/// <returns>A value 1 higher than the highest item/quest ID in the database.</returns>
 public int GetNextQuestID(DialogueDatabase database)
 /// <returns>A value 1 higher than the highest actor ID in the database.</returns>
 public int GetNextActorID(DialogueDatabase database)
     return((database != null) ? GetNextAssetID <Actor>(database.actors) : 0);
 /// <returns>A value 1 higher than the highest item/quest ID in the database.</returns>
 public int GetNextItemID(DialogueDatabase database)
     return((database != null) ? GetNextAssetID <Item>(database.items) : 0);
        public static void Export(DialogueDatabase database, string filename, bool exportActors, bool exportItems, bool exportLocations, bool exportVariables, bool exportConversations, bool includeCanvasRect = false)
            ChatMapperProject cmp = DatabaseToChatMapperProject(database, exportActors, exportItems, exportLocations, exportVariables, exportConversations, includeCanvasRect);

            SaveChatMapperProject(filename, cmp);
        private static void ExportSubtree(DialogueDatabase database, string language, Dictionary <int, string> actorNames, Dictionary <int, int> numLinksToEntry, List <DialogueEntry> visited, DialogueEntry entry, int siblingIndex, StreamWriter file)
            if (entry == null)
            if (entry.id > 0)
                // Write this entry (the root of the subtree).

                // Write entry ID if necessary:
                if (siblingIndex == -1)
                    file.WriteLine(string.Format("\tUnconnected entry [{0}]:", entry.id));
                else if ((siblingIndex == 0 && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(entry.conditionsString)) ||
                         (siblingIndex > 0) ||
                         (numLinksToEntry.ContainsKey(entry.id) && numLinksToEntry[entry.id] > 1))
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(entry.conditionsString))
                        file.WriteLine(string.Format("\tEntry [{0}]:", entry.id));
                        file.WriteLine(string.Format("\tEntry [{0}]: ({1})", entry.id, entry.conditionsString));
                if (!actorNames.ContainsKey(entry.ActorID))
                    Actor actor = database.GetActor(entry.ActorID);
                    actorNames.Add(entry.ActorID, (actor != null) ? actor.Name.ToUpper() : "ACTOR");
                file.WriteLine(string.Format("\t\t\t\t{0}", actorNames[entry.ActorID]));
                var description = Field.LookupValue(entry.fields, "Description");
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(description))
                    file.WriteLine(string.Format("\t\t\t({0})", description));
                var lineText = string.IsNullOrEmpty(language) ? entry.subtitleText : Field.LookupValue(entry.fields, language);
                if (entry.isGroup)
                    // Group entries use Title:
                    lineText = Field.LookupValue(entry.fields, "Title");
                    lineText = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(lineText) ? ("(" + lineText + ")") : "(Group entry; no dialogue)";
                file.WriteLine(string.Format("\t\t{0}", lineText));

            // Handle link summary:
            if (entry.outgoingLinks.Count == 0)
            else if (entry.outgoingLinks.Count > 1)
                var s     = "\tResponses: ";
                var first = true;
                for (int i = 0; i < entry.outgoingLinks.Count; i++)
                    if (!first)
                        s += ", ";
                    first = false;
                    var link = entry.outgoingLinks[i];
                    if (link.destinationConversationID == entry.conversationID)
                        s += "[" + link.destinationDialogueID + "]";
                        var destConversation = database.GetConversation(link.destinationConversationID);
                        if (destConversation != null)
                            s += "[" + destConversation.Title.ToUpper() + ":" + link.destinationDialogueID + "]";
                            s += "[Other Conversation]";

            // Follow each outgoing link as a subtree:
            for (int i = 0; i < entry.outgoingLinks.Count; i++)
                var child = database.GetDialogueEntry(entry.outgoingLinks[i]);
                if (!visited.Contains(child))
                    ExportSubtree(database, language, actorNames, numLinksToEntry, visited, child, i, file);
Beispiel #6
 public static void DrawReferenceDatabase(Rect rect)
     selectedDatabase = EditorGUI.ObjectField(rect, new GUIContent("Reference Database", "Database to use for pop-up menus. Assumes this database will be in memory at runtime."), selectedDatabase, typeof(DialogueDatabase), true) as DialogueDatabase;
Beispiel #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Attempts to make a character bark. This is a coroutine; you must start it using
        /// StartCoroutine() or Unity will hang. Shows a line from the named conversation, plays
        /// the sequence, and sends OnBarkStart/OnBarkEnd messages to the participants.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name='conversationTitle'>
        /// Title of conversation to pull bark lines from.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name='speaker'>
        /// Speaker performing the bark.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name='listener'>
        /// Listener that the bark is directed to; may be <c>null</c>.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name='barkHistory'>
        /// Bark history used to keep track of the most recent bark so this method can iterate
        /// through them in a specified order.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name='database'>
        /// The dialogue database to use. If <c>null</c>, uses DialogueManager.MasterDatabase.
        /// </param>
        public static IEnumerator Bark(string conversationTitle, Transform speaker, Transform listener, BarkHistory barkHistory, DialogueDatabase database = null, bool stopAtFirstValid = false)
            if (CheckDontBarkDuringConversation())
                yield break;
            bool barked = false;

