Beispiel #1
 private static int CompareByMass(ChangedPlanet a, ChangedPlanet b)
     if (a == null)
         if (b == null)
         if (b == null)
Beispiel #2
        public void DefaultSystem()
            if (!File.Exists(KSPUtil.ApplicationRootPath + "/GameData/PlanetRandomizer/Resources/PlanetRandomizerDefault.cfg"))
                print("Saving default system");

                List <ChangedPlanet> tempPlanet = new List <ChangedPlanet>();

                foreach (CelestialBody body in FlightGlobals.Bodies)
                    if ( != "Sun")
                        ChangedPlanet cp = new ChangedPlanet();

                        cp.Name   =;
                        cp.Radius = body.Radius;
                        cp.Mass   = body.Mass;

                        cp.RotationPeriod     = body.rotationPeriod;
                        cp.SemiMajorAxis      = body.orbit.semiMajorAxis;
                        cp.Eccentricity       = body.orbit.eccentricity;
                        cp.Inclination        = body.orbit.inclination;
                        cp.MeanAnomalyAtEpoch = body.orbit.meanAnomalyAtEpoch;
                        cp.LAN = body.orbit.LAN;
                        cp.ArgumentOfPeriapsis = body.orbit.argumentOfPeriapsis;
                        cp.ReferenceBody       =;


                PlanetDefault.Instance.Planets = tempPlanet.ToArray();
                PlanetDefault.Instance.Save(KSPUtil.ApplicationRootPath + "/GameData/PlanetRandomizer/Resources/PlanetRandomizerDefault.cfg");
                PlanetDefault.Load(KSPUtil.ApplicationRootPath + "/GameData/PlanetRandomizer/Resources/PlanetRandomizerDefault.cfg");
Beispiel #3
        private void ChangeSystem()
            print("Changing System");
            System.Random rand = new System.Random(PlanetSettings.Instance.seed);

            CelestialBody        sun        = GetSun();
            List <ChangedPlanet> tempPlanet = new List <ChangedPlanet>();

            foreach (CelestialBody body in FlightGlobals.Bodies)
                if ( != "Sun")
                    ChangedPlanet cp = new ChangedPlanet();

                    cp.Name =;
                    print("Changing " + cp.Name);

                    double origRadius = body.Radius;

                    if ( != "Kerbin" && body.pqsController != null)
                        cp.Radius = origRadius * Math.Pow(2, 2.0 * rand.NextDouble() - 1);
                        cp.Radius = origRadius; // Kerbin, gas giants, and stars don't change their radius

                    if ( == "Kerbin")
                        cp.Mass = body.Mass; // Kerbin doesn't change its mass
                    else if (body.Mass >= sun.Mass * 0.1)
                        cp.Mass = sun.Mass * 0.1 * Math.Pow(2, 2.0 * rand.NextDouble() - 1);
                        cp.Mass = body.Mass * Math.Pow(cp.Radius / origRadius, 3) * Math.Pow(2, 2.0 * rand.NextDouble() - 1);

                    /*foreach (Transform t in ScaledSpace.Instance.scaledSpaceTransforms)
                     * {
                     *  if ( ==
                     *  {
                     *      float origLocalScale = t.localScale.x;
                     *      float scaleFactor = (float)((double)origLocalScale * cp.Radius / origRadius);
                     *      t.localScale = new Vector3(scaleFactor, scaleFactor, scaleFactor);
                     *  }
                     * }*/

                    cp.RotationPeriod     = body.rotationPeriod;
                    cp.SemiMajorAxis      = body.orbit.semiMajorAxis;
                    cp.Eccentricity       = body.orbit.eccentricity;
                    cp.Inclination        = body.orbit.inclination;
                    cp.MeanAnomalyAtEpoch = body.orbit.meanAnomalyAtEpoch;
                    cp.LAN = body.orbit.LAN;
                    cp.ArgumentOfPeriapsis = body.orbit.argumentOfPeriapsis;
                    cp.ReferenceBody       = null;


            // sorting planets by mass
            int i = 0;

            foreach (ChangedPlanet cp in tempPlanet)
                cp.Rank = i;
            int numberOfPlanets = i;

            print("number of planets = " + numberOfPlanets);

            // generating orbital parameters
            double smaSolarMin = 2000000000;                                                                // minimum solar orbit semi-major axis
            double smaSolarMax = 100000000000;                                                              // maximum solar orbit semi-major axis

            if (File.Exists(KSPUtil.ApplicationRootPath + "/GameData/RealSolarSystem/RealSolarSystem.cfg")) // checks for RSS
                smaSolarMin = 10 * smaSolarMin;
                smaSolarMax = 30 * smaSolarMax;
            if (File.Exists(KSPUtil.ApplicationRootPath + "/GameData/PlanetFactory/PlanetFactory.dll")) // checks for PlanetFactory
                smaSolarMax = 5 * smaSolarMax;

