Beispiel #1
        public static async Task PublishMessage(Message message, IPrincipal principal, IModel channel,
            QueueName queueName, string exchange = "", Encoding encoding = null, int attempts = 0)
            if (message == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("message");
            if (channel == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("channel");

            if (encoding == null)
                encoding = Encoding.UTF8;

            var senderPrincipal = principal as SenderPrincipal;
            if (senderPrincipal == null && principal != null)
                senderPrincipal = new SenderPrincipal(principal);

            using (var stringWriter = new StringWriter())
            using (var messageWriter = new MessageWriter(stringWriter))
                await messageWriter.WritePrincipal(senderPrincipal);
                await messageWriter.WriteMessage(message);
                var messageBody = stringWriter.ToString();
                var properties = channel.CreateBasicProperties();
                properties.ContentEncoding = Encoding.UTF8.HeaderName;
                properties.ContentType = message.Headers.ContentType;
                properties.MessageId = message.Headers.MessageId.ToString();
                properties.CorrelationId = message.Headers.RelatedTo.ToString();
                var headers = properties.Headers;
                if (headers == null)
                    headers = new Dictionary<string, object>();
                    properties.Headers = headers;
                headers["x-platibus-attempts"] = attempts;
                var body = encoding.GetBytes(messageBody);

                var ex = exchange ?? "";
                var q = (string) queueName ?? "";

                channel.BasicPublish(ex, q, properties, body);
Beispiel #2
        private async Task HandleMessageImmediately(Message message, SenderPrincipal senderPrincipal, bool isReply)
            var messageContext = new BusMessageContext(this, message.Headers, senderPrincipal);
            var handlers = _handlingRules
                .Where(r => r.Specification.IsSatisfiedBy(message))
                .Select(rule => rule.MessageHandler)

            if (!handlers.Any() && isReply)
                // TODO: Figure out what to do here.

            await MessageHandler.HandleMessage(_messageNamingService, _serializationService,
                handlers, message, messageContext, _cancellationTokenSource.Token);

            if (!messageContext.MessageAcknowledged)
                throw new MessageNotAcknowledgedException();
Beispiel #3
        protected virtual string SerializePrincipal(IPrincipal principal)
            if (principal == null) return null;

            var senderPrincipal = new SenderPrincipal(principal);
            using (var memoryStream = new MemoryStream())
                var formatter = new BinaryFormatter();
                formatter.Serialize(memoryStream, senderPrincipal);
                var base64String = Convert.ToBase64String(memoryStream.GetBuffer());
                return base64String;
Beispiel #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Called by the host when a new message arrives to handle the message
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="message">The new message</param>
        /// <param name="principal">The sender principal</param>
        /// <returns>Returns a task that completes when message handling is complete</returns>
        public async Task HandleMessage(Message message, IPrincipal principal)
            if (_messageJournalingService != null)
                await _messageJournalingService.MessageReceived(message);

            // Make sure that the principal is serializable before enqueuing
            var senderPrincipal = principal as SenderPrincipal;
            if (senderPrincipal == null && principal != null)
                senderPrincipal = new SenderPrincipal(principal);

            var tasks = new List<Task>();

            var relatedToMessageId = message.Headers.RelatedTo;
            var isReply = relatedToMessageId != default(MessageId);
            if (isReply)

            var importance = message.Headers.Importance;
            if (importance.RequiresQueueing)
                // Message expiration handled in MessageHandlingListener
                    .Where(r => r.Specification.IsSatisfiedBy(message))
                    .Select(rule => rule.QueueName)
                    .Select(q => _messageQueueingService.EnqueueMessage(q, message, senderPrincipal)));
                tasks.Add(HandleMessageImmediately(message, senderPrincipal, isReply));

            await Task.WhenAll(tasks);