/// <summary>
        /// Handles operation SubscribeItem: Manually subscribes item (does not affect interest area updates).
        /// The client receives event ItemSubscribed on success.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>        
        /// If the submitted SubscribeItem.PropertiesRevision is null or smaller than the item Item.PropertiesRevision event ItemProperties is sent to the client.        
        /// </remarks>
        public OperationResponse OperationSubscribeItem(PeerBase peer, OperationRequest request, SendParameters sendParameters)
            var operation = new SubscribeItem(peer.Protocol, request);
            if (!operation.IsValid)
                return new OperationResponse(request.OperationCode) { ReturnCode = (int)ReturnCode.InvalidOperationParameter, DebugMessage = operation.GetErrorMessage() };


            Item item;
            bool actorItem = this.TryGetItem(operation.ItemId, out item);
            if (actorItem == false)
                if (this.World.ItemCache.TryGetItem(operation.ItemId, out item) == false)
                    return operation.GetOperationResponse((int)ReturnCode.ItemNotFound, "ItemNotFound");

            if (actorItem)
                // we are already in the item thread, invoke directly
                return this.ItemOperationSubscribeItem(item, operation);
                // second parameter (peer) allows us to send an error event to the client (in case of an error)
                item.Fiber.Enqueue(() => this.ExecItemOperation(() => this.ItemOperationSubscribeItem(item, operation), sendParameters));

                // operation continues later
                return null;