            // randomizing parameters
            double eccMax                   = 0.4;  // maximum eccentricity
            double incMax                   = 20;   // maximum inclination
            double smaMinRadius             = 10.0; // minimum semi-major axis as multiplier of reference body radius
            double smaMaxSOI                = 0.4;  // maximum semi-major axis as multiplier of reference body SOI radius
            double maxMassRatio             = 0.1;  // maximum ratio between the masses of a satellite and its primary
            double minTidalLockingMassRatio = 0.02; // minimum ratio between the masses of a satellite and its primary before the primary is tidally locked to the satellite
            double maxTidalLockingRadius    = 80;   // maximum separation between a primary and its satellite at which the satellite is tidally locked
            double maxRotationRate          = 0.2;  // maximum rotation speed as a multiple of orbital speed at the surface
            double minRotationFactor        = 0.01; // minimum rotation speed factor as a multiple of maximum rotation speed
            double eccIncExponent           = 2.0;  // controls how circular/equatorial large planet/moon orbits are
            double soiSeparationFactor      = 2.0;  // controls how far apart planets/moons are in terms of their SOI;
            double sunSeparationFactor      = 0.1;  // controls how far apart planets orbiting the Sun are in terms of their SMA;

            double sma  = 0;
            double ecc  = 0;
            int    nSun = 5; // inverse of chance that a body orbits the Sun

            for (int j = 1; j <= i; j++)
                foreach (ChangedPlanet cp in tempPlanet)
                    if (cp.Rank == j)
                        print("Changing " + cp.Name + "'s orbit, rank " + j + ".");

                        // 1/nSun chance that the planet orbits the Sun
                        int r1 = rand.Next(nSun);
                        print("r1 = " + r1);
                        if (r1 == 0)
                            cp.ReferenceBody = "Sun";

                            // excludes orbits that cross SOI with another body
                            List <double> excludedRegionsLow  = new List <double>();
                            List <double> excludedRegionsHigh = new List <double>();
                            foreach (ChangedPlanet cp1 in tempPlanet)
                                if (cp1.ReferenceBody == "Sun" && cp1.Rank < cp.Rank)
                                    double cp1SOI = cp1.SemiMajorAxis * Math.Pow(cp1.Mass / sun.Mass, 0.4);
                                    excludedRegionsLow.Add(cp1.SemiMajorAxis * (1 - sunSeparationFactor) * (1 - cp1.Eccentricity) - 2 * cp1SOI * soiSeparationFactor);
                                    excludedRegionsHigh.Add(cp1.SemiMajorAxis * (1 + sunSeparationFactor) * (1 + cp1.Eccentricity) + 2 * cp1SOI * soiSeparationFactor);
                            print("Finished excluded zones for " + cp.Name);
                            bool orbitPermitted = false;
                            while (!orbitPermitted)
                                orbitPermitted = true;
                                sma            = smaSolarMin + Math.Pow(rand.NextDouble(), 2) * (smaSolarMax - smaSolarMin);
                                ecc            = eccMax * rand.NextDouble() * Math.Pow((double)cp.Rank / numberOfPlanets, eccIncExponent); // more massive planets have lower eccentricities

                                print("Trying out SMA = " + sma);

                                for (int k = 0; k < excludedRegionsLow.Count; k++)
                                    if (sma * (1 + ecc) > excludedRegionsLow[k] && sma * (1 - ecc) < excludedRegionsHigh[k])
                                        orbitPermitted = false;

                            cp.SemiMajorAxis      = sma;
                            cp.Eccentricity       = ecc;
                            cp.Inclination        = incMax * rand.NextDouble() * Math.Pow((double)cp.Rank / numberOfPlanets, eccIncExponent); // more massive planets have lower inclinations
                            cp.MeanAnomalyAtEpoch = 2 * Math.PI * rand.NextDouble();
                            cp.LAN = 360 * rand.NextDouble();
                            cp.ArgumentOfPeriapsis = 360 * rand.NextDouble();

                            print("Planet " + cp.Name + " is orbiting Sun1.");

                        // otherwise, chance of orbiting anything bigger than itself (including Sun)
                            bool refBodyAllowed = false;
                            int  r2             = 0;
                            while (!refBodyAllowed)
                                r2 = (int)(j - (j * Math.Pow(rand.NextDouble(), 3)));

