protected override void LoadContent(PloobsEngine.Engine.GraphicInfo GraphicInfo, PloobsEngine.Engine.GraphicFactory factory, PloobsEngine.SceneControl.IContentManager contentManager)
            tile = factory.GetTexture2D("Textures/tile");

            FarseerWorld fworld = this.World.PhysicWorld as FarseerWorld;

            border = new Border(fworld, factory, GraphicInfo, factory.CreateTexture2DColor(1, 1, Color.Red));

            ///from texture
                Texture2D tex = factory.GetTexture2D("Textures//goo");
                IModelo2D model = new SpriteFarseer(tex);
                Basic2DTextureMaterial mat = new Basic2DTextureMaterial();
                FarseerObject fs = new FarseerObject(fworld, model);
                I2DObject o = new I2DObject(fs, mat, model);
                o.PhysicObject.Position = new Vector2(200, 0);

            ///from texture, scale usage sample
                Texture2D tex = factory.GetTexture2D("Textures//goo");
                tex = factory.GetScaledTexture(tex, new Vector2(2));
                IModelo2D model = new SpriteFarseer(tex);
                Basic2DTextureMaterial mat = new Basic2DTextureMaterial();
                FarseerObject fs = new FarseerObject(fworld, model);
                I2DObject o = new I2DObject(fs, mat, model);
                o.OnHasMoved += new PloobsEngine.SceneControl._2DScene.OnHasMoved(o_OnHasMoved);

            Vertices verts = PolygonTools.CreateRectangle(50, 50);
                IModelo2D model = new SpriteFarseer(factory, verts, Color.Orange);
                Basic2DTextureMaterial mat = new Basic2DTextureMaterial();
                FarseerObject fs = new FarseerObject(fworld, model);
                I2DObject o = new I2DObject(fs, mat, model);
                o.PhysicObject.Position = new Vector2(-200, 0);

            CircleShape circle = new CircleShape(50, 1);
                IModelo2D model = new SpriteFarseer(factory, circle, Color.Orange);
                Basic2DTextureMaterial mat = new Basic2DTextureMaterial();
                FarseerObject fs = new FarseerObject(fworld, model);
                I2DObject o = new I2DObject(fs, mat, model);
                o.PhysicObject.Position = new Vector2(200, -100);

            ///animated sprite
                Texture2D tex = factory.GetTexture2D("Textures//DudeSheet");
                SpriteAnimated sa = new SpriteAnimated(tex, 8, 2);
                sa.AddAnimation("ANIM1", 1, 8, 0);
                sa.AddAnimation("ANIM2", 2, 4, MathHelper.PiOver2);

                Basic2DTextureMaterial mat = new Basic2DTextureMaterial();
                Texture2D frame = factory.GetTexturePart(tex, sa.GetFrameRectangle("ANIM1", 0));
                FarseerObject fs = new FarseerObject(fworld, frame);

                //GhostObject fs = new GhostObject(Vector2.Zero);
                sheet = new I2DObject(fs, mat, sa);
                sheet.PhysicObject.Position = new Vector2(500, 0);

                PointLight2D l = new PointLight2D(new Vector2(-GraphicInfo.BackBufferWidth / 4, -GraphicInfo.BackBufferWidth / 4), Color.Red, 1);

                SpotLight2D l = new SpotLight2D(new Vector2(+GraphicInfo.BackBufferWidth / 4, -GraphicInfo.BackBufferWidth / 4), Color.Blue, new Vector2(0, 1), MathHelper.ToRadians(45));

                SimpleConcreteKeyboardInputPlayable sc = new SimpleConcreteKeyboardInputPlayable(StateKey.PRESS, Keys.Space);
                sc.KeyStateChange += new KeyStateChange(sc_KeyStateChange);

            this.World.Camera2D = new Camera2D(GraphicInfo);

            DPFSParticleSystem ps = new DPFSParticleSystem("TESTE", new SpriteParticleSystem(null));

            ///add a post effect =P
            //this.RenderTechnic.AddPostEffect(new WigglePostEffect());

            JointUpdateable ju = new JointUpdateable(this, fworld, this.World.Camera2D);

            base.LoadContent(GraphicInfo, factory, contentManager);

                NeoforceGui guiManager = this.Gui as NeoforceGui;
                System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(guiManager != null);

                // Create and setup Window control.
                Window window = new Window(guiManager.Manager);
                window.Text = "Getting Started";
                window.Width = 480;
                window.Height = 200;
                window.Visible = true;

                // Create Button control and set the previous window as its parent.
                Button button = new Button(guiManager.Manager);
                button.Text = "OK";
                button.Width = 72;
                button.Height = 24;
                button.Left = (window.ClientWidth / 2) - (button.Width / 2);
                button.Top = window.ClientHeight - button.Height - 8;
                button.Anchor = Anchors.Bottom;
                button.Parent = window;

                // Add the window control to the manager processing queue.

        protected override void LoadContent(PloobsEngine.Engine.GraphicInfo GraphicInfo, PloobsEngine.Engine.GraphicFactory factory, IContentManager contentManager)
            base.LoadContent(GraphicInfo, factory, contentManager);                        

