/// <summary>
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="spot"></param>
 /// <param name="pea"></param>
 public JumpEventArgs(DataJumpSpot spot, DataPea pea, Int32 points)
     : base()
     this.Spot = spot;
     this.Pea = pea;
     this.Points = points;
 /// <summary>
 /// Registers a pea
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="pea"></param>
 public void Register(DataPea pea)
     pea.OnSeparation += new OnSeparationEventHandler(pea_OnSeparation);
     pea.OnJumpStarted += new JumpEventHandler(pea_OnJumpStarted);
     pea.OnJumpFailed += new JumpEventHandler(pea_OnJumpFailed);
     pea.OnJumpCompleted += new JumpEventHandler(pea_OnJumpCompleted);
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates a new sprite pea
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="layer"></param>
 /// <param name="source"></param>
 /// <param name="pointsController"></param>
 public SpritePea(SceneLayer layer, DataPea source, PointsController pointsController)
     : base(layer)
     _source = source;
     _pointsController = pointsController;
     _source.OnJumpStarted += new JumpEventHandler(_source_OnJumpStarted);
     _source.OnJumpCompleted += new JumpEventHandler(_source_OnJumpCompleted);
     _source.OnJumpFailed += new JumpEventHandler(_source_OnJumpCompleted);
     _source.OnRevive += new EventHandler(_source_OnRevive);
        /// <summary>
        /// Starts jumping
        /// </summary>
        public void Start(DataPea pea)

            var getOnSource = (Placement == Location.Left ? Source.JumpLeft : Source.JumpRight);

            // Register
            if (getOnSource == null)
            else if (getOnSource != this)
        /// <summary>
        /// Fail the spot for this pea
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dataPea"></param>
        internal void Fail(DataPea pea)

            var getOnSource = (Placement == Location.Left ? Source.JumpLeft : Source.JumpRight);

            // Complete on other and kill this (shouldnt be needed)
            if (getOnSource != this)
Beispiel #6
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates a new state
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="pea"></param>
 public PointsControllerState(DataPea pea)
     this.Times = new Dictionary<BlockType, Int32>() { 
         { BlockType.Normal, 0 }, 
         { BlockType.LeftRamp, 0 },
         { BlockType.RightRamp, 0 },
         { BlockType.Spring, 0},
         { BlockType.Gel, 0},
         { BlockType.None, 0}, 
     this.Pea = pea;
     this.RecentHits = new Queue<DataBlock>();
        /// <summary>
        /// Starts jumping
        /// </summary>
        public void Start(DataPea pea)

            var getOnSource = (Placement == Location.Left ? Source.JumpLeft : Source.JumpRight);

            // Register
            if (getOnSource == null)
            else if (getOnSource != this)
        /// <summary>
        /// Complete this for a pea
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pea"></param>
        public void Complete(DataPea pea)

            var getOnSource = (Placement == Location.Left ? Source.JumpLeft : Source.JumpRight);

            // Complete on other and kill this (shouldnt be needed)
            if (getOnSource != this)

            if (_hasCompleted.Count == MaxCompletion)
        /// <summary>
        /// Finds a path to a jumping spot
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="spot">Spot to jump</param>
        /// <param name="path">Path</param>
        /// <returns>Has found</returns>
        private Boolean FindPath(DataPea pea, DataJumpSpot spot, out Queue<MoveNode> path)
            path = new Queue<MoveNode>();

            var startNode = new Node<MoveNode>() { Value = GetSnapshot(pea).PreviousNode }; //.Action == MoveNode.Type.None ? new Node<MoveNode>() { Value = new MoveNode() { Position = pea.GridPosition, Action = MoveNode.Type.Walk} } : ;
            var goalNode = new Node<MoveNode>() { Value = new MoveNode() { Position = new Point(spot.Source.X, spot.Source.Y - 1), Action = MoveNode.Type.Walk } };
            var domain = new List<Node<MoveNode>>();

            // Notes: Normally you would build the domain from ALL the walkable places and 
            // have the neighbourghing function run just once for each node. Because that
            // function is complex, I added it dynamically (runs on reach node). This changes
            // some of the behavior of A*. Don't forget that...

