private static string GetServiceAddress()
            //TODO: DI in costructor IConfigurationPropertiesProvider?
            var appSettingsConfiguration = new AppSettingsConfiguration ();
            var serviceAddress = appSettingsConfiguration.GetProperty ( AgathaServiceAddressAppSettingKey );

            return serviceAddress;
        private static string GetEndpointConfigurationName()
            //TODO: DI in costructor IConfigurationPropertiesProvider?
            var appSettingsConfiguration = new AppSettingsConfiguration ();
            var endpointConfigurationName = appSettingsConfiguration.GetProperty ( EndpointConfigurationNameKey );

            return endpointConfigurationName;
        public void GetProperty_GettingAssignedValue_ReturnsExpectedValue()
            const string testSettingKey = "TestSettingKey";

            IConfigurationPropertiesProvider config = new AppSettingsConfiguration ();
            config.SetProperty(testSettingKey, "TEST");

            Assert.AreEqual("TEST", config.GetProperty(testSettingKey));
        /// <summary>
        /// Checks the authentication.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="claimsPrincipal">The claims principal.</param>
        public void CheckAuthentication( IClaimsPrincipal claimsPrincipal )
            var bootStrapToken = ( from ident in claimsPrincipal.Identities
                                             where ident.BootstrapToken != null && ident.BootstrapToken is SamlSecurityToken
                                             select ident.BootstrapToken ).FirstOrDefault ();

            var responseSerializer = new WSTrust13ResponseSerializer ();
            var requestSecurityTokenResponse = new RequestSecurityTokenResponse
                    AppliesTo = new EndpointAddress ( "https://localhost/Rem.Web" ),
                    Context = "passive",
                    Lifetime = new Lifetime ( bootStrapToken.ValidFrom, bootStrapToken.ValidTo ),
                    RequestedSecurityToken = new RequestedSecurityToken ( bootStrapToken ),
                    TokenType = Saml2SecurityTokenHandler.TokenProfile11ValueType,
                    RequestType = WSTrust13Constants.RequestTypes.Issue,
                    KeyType = WSTrust13Constants.KeyTypes.Bearer

            string content;
            using ( var swriter = new StringWriter () )
                using ( var xmlWriter = XmlWriter.Create ( swriter ) )
                    responseSerializer.WriteXml (
                        new WSTrustSerializationContext () );
                    xmlWriter.Flush ();
                    swriter.Flush ();
                    var xmlString = swriter.ToString ().Replace ( "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-16\"?>", "" );
                    content = string.Format (
                        HttpContext.Current.Server.UrlEncode ( xmlString ) );
            var currentHttpRequest = HttpContext.Current.Request;

            var cookieContainer = new CookieContainer ();
            //foreach (string cookieName in currentHttpRequest.Cookies)
            //    var httpcookie = currentHttpRequest.Cookies[cookieName];
            //    var cookie = new Cookie(cookieName, httpcookie.Value, httpcookie.Path, httpcookie.Domain ?? "localhost");
            //    cookieContainer.Add(cookie);

            var appSettingsConfiguration = new AppSettingsConfiguration ();
            var remWebApplicationAddress = appSettingsConfiguration.GetProperty ( "RemWebApplicationAddress" );
            var request = ( HttpWebRequest )WebRequest.CreateDefault ( new Uri ( remWebApplicationAddress ) );
            request.Method = currentHttpRequest.HttpMethod;
            request.CookieContainer = cookieContainer;
            request.ContentType = currentHttpRequest.ContentType;
            request.Accept = string.Empty;
            foreach ( var acceptType in currentHttpRequest.AcceptTypes )
                request.Accept += acceptType;
                if ( acceptType != currentHttpRequest.AcceptTypes.Last () )
                    request.Accept += ", ";
            request.ContentLength = content.Length;
            request.Referer = currentHttpRequest.UrlReferrer.AbsoluteUri.Replace ( "Rem.Mvc", "Rem.Web" );
            request.AllowAutoRedirect = false;
            using ( var streamWriter = new StreamWriter ( request.GetRequestStream () ) )
                streamWriter.Write ( content );
                var response = ( HttpWebResponse )request.GetResponse ();
                while ( response.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.Found )
                    response.Close ();
                    var location = response.Headers["Location"];
                    if ( !location.StartsWith ( "http" ) )
                        location = string.Format ( "{0}://{1}", request.RequestUri.Scheme, request.RequestUri.Host ) + location;
                    request = GetNewRequest ( location, cookieContainer );

                    response = ( HttpWebResponse )request.GetResponse ();
                if ( response.StatusCode != HttpStatusCode.OK )
                    throw new Exception ( "Failed authentication." );
                var cookieStringBuilder = new StringBuilder ();
                foreach ( Cookie cookie in cookieContainer.GetCookies ( new Uri ( "https://localhost" ) ) )
                    if ( cookie.Name.StartsWith ( "FedAuth" ) )
                        HttpContext.Current.Response.Cookies.Add ( new HttpCookie ( "Server" + cookie.Name, cookie.Value ) );
                        cookieStringBuilder.Append ( cookie.Value );
                    if ( cookie.Name == "ASP.NET_SessionId" )
                        HttpContext.Current.Response.Cookies.Add ( new HttpCookie ( cookie.Name, cookie.Value ) );
            catch ( Exception e )
 public void GetProperty_GettingUnAssignedValue_ReturnsNull()
     IConfigurationPropertiesProvider config = new AppSettingsConfiguration ();
     Assert.AreEqual ( null, config.GetProperty ( Guid.NewGuid ().ToString () ) );
Beispiel #6
        private static void Main()
            var appConfig = new AppSettingsConfiguration ();
            var connectionStringBuilder = new SqlConnectionStringBuilder ();