            #region Models

            ///Cria uma textura 1x1 com a cor branca
            Texture2D white = factory.CreateTexture2DColor(1,1, Color.White);
                SimpleModel sm = new SimpleModel(factory, "..\\Content\\Model\\cubo");
                sm.SetTexture(white, TextureType.DIFFUSE);
                BoxObject pi = new BoxObject(new Vector3(100, 20, 0), 1,1,1, 5,new Vector3(100, 5, 100),Matrix.Identity,MaterialDescription.DefaultBepuMaterial());
                DeferredNormalShader shader = new DeferredNormalShader();                
                ///Setando alguns parametros do material
                shader.SpecularIntensity = 0.01f;
                shader.SpecularPower = 50;                
                IMaterial mat = new DeferredMaterial(shader);
                IObject obj3 = new IObject(mat, sm, pi);

                SimpleModel sm = new SimpleModel(factory,"..\\Content\\Model\\cubo");
                sm.SetTexture(white, TextureType.DIFFUSE);
                BoxObject pi = new BoxObject(new Vector3(90, 30, 0), 1,1,1, 10,new Vector3(1),Matrix.Identity,MaterialDescription.DefaultBepuMaterial());
                DeferredNormalShader shader = new DeferredNormalShader();                
                IMaterial mat = new DeferredMaterial(shader);
                IObject obj3 = new IObject(mat, sm, pi);

                SimpleModel sm = new SimpleModel(factory,"..\\Content\\Model\\cenario");                
                IPhysicObject pi = new TriangleMeshObject(sm,Vector3.Zero,Matrix.Identity,Vector3.One,MaterialDescription.DefaultBepuMaterial());
                DeferredNormalShader shader = new DeferredNormalShader();
                IMaterial mat = new DeferredMaterial(shader);
                IObject obj3 = new IObject(mat, sm, pi);

            #region NormalLight
            ///Conjunto de luzes direcionais
            DirectionalLightPE ld1 = new DirectionalLightPE(Vector3.Left, Color.White);
            DirectionalLightPE ld2 = new DirectionalLightPE(Vector3.Right, Color.White);
            DirectionalLightPE ld3 = new DirectionalLightPE(Vector3.Backward, Color.White);
            DirectionalLightPE ld4 = new DirectionalLightPE(Vector3.Forward, Color.White);
            DirectionalLightPE ld5 = new DirectionalLightPE(Vector3.Down, Color.White);
            float li = 0.4f;
            ld1.LightIntensity = li;
            ld2.LightIntensity = li;
            ld3.LightIntensity = li;
            ld4.LightIntensity = li;
            ld5.LightIntensity = li;

            ///Criando uma camera estatica
            CameraStatic camx = new CameraStatic(new Vector3(130, 100, 700), Vector3.Zero);
            ///Dando um nome a ela (para poder recupera-la depois)
            camx.Name = "default";
            camx.FarPlane = 3000;
            ///Adiciona ao Manager (NAO ESTA SENDO ATIVADA, APENAS ADICIONADA)
            this.World.CameraManager.AddCamera(camx, camx.Name);
            ///Ativa a camera atual (AO ADICIONAR UMA CAMERA AO WORLD USANDO mundo.AddCamera(cam) A CAMERA EH AUTOMATICAMENTE ATIVADA  )
            ///Adiciona na lista circular
            camerasNames.Value = camx.Name;

            ///Idem para uma segunda camera (Porem esta nao eh ativada)
            CameraStatic cam2 = new CameraStatic(new Vector3(100, 100, 100), Vector3.Zero);
            cam2.Name = "StaticCamera";
            cam2.FarPlane = 3000;
            this.World.CameraManager.AddCamera(cam2, cam2.Name);
            camerasNames.Value = cam2.Name;

            ///Idem para a terceira
            CameraStatic cam3 = new CameraStatic(new Vector3(500, 300, 300), Vector3.Zero);
            cam3.Name = "StaticCamera3";
            cam3.FarPlane = 3000;
            this.World.CameraManager.AddCamera(cam3, cam3.Name);
            camerasNames.Value = cam3.Name;

            SimpleConcreteKeyboardInputPlayable ikp = new SimpleConcreteKeyboardInputPlayable(StateKey.PRESS, Keys.Space, KeyStateChange);
            bk = new BindKeyCommand(ikp, BindAction.ADD);
        protected override void LoadContent(PloobsEngine.Engine.GraphicInfo GraphicInfo, PloobsEngine.Engine.GraphicFactory factory, IContentManager contentManager)
            base.LoadContent(GraphicInfo, factory, contentManager);                        

            #region Models
            ///Cria um modelo Controlavel pelo teclado
                SimpleModel sm = new SimpleModel(factory,"..\\Content\\Model\\cubo");

                DeferredNormalShader shader = new DeferredNormalShader();                
                IMaterial mat = new DeferredMaterial(shader);
                CharacterControllerInput character = new CharacterControllerInput(this, new Vector3(100, 150, 1), 1, 1, 50, Vector3.One * 10, 0.5f);
                character.AheadKey = Keys.G;
                character.BackKey = Keys.T;
                character.LeftKey = Keys.F;
                character.RightKey = Keys.H;
                character.JumpKey = Keys.R;                
                character.Characterobj.CharacterController.MaxSpeed = 35f;
                character.Characterobj.CharacterController.JumpSpeed = 15f;
                player = new IObject(mat, sm, character.Characterobj);

            ///Cria o cenario padrao de sempre ;)
                SimpleModel sm = new SimpleModel(factory,"..\\Content\\Model\\cenario");
                IPhysicObject pi = new TriangleMeshObject(sm,Vector3.Zero, Matrix.Identity,Vector3.One,MaterialDescription.DefaultBepuMaterial());
                DeferredNormalShader shader = new DeferredNormalShader();                                
                IMaterial mat = new DeferredMaterial(shader);
                IObject obj3 = new IObject(mat, sm, pi);