            // Debuging
            Solver<MoveNode>.SolverProgress += new EventHandler<SolverResultEventArgs<MoveNode>>(PeaController_SolverProgress);

            // Get a path
            var result = Solver<MoveNode>.Solve(
                CreateMoveNodesFrom, // This was initialially not in the solver
                n => Math.Abs(n.Value.Position.X - goalNode.Value.Position.X) + Math.Abs(n.Value.Position.Y - goalNode.Value.Position.Y),
                n => Math.Abs(n.Value.Position.X - startNode.Value.Position.X) + Math.Abs(n.Value.Position.Y - startNode.Value.Position.X),
                (n, m) => n.Value.Equals(m.Value),

            if (result == null)
                path = null;
                return false;

            foreach (Node<MoveNode> node in result)

            return true;
        /// <summary>
        /// Finds a jump target for a pea
        /// <param name="pea"></param>
        /// </summary>
        private Boolean FindTarget(DataPea pea)
            IEnumerable<Tuple<Boolean, DataJumpSpot, Queue<MoveNode>>> spots = null; //new List<DataJumpSpot>();

            for (int y = 0; y < _destinations.Length; y++)
                if (_destinations[y].Count > 0)
                    // See if spots are available to pea and are reachable
                    var potential = _destinations[y].Where(spot => !spot.HasJumped(pea));
                    spots = potential.Select(spot => { 
                        var path = new Queue<MoveNode>(); 
                        Boolean r = IsReachable(pea, spot, out path); 
                        return new Tuple<Boolean, DataJumpSpot, Queue<MoveNode>>(r, spot, path); 
                    }).Where(a => a.Item1);

                    //Debug.WriteLine("Found {0} spots for y = {1} reachable", spots.Count(), y);

                    if (spots.Count() > 0)

            var snapshot = GetSnapshot(pea);
            // Select a target
            if (spots != null)
                var targets = spots.Where(spot => spot.Item2.Completion == spots.Max(cspot => cspot.Item2.Completion));
                var target = targets.Count() > 0 ? targets.ElementAt(DataPea.Random.Next(targets.Count())) : null;
                if (target != null)
                    snapshot.Target = target.Item2;

                    // Get the path

                return target != null;

            return false;
        /// <summary>
        /// Jumping start
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pea"></param>
        /// <param name="gameTime"></param>
        public void Jump(DataPea pea, GameTime gameTime)
            var snapshot = GetSnapshot(pea);
            var d = (snapshot.Target.Source.Position + Vector2.UnitX * 35 - Vector2.UnitY * 8 - pea.Position);

            // If not in range of the target, stop jumping
            if (d.Length() > 5 || !IsValid(snapshot.Target) || 
                ((snapshot.Target.Placement == DataJumpSpot.Location.Left ? 
                    (snapshot.Target.Source == null ? snapshot.Target : snapshot.Target.Source.JumpLeft)  :
                    (snapshot.Target.Source == null ? snapshot.Target : snapshot.Target.Source.JumpRight)) ?? snapshot.Target).HasJumped(pea))
                snapshot.Target = null;

        /// <summary>
        /// Update moving towards a goal
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pea"></param>
        /// <param name="gameTime"></param>
        public Boolean UpdateMoveTo(DataPea pea, GameTime gameTime)
            if (RunningSpeed <= 0)
                return false;

            var snapshot = GetSnapshot(pea);
            var previousNode = snapshot.PreviousNode;
            var nextNode = snapshot.HasRemainingPath ? snapshot.CurrentNode : snapshot.WanderingNode.Value;
            var reached = false;

            // If no longer valid move
            if (!IsValid(previousNode, nextNode))
                // Detroy target, node list and so on
                snapshot.Target = null;
                return true;

            // Branch move action
            switch (nextNode.Action)
                case MoveNode.Type.Round:
                case MoveNode.Type.Climb:
                case MoveNode.Type.Wander:
                case MoveNode.Type.Ramp:
                    var dclimbmovement = (Single)(gameTime.ElapsedGameTime.TotalSeconds * (nextNode.Action == MoveNode.Type.Wander ? 70 : 50)) * RunningSpeed;
                    var dclimb = (nextNode.ScreenPosition - pea.Position);

                    if (dclimb != Vector2.Zero)