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(conversationTitle) && DialogueDebug.logWarnings)
                Debug.Log(string.Format("{0}: Bark (speaker={1}, listener={2}): conversation title is blank", new System.Object[] { DialogueDebug.Prefix, speaker, listener }), speaker);
            if (speaker == null)
                speaker = DialogueManager.instance.FindActorTransformFromConversation(conversationTitle, "Actor");
            if ((speaker == null) && DialogueDebug.logWarnings)
                Debug.LogWarning(string.Format("{0}: Bark (speaker={1}, listener={2}): '{3}' speaker is null", new System.Object[] { DialogueDebug.Prefix, speaker, listener, conversationTitle }));
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(conversationTitle) || (speaker == null))
                yield break;
            IBarkUI barkUI = DialogueActor.GetBarkUI(speaker); //speaker.GetComponentInChildren(typeof(IBarkUI)) as IBarkUI;

            if ((barkUI == null) && DialogueDebug.logWarnings)
                Debug.LogWarning(string.Format("{0}: Bark (speaker={1}, listener={2}): '{3}' speaker has no bark UI", new System.Object[] { DialogueDebug.Prefix, speaker, listener, conversationTitle }), speaker);
            var firstValid = stopAtFirstValid || ((barkHistory == null) ? false : barkHistory.order == (BarkOrder.FirstValid));
            ConversationModel conversationModel = new ConversationModel(database ?? DialogueManager.masterDatabase, conversationTitle, speaker, listener, DialogueManager.allowLuaExceptions, DialogueManager.isDialogueEntryValid, -1, firstValid);
            ConversationState firstState        = conversationModel.firstState;

            if ((firstState == null) && DialogueDebug.logWarnings)
                Debug.LogWarning(string.Format("{0}: Bark (speaker={1}, listener={2}): '{3}' has no START entry", new System.Object[] { DialogueDebug.Prefix, speaker, listener, conversationTitle }), speaker);
            if ((firstState != null) && !firstState.hasAnyResponses && DialogueDebug.logWarnings)
                Debug.LogWarning(string.Format("{0}: Bark (speaker={1}, listener={2}): '{3}' has no valid bark at this time", new System.Object[] { DialogueDebug.Prefix, speaker, listener, conversationTitle }), speaker);
            if ((firstState != null) && firstState.hasAnyResponses)
                    Response[]    responses = firstState.hasNPCResponse ? firstState.npcResponses : firstState.pcResponses;
                    int           index     = (barkHistory ?? new BarkHistory(BarkOrder.Random)).GetNextIndex(responses.Length);
                    DialogueEntry barkEntry = responses[index].destinationEntry;
                    if ((barkEntry == null) && DialogueDebug.logWarnings)
                        Debug.LogWarning(string.Format("{0}: Bark (speaker={1}, listener={2}): '{3}' bark entry is null", new System.Object[] { DialogueDebug.Prefix, speaker, listener, conversationTitle }), speaker);
                    if (barkEntry != null)
                        var priority = GetEntryBarkPriority(barkEntry);
                        if (priority < GetSpeakerCurrentBarkPriority(speaker))
                            if (DialogueDebug.logInfo)
                                Debug.Log(string.Format("{0}: Bark (speaker={1}, listener={2}): '{3}' currently barking a higher priority bark", new System.Object[] { DialogueDebug.Prefix, speaker, listener, conversationTitle }), speaker);
                            yield break;
                        SetSpeakerCurrentBarkPriority(speaker, priority);
                        barked = true;
                        InformParticipants(DialogueSystemMessages.OnBarkStart, speaker, listener);
                        ConversationState barkState = conversationModel.GetState(barkEntry, false);
                        if (barkState == null)
                            if (DialogueDebug.logWarnings)
                                Debug.LogWarning(string.Format("{0}: Bark (speaker={1}, listener={2}): '{3}' can't find a valid dialogue entry", new System.Object[] { DialogueDebug.Prefix, speaker, listener, conversationTitle }), speaker);
                            yield break;
                        if (firstState.hasNPCResponse)
                            CharacterInfo tempInfo = barkState.subtitle.speakerInfo;
                            barkState.subtitle.speakerInfo  = barkState.subtitle.listenerInfo;
                            barkState.subtitle.listenerInfo = tempInfo;
                        if (DialogueDebug.logInfo)
                            Debug.Log(string.Format("{0}: Bark (speaker={1}, listener={2}): '{3}'", new System.Object[] { DialogueDebug.Prefix, speaker, listener, barkState.subtitle.formattedText.text }), speaker);
                        InformParticipantsLine(DialogueSystemMessages.OnBarkLine, speaker, barkState.subtitle);

                        // Show the bark subtitle:
                        if (((barkUI == null) || !(barkUI as MonoBehaviour).enabled) && DialogueDebug.logWarnings)
                            Debug.LogWarning(string.Format("{0}: Bark (speaker={1}, listener={2}): '{3}' bark UI is null or disabled", new System.Object[] { DialogueDebug.Prefix, speaker, listener, barkState.subtitle.formattedText.text }), speaker);
                        if ((barkUI != null) && (barkUI as MonoBehaviour).enabled)

                        // Start the sequence:
                        var sequencer = PlayBarkSequence(barkState.subtitle, speaker, listener);
                        LastSequencer = sequencer;

                        // Wait until the sequence and subtitle are done:
                        while (((sequencer != null) && sequencer.isPlaying) || ((barkUI != null) && barkUI.isPlaying))
                            yield return(null);
                        if (sequencer != null)
                    if (barked)
                        InformParticipants(DialogueSystemMessages.OnBarkEnd, speaker, listener);
                        SetSpeakerCurrentBarkPriority(speaker, 0);
        public override string Draw(string currentValue, DialogueDatabase dataBase)
            var enumValue = GetCurrentArrangementActionType(currentValue);