            #region Cameras

            cam0 = new CameraFollowObject(player); 
            ///Dando um nome a ela (para poder recupera-la depois)
            cam0.Name = "follow";
            cam0.FarPlane = 3000;
            ///Adiciona ao Manager (NAO ESTA SENDO ATIVADA, APENAS ADICIONADA)
            this.World.CameraManager.AddCamera(cam0, cam0.Name);
            ///Ativa a camera atual (AO ADICIONAR UMA CAMERA AO WORLD USANDO mundo.AddCamera(cam) A CAMERA EH AUTOMATICAMENTE ATIVADA  )
            ///Adiciona na lista circular
            camerasNames.Value = cam0.Name;

            cam1 = new CameraFirstPerson(GraphicInfo);
            ///Dando um nome a ela (para poder recupera-la depois)
            cam1.Name = "first person";
            cam1.FarPlane = 3000;
            ///Adiciona ao Manager (NAO ESTA SENDO ATIVADA, APENAS ADICIONADA)
            this.World.CameraManager.AddCamera(cam1, cam1.Name);
            ///Ativa a camera atual (AO ADICIONAR UMA CAMERA AO WORLD USANDO mundo.AddCamera(cam) A CAMERA EH AUTOMATICAMENTE ATIVADA  )
            ///Adiciona na lista circular
            camerasNames.Value = cam1.Name;


            ///Objeto que permite atirar bolas de luzes na cena
            lt = new LightThrowBepu(this.World, factory);

            #region NormalLight
            ///Conjunto de luzes direcionais
            DirectionalLightPE ld1 = new DirectionalLightPE(Vector3.Left, Color.White);
            DirectionalLightPE ld2 = new DirectionalLightPE(Vector3.Right, Color.White);
            DirectionalLightPE ld3 = new DirectionalLightPE(Vector3.Backward, Color.White);
            DirectionalLightPE ld4 = new DirectionalLightPE(Vector3.Forward, Color.White);
            DirectionalLightPE ld5 = new DirectionalLightPE(Vector3.Down, Color.White);
            float li = 0.4f;
            ld1.LightIntensity = li;
            ld2.LightIntensity = li;
            ld3.LightIntensity = li;
            ld4.LightIntensity = li;
            ld5.LightIntensity = li;
                SimpleConcreteKeyboardInputPlayable ik = new SimpleConcreteKeyboardInputPlayable(StateKey.PRESS, Keys.Space, ChangeCamera);
                BindKeyCommand bk = new BindKeyCommand(ik, BindAction.ADD);
        protected override void LoadContent(PloobsEngine.Engine.GraphicInfo GraphicInfo, PloobsEngine.Engine.GraphicFactory factory, IContentManager contentManager)
            ///Must be called before everything in the LoadContent
            base.LoadContent(GraphicInfo, factory, contentManager);            

            ///Create a Simple Model
            IModelo sm = new SimpleModel(factory,"..\\Content\\Model\\cenario");            
            ///Create a Physic Object
            IPhysicObject pi = new TriangleMeshObject(sm, Vector3.Zero,Matrix.Identity,Vector3.One,MaterialDescription.DefaultBepuMaterial());
            pi.isMotionLess = true;
            ///Create a shader 
            IShader shader = new DeferredNormalShader();            
            ///Create a Material
            IMaterial mat = new DeferredMaterial(shader);
            ///Create a an Object that englobs everything and add it to the world
            IObject obj4 = new IObject(mat, sm,pi);

            ///Create the Physic Objects
                for (int i = 0; i < 15; i++)
                    CreateThrash(new Vector3(-70 + i * 5, 50, 10));

                for (int i = 0; i < 15; i++)
                    CreateBox(new Vector3(-70 + i * 7, 100, 50));

                for (int i = 0; i < 15; i++)
                    CreateThrash(new Vector3(-70 + i * 5, 80, 50));

                for (int i = 0; i < 15; i++)
                    CreateBall(new Vector3(-70 + i * 5, 50, 30));

                for (int i = 0; i < 15; i++)
                    CreateBox(new Vector3(-70 + i * 7, 130, -20));

                for (int i = 0; i < 15; i++)
                    CreateBox(new Vector3(-70 + i * 7, 60, -50));

                ///Create A Ghost Object (Do Not Collide)
                    ///Create a Simple Model
                    SimpleModel model = new SimpleModel(factory, "..\\Content\\Model\\ball");
                    model.SetTexture(factory.CreateTexture2DColor(1,1,Color.Purple), TextureType.DIFFUSE);                    
                    ///Create a Physic Object
                    IPhysicObject pobj = new GhostObject(new Vector3(50, 13f, 50), Matrix.Identity, Vector3.One * 5);
                    pobj.isMotionLess = true;
                    ///Create a shader   
                    IShader nd = new DeferredNormalShader();
                    ///Create a Material
                    IMaterial material = new DeferredMaterial(shader);
                    ///Create a an Object that englobs everything and add it to the world
                    IObject obj = new IObject(material, model, pobj);



            ///Call the function releaseObjects when Space key is pressed
            InputPlayableKeyBoard ip1 = new SimpleConcreteKeyboardInputPlayable(StateKey.PRESS, Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Input.Keys.Space, releaseObjects);
            ///Using the Global Method, need to release when screen is cleaned
            ///Check the KeyboardInputScreen for how to use it locally
            mm = new BindKeyCommand(ip1, BindAction.ADD);

            ///Create a FirstPerson Camera
            ///This is a special camera, used in the development
            ///You can move around using wasd / qz / and the mouse
            CameraFirstPerson cam = new CameraFirstPerson(GraphicInfo);            