                        var climbdir = Vector2.Normalize(dclimb);
                        var dclimbdt = climbdir * dclimbmovement;

                        dclimbdt = dclimbdt.Length() < dclimb.Length() ? dclimbdt : dclimb;

                        pea.Rotation += (Single)(gameTime.ElapsedGameTime.TotalSeconds * 4) * RunningSpeed * 
                            (climbdir).Length() * (nextNode.Dir == MoveNode.Direction.Left ? -1 : 1);
                        pea.Position = pea.Position + dclimbdt;

                    reached = Math.Abs((dclimb).Length()) < 1f * RunningSpeed;

                /*case MoveNode.Type.Jump:
                    // TODO: path
                    var jlength = Math.Abs((nextNode.ScreenPosition - previousNode.ScreenPosition).X);
                    var djumpmovement = (Single)(gameTime.ElapsedGameTime.TotalSeconds * 2.5f);
                    snapshot.JumpAmount += djumpmovement / (jlength / 70);
                    var djumpwalk = (nextNode.ScreenPosition - pea.Position);
                    var jumpdir = Vector2.Normalize(djumpwalk);
                    var jamount = Math.Max(0, Math.Min(1, (1 - Math.Abs(djumpwalk.X) / jlength)));

                    if (djumpwalk != Vector2.Zero)
                        pea.Rotation += (Single)(gameTime.ElapsedGameTime.TotalSeconds * 7) * (jumpdir).X;

                        pea.Position = Vector2.Hermite(previousNode.ScreenPosition, -Vector2.UnitY * 50, nextNode.ScreenPosition, Vector2.UnitY * 50 , snapshot.JumpAmount);

                        //if (jamount < 0.4f) { 
                            //pea.Position = Vector2.Lerp(pea.Position, nextNode.ScreenPosition - Vector2.UnitY * 60, djumpmovement / (jlength / 70f)); //pea.Position + jumpdir * djumpmovement;
                            Vector2.CatmullRom(previousNode.ScreenPosition + Vector2.UnitY * 5,
                                nextNode.ScreenPosition + Vector2.UnitY * 5,
                        //} else {
                            //pea.Position = Vector2.Lerp(Vector2.Lerp(nextNode.ScreenPosition, nextNode.ScreenPosition - Vector2.UnitY * 60, 0.8f),
                            //    nextNode.ScreenPosition, jamount + djumpmovement * 0.005f);
                        reached = Math.Abs((djumpwalk).Length()) < 0.8f;
                    } else {
                        reached = true;

                    if (reached)
                        snapshot.JumpAmount = 0;


                case MoveNode.Type.None:
                case MoveNode.Type.Walk:
                    var dwalkmovement = (Single)(gameTime.ElapsedGameTime.TotalSeconds * 70) * RunningSpeed;
                    var dwalk = (nextNode.ScreenPosition - pea.Position);
                    var walkdir = Vector2.Normalize(dwalk);

                    if (dwalk != Vector2.Zero)
                        var dwalkdt = walkdir * dwalkmovement;
                        dwalkdt = dwalkdt.Length() < dwalk.Length() ? dwalkdt : dwalk;

                        pea.Rotation += (Single)(gameTime.ElapsedGameTime.TotalSeconds * 4) * RunningSpeed * (walkdir).X;;
                        pea.Position = pea.Position + dwalkdt;

                    reached = Math.Abs((dwalk).Length()) < Math.Min(30f, 1f * RunningSpeed);

            // If reached node, dequeue
            if (reached)

            // Jump if reached spot
            if (!snapshot.HasRemainingPath && snapshot.Target != null)
                Jump(pea, gameTime);

            return reached;
 /// <summary>
 /// Gets the controller state for a pea
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="pea"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 protected PeaControllerState GetSnapshot(DataPea pea)
     return _snapshots[pea];
        /// <summary>
        /// Updates a pea
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="gameTime"></param>
        public void Update(DataPea pea, GameTime gameTime)
            if (!this.Enabled)