                                print("r2 = " + r2);

                                if (r2 == 0) // orbiting Sun
                                    refBodyAllowed   = true;
                                    cp.ReferenceBody = "Sun";

                                    // excludes orbits that cross SOI with another body
                                    List <double> excludedRegionsLow  = new List <double>();
                                    List <double> excludedRegionsHigh = new List <double>();
                                    foreach (ChangedPlanet cp1 in tempPlanet)
                                        if (cp1.ReferenceBody == "Sun" && cp1.Rank < cp.Rank)
                                            print("Adding " + cp1.Name + " to excluded SOIs.");
                                            double cp1SOI = cp1.SemiMajorAxis * Math.Pow(cp1.Mass / sun.Mass, 0.4);
                                            excludedRegionsLow.Add(cp1.SemiMajorAxis * (1 - sunSeparationFactor) * (1 - cp1.Eccentricity) - 2 * cp1SOI * soiSeparationFactor);
                                            excludedRegionsHigh.Add(cp1.SemiMajorAxis * (1 + sunSeparationFactor) * (1 + cp1.Eccentricity) + 2 * cp1SOI * soiSeparationFactor);
                                    print("Finished excluded zones for " + cp.Name);
                                    bool orbitPermitted = false;
                                    int  orbitTryCount  = 0;
                                    while (!orbitPermitted && orbitTryCount <= 5)
                                        orbitPermitted = true;
                                        sma            = smaSolarMin + Math.Pow(rand.NextDouble(), 2) * (smaSolarMax - smaSolarMin);
                                        ecc            = eccMax * rand.NextDouble() * Math.Pow((double)cp.Rank / numberOfPlanets, eccIncExponent);

                                        print("Trying out SMA = " + sma);

                                        for (int k = 0; k < excludedRegionsLow.Count; k++)
                                            print("k = " + k);
                                            if (sma * (1 + ecc) > excludedRegionsLow[k] && sma * (1 - ecc) < excludedRegionsHigh[k])
                                                orbitPermitted = false;
                                                print("orbit permitted = " + orbitPermitted);
                                        print("orbitTryCount = " + orbitTryCount);
                                        if (orbitTryCount > 5)
                                            refBodyAllowed = false;

                                    cp.SemiMajorAxis      = sma;
                                    cp.Eccentricity       = ecc;
                                    cp.Inclination        = incMax * rand.NextDouble() * Math.Pow((double)cp.Rank / numberOfPlanets, eccIncExponent);
                                    cp.MeanAnomalyAtEpoch = 2 * Math.PI * rand.NextDouble();
                                    cp.LAN = 360 * rand.NextDouble();
                                    cp.ArgumentOfPeriapsis = 360 * rand.NextDouble();

                                    print("Planet " + cp.Name + " is orbiting Sun2.");

                                else // orbiting another body
                                    refBodyAllowed = true;
                                    ChangedPlanet cpRef = tempPlanet.Find(cp2 => cp2.Rank == r2);
                                    cp.ReferenceBody = cpRef.Name;

                                    if (cp.Mass >= cpRef.Mass * maxMassRatio)
                                        refBodyAllowed = false;

                                    double cpRefSOI = 0;
                                    if (cpRef.ReferenceBody == "Sun")
                                        cpRefSOI = cpRef.SemiMajorAxis * Math.Pow(cpRef.Mass / (sun.Mass + cpRef.Mass), 0.4);
                                        foreach (ChangedPlanet cp1 in tempPlanet)
                                            if (cp1.Name == cpRef.ReferenceBody && cp1.Rank < cpRef.Rank)
                                                cpRefSOI = cpRef.SemiMajorAxis * Math.Pow(cpRef.Mass / (cp1.Mass + cpRef.Mass), 0.4);
                                    double smaMin = cpRef.Radius * smaMinRadius + cp.Radius;
                                    double smaMax = cpRefSOI * smaMaxSOI;

                                    if (smaMin > smaMax)
                                        refBodyAllowed = false;

