public SortedDictionary <double, FormLineList>[] GetFormLines(int pageNum, LinePos startPos, LinePos endPos
                                                                      , bool isSubsequentPage, SortedDictionary <double, FormLineList> lastPageVerticalLines)
            //Get the information of lines and extreme points by travelsaling the page
            horizontalLines = new SortedDictionary <double, FormLineList>();
            verticalLines   = new SortedDictionary <double, FormLineList>();
            _pageNum        = pageNum;
            _startPos       = startPos;
            _endPos         = endPos;

            Page page = _pdfDoc.GetPage(pageNum);

            pageSize              = PdfTronHelper.GetPageSize(page);
            topBound.AxisValue    = startPos == null ? pageSize[1] : startPos.AxisValue;
            bottomBound.AxisValue = endPos == null ? 0 : endPos.AxisValue;
            ii = 0;
            using (ElementReader page_reader = new ElementReader())
            //Remove short lines.
            Rect posRect = GetTablePosRect(_pageNum, _startPos, _endPos, isSubsequentPage);

            RemoveTooShortAndTooLongLines(page, horizontalLines, true, posRect);

            bool isNotNeedGenerateVerLines =
                isSubsequentPage && lastPageVerticalLines != null && verticalLines.Count == lastPageVerticalLines.Count;

            if (!isNotNeedGenerateVerLines)
                RemoveTooShortAndTooLongLines(page, verticalLines, false, posRect);
            //Generate drawed lines.
            Rect areaRect;

            bool existRealRect = horizontalLines.Count > 1 && verticalLines.Count > 1 && IsRect(posRect, horizontalLines, verticalLines);

            areaRect = existRealRect ? GenerateRectByLines() : posRect;
            if (existRealRect || isSubsequentPage)
                RemoveLinesNotInRect(areaRect, horizontalLines, verticalLines);
                isNotNeedGenerateVerLines =
                    isSubsequentPage && lastPageVerticalLines != null && verticalLines.Count == lastPageVerticalLines.Count;
                posRect = GetTablePosRect(_pageNum, _startPos, _endPos, true);
            FormLineGenerator.RemoveSpareNearLines(verticalLines, false);
            if (!isNotNeedGenerateVerLines)
                isNotNeedGenerateVerLines =
                    isSubsequentPage && lastPageVerticalLines != null && verticalLines.Count == lastPageVerticalLines.Count;
            FormLineGenerator lineGenerator = new FormLineGenerator(page, areaRect);

            SortedDictionary <double, FormLineList>[] lines = lineGenerator.GetFormLines(existRealRect, horizontalLines, verticalLines, isNotNeedGenerateVerLines);
        /// <summary>
        /// Remove short lines from line dictionary.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="diclines">Line dictionary</param>
        void RemoveTooShortAndTooLongLines(Page page, SortedDictionary <double, FormLineList> diclines, bool isHorizontial, Rect posRect)
            double[] pageSize = PdfTronHelper.GetPageSize(page);

            double maxLength = isHorizontial ? pageSize[0] : pageSize[1];

            diclines.Where(pair => pair.Value.Exists(line => Math.Abs(line.Length - maxLength) < 3))
            .Select(pair => pair.Key).ToList()
            .ForEach(key => diclines.Remove(key));
            FormLineList _lines = new FormLineList(diclines.SelectMany(pair => pair.Value).ToList());

            if (_lines.Count > 1)
                if (isHorizontial)
                    double[] textLeftRightXValue = pdfTronHelper.GetLeftRightTextBounds(page);
                    maxLength = (textLeftRightXValue[1] - textLeftRightXValue[0]);
                    diclines.Where(x => x.Value.Sum(line => line.Length) < maxLength * 0.5
                                   ).Select(x => x.Key).ToList().ForEach(key => diclines.Remove(key));
                    foreach (double key in diclines.Keys.ToArray())
                        FormLineList lines = diclines[key];
                        if (lines.Count < 2)
                        double   _maxLength    = lines.Max(line => line.Length);
                        FormLine maxLengthLine = lines.Find(line => line.Length == _maxLength);
                        lines.Where(line => line.Length < (_maxLength * 0.7)).ToList().ForEach(line => lines.Remove(line));
                    FormLineList templines = new FormLineList(diclines.SelectMany(pair => pair.Value).ToList());

                    if (templines.Count > 1)
                        maxLength = templines.Select(line => line.Length).Max();
                        double scale     = 0.4;
                        double minLength = maxLength * scale;
                        IEnumerable <double> shortLineKeys = diclines.Where(
                            x => x.Value.Sum(line => line.Length) < minLength
                            ).Select(x => x.Key);
                        shortLineKeys.ToList().ForEach(key => diclines.Remove(key));
                    maxLength = posRect.Height();
                    if (posRect.Height() < 300)
                        maxLength = _lines.Select(line => line.Length).Max();
                    double minLength = maxLength * 0.4;

                    if (minLength < 9)
                        minLength = 9;

                    IEnumerable <double> shortLineKeys = diclines.Where(
                        x => x.Value.Sum(line => line.Length) < minLength
                        ).Select(x => x.Key);
                    shortLineKeys.ToList().ForEach(key => diclines.Remove(key));