            // If dead, move up
            if (!pea.IsAlive)
                if (!pea.IsDying)
                    pea.Position -= Vector2.UnitY * (Single)(gameTime.ElapsedGameTime.TotalSeconds * 100 * RunningSpeed);
                    if (pea.Position.Y + 300 + 200 < 0)

            // Update task limiter
            var snapshot = GetSnapshot(pea);
            snapshot.UpdateTargetLimit(gameTime, RunningSpeed);

            // Wait for rehab to pass
            if (pea.IsRehabilitating)
                // If there is still a target
                if (snapshot.Target != null || !GetSnapshot(pea).WanderingNode.HasValue)
                    // Update the wandering node to the arrived location
                    if (IsValid(pea.GridPosition))
                        var block = pea.GridPosition.Y >= 0 ? _grid.Grid[pea.GridPosition.X][pea.GridPosition.Y] : new DataBlock(new Point(pea.GridPosition.X, pea.GridPosition.Y - 1), BlockType.None, null);
                        var wanderto = CreateNode(block, MoveNode.Type.Walk, MoveNode.Direction.None).Value;
                        snapshot.Wander(wanderto, wanderto);

                    snapshot.Target = null;
                //pea.Rotation = Math.Min((Single)(Math.PI * 2), pea.Rotation + (Single)gameTime.ElapsedGameTime.TotalSeconds * 5);

            // If we still can move
            if (snapshot.HasRemainingPath)
                if (UpdateMoveTo(pea, gameTime) && snapshot.Target == null && !snapshot.HasRemainingPath)
                    FindWanderNode(pea, new Node<MoveNode>() { Value = snapshot.PreviousNode });
            // else Wander
            else if (UpdateMoveTo(pea, gameTime))
                // If no target and pathfinding is available.
                // What I do here is chain the pathfinding tasks so they don't take up so
                // much CPU. Pathfinding isn't that expensive but I didn't do a great job on it.

                // Reached wander node so lets find a new path
                if (snapshot.Target == null) // && (_targetTask == null || _targetTask.IsCompleted) && snapshot.TargetLimit <= 0)
                    //_targetTask = Task.Factory.StartNew(() => FindTarget(pea)).ContinueWith((a) => snapshot.ResetTargetLimit());

                    if (snapshot.TargetLimit <= 0)
                        if (!FindTarget(pea))
                            // Also find a new wander node so we can wander while it searches.
                            // when the findTarget function finishes, replaces the nodelist so 
                            // the next iteration the movement WILL go to the target

 /// <summary>
 /// Used to determine the active jump info
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="pea"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public Dictionary<BlockType, Int32> ActiveTimes(DataPea pea)
     return _active.FirstOrDefault(s => s.Pea == pea).Times;
        /// <summary>
        /// Fail the spot for this pea
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dataPea"></param>
        internal void Fail(DataPea pea)

            var getOnSource = (Placement == Location.Left ? Source.JumpLeft : Source.JumpRight);

            // Complete on other and kill this (shouldnt be needed)
            if (getOnSource != this)
 /// <summary>
 /// Has jumped this for a pea
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="pea"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public Boolean HasJumped(DataPea pea)
     return _hasStarted.Contains(pea);
        /// <summary>
        /// Is valid path
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="path"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private Boolean IsValid(DataPea pea, Queue<MoveNode> path)
            // TODO: retry a path from a new position position
            if (path.Peek().Position != pea.GridPosition)
                return false;

            var valid = new Queue<MoveNode>();
            // Dummy previous node
            valid.Enqueue(CreateNode(pea.GridPosition, MoveNode.Type.Walk, MoveNode.Direction.None).Value); 

            while (path.Count > 0) {
                var node = path.Peek();
                // Check validity of a node itself
                if (!IsValid(node.Position))
                    return false;
                // Check validity of moving from to the node
                if (!IsValid(valid.LastOrDefault(), node))
                    return false;


