public void ThenCanFormatMarkdownTableExtensions()
      var feature = new Feature
        Name = "A feature",
        Description =
@"In order to see the description as nice HTML
As a Pickles user
I want to see the descriptions written in markdown rendered with tables

| Table Header 1 | Table Header 2 |
| -------------- | -------------- |
| Cell value 1   | Cell value 2   |
| Cell value 3   |                |
| Cell value 4   | Cell value 5   |

      var htmlFeatureFormatter = Container.Resolve<HtmlFeatureFormatter>();
      XElement featureElement = htmlFeatureFormatter.Format(feature);
      XElement description = featureElement.Elements().FirstOrDefault(element => element.Name.LocalName == "div");

      Check.That(description).HasAttribute("class", "description");

      XElement table = description.Descendants().FirstOrDefault(el => el.Name.LocalName == "table");

        public void Then_feature_without_background_adds_first_scenario_on_correct_row()
            var excelFeatureFormatter = Container.Resolve<ExcelFeatureFormatter>();

            var feature = new Feature
                                  Name = "Test Feature",
                                  Description =
                                      "In order to test this feature,\nAs a developer\nI want to test this feature",
            var scenario = new Scenario
                Name = "Test Scenario",
                Description =
                    "In order to test this scenario,\nAs a developer\nI want to test this scenario"
            var given = new Step { NativeKeyword = "Given", Name = "a precondition" };
            scenario.Steps = new List<Step>(new[] { given });

            using (var workbook = new XLWorkbook())
                IXLWorksheet worksheet = workbook.AddWorksheet("SHEET1");
                excelFeatureFormatter.Format(worksheet, feature);

Beispiel #3
 public FeatureNode(FileSystemInfoBase location, string relativePathFromRoot, Feature feature)
     this.OriginalLocation = location;
     this.OriginalLocationUrl = location.ToUri();
     this.RelativePathFromRoot = relativePathFromRoot;
     this.Feature = feature;
        public JsonFeature Map(Feature feature)
            if (feature == null)
                return null;

            var result = new JsonFeature
                Name = feature.Name,
                Description = feature.Description,
                Result = this.resultMapper.Map(feature.Result),
                Tags = feature.Tags.ToArray().ToList(),

            result.Background = this.scenarioMapper.Map(feature.Background);

            if (result.Background != null)
                result.Background.Feature = result;

            foreach (var featureElement in result.FeatureElements)
                featureElement.Feature = result;

            return result;
        public void Then_feature_with_background_is_added_successfully()
            var excelFeatureFormatter = Container.Resolve<ExcelFeatureFormatter>();

            var feature = new Feature
                Name = "Test Feature",
                Description =
                    "In order to test this feature,\nAs a developer\nI want to test this feature",
            var background = new Scenario
                Name = "Test Background Scenario",
                Description =
                    "In order to test this background,\nAs a developer\nI want to test this background"
            var given = new Step { NativeKeyword = "Given", Name = "a precondition" };
            background.Steps = new List<Step>(new[] { given });

            using (var workbook = new XLWorkbook())
                IXLWorksheet worksheet = workbook.AddWorksheet("SHEET1");
                excelFeatureFormatter.Format(worksheet, feature);

 protected override XElement GetFeatureElement(Feature feature)
     return this.resultsDocument
         .Where(x => x.Attribute("description") != null)
         .FirstOrDefault(x => x.Attribute("description").Value == feature.Name);
        public void Setup()
            this.testFeature = new Feature { Name = "Test" };
            this.featureFileInfo = this.FileSystem.FileInfo.FromFileName(FileSystem.Path.Combine(RootPath, FeaturePath));
            this.featureDirectoryNode = new FeatureNode(this.featureFileInfo, RelativePath, this.testFeature);

            this.featureWithMeta = new JsonFeatureWithMetaInfo(this.featureDirectoryNode);
        public void Setup()
            this._testFeature = new Feature { Name = "Test" };
            this._featureFileInfo = this.FileSystem.FileInfo.FromFileName(FileSystem.Path.Combine(ROOT_PATH, FEATURE_PATH));
            this._featureDirectoryNode = new FeatureNode(this._featureFileInfo, RELATIVE_PATH, this._testFeature);

            this._featureWithMeta = new FeatureWithMetaInfo(this._featureDirectoryNode);
        /// <summary>
        /// Retrieves all UnitTest XElements that belong to the specified feature.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="feature">The feature for which to retrieve the unit tests.</param>
        /// <returns>A sequence of <see cref="XElement" /> instances that are called "UnitTest"
        /// that belong to the specified feature.</returns>
        private IEnumerable<XElement> GetScenariosForFeature(Feature feature)
            var scenarios = from scenario in this.resultsDocument.AllScenarios()
                            where scenario.HasPropertyFeatureTitle(feature.Name)
                            select scenario;

