public static bool Exist(Period p)
            foreach (int i in periodList.Keys)  // 'i' would have existing period values
                if (i > p.periodValue) break;
                if ((p.periodValue % i) == 0)
                    foreach (int j in periodList[i].Keys)   // j would have existing stpos
                        if (j > p.stPos) break;
                        // Nov 5 2007 - Commented and replaced line below to accomodate periodicity within a subsection of series
                        // Nov 25 2008 - Added the last check on first line to check that the supplied string is the substring of an existing periodic occurence to qualify as redundant
                        //if (j % i == p.stPos % i || (j+periodList[i][j].length-1) >= p.stPos)
                        if ((periodList[i][j].length >= p.length && periodList[i][j].endPos >= p.stPos) && Program.s.Substring(j,periodList[i][j].length).StartsWith(Program.s.Substring(p.stPos, p.length)) &&
                            (j % i == p.stPos % i || (j + periodList[i][j].length - 1) >= p.stPos))
                            return true;
            return false;

            if (!periodList.ContainsKey(p.periodValue))
                if (PeriodValueExist(p))
                    return true;
            return false;
        public static void Add(int periodVal, Period period)
            if (periodList.ContainsKey(periodVal))  // check for stpos redundancy
                SortedList<int, Period> innerList = periodList[period.periodValue];
                List<int> keysToRemove = new List<int>();
                foreach (int sp in innerList.Keys)
                    if (sp <= period.stPos) continue;
                    /** April 03 2008, 7:25 pm
                     Adding another condition that would check that the new period not only start earlier but also ends later
                     * */
                    // Nov 25 2008 - Added the second check on second line to check that the string to be removed is the substring of new periodic occurence to qualify as redundant

                    if ((sp % period.periodValue == period.stPos % period.periodValue) &&
                        Program.s.Substring(period.stPos, period.length).StartsWith(Program.s.Substring(sp, periodList[periodVal][sp].length)) &&
                        (period.endPos >= periodList[period.periodValue][sp].endPos))

                for (int i = 0; i < keysToRemove.Count; i++)

                innerList.Add(period.stPos, period);
            else                             // check for period value redundancy
                List<int> keysToRemove = new List<int>();
                foreach (int p in periodList.Keys)
                    if (p <= periodVal) continue;
                    if (p % period.periodValue == 0)
                        if (periodList[p].ContainsKey(period.stPos) && periodList[p][period.stPos].length <= period.length)
                            if (periodList[p].Count == 0)
                for (int i = 0; i < keysToRemove.Count; i++)

                SortedList<int, Period> innerList = new SortedList<int, Period>();
                innerList.Add(period.stPos, period);
                periodList.Add(periodVal, innerList);
Beispiel #3
        public bool IsPeriodExist(Period pin)

            foreach (Period p in periods)
                if (p.periodValue == pin.periodValue)
                    if (p.stPos == pin.stPos)
                        //if (p.symbolString.Equals(pin.symbolString))
                        if (p.length == pin.length)
                            return true;
                        //else if (p.symbolString.Length > pin.symbolString.Length)
                        if (p.length > pin.length)
                            return true;
                    //else if (p.symbolString.Equals(pin.symbolString) && ((pin.stPos % pin.periodValue) == (p.stPos % pin.periodValue)))
                    else if (((T.Substring(p.fci, p.length)).Equals(T.Substring(pin.fci, pin.length)))
                                && ((pin.stPos % pin.periodValue) == (p.stPos % pin.periodValue)))
                        if (pin.stPos < p.stPos)

                            p.stPos = pin.stPos;
                            p.foundPosCount = pin.foundPosCount;
                            p.threshold = pin.threshold;
                            //p.symbolString = pin.symbolString;
                            p.fci = pin.fci;
                            p.length = pin.length;
                        return true;
            return false;
Beispiel #4
        public void CalculatePeriodImp(Edge e)
            if (e.value > Program.maxStrLen || e.value < Program.minStrLen)

            OccurNode current =;

            /* *********** Extracting data for complexity improvement experiments **************
             * Date: 10th Sep 2008, 5:54 AM
            //if (e.value < 35)
                for (int i = 0; i < e.len; i++)
                    current =;

                current =;
                Program.CalculatePeriod(ovl.ToArray(), e.value);
            /************ End extracting data for complexity improvement experiments ************/

            //     code to find the last value of occur_vector - 2nd nov 2007
            OccurNode last =;
            for (int k = 1; k < e.len; k++)
                last =;
            int lastOccurValue = last.value;
            // end code to find the last value of occur_vector - 2nd nov 2007
            int preDiffValue = -5; // introduced to check the repetitive stPos periods like 0,3,6,9

            for (int i = 1; i < e.len; i++)
                //int diffValue = occur[i + 1] - occur[i];
                int diffValue = - current.value;
                /******* Modifying temporarily to check periodicity of 3
                if (diffValue < 5 || diffValue < e.value || diffValue == 1 || diffValue > (0.33 * T.Length) || current.value > (0.5 * T.Length))
                //*********** End Modifying to check 3 *********/
                /* replacing with line below for packet data
                if (diffValue < 5 || diffValue < e.value  || diffValue > (0.33 * T.Length) || current.value > (0.5 * T.Length) || diffValue == preDiffValue)
                if (diffValue < 2 || diffValue < e.value || diffValue > 20 || diffValue == preDiffValue)
                    current =;
                Period p = new Period();
                p.periodValue = diffValue;
                p.stPos = current.value;
                p.endPos = lastOccurValue; // introduced to find periodicity in segments - 2nd nov 2007
                p.fci = p.stPos;
                p.length = e.value;
                preDiffValue = diffValue;