            // Remove dummy

            // Restore path
            while (valid.Count > 0)

            return true;
        /// <summary>
        /// Finds a node to wander
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pea"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        protected void FindWanderNode(DataPea pea, Node<MoveNode> prev = null)
            var snapshot = GetSnapshot(pea);
            var block = pea.GridPosition.Y >= 0 ? _grid.Grid[pea.GridPosition.X][pea.GridPosition.Y] : new DataBlock(new Point(pea.GridPosition.X, pea.GridPosition.Y - 1), BlockType.None, null);
            var node = (prev == null) ? (snapshot.WanderingNode.HasValue && 
                snapshot.WanderingNode.Value.Action != MoveNode.Type.None && 
                snapshot.WanderingNode.Value.Position == pea.GridPosition 
                    ? new Node<MoveNode>() { Value = snapshot.WanderingNode.Value } 
                    : CreateNode(block, MoveNode.Type.Walk, MoveNode.Direction.None)
                ) : prev;
            var possibleNodes = CreateMoveNodesFrom(node);

            if (possibleNodes.Count > 0)
                // Find nodes that go higher (non walk nodes and non lineair jumps)
                var nonwalk = possibleNodes.Where(a => a.Value.Action != MoveNode.Type.Walk && 
                    !((a.Value.Action == MoveNode.Type.Jump) && (a.Value.Dir == MoveNode.Direction.None)));

                // Limit to these if needed
                if (nonwalk.Count() > 0) {
                    possibleNodes = nonwalk.ToList();
                else if (DataPea.Random.Next(100) < 10)
                    snapshot.Wander(node.Value, null);

                snapshot.Wander(node.Value, possibleNodes[DataPea.Random.Next(possibleNodes.Count)].Value);
                snapshot.Wander(node.Value, null);
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes screen
        /// </summary>
        public override void Initialize()
            // Create the scene and add it
            _camera = new Camera2D(this.Game);
            _fxcamera = new Camera2D(this.Game);

            _scene = new Scene(this.Game, _camera);
            _scene.TransitionPosition = 0;
            _scene.TransitionOnTime = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1);
            _scene.TransitionOffTime = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1);
            _fx = new World(Vector2.UnitY * 10);
            _fxStaticBody = new Body(_fx) { Restitution = 0, Mass = 0, BodyType = BodyType.Static, Friction = 0.5f/*, Position = 
                ConvertUnits.ToSimUnits(Vector2.UnitX * (_width - DataGrid.WidthInPixels) / 2f + Vector2.UnitY * 150)*/ };
            // Create controllers
            _timeController = new TimeController(this.Game);
            _pointsController = new PointsController(this.Game);
            _dataGrid = DataGrid.CreateDataGrid(this.Game, _fxStaticBody, _width / 70 - 1, _height / 49 - 4);
            _peaController = new PeaController(this.Game);
            _inputController = new InputController(this.Game);
            _achievementController = new AchievementController(this.Game);

            // Initialize controllers

            // Register controllers

#if DEBUG && _
            DataBlock testBlock = _dataGrid.Add(new Point(0, 0), BlockType.Normal);
            DataBlock testBlock2 = _dataGrid.Add(new Point(0, 1), BlockType.Gel);
            DataBlock testBlock3 = _dataGrid.Add(new Point(1, 1), BlockType.Normal);
            DataBlock testBlock4 = _dataGrid.Add(new Point(2, 1), BlockType.RightRamp);
            DataBlock testBlock5 = _dataGrid.Add(new Point(3, 2), BlockType.Normal);
            DataBlock testBlock6 = _dataGrid.Add(new Point(DataGrid.Width - 1, DataGrid.Height - 1), BlockType.Normal);
            // Create the peas
            DataPea pea1 = new DataPea(this.Game, _fx, _peaController);



            DataPea pea2 = new DataPea(this.Game, _fx, _peaController);
            DataPea pea3 = new DataPea(this.Game, _fx, _peaController);
            DataPea pea4 = new DataPea(this.Game, _fx, _peaController);
            DataPea pea5 = new DataPea(this.Game, _fx, _peaController);