            return scenarios;
        public TestResult GetFeatureResult(Feature feature)
            var featureElement = this.GetFeatureElement(feature);
            int passedCount = featureElement.passed;
            int failedCount = featureElement.failed;
            int skippedCount = featureElement.skipped;

            return GetAggregateResult(passedCount, failedCount, skippedCount);
Beispiel #11
        public TestResult GetFeatureResult(Feature feature)
            XElement featureElement = this.GetFeatureElement(feature);
            int passedCount = int.Parse(featureElement.Attribute("passed").Value);
            int failedCount = int.Parse(featureElement.Attribute("failed").Value);
            int skippedCount = int.Parse(featureElement.Attribute("skipped").Value);

            return GetAggregateResult(passedCount, failedCount, skippedCount);
        public void Map_FeatureWithDescription_ReturnsDescription()
            var feature = new Feature { Description = "As a math idiot" };

            var mapper = CreateMapper();

            var actual = mapper.Map(feature);

            Check.That(actual.Description).IsEqualTo("As a math idiot");
        public override TestResult GetFeatureResult(Feature feature)
            var scenarios = this.GetScenariosForFeature(feature);

            var featureExecutionIds = scenarios.ExecutionIdElements();

            TestResult result = this.GetExecutionResult(featureExecutionIds);

            return result;
        public void Map_FeatureWithName_ReturnsName()
            var feature = new Feature { Name = "Name of the Feature" };

            var mapper = CreateMapper();

            var actual = mapper.Map(feature);

            Check.That(actual.Name).IsEqualTo("Name of the Feature");
        public void Map_SomeFeature_ReturnsJsonFeature()
            var feature = new Feature();

            var mapper = CreateMapper();

            var actual = mapper.Map(feature);

        public XElement Format(Feature feature)
            if (this.configuration.HasTestResults)
                TestResult scenarioResult = this.results.GetFeatureResult(feature);

                return this.BuildImageElement(scenarioResult);

            return null;
Beispiel #17
      private XElement GetFeatureElement(Feature feature)
            IEnumerable<XElement> featureQuery =
                from clazz in this.resultsDocument.Root.Descendants("class")
                from test in clazz.Descendants("test")
                from trait in clazz.Descendants("traits").Descendants("trait")
                where trait.Attribute("name").Value == "FeatureTitle" && trait.Attribute("value").Value == feature.Name
                select clazz;

            return featureQuery.FirstOrDefault();
        public void Format(IXLWorksheet worksheet, Feature feature)
            worksheet.Cell("A1").Value = feature.Name;

            if (feature.Description.Length <= short.MaxValue)
                worksheet.Cell("B2").Value = feature.Description;
                var description = feature.Description.Substring(0, short.MaxValue);
                Log.Warn("The description of feature {0} was truncated because of cell size limitations in Excel.", feature.Name);
                worksheet.Cell("B2").Value = description;

            worksheet.Cell("B2").Style.Alignment.WrapText = false;

            var results = this.testResults.GetFeatureResult(feature);

            if (this.configuration.HasTestResults && results != TestResult.Inconclusive)
                worksheet.Cell("A1").Style.Fill.SetBackgroundColor(results == TestResult.Passed
                    ? XLColor.AppleGreen
                    : XLColor.CandyAppleRed);

            var featureElementsToRender = new List<IFeatureElement>();
            if (feature.Background != null)


            var row = 4;
            foreach (var featureElement in featureElementsToRender)
                var scenario = featureElement as Scenario;
                if (scenario != null)
                    this.excelScenarioFormatter.Format(worksheet, scenario, ref row);

                var scenarioOutline = featureElement as ScenarioOutline;
                if (scenarioOutline != null)
                    this.excelScenarioOutlineFormatter.Format(worksheet, scenarioOutline, ref row);

        public void ThenCanFormatDescriptionAsMarkdown()
            var feature = new Feature
                Name = "A feature",
                Description =
                    @"In order to see the description as nice HTML
As a Pickles user
I want to see the descriptions written in markdown rendered as HTML


This feature should have some markdown elements that get displayed properly


> I really like blockquotes to describe
> to describe text

I also enjoy using lists as well, here are the reasons

- Lists are easy to read
- Lists make my life easier

I also enjoy ordering things

1. This is the first reason
2. This is the second reason"

            var htmlFeatureFormatter = Container.Resolve<HtmlFeatureFormatter>();
            XElement featureElement = htmlFeatureFormatter.Format(feature);
            XElement description = featureElement.Elements().FirstOrDefault(element => element.Name.LocalName == "div");