            ///Create some directionals lights and add to the world
            DirectionalLightPE ld = new DirectionalLightPE(Vector3.Forward, Color.White);
            DirectionalLightPE ld2 = new DirectionalLightPE(Vector3.Left, Color.White);
            DirectionalLightPE ld3 = new DirectionalLightPE(Vector3.Down, Color.White);
            ld.LightIntensity = 0.5f;
            ld2.LightIntensity = 0.5f;
            ld3.LightIntensity = 0.5f;

            lightThrow = new LightThrowBepu(this.World,factory);

            this.RenderTechnic.AddPostEffect(new AntiAliasingPostEffect());
        protected override void  LoadContent(PloobsEngine.Engine.GraphicInfo GraphicInfo, PloobsEngine.Engine.GraphicFactory factory, IContentManager contentManager)
 	        base.LoadContent(GraphicInfo, factory, contentManager);
            for (int i = 0; i < totalDemos; i++)
                screenList.SetValue(i, i);

                SimpleConcreteKeyboardInputPlayable ik = new SimpleConcreteKeyboardInputPlayable(StateKey.PRESS, Keys.F1, ChangeDemo);
                BindKeyCommand bk = new BindKeyCommand(ik, BindAction.ADD);
                SimpleConcreteKeyboardInputPlayable ik = new SimpleConcreteKeyboardInputPlayable(StateKey.PRESS, Keys.Escape, LeaveGame);
                BindKeyCommand bk = new BindKeyCommand(ik, BindAction.ADD);
        protected override void  LoadContent(PloobsEngine.Engine.GraphicInfo GraphicInfo, PloobsEngine.Engine.GraphicFactory factory, IContentManager contentManager)
            base.LoadContent(GraphicInfo, factory, contentManager);
            #region Models

                SimpleModel sm = new SimpleModel(factory,"..\\Content\\Model\\cenario");                
                IPhysicObject pi = new TriangleMeshObject(sm,Vector3.Zero, Matrix.Identity,Vector3.One,MaterialDescription.DefaultBepuMaterial());
                DeferredNormalShader shader = new DeferredNormalShader();
                shader.SpecularIntensity = 0;
                shader.SpecularPower = 0;                
                IMaterial mat = new DeferredMaterial(shader);
                IObject obj3 = new IObject(mat, sm, pi);


            cam = new CameraFirstPerson(GraphicInfo);
            cam.FarPlane = 3000;

            lt = new LightThrowBepu(this.World,factory);

            #region NormalLight
            DirectionalLightPE ld1 = new DirectionalLightPE(Vector3.Left, Color.White);
            DirectionalLightPE ld2 = new DirectionalLightPE(Vector3.Right, Color.White);
            DirectionalLightPE ld3 = new DirectionalLightPE(Vector3.Backward, Color.White);
            DirectionalLightPE ld4 = new DirectionalLightPE(Vector3.Forward, Color.White);
            DirectionalLightPE ld5 = new DirectionalLightPE(Vector3.Down, Color.White);
            float li = 0.4f;
            ld1.LightIntensity = li;
            ld2.LightIntensity = li;
            ld3.LightIntensity = li;
            ld4.LightIntensity = li;
            ld5.LightIntensity = li;

            ///Bind a Key event (combination of Key + state(pressed, Released ...) + inputMask ) to a function
            SimpleConcreteKeyboardInputPlayable ik1 = new SimpleConcreteKeyboardInputPlayable(StateKey.PRESS, Keys.T,g1, InputMask.G1);
            ///When you use the method Bind of a IScreen, The key event will be sent by the engine while this screen remains added in the ScreenManager.
            ///TO create a Gloal Input (Keep working even if the screen goes away), see the DemosHomeScreen.cs
            SimpleConcreteKeyboardInputPlayable ik2 = new SimpleConcreteKeyboardInputPlayable(StateKey.PRESS, Keys.Y, g2,InputMask.G2);
            ///The SYSTEM Mask is Always On (cant be turned off)
            SimpleConcreteKeyboardInputPlayable ik3 = new SimpleConcreteKeyboardInputPlayable(StateKey.PRESS, Keys.Space, ChangeGroup,InputMask.GSYSTEM);
            ///StateKey.DOWN mean when the key is down the event will be fired --looooots of times(samae as UP)
            ///StateKey.PRESS is fired ONCE when the key is pressed (same as RELEASE)
            ///WHEN USING COMBOS, use DOWN AND UP (better for precision)
            ///The parameter EntityType is not used internaly 
            SimpleConcreteKeyboardInputPlayable ik4 = new SimpleConcreteKeyboardInputPlayable(StateKey.DOWN, new Keys[] { Keys.LeftControl, Keys.U }, Multiple);

            ///Send a command (design pattern) to the InputSystem to change the InputMask            
            TurnOnInputMaskCommand tom = new TurnOnInputMaskCommand(InputMask.GALL);

            isAllActive = true;

            this.RenderTechnic.AddPostEffect(new AntiAliasingPostEffect());
        /// <summary>
        /// Load content for the screen.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="GraphicInfo"></param>
        /// <param name="factory"></param>
        /// <param name="contentManager"></param>
        protected override void LoadContent(PloobsEngine.Engine.GraphicInfo GraphicInfo, PloobsEngine.Engine.GraphicFactory factory, IContentManager contentManager)
            base.LoadContent(GraphicInfo, factory, contentManager);