            // This needs to be done BEFORE sprites of pea




            // Create layers
            _sceneryLayer = new SceneLayer(this.Game, _scene.Camera) { MoveSpeed = 0f, Distance = 0.9f };
            _levelLayer = new SceneLayer(this.Game, _scene.Camera) { MoveSpeed = 0f, Distance = 0.6f };
            _peasLayer = new SceneLayer(this.Game, _scene.Camera) { MoveSpeed = 0f, Distance = 0.3f };
            _hudLayer = new SceneLayer(this.Game, _scene.Camera) { MoveSpeed = 0f, Distance = 0.1f };

            // Create sprites
            _spriteGrid = new SpritesetGrid(_levelLayer) { Position = Vector2.UnitX * (_width - DataGrid.WidthInPixels) / 2f + Vector2.UnitY * 150 };
            SpritePea.BaseOffset = _spriteGrid.Position;
            _peasLayer.Add(new SpritePea(_peasLayer, pea1, _pointsController));

#if !DEBUG || !TEST
            _peasLayer.Add(new SpritePea(_peasLayer, pea2, _pointsController));
            _peasLayer.Add(new SpritePea(_peasLayer, pea3, _pointsController));
            _peasLayer.Add(new SpritePea(_peasLayer, pea4, _pointsController));
            _peasLayer.Add(new SpritePea(_peasLayer, pea5, _pointsController));

            for (int i = 0; i < DataGrid.Width; i++)
                if (new int[] { 3, 4, 5, 10, 12, 14 }.Contains(i) == false)
                    DataBlock b = _dataGrid.Add(new Point(i, DataGrid.Height - 1), BlockType.Normal);
                    //_spriteGrid.Add(new SpriteBlock(_levelLayer, b));

                    if (new int[] { 0 , 1, 2, 5, 8, 15 }.Contains(i))
                        b = _dataGrid.Add(new Point(i, DataGrid.Height - 2), BlockType.Normal);
                        //_spriteGrid.Add(new SpriteBlock(_levelLayer, b));

                    if (new int[] { 0, 15 }.Contains(i))
                        b = _dataGrid.Add(new Point(i, DataGrid.Height - 3), BlockType.Gel);
                        //_spriteGrid.Add(new SpriteBlock(_levelLayer, b));

                    if (new int[] { 0, 15 }.Contains(i))
                        b = _dataGrid.Add(new Point(i, DataGrid.Height - 4), BlockType.Gel);
                        //_spriteGrid.Add(new SpriteBlock(_levelLayer, b));

            DataBlock jump = _dataGrid.Add(new Point(3, 7), BlockType.Normal);
            //_spriteGrid.Add(new SpriteBlock(_levelLayer, jump));

            DataBlock ramp = _dataGrid.Add(new Point(1, 8), BlockType.RightRamp);
            //_spriteGrid.Add(new SpriteBlock(_levelLayer, ramp));

            //DataBlock gel = _dataGrid.Add(new Point(5, 10), BlockType.LeftRamp);
            //_spriteGrid.Add(new SpriteBlock(_levelLayer, gel));
            // Some boundary blocks
            _dataGrid.Add(new Point(0, DataGrid.Height - 1), BlockType.Gel);
            _dataGrid.Add(new Point(DataGrid.Width - 1, DataGrid.Height - 1), BlockType.Gel);
            _dataGrid.Add(new Point(0, DataGrid.Height - 2), BlockType.Gel);
            _dataGrid.Add(new Point(DataGrid.Width - 1, DataGrid.Height - 2), BlockType.Gel);

            SpriteToolbox toolbox = new SpriteToolbox(_hudLayer)
                Position = new Vector2(_width - (1280 - 1220),
                    (Single)Math.Ceiling(150 * (_height / 720f)))
            SpritesetHud hud = new SpritesetHud(_hudLayer, _pointsController, _inputController.State, _width, _height);

            // Register sprites at inputControllers
            _inputController.Register(_camera, _width, _height);

            foreach (var blockRow in _dataGrid.Grid)
                foreach (var block in blockRow)
                    block.Place(block.BlockType, BlockState.Placed); // Direct placing;
                    _spriteGrid.Add(new SpriteBlock(_levelLayer, block));

            // Add the layers
            // Add the content
            Sprite background = new Sprite(_sceneryLayer, "Graphics/Background");
            background.Position = new Vector2(_width / 2f, _height / 2f);
            background.Origin = new Vector2(1280f / 2f, 720f / 2f);
            background.Scale = Math.Max(_width / 1280f, _height / 720f);

