                        int count = Evaluate.ValueCount(j, hand0);
                        if (count == 3)     // found the pair
                            p0Three = j;

                    // do  the same for the other hand
                    int p1Three = 0;
                    for (int k = 14; k >= 2; k--)
                        int count = Evaluate.ValueCount(k, hand1);
                        if (count == 3)     // found the three cards
                            p1Three = k;

                    // which is higher - no possibility of a tie
                    if (p0Three > p1Three)     // playerOrder[0] wins
                        text = playerOrder[0].Name + " has a better hand and wins " + pot;
                        text = playerOrder[1].Name + " has a better hand and wins " + pot;
                    pot = 0;

                case 5:     // straight
                    // compare the top card - if one is higher than the other, that
                    // player is the winner. Otherwise, there is a tie
                    if (hand0[0].Value > hand1[0].Value)
                        text = playerOrder[0].Name + " has a better hand and wins " + pot;
                        pot = 0;
                    else if (hand1[0].Value > hand0[0].Value)
                        text = playerOrder[1].Name + " has a better hand and wins " + pot;
                        pot = 0;
                    else     // tie
                        playerOrder[0].ChangeMoney(pot / 2);
                        playerOrder[1].ChangeMoney(pot / 2);
                        text = "Tie, each player gets " + pot / 2;
                        if (pot % 2 != 0)
                            pot = 1;
                            pot = 0;

                case 6:     // flush
                    // locate the high cards and keep testing until you
                    // either have a tie or a winner
                    // tie flag
                    Boolean tie = true;
                    for (int i = 4; i >= 0; i--)
                        if (hand0[i].Value != hand1[i].Value)
                            // determine the winner
                            if (hand0[i].Value > hand1[i].Value)
                                text = playerOrder[0].Name + " has a better hand and wins " + pot;
                                pot = 0;
                                text = playerOrder[1].Name + " has a better hand and wins " + pot;
                                pot = 0;
                            // not a tie
                            tie = false;
                            break;     // exit loop
                    // handle a tie
                    if (tie == true)
                        playerOrder[0].ChangeMoney(pot / 2);
                        playerOrder[1].ChangeMoney(pot / 2);
                        text = "Tie, each player gets " + pot / 2;
                        if (pot % 2 != 0)
                            pot = 1;
                            pot = 0;

                case 7:     // full house
                    // get the two pair
                    int h0FH = 0;
                    int h1FH = 0;

                    // get hand0 triple
                    for (int i = 14; i >= 2; i--)
                        int count = Evaluate.ValueCount(i, hand0);

                        if (count == 3)     // found the triple
                            h0FH = i;

                    // get the hand1 triple

                    for (int i = 14; i >= 2; i--)
                        int count = Evaluate.ValueCount(i, hand1);

                        if (count == 3)     // found the triple
                            h1FH = i;
                    // compare the triples
                    if (h0FH > h1FH)     // playerOrder[0] wins
                        text = playerOrder[0].Name + " has a better hand and wins " + pot;
                    else     // playerOrder[1] wins
                        text = playerOrder[1].Name + " has a better hand and wins " + pot;
                    pot = 0;

                case 8:     // four of a kind
                    // get the pair for playerOrder[0]
                    int p0Four = 0;
                    for (int j = 14; j >= 2; j--)
                        int count = Evaluate.ValueCount(j, hand0);
                        if (count == 4)     // found the  4 cards
                            p0Four = j;

                    // do  the same for the other hand
                    int p1Four = 0;
                    for (int k = 14; k >= 2; k--)
                        int count = Evaluate.ValueCount(k, hand1);
                        if (count == 4)     // found the pair
                            p1Four = k;