                                    // excludes orbits that cross SOI with another body
                                    List <double> excludedRegionsLow  = new List <double>();
                                    List <double> excludedRegionsHigh = new List <double>();
                                    foreach (ChangedPlanet cp1 in tempPlanet)
                                        if (cp1.ReferenceBody == cpRef.Name && cp1.Rank < cp.Rank)
                                            double cp1SOI = cp1.SemiMajorAxis * Math.Pow(cp1.Mass / (cpRef.Mass + cp1.Mass), 0.4);
                                            excludedRegionsLow.Add(cp1.SemiMajorAxis * (1 - cp1.Eccentricity) - 2 * cp1SOI * soiSeparationFactor);
                                            excludedRegionsHigh.Add(cp1.SemiMajorAxis * (1 + cp1.Eccentricity) + 2 * cp1SOI * soiSeparationFactor);
                                    bool orbitPermitted = false;
                                    int  orbitTryCount  = 0;
                                    while (!orbitPermitted && orbitTryCount < 10)
                                        orbitPermitted = true;
                                        sma            = smaMin + Math.Pow(rand.NextDouble(), 4) * (smaMax - smaMin);
                                        ecc            = eccMax * rand.NextDouble() * Math.Pow((double)cp.Rank / numberOfPlanets, eccIncExponent);

                                        for (int k = 0; k < excludedRegionsLow.Count; k++)
                                            if (sma * (1 + ecc) > excludedRegionsLow[k] && sma * (1 - ecc) < excludedRegionsHigh[k])
                                                orbitPermitted = false;
                                        if (orbitTryCount >= 10)
                                            refBodyAllowed = false;

                                    cp.SemiMajorAxis      = sma;
                                    cp.Eccentricity       = ecc;
                                    cp.Inclination        = incMax * rand.NextDouble() * Math.Pow((double)cp.Rank / numberOfPlanets, eccIncExponent);
                                    cp.MeanAnomalyAtEpoch = 2 * Math.PI * rand.NextDouble();
                                    cp.LAN = 360 * rand.NextDouble();
                                    cp.ArgumentOfPeriapsis = 360 * rand.NextDouble();

                                    // changing rotation period
                                    if (sma <= cpRef.Radius * maxTidalLockingRadius)
                                        // tidal locking of satellite to primary if close enough
                                        cp.RotationPeriod = 2 * Math.PI * Math.Sqrt((Math.Pow(sma, 3) / 6.674E-11) / (cp.Mass + cpRef.Mass));
                                        if (cp.Mass >= cpRef.Mass * minTidalLockingMassRatio && sma <= cpRef.Radius * maxTidalLockingRadius / 3 && refBodyAllowed == true)
                                            // tidal locking of primary to satellite if close enough and massive enough
                                            cpRef.RotationPeriod = 2 * Math.PI * Math.Sqrt((Math.Pow(sma, 3) / 6.674E-11) / (cp.Mass + cpRef.Mass));
                                        // if no tidal locking, rotation speed is inversely distributed between maxRotationRate and maxRotationRate*minRotationFactor
                                        cp.RotationPeriod = (1 / maxRotationRate * 2 * Math.PI * Math.Sqrt((Math.Pow(cp.Radius, 3) / 6.674E-11) / cp.Mass)) / (minRotationFactor + (1 - minRotationFactor) * rand.NextDouble());

                                    print("Planet " + cp.Name + " is orbiting " + cpRef.Name + ".");

                            print(cp.Name + " orbit changed.");

            List <ChangedPlanet> resultPlanet = new List <ChangedPlanet>();

            foreach (ChangedPlanet cp in tempPlanet)
                ChangedPlanet planet = new ChangedPlanet();
                planet = cp;

            PlanetSettings.Instance.Planets = resultPlanet.ToArray();
            PlanetSettings.Instance.Save(KSPUtil.ApplicationRootPath + "/saves/" + HighLogic.SaveFolder + "/PlanetRandomizer.cfg");

            /*if (HighLogic.LoadedScene == GameScenes.SPACECENTER)
             * {
             *  PQSCity ksc = null;
             *  foreach (PQSCity city in Resources.FindObjectsOfTypeAll(typeof(PQSCity)))
             *  {
             *      if ( == "KSC")
             *      {
             *          ksc = city;
             *          break;
             *      }
             *  }
             *  if (ksc == null)
             *  {
             *      return;
             *  }
             *  ksc.repositionToSphere = true;
             *  foreach (SpaceCenterCamera2 cam in Resources.FindObjectsOfTypeAll(typeof(SpaceCenterCamera2)))
             *  {
             *      if (ksc.repositionToSphere || ksc.repositionToSphereSurface)
             *      {
             *          CelestialBody Kerbin = FlightGlobals.Bodies.Find(body => ==;
             *          if (Kerbin == null)
             *          {
             *              return;
             *          }
             *          double nomHeight = Kerbin.pqsController.GetSurfaceHeight((Vector3d)ksc.repositionRadial.normalized) - Kerbin.Radius;
             *          if (ksc.repositionToSphereSurface)
             *          {
             *              nomHeight += ksc.repositionRadiusOffset;
             *          }
             *          cam.altitudeInitial = 0f - (float)nomHeight;
             *      }
             *      else
             *      {
             *          cam.altitudeInitial = 0f - (float)ksc.repositionRadiusOffset;
             *      }
             *      cam.ResetCamera();
             *  }
             * }*/
        private void ChangeSystem()
            print("Changing System");
            System.Random rand = new System.Random(PlanetSettings.Instance.seed);

