Beispiel #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Shared routine to spawn UI text objects.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="parent">The parent object for the text.</param>
        /// <param name="style">The text style to use.</param>
        /// <param name="contents">The default text.</param>
        /// <returns>The child text object.</returns>
        protected static LocText TextChildHelper(GameObject parent, TextStyleSetting style,
                                                 string contents = "")
            var textChild = PUIElements.CreateUI(parent, "Text");
            var locText   = PUIElements.AddLocText(textChild, style);

            // Font needs to be set before the text
            locText.alignment = TMPro.TextAlignmentOptions.Center;
            locText.text      = contents;
Beispiel #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Builds a row selection prefab object for this combo box.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="style">The text style for the entries.</param>
        /// <param name="entryColor">The color for the entry backgrounds.</param>
        /// <returns>A template for each row in the dropdown.</returns>
        private GameObject BuildRowPrefab(TextStyleSetting style, ColorStyleSetting entryColor)
            var im        = ItemMargin;
            var rowPrefab = PUIElements.CreateUI(null, "RowEntry");
            // Background of the entry
            var bgImage = rowPrefab.AddComponent <KImage>();

            UIDetours.COLOR_STYLE_SETTING.Set(bgImage, entryColor);
            // Checkmark for the front of the entry
            var isSelected = PUIElements.CreateUI(rowPrefab, "Selected");
            var fgImage    = isSelected.AddComponent <Image>();

            fgImage.color          = style.textColor;
            fgImage.preserveAspect = true;
            fgImage.sprite         = PUITuning.Images.Checked;
            // Button for the entry to select it
            var entryButton = rowPrefab.AddComponent <KButton>();

            PButton.SetupButton(entryButton, bgImage);
            UIDetours.FG_IMAGE.Set(entryButton, fgImage);
            // Tooltip for the entry
            rowPrefab.AddComponent <ToolTip>();
            // Text for the entry
            var textContainer = PUIElements.CreateUI(rowPrefab, "Text");

            PUIElements.AddLocText(textContainer, style).SetText(" ");
            // Configure the entire layout in 1 statement! (jk this is awful)
            var group = rowPrefab.AddComponent <RelativeLayoutGroup>();

            group.AnchorYAxis(isSelected).OverrideSize(isSelected, CheckSize).SetLeftEdge(
                isSelected, fraction: 0.0f).SetMargin(isSelected, im).AnchorYAxis(
                textContainer).SetLeftEdge(textContainer, toRight: isSelected).SetRightEdge(
                textContainer, 1.0f).SetMargin(textContainer, new RectOffset(0, im.right,
                                                                   , im.bottom)).LockLayout();
Beispiel #3
        public GameObject Build()
            var        combo = PUIElements.CreateUI(null, Name);
            var        style = TextStyle ?? PUITuning.Fonts.UILightStyle;
            var        entryColor = EntryColor ?? PUITuning.Colors.ButtonBlueStyle;
            RectOffset margin = Margin, im = ItemMargin;
            // Background color
            var bgImage        = combo.AddComponent <KImage>();
            var backColorStyle = BackColor ?? PUITuning.Colors.ButtonBlueStyle;

            UIDetours.COLOR_STYLE_SETTING.Set(bgImage, backColorStyle);
            // Need a LocText (selected item)
            var selection = PUIElements.CreateUI(combo, "SelectedItem");

            if (MinWidth > 0)
                selection.SetMinUISize(new Vector2(MinWidth, 0.0f));
            var selectedLabel = PUIElements.AddLocText(selection, style);
            // Vertical flow panel with the choices
            var contentContainer = PUIElements.CreateUI(null, "Content");

            contentContainer.AddComponent <VerticalLayoutGroup>().childForceExpandWidth = true;
            // Scroll pane with items is laid out below everything else
            var pullDown = new PScrollPane("PullDown")
                ScrollHorizontal = false, ScrollVertical = true, AlwaysShowVertical = true,
                FlexSize         = Vector2.right, TrackSize = 8.0f, BackColor = entryColor.
            }.BuildScrollPane(combo, contentContainer);

            // Add a black border (Does not work, covered by the combo box buttons...)
#if false
            var pdImage = pullDown.GetComponent <Image>();
            pdImage.sprite = PUITuning.Images.BoxBorder;
            pdImage.type   = Image.Type.Sliced;
            pullDown.rectTransform().pivot = new Vector2(0.5f, 1.0f);
            // Initialize the drop down
            var comboBox = combo.AddComponent <PComboBoxComponent>();
            comboBox.CheckColor       = style.textColor;
            comboBox.ContentContainer = contentContainer.rectTransform();
            comboBox.EntryPrefab      = BuildRowPrefab(style, entryColor);
            comboBox.MaxRowsShown     = MaxRowsShown;
            comboBox.Pulldown         = pullDown;
            comboBox.SelectedLabel    = selectedLabel;
            comboBox.OnSelectionChanged = (obj, item) => OnOptionSelected?.Invoke(obj.
                                                                                  gameObject, item as T);
            // Inner component with the pulldown image
            var image = PUIElements.CreateUI(combo, "OpenImage");
            var icon  = image.AddComponent <Image>();
            icon.sprite = PUITuning.Images.Contract;
            icon.color  = style.textColor;
            // Button component
            var dropButton = combo.AddComponent <KButton>();
            PButton.SetupButton(dropButton, bgImage);
            UIDetours.FG_IMAGE.Set(dropButton, icon);
            dropButton.onClick += comboBox.OnClick;
            // Add tooltip
            PUIElements.SetToolTip(selection, ToolTip);
            // Button gets laid out on the right, rest of space goes to the label
            // Scroll pane is laid out on the bottom
            var layout = combo.AddComponent <RelativeLayoutGroup>();
            layout.AnchorYAxis(selection).SetLeftEdge(selection, fraction:
                                                      0.0f).SetRightEdge(selection, toLeft: image).AnchorYAxis(image).SetRightEdge(
                image, fraction: 1.0f).SetMargin(selection, new RectOffset(margin.left,
                                                                           im.right,, margin.bottom)).SetMargin(image, new RectOffset(0,
                                                                                                                                                 margin.right,, margin.bottom)).OverrideSize(image, ArrowSize).
            AnchorYAxis(pullDown, 0.0f).OverrideSize(pullDown, Vector2.up);
            if (DynamicSize)
            // Disable sizing on the pulldown
            pullDown.AddOrGet <LayoutElement>().ignoreLayout = true;
            // Scroll pane is hidden right away
            layout.flexibleWidth  = FlexSize.x;
            layout.flexibleHeight = FlexSize.y;