Beispiel #1
        public PhpHandlerMiddleware(RequestDelegate next, IHostingEnvironment hostingEnv, PhpRequestOptions options)
            if (hostingEnv == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(hostingEnv));

            _next    = next ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(next));
            _options = options;

            // determine Root Path:
            _rootPath = hostingEnv.WebRootPath ?? hostingEnv.ContentRootPath ?? Directory.GetCurrentDirectory();

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(options.RootPath))
                _rootPath = Path.GetFullPath(Path.Combine(_rootPath, options.RootPath));  // use the root path option, relative to the ASP.NET Core Web Root

            _rootPath = NormalizeRootPath(_rootPath);


            // TODO: pass hostingEnv.ContentRootFileProvider to the Context for file system functions

            // sideload script assemblies
Beispiel #2
 /// <summary>
 /// Loads and reflects assemblies containing compiled PHP scripts.
 /// </summary>
 static void LoadScriptAssemblies(PhpRequestOptions options)
     if (options.ScriptAssembliesName != null)
         foreach (var assname in options.ScriptAssembliesName.Select(str => new System.Reflection.AssemblyName(str)))
             var ass = System.Reflection.Assembly.Load(assname);
             if (ass != null)
                 LogEventSource.Log.ErrorLog($"Assembly '{assname}' couldn't be loaded.");
 /// <summary>
 /// Loads and reflects assemblies containing compiled PHP scripts.
 /// </summary>
 static void LoadScriptAssemblies(PhpRequestOptions options)
     if (options.ScriptAssembliesName != null)
         foreach (var assname in options.ScriptAssembliesName.Select(str => new System.Reflection.AssemblyName(str)))
             var ass = System.Reflection.Assembly.Load(assname);
             if (ass != null)
                 Debug.Assert(false, $"Assembly '{assname}' couldn't be loaded.");
        public PhpHandlerMiddleware(RequestDelegate next, IHostingEnvironment hostingEnv, PhpRequestOptions options)
            if (next == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(next));

            if (hostingEnv == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(hostingEnv));

            _next     = next;
            _options  = options;
            _rootPath = NormalizeRootPath(hostingEnv.WebRootPath ?? hostingEnv.ContentRootPath ?? System.IO.Directory.GetCurrentDirectory());
            // TODO: pass hostingEnv.ContentRootFileProvider to the Context for file system functions

            // sideload script assemblies
 /// <summary>
 /// Installs request handler to compiled PHP scripts.
 /// </summary>
 public static IApplicationBuilder UsePhp(this IApplicationBuilder builder, PhpRequestOptions options = null)
     return(builder.UseMiddleware <PhpHandlerMiddleware>(options ?? new PhpRequestOptions()));