Beispiel #1
        public static async Task <(bool isValid, string explanation)> PhotoFileValidation(FileInfo photoFile,

            if (!photoFile.Exists)
                return(false, "File does not Exist?");

            if (!FolderFileUtility.IsNoUrlEncodingNeeded(Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(photoFile.Name)))
                return(false, "Limit File Names to A-Z a-z 0-9 - . _");

            if (!FolderFileUtility.PictureFileTypeIsSupported(photoFile))
                return(false, "The file doesn't appear to be a supported file type.");

            if (await(await Db.Context()).PhotoFilenameExistsInDatabase(photoFile.Name, currentContentId))
                return(false, "This filename already exists in the database - photo file names must be unique.");

            return(true, "File is Valid");
Beispiel #2
        public static async Task <(bool isValid, string explanation)> FileContentFileValidation(FileInfo fileContentFile,
            if (fileContentFile == null)
                return(false, "Please choose a file");


            if (!fileContentFile.Exists)
                return(false, "File does not Exist?");

            if (!FolderFileUtility.IsNoUrlEncodingNeeded(Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(fileContentFile.Name)))
                return(false, "Limit File Names to A-Z a-z 0-9 - . _");

            if (await(await Db.Context()).ImageFilenameExistsInDatabase(fileContentFile.Name, currentContentId))
                return(false, "This filename already exists in the database - file names must be unique.");

            return(true, "File is Valid");
Beispiel #3
        public static async Task <GenerationReturn> Validate(ImageContent imageContent, FileInfo selectedFile)
            var rootDirectoryCheck = UserSettingsUtilities.ValidateLocalSiteRootDirectory();

            if (!rootDirectoryCheck.Item1)
                return(await GenerationReturn.Error($"Problem with Root Directory: {rootDirectoryCheck.Item2}",

            var mediaArchiveCheck = UserSettingsUtilities.ValidateLocalMediaArchive();

            if (!mediaArchiveCheck.Item1)
                return(await GenerationReturn.Error($"Problem with Media Archive: {mediaArchiveCheck.Item2}",

            var commonContentCheck = await CommonContentValidation.ValidateContentCommon(imageContent);

            if (!commonContentCheck.valid)
                return(await GenerationReturn.Error(commonContentCheck.explanation, imageContent.ContentId));

            var updateFormatCheck = CommonContentValidation.ValidateUpdateContentFormat(imageContent.UpdateNotesFormat);

            if (!updateFormatCheck.isValid)
                return(await GenerationReturn.Error(updateFormatCheck.explanation, imageContent.ContentId));


            if (!selectedFile.Exists)
                return(await GenerationReturn.Error("Selected File doesn't exist?", imageContent.ContentId));

            if (!FolderFileUtility.IsNoUrlEncodingNeeded(Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(selectedFile.Name)))
                return(await GenerationReturn.Error("Limit File Names to A-Z a-z - . _", imageContent.ContentId));

            if (!FolderFileUtility.PictureFileTypeIsSupported(selectedFile))
                return(await GenerationReturn.Error("The file doesn't appear to be a supported file type.",

            if (await(await Db.Context()).ImageFilenameExistsInDatabase(selectedFile.Name, imageContent.ContentId))
                return(await GenerationReturn.Error(
                           "This filename already exists in the database - image file names must be unique.",

            return(await GenerationReturn.Success("Image Content Validation Successful"));
Beispiel #4
        public static (bool isValid, string explanation) ValidateTags(string tags)
            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(tags))
                return(false, "At least one tag must be included.");

            var tagList = Db.TagListParse(tags);

            if (tagList.Any(x => !FolderFileUtility.IsNoUrlEncodingNeededLowerCaseSpacesOk(x) || x.Length > 200))
                return(false, "Limit tags to a-z 0-9 _ - [space] and less than 200 characters per tag.");

            return(true, string.Empty);
Beispiel #5
        public static (bool isValid, string explanation) ValidateSlugLocal(string slug)
            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(slug))
                return(false, "Slug can't be blank or only whitespace.");

            if (!FolderFileUtility.IsNoUrlEncodingNeededLowerCase(slug))
                return(false, "Slug should only contain a-z 0-9 _ -");

            if (slug.Length > 100)
                return(false, "Limit slugs to 100 characters.");

            return(true, string.Empty);
Beispiel #6
        public static (bool isValid, string explanation) ValidateFolder(string folder)
            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(folder))
                return(false, "Folder can't be blank or only whitespace.");

            if (!FolderFileUtility.IsNoUrlEncodingNeeded(folder))
                return(false, "Limit folder names to a-z A-Z 0-9 _ -");

            if (folder.ToLower() == "data")
                return(false, "Folders can not be named 'Data' - this folder is reserved for use by the CMS");
            if (folder.ToLower() == "galleries")
                return(false, "Folders can not be named 'Galleries' - this folder is reserved for use by the CMS");

            return(true, string.Empty);
        /// <summary>
        ///     Deletes files from the local content directory of the dbEntry that are supported Photo file types but
        ///     don't match the original file name in the dbEntry. Use with caution and make sure that the PhotoContent
        ///     is current/has the intended values.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dbEntry"></param>
        /// <param name="progress"></param>
        public static void DeleteSupportedPictureFilesInDirectoryOtherThanOriginalFile(ImageContent dbEntry,
                                                                                       IProgress <string> progress)
            if (dbEntry == null || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(dbEntry.OriginalFileName))
                progress?.Report("Nothing to delete.");

            var baseFileNameList = dbEntry.OriginalFileName.Split(".").ToList();
            var baseFileName     = string.Join("", baseFileNameList.Take(baseFileNameList.Count - 1));

            var directoryInfo = UserSettingsSingleton.CurrentSettings().LocalSiteImageContentDirectory(dbEntry);

            var fileVariants = directoryInfo.GetFiles().Where(x =>
                                                              FolderFileUtility.PictureFileTypeIsSupported(x) && !x.Name.StartsWith($"{baseFileName}--")).ToList();

                $"Found {fileVariants.Count} Supported Image File Type files in {directoryInfo.FullName} that don't match the " +
                $"original file name {dbEntry.OriginalFileName} from {dbEntry.Title}");

            fileVariants.ForEach(x => x.Delete());