            Sprite splate = new Sprite(_sceneryLayer, "Graphics/Plate");
            splate.Position = new Vector2(_width / 2f, _height / 2f);
            splate.Origin = new Vector2(1280f / 2f, 720f / 2f);
            splate.Scale = Math.Max(_width / 1280f, _height / 720f);


            // Bottom plate physics
            var plate = FixtureFactory.AttachRectangle(ConvertUnits.ToSimUnits(_width), ConvertUnits.ToSimUnits(20), 1f,
                ConvertUnits.ToSimUnits(Vector2.UnitY * (49 * (DataGrid.Height - 3) + _spriteGrid.Position.Y + 5) + (_width / 2 - _spriteGrid.Position.X) * Vector2.UnitX), _fxStaticBody);
            plate.Restitution = 0;
            plate.Friction = 0.5f;

            // Initializes scene and so on

            _camera.Position = new Vector2(_width / 2f, _height / 2f);
            _fxcamera.Position = new Vector2(_width / 2f, _height / 2f)-  _spriteGrid.Position; // + ConvertUnits.ToSimUnits(_spriteGrid.Position);
            #if DEBUG && !SILVERLIGHT
                view = new DebugViewXNA(_fx);
                view.AppendFlags(FarseerPhysics.DebugViewFlags.CenterOfMass | FarseerPhysics.DebugViewFlags.DebugPanel | FarseerPhysics.DebugViewFlags.PerformanceGraph | FarseerPhysics.DebugViewFlags.PolygonPoints);
            // Add components

            // Add popups
            _achievementController.OnCompletedAchievement += new AchievementCompletedHandler(_achievementController_OnCompletedAchievement);

            // Add overlay
            _overlay = new PauseOverlay(_camera, _width, _height);
            _overlay.Exiting += new EventHandler(_overlay_Exiting);
            // Events
            this.Exited += new EventHandler(PeaScreen_Exited);
            this.OnEnabledChanged += new BooleanDelegate(PeaScreen_OnEnabledChanged);
            this.OnVisibleChanged += new BooleanDelegate(PeaScreen_OnVisibleChanged);

            // Add end
            _pointsController.OnReachedGoal += new Action(_pointsController_OnReachedGoal);

            this.IsEnabled = false;
            this.IsVisible = false;            
 /// <summary>
 /// Has jumped this for a pea
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="pea"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public Boolean HasJumped(DataPea pea)
        /// <summary>
        /// Complete this for a pea
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pea"></param>
        public void Complete(DataPea pea)

            var getOnSource = (Placement == Location.Left ? Source.JumpLeft : Source.JumpRight);

            // Complete on other and kill this (shouldnt be needed)
            if (getOnSource != this)

            if (_hasCompleted.Count == MaxCompletion)
        /// <summary>
        /// Is reachable from spot
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="spot"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private Boolean IsReachable(DataPea pea, DataJumpSpot spot, out Queue<MoveNode> path)
            // Question: Is it worth it to save paths found (need re-evaluation when grid
            // changes). Should test that later and work from there.

            if (!FindPath(pea, spot, out path))
                return false;

            return true;   
        /// <summary>
        /// Process collision
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pea"></param>
        /// <param name="speed"></param>
        /// <param name="block"></param>
        private void DoHappyCollision(DataPea pea, Vector2 speed, DataBlock block)
            PointsControllerState state;
            if (block != null && !block.IsPlaced)

            if ((state = _active.FirstOrDefault(p => p.Pea == pea)) != null)
                if (!state.IncreaseHappiness(speed, block))
        /// <summary>
        /// Registers a pea
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pea"></param>
        public void Register(DataPea pea)
            _snapshots.Add(pea, new PeaControllerState());

            pea.OnRevive += new EventHandler(pea_OnRevive);
 /// <summary>
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="spot"></param>
 /// <param name="pea"></param>
 public JumpEventArgs(DataJumpSpot spot, DataPea pea)
     : base()
     this.Spot = spot;
     this.Pea = pea;