Beispiel #1
        public static bool Pair(BitHand startingHand, BitHand bestHand)
            var hand = startingHand.Hand;

            var clubCards    = GetClubs(hand);
            var diamondCards = GetDiamonds(hand);
            var heartCards   = GetHearts(hand);
            var spadeCards   = GetSpades(hand);

            ulong cd = clubCards & diamondCards,
                  ch = clubCards & heartCards,
                  cs = clubCards & spadeCards,
                  dh = diamondCards & heartCards,
                  ds = diamondCards & spadeCards,
                  hs = heartCards & spadeCards;

            var pair    = cd | ch | cs | dh | ds | hs;
            var hasPair = pair > 0;

            if (hasPair)
                var pairMask = (pair) | (pair << 16) | (pair << 32) | (pair << 48);

                var pairCards = pairMask & startingHand;

Beispiel #2
        public static bool ThreeOfAKind(BitHand startingHand, BitHand bestHand)
            var hand = startingHand.Hand;

            var clubCards    = GetClubs(hand);
            var diamondCards = GetDiamonds(hand);
            var heartCards   = GetHearts(hand);
            var spadeCards   = GetSpades(hand);

            var cdh = (clubCards & diamondCards & heartCards);
            var cds = (clubCards & diamondCards & spadeCards);
            var chs = (clubCards & heartCards & spadeCards);
            var dhs = (diamondCards & heartCards & spadeCards);

            var trip    = (cdh | cds | chs | dhs);
            var hasTrip = trip > 0;

            if (hasTrip)
                //  getting the max of the various cdh, cds, etc isn't going to work since they're basically just
                //  numbers without suits.  They've got no real context.  maxTrip just gives me a place to start.
                //  the Trip var tells us which card is triplicated, so we use that to create a mask to AND against
                //  the original hand to give us the three of a kind in the hand.
                var tripMask = (trip) | (trip << 16) | (trip << 32) | (trip << 48);

                var tripCards = tripMask & startingHand;
Beispiel #3
        public static bool Straight(BitHand startingHand, BitHand bestHand)
            //  Start with a royal-straight.
            ulong straight = 0x3f00;

            //  consider just the numbers - OR the hand with itself disregarding the suit...
            //  Any card we have is basically replicated across all suits
            ulong allNums = startingHand.Hand
                            | startingHand.Hand >> 16
                            | startingHand.Hand >> 32
                            | startingHand.Hand >> 48;

            //  The 'straight' variable is just starting from the last 4 hex digits, so
            //  there's nothing too excessive going on here.
            //  right shift until it matches or until there are no more possible matches.
                if ((straight | allNums) == allNums)
                straight = straight >> 1;
            } while (straight > 0);
Beispiel #4
        private static bool IsFlush(BitHand startingHand, BitHand bestHand, ulong flushMask)
            var hand = startingHand.Hand;

            var clubCards    = hand & SuitCards[Card.CardSuit.Clubs];
            var diamondCards = hand & SuitCards[Card.CardSuit.Diamonds];
            var heartCards   = hand & SuitCards[Card.CardSuit.Hearts];
            var spadeCards   = hand & SuitCards[Card.CardSuit.Spades];

            var possibleClubFlush    = flushMask & clubCards;
            var possibleDiamondFlush = flushMask & diamondCards;
            var possibleHeartFlush   = flushMask & heartCards;
            var possibleSpadeFlush   = flushMask & spadeCards;

            var handFlushMask = possibleClubFlush | possibleDiamondFlush | possibleHeartFlush |

            var handFlush = handFlushMask & startingHand;

            if (handFlush == startingHand)
Beispiel #5
 public static HandTypes.WinningHand GetBestHand(BitHand hand, BitHand winningHand)
     foreach (var kvp in HandCheckFuncs)
         if (kvp.Value(hand, winningHand))
Beispiel #6
        public static bool FourOfAKind(BitHand startingHand, BitHand bestHand)
            var hand = startingHand.Hand;

            var clubCards    = GetClubs(hand);
            var diamondCards = GetDiamonds(hand);
            var heartCards   = GetHearts(hand);
            var spadeCards   = GetSpades(hand);

            var hasFour = (clubCards & diamondCards & heartCards & spadeCards) > 0;

Beispiel #7
        public static bool RoyalFlush(BitHand startingHand, BitHand bestHand)
            //  Royal Flush:
            //  0011 1110 0000 0000     0011 1110 0000 0000     0011 1110 0000 0000     0011 1110 0000 0000
            //  3    e    0    0        3    e    0    0        3    e    0    0        3    e    0    0
            const ulong flush = 0x3e003e003e003e00;

            //  Removes all the non-royal-flush cards
            var comparison = startingHand & flush;

            //  After removing all the non-royal-flush cards, do we have a royal flush in any suit?
            return((comparison | flush) == flush);
Beispiel #8
        public static bool Flush(BitHand startingHand, BitHand bestHand)
            var hand = startingHand.Hand;

            var clubCards    = hand & SuitCards[Card.CardSuit.Clubs];
            var diamondCards = hand & SuitCards[Card.CardSuit.Diamonds];
            var heartCards   = hand & SuitCards[Card.CardSuit.Hearts];
            var spadeCards   = hand & SuitCards[Card.CardSuit.Spades];

            //	Any 5 cards of the same suit
                (NumberOfSetBits(clubCards) > 4 ||
                 NumberOfSetBits(diamondCards) > 4 ||
                 NumberOfSetBits(heartCards) > 4 ||
                 NumberOfSetBits(spadeCards) > 4);
Beispiel #9
        public static bool FullHouse(BitHand startingHand, BitHand bestHand)
            var hand = startingHand.Hand;

            //  Full house = trip + pair...

            var bestTrip = new BitHand();
            //  Find the trip,
            var hasTrip = ThreeOfAKind(startingHand, bestTrip);
            //  remove it,
            var remainingHand = hand ^ bestTrip.Hand;

            var bestPair = new BitHand();
            //  find a pair
            var hasPair = Pair(new BitHand(remainingHand), bestPair);

            return(hasTrip && hasPair);
Beispiel #10
        public static bool StraightFlush(BitHand startingHand, BitHand bestHand)
            var hand = startingHand.Hand;

            //  0011 1110 0000 0000
            ulong flushMask = 0x3e003e003e003e00;

            while (flushMask > 0x001f001f001f001f)
                if (IsFlush(startingHand, bestHand, flushMask))

                flushMask = flushMask >> 1;

Beispiel #11
        public static bool TwoPair(BitHand startingHand, BitHand bestHand)
            //  Start with the high ACE, in all suits.  Shift right and see if there's a Pair.
            //  If there is, then add it to a list and keep shifting until the next pair is found

            var   pairs = new List <BitHand>();
            ulong mask  = 0x2000200020002000;

            while (pairs.Count < 2 && mask > 0x0001000100010001)
                var testHand = new BitHand(startingHand & mask);
                var isPair   = Pair(testHand, bestHand);

                if (isPair)

                mask = mask >> 1;

            return(pairs.Count > 1);
Beispiel #12
 public static bool HighCard(BitHand startingHand, BitHand bestHand)
     throw new NotImplementedException();