                ///*****commenting temporarily - 5th nov 2007 *********
                if (PeriodCollection.Exist(p))
                    current =;
                //****** end commenting ********/

                /*********** not required after new code aug 27
                int modRes = p.stPos % p.periodValue;
                p.foundPosCount = 0;

                /******** NEW CODE Aug 27 ************/
                int A, C = 0;
                double B = 0, sumPerVal = 0;

                int preSubCurValue = -5;
                //int preStPos = p.stPos;
                int currStPos = p.stPos;
                /***** END NEW CODE Aug 27 *********/

                OccurNode subCurrent = current;
                for (int j = i; j <= e.len; j++)

                    ///******** NEW CODE Aug 27 ***********
                    //A = subCurrent.value - p.stPos;
                    A = subCurrent.value - currStPos;
                    B = Math.Round((double)A / p.periodValue);
                    C = A - (p.periodValue * (int)B);
                    if (C >= (-1 * tolWin) && C <= tolWin)
                        //if (Math.Round((double)((preSubCurValue - p.stPos) / p.periodValue)) != B)
                        if (Math.Round((double)((preSubCurValue - currStPos) / p.periodValue)) != B) // if it is a valid periodic occurence
                            preSubCurValue = subCurrent.value;
                            //preStPos = currStPos;           // new lines
                            currStPos = subCurrent.value;   // new lines
                            sumPerVal += (p.periodValue + C);   // new lines
                    //***** END NEW CODE Aug 27 *********/

                    /**************** commenting the original one
                    if (modRes == subCurrent.value % p.periodValue)
                     ********** end comment ***/

                    ///***** introducing dmax and mu concept - Nov 4 2007
                    if (j != i && j < e.len &&  // if its atleast the 2nd occurence or at maximum 2nd last occurence
                        ( - subCurrent.value) >= (dmax /* * p.periodValue*/) && // if difference between this and previous occurence is greater than dmax times period value
                        (currStPos - p.stPos) >= (minLengthOfSegment * (T.Length - 1)/*p.periodValue*/)) // if the length of to be segment is greater than minLengthOfSegment times period value
                    //(subCurrent.value - p.stPos) >= (minLengthOfSegment * p.periodValue)) // if the length of to be segment is greater than minLengthOfSegment times period value
                        /*if (currStPos == subCurrent.value)  // if this occurence was match
                            p.endPos = subCurrent.value;
                            p.endPos = currStPos;           // set to the last matched position

                        p.endPos = currStPos;           // set to the last matched position

                    //****** end dmax and mu code - Nov 4 2007 **********/

                    subCurrent =;

                double y = 0;
                /*** commented and replaced with the lines below to avoid > 1 conf using avgPeriodValue instead of periodValue
                if (((T.Length - 1 - p.stPos) % p.periodValue) >= e.value) y = 1; else y = 0;
                double th1 = p.foundPosCount / Math.Floor(((double)(T.Length - 1 - p.stPos) / p.periodValue) + y);

                ///*** used p.avgPeriodValue instead of p.periodValue in threshold (conf) calculation to avoid th > 1
                /// also added periodicity for segments code by replacing T.length - 1 with lastOccurValue + p.length
                p.avgPeriodValue = (sumPerVal - p.periodValue) / (p.foundPosCount - 1);
                /************ changed lastOccurValue with p.endPos in the following lines ***********
                if (((lastOccurValue + p.length - p.stPos) % ((int)Math.Round(p.avgPeriodValue))) >= e.value) y = 1; else y = 0;
                double th1 = p.foundPosCount / Math.Floor(((double)(lastOccurValue + p.length - p.stPos) / p.avgPeriodValue) + y);
                *********end changed lastOccurValue with p.endPos in the above lines *****************/
                if (((p.endPos + p.length - p.stPos) % ((int)Math.Round(p.avgPeriodValue))) >= e.value) y = 1; else y = 0;
                double th1 = p.foundPosCount / Math.Floor(((double)(p.endPos + p.length - p.stPos) / p.avgPeriodValue) + y);
                p.threshold = th1;

                if (p.threshold >= this.minThreshold) //&& (!IsPeriodExist(p)))
                    //p.avgPeriodValue = (sumPerVal-p.periodValue) / (p.foundPosCount-1); // moving this to upper lines
                    PeriodCollection.Add(p.periodValue, p);

                current =;
 public static bool PeriodValueExist(Period p)
     foreach (int i in periodList.Keys)  // 'i' would have existing period values
         if (i > p.periodValue) break;
         if ((p.periodValue % i) == 0)
             foreach (int j in periodList[i].Keys)   // j would have existing stpos
                 if (j > p.stPos) break;
                 if (j % i == p.stPos % i)
                     return true;
     return false;