            CelestialBody sun = GetSun();
            List<ChangedPlanet> tempPlanet = new List<ChangedPlanet>();

            foreach (CelestialBody body in FlightGlobals.Bodies)
                if ( != "Sun")
                    ChangedPlanet cp = new ChangedPlanet();

                    cp.Name =;
                    print("Changing " + cp.Name);

                    double origRadius = body.Radius;

                    if ( != "Kerbin" && body.pqsController != null)
                        cp.Radius = origRadius * Math.Pow(2, 2.0 * rand.NextDouble() - 1);
                        cp.Radius = origRadius; // Kerbin, gas giants, and stars don't change their radius

                    if ( == "Kerbin")
                        cp.Mass = body.Mass; // Kerbin doesn't change its mass
                    else if (body.Mass >= sun.Mass * 0.1)
                        cp.Mass = sun.Mass * 0.1 * Math.Pow(2, 2.0 * rand.NextDouble() - 1);
                        cp.Mass = body.Mass * Math.Pow(cp.Radius / origRadius, 3) * Math.Pow(2, 2.0 * rand.NextDouble() - 1);

                    /*foreach (Transform t in ScaledSpace.Instance.scaledSpaceTransforms)
                        if ( ==
                            float origLocalScale = t.localScale.x;
                            float scaleFactor = (float)((double)origLocalScale * cp.Radius / origRadius);
                            t.localScale = new Vector3(scaleFactor, scaleFactor, scaleFactor);

                    cp.RotationPeriod = body.rotationPeriod;
                    cp.SemiMajorAxis = body.orbit.semiMajorAxis;
                    cp.Eccentricity = body.orbit.eccentricity;
                    cp.Inclination = body.orbit.inclination;
                    cp.MeanAnomalyAtEpoch = body.orbit.meanAnomalyAtEpoch;
                    cp.LAN = body.orbit.LAN;
                    cp.ArgumentOfPeriapsis = body.orbit.argumentOfPeriapsis;
                    cp.ReferenceBody = null;


            // sorting planets by mass
            int i = 0;
            foreach (ChangedPlanet cp in tempPlanet)
                cp.Rank = i;
            int numberOfPlanets = i;
            print("number of planets = " + numberOfPlanets);

            // generating orbital parameters
            double smaSolarMin = 2000000000; // minimum solar orbit semi-major axis
            double smaSolarMax = 100000000000; // maximum solar orbit semi-major axis
            if (File.Exists(KSPUtil.ApplicationRootPath + "/GameData/RealSolarSystem/RealSolarSystem.cfg")) // checks for RSS
                smaSolarMin = 10 * smaSolarMin;
                smaSolarMax = 30 * smaSolarMax;
            if (File.Exists(KSPUtil.ApplicationRootPath + "/GameData/PlanetFactory/PlanetFactory.dll")) // checks for PlanetFactory
                smaSolarMax = 5 * smaSolarMax;

            // randomizing parameters
            double eccMax = 0.4; // maximum eccentricity
            double incMax = 20; // maximum inclination
            double smaMinRadius = 10.0; // minimum semi-major axis as multiplier of reference body radius
            double smaMaxSOI = 0.4; // maximum semi-major axis as multiplier of reference body SOI radius
            double maxMassRatio = 0.1; // maximum ratio between the masses of a satellite and its primary
            double minTidalLockingMassRatio = 0.02; // minimum ratio between the masses of a satellite and its primary before the primary is tidally locked to the satellite
            double maxTidalLockingRadius = 80; // maximum separation between a primary and its satellite at which the satellite is tidally locked
            double maxRotationRate = 0.2; // maximum rotation speed as a multiple of orbital speed at the surface
            double minRotationFactor = 0.01; // minimum rotation speed factor as a multiple of maximum rotation speed
            double eccIncExponent = 2.0; // controls how circular/equatorial large planet/moon orbits are
            double soiSeparationFactor = 2.0; // controls how far apart planets/moons are in terms of their SOI;
            double sunSeparationFactor = 0.1; // controls how far apart planets orbiting the Sun are in terms of their SMA;

            double sma = 0;
            double ecc = 0;
            int nSun = 5; // inverse of chance that a body orbits the Sun
            for (int j = 1; j <= i; j++)
                foreach (ChangedPlanet cp in tempPlanet)

                    if (cp.Rank == j)
                        print("Changing " + cp.Name + "'s orbit, rank " + j + ".");