                    // which is higher - no possible tie
                    if (p0Four > p1Four)     // playerOrder[0] wins
                        text = playerOrder[0].Name + " has a better hand and wins " + pot;
                        text = playerOrder[1].Name + " has a better hand and wins " + pot;
                    pot = 0;

                case 9:     // straight flush
                    // compare the top card - if one is higher than the other, that
                    // player is the winner. Otherwise, there is a tie
                    if (hand0[4].Value > hand1[4].Value)
                        text = playerOrder[0].Name + " has a better hand and wins " + pot;
                        pot = 0;
                    else if (hand1[4].Value > hand0[4].Value)
                        text = playerOrder[1].Name + " has a better hand and wins " + pot;
                        pot = 0;
                    else     // tie
                        playerOrder[0].ChangeMoney(pot / 2);
                        playerOrder[1].ChangeMoney(pot / 2);
                        text = "Tie, each player gets " + pot / 2;
                        if (pot % 2 == 0)
                            pot = 1;
                            pot = 0;

                case 10:     // royal flush
                    // automatic tie - split the pot
                    playerOrder[0].ChangeMoney(pot / 2);
                    playerOrder[1].ChangeMoney(pot / 2);
                    text = "Tie, each player gets " + pot / 2;
                    if (pot % 2 != 0)
                        pot = 1;
                        pot = 0;

            // return results
Beispiel #17
        public bool[] GetCardsToDelete(Card[] hand)
            bool[] cardPositionToDelete = { false, false, false, false, false };
            Card   highCard             = null;
            int    rank = Evaluate.RateAHand(hand, out highCard);

            // Do not change any cards for Royal Flush, Straight Flush, Full House, Flush or Straight

            // In case of four of a kind try and get a better value card for the kicker
            if (rank == 8 && highCard.Value < 7)
                if (hand[0].Value == hand[2].Value)
                    cardPositionToDelete[4] = true;
                    cardPositionToDelete[0] = true;

            // In case of 3 of a kind, change one card if the kicker is high, else discard 2 cards
            if (rank == 4 && highCard.Value > 7)
                if ((hand[0].Value == hand[1].Value) && (hand[0].Value == hand[2].Value))
                    cardPositionToDelete[3] = true;
                    cardPositionToDelete[0] = true;
            else if (rank == 4 && highCard.Value < 7)
                if ((hand[0].Value == hand[1].Value) && (hand[0].Value == hand[2].Value))
                    cardPositionToDelete[3] = true;
                    cardPositionToDelete[4] = true;
                else if ((hand[1].Value == hand[2].Value) && (hand[1].Value == hand[3].Value))
                    cardPositionToDelete[0] = true;
                    cardPositionToDelete[4] = true;
                    cardPositionToDelete[0] = true;
                    cardPositionToDelete[1] = true;

            if (rank == 3 && highCard.Value < 7)
                if ((hand[4].Value == hand[3].Value) && (hand[2].Value == hand[1].Value))
                    cardPositionToDelete[0] = true;
                else if ((hand[4].Value == hand[3].Value) && (hand[1].Value == hand[0].Value))
                    cardPositionToDelete[2] = true;
                    cardPositionToDelete[4] = true;

            // If it is one pair or high card, check if there is a possibility of flush or straight and discard cards accordingly
            if (rank == 2 || rank == 1)
                if (IsFlushPossible(hand, out cardPositionToDelete))
                else if (IsStraightPossible(hand, out cardPositionToDelete))
                    // Discard cards with value lower than 10
                    for (int i = 0; i < hand.Length; i++)
                        if (hand[i].Value < 10)
                            cardPositionToDelete[i] = true;

Beispiel #18
        public override PlayerAction Draw(Card[] hand)
            //reset the timesRaised variable after Bet1 is done
            timesRaisedBet1 = 0;
            timesRaisedBet2 = 0;

            //increment bluffCounter in draw because we only draw once every round (unlike betting that has
            //multiple phases
            alreadyIncrementedBluffCounter = false;
            bluffing = false;

            // list the hand

            //card index to deletes
            List <int> deleteIndexes = new List <int>();

            //get rank manually
            Card highCard = null;
            int  rank     = Evaluate.RateAHand(hand, out highCard);

            // determine how many cards to delete
            int cardsToDelete = 0;

                Console.Write("How many cards to delete? "); // get the count
                //string deleteStr = Console.ReadLine();
                string deleteStr;

                //use a decision tree to figure out the cards to delete
                deleteStr = "0";
                //straight, flush, full house, straight flush, or royal flush
                if (rank == 5 || rank == 6 || rank == 7 || rank == 9 || rank == 10)
                    deleteStr = "0";