            ///Create the xml file model extractor
            ///Loads a XML file that was export by our 3DS MAX plugin
            ExtractXmlModelLoader ext = new ExtractXmlModelLoader("Content//ModelInfos//", "Model//","Textures//");
            ///Extract all the XML info (Model,Cameras, ...)
            ModelLoaderData data = ext.Load(factory, GraphicInfo, "SSAO");
            ///Create the WOrld Loader
            ///Convert the ModelLoaderData in World Entities
            WorldLoader wl = new WorldLoader();
            ///Register some Custom HAnlder
            ///The Default arent good all the time
            ///Called when an object is created, the default creates a triangle mesh entity and a deferred Material (whith Custom Shader) and add it to the world
            wl.OnCreateIObject += new CreateIObject(wl_OnCreateIObject);
            ///When a ligh is created, the default just add the light
            wl.OnCreateILight += new CreateILight(wl_OnCreateILight);
            ///when a camera is created, the default just add the camera
            wl.OnCreateICamera += new CreateICamera(wl_OnCreateICamera);
            wl.LoadWorld(factory, GraphicInfo, World, data);
            ///Add some directional lights to completely iluminate the world
            #region Lights
            DirectionalLightPE ld1 = new DirectionalLightPE(Vector3.Left, Color.White);
            DirectionalLightPE ld2 = new DirectionalLightPE(Vector3.Right, Color.White);
            DirectionalLightPE ld3 = new DirectionalLightPE(Vector3.Backward, Color.White);
            DirectionalLightPE ld4 = new DirectionalLightPE(Vector3.Forward, Color.White);
            DirectionalLightPE ld5 = new DirectionalLightPE(Vector3.Down, Color.White);
            float li = 0.4f;
            ld1.LightIntensity = li;
            ld2.LightIntensity = li;
            ld3.LightIntensity = li;
            ld4.LightIntensity = li;
            ld5.LightIntensity = li;
                ///har way
                SimpleConcreteKeyboardInputPlayable ik = new SimpleConcreteKeyboardInputPlayable(StateKey.PRESS, Keys.Enter,Active);

                ///easy way
                SimpleConcreteKeyboardInputPlayable ik = new SimpleConcreteKeyboardInputPlayable(StateKey.PRESS, Keys.Space);
                ik.KeyStateChange += new KeyStateChange(ik_KeyStateChange);

            ssao = new SSAOPostEffect();
            //ssao.OutputONLYSSAOMAP = true;
            ssao.WhiteCorrection = 0.7f;
            ssao.Intensity = 5;
            ssao.Diffscale = 0.5f;            

            ///Add a AA post effect

            CameraFirstPerson cam = new CameraFirstPerson(MathHelper.ToRadians(0), MathHelper.ToRadians(-10), new Vector3(0,100, 150), GraphicInfo);
            ///add a camera
        /// <summary>
        /// Load content for the screen.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="GraphicInfo"></param>
        /// <param name="factory"></param>
        /// <param name="contentManager"></param>
        protected override void LoadContent(PloobsEngine.Engine.GraphicInfo GraphicInfo, PloobsEngine.Engine.GraphicFactory factory, IContentManager contentManager)
            ///must be called before all
            base.LoadContent(GraphicInfo, factory, contentManager);

            ///Create the xml file model extractor
            ///Loads a XML file that was export by our 3DS MAX plugin
            ExtractXmlModelLoader ext = new ExtractXmlModelLoader("Content//ModelInfos//", "Model//", "Textures//");
            ///Extract all the XML info (Model,Cameras, ...)
            ModelLoaderData data = ext.Load(factory, GraphicInfo, "lionscene");
            ///Create the WOrld Loader
            ///Convert the ModelLoaderData in World Entities
            WorldLoader wl = new WorldLoader();
            ///Register some Custom Handler
            ///The Default arent good all the time
            ///Called when an object is created, the default creates a triangle mesh entity and a deferred Material (whith Custom Shader) and add it to the world
            wl.OnCreateIObject += new CreateIObject(wl_OnCreateIObject);
            ///When a ligh is created, the default just add the light
            wl.OnCreateILight += new CreateILight(wl_OnCreateILight);
            ///when a camera is created, the default just add the camera
            wl.OnCreateICamera += new CreateICamera(wl_OnCreateICamera);
            wl.LoadWorld(factory, GraphicInfo, World, data);

            ///Add some directional lights
            #region Lights
            DirectionalLightPE ld1 = new DirectionalLightPE(Vector3.Left, Color.White);
            DirectionalLightPE ld2 = new DirectionalLightPE(Vector3.Right, Color.White);
            DirectionalLightPE ld3 = new DirectionalLightPE(Vector3.Backward, Color.White);
            DirectionalLightPE ld4 = new DirectionalLightPE(Vector3.Forward, Color.White);
            DirectionalLightPE ld5 = new DirectionalLightPE(Vector3.Down, Color.White);
            float li = 0.3f;
            ld1.LightIntensity = li;
            ld2.LightIntensity = li;
            ld3.LightIntensity = li;
            ld4.LightIntensity = li;
            ld5.LightIntensity = li;

            ///Add a post effect
            this.RenderTechnic.AddPostEffect(new AntiAliasingPostEffect());

            ///add a camera
            CameraFirstPerson cam = new CameraFirstPerson(MathHelper.ToRadians(30), MathHelper.ToRadians(-30), new Vector3(50,50,75), GraphicInfo);
            cam.FarPlane = 500;
            cam.NearPlane = 1;