                        // 1/nSun chance that the planet orbits the Sun
                        int r1 = rand.Next(nSun);
                        print("r1 = " + r1);
                        if (r1 == 0)
                            cp.ReferenceBody = "Sun";

                            // excludes orbits that cross SOI with another body
                            List<double> excludedRegionsLow = new List<double>();
                            List<double> excludedRegionsHigh = new List<double>();
                            foreach (ChangedPlanet cp1 in tempPlanet)
                                if (cp1.ReferenceBody == "Sun" && cp1.Rank < cp.Rank)
                                    double cp1SOI = cp1.SemiMajorAxis * Math.Pow(cp1.Mass / sun.Mass, 0.4);
                                    excludedRegionsLow.Add(cp1.SemiMajorAxis * (1 - sunSeparationFactor) * (1 - cp1.Eccentricity) - 2 * cp1SOI * soiSeparationFactor);
                                    excludedRegionsHigh.Add(cp1.SemiMajorAxis * (1 + sunSeparationFactor) * (1 + cp1.Eccentricity) + 2 * cp1SOI * soiSeparationFactor);
                            print("Finished excluded zones for " + cp.Name);
                            bool orbitPermitted = false;
                            while (!orbitPermitted)
                                orbitPermitted = true;
                                sma = smaSolarMin + Math.Pow(rand.NextDouble(), 2) * (smaSolarMax - smaSolarMin);
                                ecc = eccMax * rand.NextDouble() * Math.Pow((double)cp.Rank / numberOfPlanets, eccIncExponent); // more massive planets have lower eccentricities

                                print("Trying out SMA = " + sma);

                                for (int k = 0; k < excludedRegionsLow.Count; k++)
                                    if (sma * (1 + ecc) > excludedRegionsLow[k] && sma * (1 - ecc) < excludedRegionsHigh[k])
                                        orbitPermitted = false;

                            cp.SemiMajorAxis = sma;
                            cp.Eccentricity = ecc;
                            cp.Inclination = incMax * rand.NextDouble() * Math.Pow((double)cp.Rank / numberOfPlanets, eccIncExponent); // more massive planets have lower inclinations
                            cp.MeanAnomalyAtEpoch = 2 * Math.PI * rand.NextDouble();
                            cp.LAN = 360 * rand.NextDouble();
                            cp.ArgumentOfPeriapsis = 360 * rand.NextDouble();

                            print("Planet " + cp.Name + " is orbiting Sun1.");


                        // otherwise, chance of orbiting anything bigger than itself (including Sun)
                            bool refBodyAllowed = false;
                            int r2 = 0;
                            while (!refBodyAllowed)
                                r2 = (int)(j - (j * Math.Pow(rand.NextDouble(), 3)));

                                print("r2 = " + r2);

                                if (r2 == 0) // orbiting Sun
                                    refBodyAllowed = true;
                                    cp.ReferenceBody = "Sun";

                                    // excludes orbits that cross SOI with another body
                                    List<double> excludedRegionsLow = new List<double>();
                                    List<double> excludedRegionsHigh = new List<double>();
                                    foreach (ChangedPlanet cp1 in tempPlanet)
                                        if (cp1.ReferenceBody == "Sun" && cp1.Rank < cp.Rank)
                                            print("Adding " + cp1.Name + " to excluded SOIs.");
                                            double cp1SOI = cp1.SemiMajorAxis * Math.Pow(cp1.Mass / sun.Mass, 0.4);
                                            excludedRegionsLow.Add(cp1.SemiMajorAxis * (1 - sunSeparationFactor) * (1 - cp1.Eccentricity) - 2 * cp1SOI * soiSeparationFactor);
                                            excludedRegionsHigh.Add(cp1.SemiMajorAxis * (1 + sunSeparationFactor) * (1 + cp1.Eccentricity) + 2 * cp1SOI * soiSeparationFactor);
                                    print("Finished excluded zones for " + cp.Name);
                                    bool orbitPermitted = false;
                                    int orbitTryCount = 0;
                                    while (!orbitPermitted && orbitTryCount <= 5)
                                        orbitPermitted = true;
                                        sma = smaSolarMin + Math.Pow(rand.NextDouble(), 2) * (smaSolarMax - smaSolarMin);
                                        ecc = eccMax * rand.NextDouble() * Math.Pow((double)cp.Rank / numberOfPlanets, eccIncExponent);