            Check.That(description).HasAttribute("class", "description");

        public void ThenCanShortenLongNameSuccessfully()
            var excelSheetNameGenerator = Container.Resolve<ExcelSheetNameGenerator>();
            var feature = new Feature {Name = "This is a really really long feature name that needs to be shortened"};

            string name;
            using (var wb = new XLWorkbook())
                name = excelSheetNameGenerator.GenerateSheetName(wb, feature);

 private static string RemoveUnnecessaryAndIllegalCharacters(Feature feature)
     return feature.Name
         .Replace(" ", string.Empty)
         .Replace("\t", string.Empty)
         .Replace(":", string.Empty)
         .Replace(@"\", string.Empty)
         .Replace("/", string.Empty)
         .Replace("?", string.Empty)
         .Replace("*", string.Empty)
         .Replace("[", string.Empty)
         .Replace("]", string.Empty);
Beispiel #22
    public TestResult GetFeatureResult(Feature feature)
      var featureElement = this.GetFeatureElement(feature);

      if (featureElement == null)
        return TestResult.Inconclusive;
      var results = featureElement.Descendants("test-case")

      return results.Merge();
        public void ThenCanCreateSimpleNameSuccessfully()
            var excelSheetNameGenerator = Container.Resolve<ExcelSheetNameGenerator>();
            var feature = new Feature { Name = "A short feature name" };

            string name;
            using (var wb = new XLWorkbook())
                name = excelSheetNameGenerator.GenerateSheetName(wb, feature);

        public void GetFeatureResult_TwoInconclusive_ReturnsInconclusive()
            var feature = new Feature();

              var testResults1 = SetupStubForGetFeatureResult(feature, TestResult.Inconclusive);
              var testResults2 = SetupStubForGetFeatureResult(feature, TestResult.Inconclusive);

              ITestResults multipleTestResults = CreateMultipleTestResults(testResults1.Object, testResults2.Object);

              var result = multipleTestResults.GetFeatureResult(feature);

Beispiel #25
    public TestResult GetFeatureResult(Feature feature)
      var featureExecutionIds =
        from scenario in this.AllScenariosInResultFile()
        let properties = PropertiesOf(scenario)
        where properties != null
        where FeatureNamePropertyExistsWith(feature.Name, among: properties)
        select ScenarioExecutionIdOf(scenario);

      TestResult result = featureExecutionIds.Select(this.GetExecutionResult).Merge();

      return result;
        public void GetFeatureResult_OnePassingOneFailed_ReturnsPassed()
            var feature = new Feature();

              var testResults1 = SetupStubForGetFeatureResult(feature, TestResult.Passed);
              var testResults2 = SetupStubForGetFeatureResult(feature, TestResult.Failed);

              ITestResults multipleTestResults = CreateMultipleTestResults(testResults1.Object, testResults2.Object);

              var result = multipleTestResults.GetFeatureResult(feature);

        public void GetFeatureResult_OnePassingOneInconclusive_ReturnsPassed()
            var feature = new Feature();

            var testResults1 = SetupStubForGetFeatureResult(feature, TestResult.Passed);
            var testResults2 = SetupStubForGetFeatureResult(feature, TestResult.Inconclusive);

            ITestResults multipleTestResults = CreateMultipleTestResults(testResults1.Object, testResults2.Object);

            var result = multipleTestResults.GetFeatureResult(feature);

        public void TestResultsFileIsMessingElementsForAFeature_ShouldReturnInconclusive()
            var results = ParseResultsFile();
            var feature = new Feature {
                Name = "Feature That Has No Scenarios In The Test Run"
            var scenarioWithoutElements = new Scenario {
                Name = "Ignored scenario", Feature = feature

            var result = results.GetScenarioResult(scenarioWithoutElements);

        public void Process(Feature feature)
            feature.Description = Process(feature.Description);

            foreach (var featureElement in feature.FeatureElements)
                featureElement.Description = Process(featureElement.Description);

            if (feature.Background != null)
                feature.Background.Description = Process(feature.Background.Description);
        public override TestResult GetFeatureResult(Feature feature)
            var specRunFeature = this.FindSpecRunFeature(feature);

            if (specRunFeature == null)
                return TestResult.Inconclusive;

            TestResult result =
                specRunFeature.Scenarios.Select(specRunScenario => StringToTestResult(specRunScenario.Result)).Merge();

            return result;
        public override TestResult GetFeatureResult(Feature feature)
            XElement featureElement = this.GetFeatureElement(feature);

            if (featureElement == null)
                return TestResult.Inconclusive;

            int passedCount = int.Parse(featureElement.Attribute("passed").Value);
            int failedCount = int.Parse(featureElement.Attribute("failed").Value);
            int skippedCount = int.Parse(featureElement.Attribute("skipped").Value);

            return this.GetAggregateResult(passedCount, failedCount, skippedCount);