                SimpleConcreteKeyboardInputPlayable ik = new SimpleConcreteKeyboardInputPlayable(StateKey.PRESS, Keys.B, bumpChange);
                SimpleConcreteKeyboardInputPlayable ik = new SimpleConcreteKeyboardInputPlayable(StateKey.PRESS, Keys.V, specularChange);

            lt = new LightThrowBepu(this.World, factory);

        /// <summary>
        /// Load content for the screen.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="GraphicInfo"></param>
        /// <param name="factory"></param>
        /// <param name="contentManager"></param>
        protected override void LoadContent(PloobsEngine.Engine.GraphicInfo GraphicInfo, PloobsEngine.Engine.GraphicFactory factory, IContentManager contentManager)
            ///must be called before all
            base.LoadContent(GraphicInfo, factory, contentManager);

            client = new NetworkCliente(World);

            NetWorkClientObject no = new NetWorkClientObject("tmesh",

                (mes) =>
                    mes.WriteTrianglemesh("Model//cenario", Vector3.Zero, Matrix.Identity, Vector3.One, MaterialDescription.DefaultBepuMaterial());
                    return mes;
                (mes, id) =>
                    SimpleModel model;
                    TriangleMeshObject triangleMesh = mes.ReadTrianglemesh(GraphicFactory, out model);
                    DeferredNormalShader shader = new DeferredNormalShader();
                    DeferredMaterial fmaterial = new DeferredMaterial(shader);
                    IObject obj = new IObject(fmaterial, model, triangleMesh);
                    return obj;

            ///Add some directional lights to completely iluminate the world
            #region Lights
            DirectionalLightPE ld1 = new DirectionalLightPE(Vector3.Left, Color.White);
            DirectionalLightPE ld2 = new DirectionalLightPE(Vector3.Right, Color.White);
            DirectionalLightPE ld3 = new DirectionalLightPE(Vector3.Backward, Color.White);
            DirectionalLightPE ld4 = new DirectionalLightPE(Vector3.Forward, Color.White);
            DirectionalLightPE ld5 = new DirectionalLightPE(Vector3.Down, Color.White);
            float li = 0.4f;
            ld1.LightIntensity = li;
            ld2.LightIntensity = li;
            ld3.LightIntensity = li;
            ld4.LightIntensity = li;
            ld5.LightIntensity = li;

            ///add a camera
            this.World.CameraManager.AddCamera(new CameraFirstPerson(false, GraphicInfo.Viewport));

                SimpleConcreteKeyboardInputPlayable key = new SimpleConcreteKeyboardInputPlayable(StateKey.PRESS, Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Input.Keys.Space);
                key.KeyStateChange += new KeyStateChange(key_KeyStateChange);

                SimpleConcreteKeyboardInputPlayable key = new SimpleConcreteKeyboardInputPlayable(StateKey.PRESS, Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Input.Keys.Enter);
                key.KeyStateChange +=new KeyStateChange(key_KeyStateChange2);

        /// <summary>
        /// Load content for the screen.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="GraphicInfo"></param>
        /// <param name="factory"></param>
        /// <param name="contentManager"></param>
        protected override void LoadContent(GraphicInfo GraphicInfo, GraphicFactory factory, IContentManager contentManager)
            base.LoadContent(GraphicInfo, factory, contentManager);

            #region Models

            ///Model with Paralax Shader enabled
                ///Need to load the height, the normal texture and the difuse texture
                SimpleModel sm = new SimpleModel(factory, "..\\Content\\Model\\block", "..\\Content\\Textures\\color_map");
                sm.SetTexture("Textures\\normal_map", TextureType.BUMP);
                sm.SetTexture("Textures\\height_map", TextureType.PARALAX);

                BoxObject pi = new BoxObject(new Vector3(200, 110, 0), 1, 1, 1, 5, new Vector3(100, 100, 100), Matrix.Identity, MaterialDescription.DefaultBepuMaterial());
                ///Enable paralax and Normal Mapping;
                paralax = new DeferredCustomShader(false, false, false, false);
                paralax.SpecularIntensity = 0.2f;
                paralax.SpecularPower = 30;
                IMaterial mat = new DeferredMaterial(paralax);
                IObject obj3 = new IObject(mat, sm, pi);

                SimpleModel simpleModel = new SimpleModel(factory, "Model//cenario");
                TriangleMeshObject tmesh = new TriangleMeshObject(simpleModel, Vector3.Zero, Matrix.Identity, Vector3.One, MaterialDescription.DefaultBepuMaterial());
                DeferredCustomShader shader = new DeferredCustomShader(false,false,false,false);
                DeferredMaterial fmaterial = new DeferredMaterial(shader);
                IObject obj = new IObject(fmaterial, simpleModel, tmesh);


            #region NormalLight
            DirectionalLightPE ld1 = new DirectionalLightPE(Vector3.Left, Color.White);
            DirectionalLightPE ld2 = new DirectionalLightPE(Vector3.Right, Color.White);
            DirectionalLightPE ld3 = new DirectionalLightPE(Vector3.Backward, Color.White);
            DirectionalLightPE ld4 = new DirectionalLightPE(Vector3.Forward, Color.White);
            DirectionalLightPE ld5 = new DirectionalLightPE(Vector3.Down, Color.White);
            float li = 0.5f;
            ld1.LightIntensity = li;
            ld2.LightIntensity = li;
            ld3.LightIntensity = li;
            ld4.LightIntensity = li;
            ld5.LightIntensity = li;

            CameraFirstPerson cam = new CameraFirstPerson(MathHelper.ToRadians(10), MathHelper.ToRadians(-10), new Vector3(200, 150, 250), GraphicInfo);