                                        print("Trying out SMA = " + sma);

                                        for (int k = 0; k < excludedRegionsLow.Count; k++)
                                            print("k = " + k);
                                            if (sma * (1 + ecc) > excludedRegionsLow[k] && sma * (1 - ecc) < excludedRegionsHigh[k])
                                                orbitPermitted = false;
                                                print("orbit permitted = " + orbitPermitted);
                                        print("orbitTryCount = " + orbitTryCount);
                                        if (orbitTryCount > 5)
                                            refBodyAllowed = false;

                                    cp.SemiMajorAxis = sma;
                                    cp.Eccentricity = ecc;
                                    cp.Inclination = incMax * rand.NextDouble() * Math.Pow((double)cp.Rank / numberOfPlanets, eccIncExponent);
                                    cp.MeanAnomalyAtEpoch = 2 * Math.PI * rand.NextDouble();
                                    cp.LAN = 360 * rand.NextDouble();
                                    cp.ArgumentOfPeriapsis = 360 * rand.NextDouble();

                                    print("Planet " + cp.Name + " is orbiting Sun2.");


                                else // orbiting another body
                                    refBodyAllowed = true;
                                    ChangedPlanet cpRef = tempPlanet.Find(cp2 => cp2.Rank == r2);
                                    cp.ReferenceBody = cpRef.Name;

                                    if (cp.Mass >= cpRef.Mass * maxMassRatio)
                                        refBodyAllowed = false;

                                    double cpRefSOI = 0;
                                    if (cpRef.ReferenceBody == "Sun")
                                        cpRefSOI = cpRef.SemiMajorAxis * Math.Pow(cpRef.Mass / (sun.Mass + cpRef.Mass), 0.4);
                                        foreach (ChangedPlanet cp1 in tempPlanet)
                                            if (cp1.Name == cpRef.ReferenceBody && cp1.Rank < cpRef.Rank)
                                                cpRefSOI = cpRef.SemiMajorAxis * Math.Pow(cpRef.Mass / (cp1.Mass + cpRef.Mass), 0.4);
                                    double smaMin = cpRef.Radius * smaMinRadius + cp.Radius;
                                    double smaMax = cpRefSOI * smaMaxSOI;

                                    if (smaMin > smaMax)
                                        refBodyAllowed = false;

                                    // excludes orbits that cross SOI with another body
                                    List<double> excludedRegionsLow = new List<double>();
                                    List<double> excludedRegionsHigh = new List<double>();
                                    foreach (ChangedPlanet cp1 in tempPlanet)
                                        if (cp1.ReferenceBody == cpRef.Name && cp1.Rank < cp.Rank)
                                            double cp1SOI = cp1.SemiMajorAxis * Math.Pow(cp1.Mass / (cpRef.Mass + cp1.Mass), 0.4);
                                            excludedRegionsLow.Add(cp1.SemiMajorAxis * (1 - cp1.Eccentricity) - 2 * cp1SOI * soiSeparationFactor);
                                            excludedRegionsHigh.Add(cp1.SemiMajorAxis * (1 + cp1.Eccentricity) + 2 * cp1SOI * soiSeparationFactor);
                                    bool orbitPermitted = false;
                                    int orbitTryCount = 0;
                                    while (!orbitPermitted && orbitTryCount < 10)
                                        orbitPermitted = true;
                                        sma = smaMin + Math.Pow(rand.NextDouble(), 4) * (smaMax - smaMin);
                                        ecc = eccMax * rand.NextDouble() * Math.Pow((double)cp.Rank / numberOfPlanets, eccIncExponent);

                                        for (int k = 0; k < excludedRegionsLow.Count; k++)
                                            if (sma * (1 + ecc) > excludedRegionsLow[k] && sma * (1 - ecc) < excludedRegionsHigh[k])
                                                orbitPermitted = false;
                                        if (orbitTryCount >= 10)
                                            refBodyAllowed = false;


                                    cp.SemiMajorAxis = sma;
                                    cp.Eccentricity = ecc;
                                    cp.Inclination = incMax * rand.NextDouble() * Math.Pow((double)cp.Rank / numberOfPlanets, eccIncExponent);
                                    cp.MeanAnomalyAtEpoch = 2 * Math.PI * rand.NextDouble();
                                    cp.LAN = 360 * rand.NextDouble();
                                    cp.ArgumentOfPeriapsis = 360 * rand.NextDouble();