                //4 of a kind
                if (rank == 8)
                    //throw out 1 unless it's a King or Ace
                    Dictionary <int, int> handMap = new Dictionary <int, int>();
                    for (int i = 0; i < hand.Length; i++)
                        if (handMap.ContainsKey(hand[i].Value))
                            handMap.Add(hand[i].Value, 1);

                    int v = handMap.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Value == 1).Key;
                    if (v < 14) //if less than ace
                        deleteStr = "1";
                        for (int i = 0; i < hand.Length; i++)
                            if (hand[i].Value == v)
                        deleteStr = "0";

                //3 of a kind
                if (rank == 4)
                    //throw out 2 that are not part of 3 of kind
                    Dictionary <int, int> handMap = new Dictionary <int, int>();
                    for (int i = 0; i < hand.Length; i++)
                        if (handMap.ContainsKey(hand[i].Value))
                            handMap.Add(hand[i].Value, 1);

                    int v = handMap.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Value == 3).Key; //3 kind value

                    for (int i = 0; i < hand.Length; i++)
                        if (hand[i].Value != v)

                    deleteStr = "2";

                //2 pair
                if (rank == 3)
                    //throw out 1 card not in either pair
                    Dictionary <int, int> handMap = new Dictionary <int, int>();
                    for (int i = 0; i < hand.Length; i++)
                        if (handMap.ContainsKey(hand[i].Value))
                            handMap.Add(hand[i].Value, 1);

                    int v = handMap.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Value == 1).Key;
                    if (v < 14) //if less than ace
                        deleteStr = "1";
                        for (int i = 0; i < hand.Length; i++)
                            if (hand[i].Value == v)
                        deleteStr = "0";

                //1 pair
                if (rank == 2)
                    //throw out 3 cards not in the pair
                    Dictionary <int, int> handMap = new Dictionary <int, int>();
                    for (int i = 0; i < hand.Length; i++)
                        if (handMap.ContainsKey(hand[i].Value))
                            handMap.Add(hand[i].Value, 1);

                    int v = handMap.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Value == 2).Key;

                    for (int i = 0; i < hand.Length; i++)
                        if (hand[i].Value != v)

                    deleteStr = "3";

                //nothing - throw out 4 lowest
                if (rank <= 1)
                    if (bluffCounter > timeToBluff && turnOfBluffing == false)
                        deleteStr    = "0";
                        bluffing     = true;
                        bluffCounter = 0;
                        deleteStr = "4";
                        for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)

                int.TryParse(deleteStr, out cardsToDelete);
            } while (cardsToDelete < 0 || cardsToDelete > 5);

            // which cards to delete if any
            PlayerAction pa = null;

            if (cardsToDelete > 0 && cardsToDelete < 5)
                for (int i = 0; i < cardsToDelete; i++) // loop to delete cards
                    Console.WriteLine("\nDelete card " + (i + 1) + ":");
                    for (int j = 0; j < hand.Length; j++)
                        Console.WriteLine("{0} - {1}", (j + 1), hand[j]);
                    // selete cards to delete
                    int delete = 0;
                        Console.Write("Which card to delete? (1 - 5): ");
                        //string delStr = Console.ReadLine();
                        //int.TryParse(delStr, out delete);

                        delete = deleteIndexes[i] + 1;

                        // see if the entry is valid
                        if (delete < 1 || delete > 5)
                            Console.WriteLine("Invalid entry - enter a value between 1 and 5.");
                            delete = 0;
                        else if (hand[delete - 1] == null)
                            Console.WriteLine("Entry was already deleted.");
                            delete = 0;
                            hand[delete - 1] = null; // delete entry
                            delete           = 99;   // flag to exit loop
                    } while (delete == 0);
                // set the PlayerAction object
                pa = new PlayerAction(Name, "draw", "draw", cardsToDelete);
            else if (cardsToDelete == 5)
                // delete them all
                for (int i = 0; i < hand.Length; i++)
                    hand[i] = null;
                pa = new PlayerAction(Name, "draw", "draw", 5);
            else // no cards deleted
                pa = new PlayerAction(Name, "draw", "stand pat", 0);

            // return the action