                SimpleConcreteKeyboardInputPlayable ik = new SimpleConcreteKeyboardInputPlayable(StateKey.DOWN, Keys.H, aumentaScale);
                SimpleConcreteKeyboardInputPlayable ik = new SimpleConcreteKeyboardInputPlayable(StateKey.DOWN, Keys.G, diminuiScale);
                SimpleConcreteKeyboardInputPlayable ik = new SimpleConcreteKeyboardInputPlayable(StateKey.DOWN, Keys.Y, aumentaBias);
                SimpleConcreteKeyboardInputPlayable ik = new SimpleConcreteKeyboardInputPlayable(StateKey.DOWN, Keys.T, diminuiBias);

                SimpleConcreteKeyboardInputPlayable ik = new SimpleConcreteKeyboardInputPlayable(StateKey.PRESS, Keys.J, EnableDisableParalax);
                SimpleConcreteKeyboardInputPlayable ik = new SimpleConcreteKeyboardInputPlayable(StateKey.PRESS, Keys.K, EnableDisableBump);

            new LightThrowBepu(this.World, GraphicFactory);
        /// <summary>
        /// Load content for the screen.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="GraphicInfo"></param>
        /// <param name="factory"></param>
        /// <param name="contentManager"></param>
        protected override void LoadContent(GraphicInfo GraphicInfo, GraphicFactory factory, IContentManager contentManager)
            base.LoadContent(GraphicInfo, factory, contentManager);

            RegisterDebugDrawCommand rc = new RegisterDebugDrawCommand(ddrawer);
            dlines = new DebugLines();

            Picking pick = new Picking(this,2000);
            pick.OnPickedLeftButton += new OnPicked(pick_OnPickedLeftButton);

            wh = new WaypointHandler();

            SimpleModel simpleModel = new SimpleModel(factory, "Model//block");
            simpleModel.SetTexture(factory.CreateTexture2DColor(1, 1, Color.White), TextureType.DIFFUSE);
            ///Physic info (position, rotation and scale are set here)
            BoxObject tmesh = new BoxObject(Vector3.Zero, 1, 1, 1, 10, new Vector3(1000, 1, 1000), Matrix.Identity, MaterialDescription.DefaultBepuMaterial());
            tmesh.isMotionLess = true;
            ///Forward Shader (look at this shader construction for more info)
            ForwardXNABasicShader shader = new ForwardXNABasicShader();
            ///Deferred material
            ForwardMaterial fmaterial = new ForwardMaterial(shader);
            ///The object itself
            IObject obj = new IObject(fmaterial, simpleModel, tmesh);
            ///Add to the world

                InputPlayableKeyBoard ipk = new SimpleConcreteKeyboardInputPlayable(StateKey.PRESS,Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Input.Keys.Space);
                ipk.KeyStateChange += new KeyStateChange(ipk_KeyStateChange);

                InputPlayableKeyBoard ipk = new SimpleConcreteKeyboardInputPlayable(StateKey.PRESS, Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Input.Keys.Enter);
                ipk.KeyStateChange += new KeyStateChange(ipk_KeyStateChange2);
            ///add a camera
            this.World.CameraManager.AddCamera(new CameraFirstPerson(GraphicInfo));
        /// <summary>
        /// Load content for the screen.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="GraphicInfo"></param>
        /// <param name="factory"></param>
        /// <param name="contentManager"></param>
        protected override void LoadContent(GraphicInfo GraphicInfo, GraphicFactory factory, IContentManager contentManager)
            base.LoadContent(GraphicInfo, factory, contentManager);

            #region Models

                ///Need to load the height, the normal texture and the difuse texture
                SimpleModel sm = new SimpleModel(factory, "..\\Content\\Model\\block", "..\\Content\\Textures\\color_map");
                sm.SetTexture("Textures\\normal_map", TextureType.BUMP);                

                BoxObject pi = new BoxObject(new Vector3(200, 110, 0), 1, 1, 1, 5, new Vector3(100, 100, 100), Matrix.Identity, MaterialDescription.DefaultBepuMaterial());
                DeferredEnvironmentCustomShader = new DeferredEnvironmentCustomShader(false, true, false);
                DeferredEnvironmentCustomShader.SpecularIntensity = 0.2f;
                DeferredEnvironmentCustomShader.SpecularPower = 30;
                DeferredEnvironmentCustomShader.ReflectionIndex = 0.5f;

                ///Setting Shader iD
                ///This make the object be not affect by the light
                DeferredEnvironmentCustomShader.ShaderId = ShaderUtils.CreateSpecificBitField(true);
                IMaterial mat = new DeferredMaterial(DeferredEnvironmentCustomShader);
                IObject obj3 = new IObject(mat, sm, pi);

                    SimpleConcreteKeyboardInputPlayable ik = new SimpleConcreteKeyboardInputPlayable(StateKey.PRESS, Keys.Space,
                        (a) =>
                            if (DeferredEnvironmentCustomShader.ShaderId == ShaderUtils.CreateSpecificBitField(true))
                                DeferredEnvironmentCustomShader.ShaderId = ShaderUtils.CreateSpecificBitField(false);
                                DeferredEnvironmentCustomShader.ShaderId = ShaderUtils.CreateSpecificBitField(true);


                SimpleModel simpleModel = new SimpleModel(factory, "Model//cenario");
                TriangleMeshObject tmesh = new TriangleMeshObject(simpleModel, Vector3.Zero, Matrix.Identity, Vector3.One, MaterialDescription.DefaultBepuMaterial());
                DeferredCustomShader shader = new DeferredCustomShader(false,false,false,false);
                DeferredMaterial fmaterial = new DeferredMaterial(shader);
                IObject obj = new IObject(fmaterial, simpleModel, tmesh);