                                    // changing rotation period
                                    if (sma <= cpRef.Radius * maxTidalLockingRadius)
                                        // tidal locking of satellite to primary if close enough
                                        cp.RotationPeriod = 2 * Math.PI * Math.Sqrt((Math.Pow(sma, 3) / 6.674E-11) / (cp.Mass + cpRef.Mass));
                                        if (cp.Mass >= cpRef.Mass * minTidalLockingMassRatio && sma <= cpRef.Radius * maxTidalLockingRadius / 3 && refBodyAllowed == true)
                                            // tidal locking of primary to satellite if close enough and massive enough
                                            cpRef.RotationPeriod = 2 * Math.PI * Math.Sqrt((Math.Pow(sma, 3) / 6.674E-11) / (cp.Mass + cpRef.Mass));
                                        // if no tidal locking, rotation speed is inversely distributed between maxRotationRate and maxRotationRate*minRotationFactor
                                        cp.RotationPeriod = (1 / maxRotationRate * 2 * Math.PI * Math.Sqrt((Math.Pow(cp.Radius, 3) / 6.674E-11) / cp.Mass)) / (minRotationFactor + (1 - minRotationFactor) * rand.NextDouble());

                                    print("Planet " + cp.Name + " is orbiting " + cpRef.Name + ".");


                            print(cp.Name + " orbit changed.");


            List<ChangedPlanet> resultPlanet = new List<ChangedPlanet>();

            foreach (ChangedPlanet cp in tempPlanet)
                ChangedPlanet planet = new ChangedPlanet();
                planet = cp;

            PlanetSettings.Instance.Planets = resultPlanet.ToArray();
            PlanetSettings.Instance.Save(KSPUtil.ApplicationRootPath + "/saves/" + HighLogic.SaveFolder + "/PlanetRandomizer.cfg");

            /*if (HighLogic.LoadedScene == GameScenes.SPACECENTER)
                PQSCity ksc = null;
                foreach (PQSCity city in Resources.FindObjectsOfTypeAll(typeof(PQSCity)))
                    if ( == "KSC")
                        ksc = city;
                if (ksc == null)
                ksc.repositionToSphere = true;
                foreach (SpaceCenterCamera2 cam in Resources.FindObjectsOfTypeAll(typeof(SpaceCenterCamera2)))
                    if (ksc.repositionToSphere || ksc.repositionToSphereSurface)
                        CelestialBody Kerbin = FlightGlobals.Bodies.Find(body => ==;
                        if (Kerbin == null)
                        double nomHeight = Kerbin.pqsController.GetSurfaceHeight((Vector3d)ksc.repositionRadial.normalized) - Kerbin.Radius;
                        if (ksc.repositionToSphereSurface)
                            nomHeight += ksc.repositionRadiusOffset;
                        cam.altitudeInitial = 0f - (float)nomHeight;
                        cam.altitudeInitial = 0f - (float)ksc.repositionRadiusOffset;

 private static int CompareByMass(ChangedPlanet a, ChangedPlanet b)
     if (a == null)
         if (b == null)
             return 0;
             return -1;
         if (b == null)
             return 1;
             return b.Mass.CompareTo(a.Mass);
        public void DefaultSystem()
            if (!File.Exists(KSPUtil.ApplicationRootPath + "/GameData/PlanetRandomizer/Resources/PlanetRandomizerDefault.cfg"))
                print("Saving default system");

                List<ChangedPlanet> tempPlanet = new List<ChangedPlanet>();

                foreach (CelestialBody body in FlightGlobals.Bodies)
                    if ( != "Sun")
                        ChangedPlanet cp = new ChangedPlanet();

                        cp.Name =;
                        cp.Radius = body.Radius;
                        cp.Mass = body.Mass;

                        cp.RotationPeriod = body.rotationPeriod;
                        cp.SemiMajorAxis = body.orbit.semiMajorAxis;
                        cp.Eccentricity = body.orbit.eccentricity;
                        cp.Inclination = body.orbit.inclination;
                        cp.MeanAnomalyAtEpoch = body.orbit.meanAnomalyAtEpoch;
                        cp.LAN = body.orbit.LAN;
                        cp.ArgumentOfPeriapsis = body.orbit.argumentOfPeriapsis;
                        cp.ReferenceBody =;


                PlanetDefault.Instance.Planets = tempPlanet.ToArray();
                PlanetDefault.Instance.Save(KSPUtil.ApplicationRootPath + "/GameData/PlanetRandomizer/Resources/PlanetRandomizerDefault.cfg");
                PlanetDefault.Load(KSPUtil.ApplicationRootPath + "/GameData/PlanetRandomizer/Resources/PlanetRandomizerDefault.cfg");