            connectionStringBuilder.DataSource = appConfig.GetProperty ( "DatabaseServerName" );
            connectionStringBuilder.IntegratedSecurity = true;

            var dbCreated = false;
            var databaseName = appConfig.GetProperty ( "DatabaseCatalogName" );
            var sqlDataPath = String.Empty; // appConfig.GetProperty("SqlDataPath");

            using ( var sqlConnnection = new SqlConnection ( connectionStringBuilder.ConnectionString ) )
                sqlConnnection.Open ();

                sqlDataPath = GetDbFilePath ( sqlConnnection, "master" );

                if ( !CheckDbExists ( sqlConnnection, databaseName ) )
                    CreateDatabase ( sqlConnnection, databaseName, sqlDataPath );
                    dbCreated = true;
            var appSettingsConfiguration = new AppSettingsConfiguration ();
            Console.WriteLine ( "Creating schema script...." );
            var msSql2008PersistenceConfigurerProvider = new MsSql2008PersistenceConfigurerProvider ( appSettingsConfiguration );
            #if DEBUG
            FluentConfigurationSerializer.IsEnabled = false;
            IConfigurationProvider fluentConfigurationProvider = new FluentConfigurationProvider ( msSql2008PersistenceConfigurerProvider, new AssemblyLocator() );
            var configuration = fluentConfigurationProvider.Configure ().GetEnumerator ().Current;
            ISessionFactoryProvider sessionFactoryProvider = new SessionFactoryProvider ( fluentConfigurationProvider );
            var sessionFactory = sessionFactoryProvider.GetFactory ( null );

            var exportFileName = appConfig.GetProperty ( ExportOutputFilePropertyName );

            var sb = new StringBuilder ();

            var headerComment = string.Format (
                "Begin: SQL Scripts to create RemGenDatabase database objects",
            sb.Append ( headerComment );

            var sql = GenerateSchemaCreationSql ();

            using ( var session = sessionFactory.OpenSession () )
                TextWriter textWriter = new StringWriter ();

                new SchemaExport ( configuration ).Execute (
                    textWriter );
                sql += textWriter.ToString ();

            sb.Append ( sql );
            sb.Append ( Environment.NewLine );
            sb.Append ( "/***********************************************************" );
            sb.Append ( Environment.NewLine );
            sb.Append ( "End: SQL Scripts to create RemGenDatabase database objects" );
            sb.Append ( Environment.NewLine );
            sb.Append ( "***********************************************************/" );
            sb.Append ( Environment.NewLine );
            sb.Append ( Environment.NewLine );

            Debug.Write ( sb.ToString () );
            Console.WriteLine ( sb.ToString () );

            using ( var fs = new FileStream ( exportFileName, FileMode.OpenOrCreate, FileAccess.Write ) )
                using ( var streamWriter = new StreamWriter ( fs ) )
                    streamWriter.Write ( sb.ToString () );
            Console.WriteLine ( "Deploy to Database (Y/N)?" );
            var answer = Console.ReadLine ();
            if ( string.Compare ( answer, "yes", true ) == 0 || string.Compare ( answer, "y", true ) == 0 )
                if ( !dbCreated )
                    Console.WriteLine ( "Dropping Database..." );
                    using ( var sqlConnection = new SqlConnection ( connectionStringBuilder.ConnectionString ) )
                        sqlConnection.Open ();
                        using (
                            var sqlDropDatabaseCommand =
                                new SqlCommand (
                                    string.Format (
                                        "USE {0} ALTER DATABASE {0} SET SINGLE_USER WITH ROLLBACK IMMEDIATE USE master DROP DATABASE {0}",
                                        databaseName ),
                                    sqlConnection ) )
                            sqlDropDatabaseCommand.ExecuteNonQuery ();
                using ( var sqlConnection = new SqlConnection ( connectionStringBuilder.ConnectionString ) )
                    sqlConnection.Open ();
                    if ( !dbCreated )
                        CreateDatabase ( sqlConnection, databaseName, sqlDataPath );
                //connectionStringBuilder.InitialCatalog = databaseName;
                using ( var sqlConnection = new SqlConnection ( connectionStringBuilder.ConnectionString ) )
                    sqlConnection.Open ();
                    sqlConnection.ChangeDatabase ( databaseName );
                    Console.WriteLine ( "Running schema script..." );
                    var fullScript = sb.ToString ();
                    var goSplit = fullScript.Split (
                        new[] { string.Format ( "go {0}", Environment.NewLine ) }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries );
                    foreach ( var sqlstring in goSplit )
                        var sqlToRun = sqlstring;
                        if ( sqlstring == goSplit[0] )
                            sqlToRun = sqlstring.Replace ( headerComment, "" );
                        using ( var createSchemaCommand = new SqlCommand ( sqlToRun, sqlConnection ) )
                            createSchemaCommand.ExecuteNonQuery ();