            #region NormalLight
            DirectionalLightPE ld1 = new DirectionalLightPE(Vector3.Left, Color.White);
            DirectionalLightPE ld2 = new DirectionalLightPE(Vector3.Right, Color.White);
            DirectionalLightPE ld3 = new DirectionalLightPE(Vector3.Backward, Color.White);
            DirectionalLightPE ld4 = new DirectionalLightPE(Vector3.Forward, Color.White);
            DirectionalLightPE ld5 = new DirectionalLightPE(Vector3.Down, Color.White);
            float li = 0.5f;
            ld1.LightIntensity = li;
            ld2.LightIntensity = li;
            ld3.LightIntensity = li;
            ld4.LightIntensity = li;
            ld5.LightIntensity = li;

            CameraFirstPerson cam = new CameraFirstPerson(MathHelper.ToRadians(10), MathHelper.ToRadians(-10), new Vector3(200, 150, 250), GraphicInfo);

            LightThrowBepu = new LightThrowBepu(this.World, GraphicFactory);

            SkyBoxSetTextureCube stc = new SkyBoxSetTextureCube("Textures//cubemap");
        protected override void LoadContent(PloobsEngine.Engine.GraphicInfo GraphicInfo, PloobsEngine.Engine.GraphicFactory factory, PloobsEngine.SceneControl.IContentManager contentManager)
            tile = factory.GetTexture2D("Textures/tile");

            FarseerWorld fworld = this.World.PhysicWorld as FarseerWorld;

            border = new Border(fworld, factory, GraphicInfo, factory.CreateTexture2DColor(1, 1, Color.Red));

            ///from texture
                Texture2D tex = factory.GetTexture2D("Textures//goo");
                IModelo2D model = new SpriteFarseer(tex);
                Basic2DTextureMaterial mat = new Basic2DTextureMaterial();
                FarseerObject fs = new FarseerObject(fworld, model);
                I2DObject o = new I2DObject(fs, mat, model);
                o.PhysicObject.Position = new Vector2(200, 0);

            ///from texture, scale usage sample
                Texture2D tex = factory.GetTexture2D("Textures//goo");
                tex = factory.GetScaledTexture(tex, new Vector2(2));
                IModelo2D model = new SpriteFarseer(tex);
                Basic2DTextureMaterial mat = new Basic2DTextureMaterial();
                FarseerObject fs = new FarseerObject(fworld, model);
                I2DObject o = new I2DObject(fs, mat, model);
                o.OnHasMoved += new PloobsEngine.SceneControl._2DScene.OnHasMoved(o_OnHasMoved);

            Vertices verts = PolygonTools.CreateRectangle(50, 50);
                IModelo2D model = new SpriteFarseer(factory, verts, Color.Orange);
                Basic2DTextureMaterial mat = new Basic2DTextureMaterial();
                FarseerObject fs = new FarseerObject(fworld, model);
                I2DObject o = new I2DObject(fs, mat, model);
                o.PhysicObject.Position = new Vector2(-200, 0);

            CircleShape circle = new CircleShape(50, 1);
                IModelo2D model = new SpriteFarseer(factory, circle , Color.Orange);
                Basic2DTextureMaterial mat = new Basic2DTextureMaterial();
                FarseerObject fs = new FarseerObject(fworld, model);
                I2DObject o = new I2DObject(fs, mat, model);
                o.PhysicObject.Position = new Vector2(200, -100);

            ///animated sprite
                Texture2D tex = factory.GetTexture2D("Textures//DudeSheet");
                SpriteAnimated sa = new SpriteAnimated(tex, 8, 2);                
                sa.AddAnimation("ANIM1", 1, 8,0);
                sa.AddAnimation("ANIM2", 2, 4, MathHelper.PiOver2);
                Basic2DTextureMaterial mat = new Basic2DTextureMaterial();
                Texture2D frame = factory.GetTexturePart(tex,sa.GetFrameRectangle("ANIM1",0));
                FarseerObject fs = new FarseerObject(fworld, frame);                

                //GhostObject fs = new GhostObject(Vector2.Zero);
                sheet = new I2DObject(fs, mat, sa);
                sheet.PhysicObject.Position = new Vector2(500, 0);

                PointLight2D l = new PointLight2D(new Vector2(-GraphicInfo.BackBufferWidth / 4, -GraphicInfo.BackBufferWidth / 4), Color.Red, 1);

                SpotLight2D l = new SpotLight2D(new Vector2(+GraphicInfo.BackBufferWidth / 4, -GraphicInfo.BackBufferWidth / 4), Color.Blue, new Vector2(0, 1), MathHelper.ToRadians(45));
            SimpleConcreteKeyboardInputPlayable sc = new SimpleConcreteKeyboardInputPlayable(StateKey.PRESS,Keys.Space);
            sc.KeyStateChange+=new KeyStateChange(sc_KeyStateChange);

            this.World.Camera2D = new Camera2D(GraphicInfo);

            DPFSParticleSystem ps = new DPFSParticleSystem("TESTE", new SpriteParticleSystem(null));

            ///add a post effect =P
            //this.RenderTechnic.AddPostEffect(new WigglePostEffect());

            JointUpdateable ju = new JointUpdateable(this, fworld, this.World.Camera2D);

            base.LoadContent(GraphicInfo, factory, contentManager);