Beispiel #1
        //Expand one node
        private void ExpandNode(Node currentNode)
            //To be able to expand we need the simulated car's heading and position
            float heading = currentNode.heading;

            //Expand both forward and reverse
            for (int j = 0; j < driveDistances.Length; j++)
                float driveDistance = driveDistances[j];

                //Expand by looping through all steering angles
                for (int i = 0; i < steeringAngles.Count; i++)
                    //Steering angle
                    float alpha = steeringAngles[i];

                    //Turning angle
                    float beta = (driveDistance / carData.GetWheelBase()) * Mathf.Tan(alpha);

                    //Simulate the skeleton car
                    Vector3 newCarPos = SkeletonCar.CalculateNewPosition(heading, beta, driveDistance, currentNode.carPos);

                    float newHeading = SkeletonCar.CalculateNewHeading(heading, beta);

                    //Get the cell pos of the new position
                    IntVector2 cellPos = PathfindingController.ConvertCoordinateToCellPos(newCarPos);

                    //Check if the car is colliding with obstacle or is outside of map
                    if (!ObstaclesDetection.TargetPositionWithinTrack(newCarPos, newHeading, carData))
                    //if (ObstaclesDetection.HasCarInvalidPosition(newCarPos, newHeading, carData)) (MATT)

                    //Check if this node is closed
                    //Important this is after obstacle/outside of map detection or may be out of range
                    int roundedAngle = RoundAngle(newHeading * Mathf.Rad2Deg);

                    if (closedCells[cellPos.x, cellPos.z].ContainsKey(roundedAngle))

                    //Check if this node is cheaper than any other node by calculating costs
                    //First create a new node with all data we need to calculate costs
                    Node nextNode = new Node();

                    nextNode.cellPos       = cellPos;
                    nextNode.carPos        = newCarPos;
                    nextNode.heading       = newHeading;
                    nextNode.steeringAngle = steeringAngles[i];
                    nextNode.isReversing   = driveDistance < 0f ? true : false;
                    nextNode.h             = HeuristicsController.heuristics[cellPos.x, cellPos.z];
                    nextNode.previousNode  = currentNode;

                    //Now we can calculate the cost to reach this node
                    nextNode.g = CalculateCosts(nextNode);

                    //Is this cost lower than it was or have we not expanded to this this cell with this angle?
                    if (
                        ((lowestCostCells[cellPos.x, cellPos.z].ContainsKey(roundedAngle) && nextNode.g < lowestCostCells[cellPos.x, cellPos.z][roundedAngle])) ||
                        !lowestCostCells[cellPos.x, cellPos.z].ContainsKey(roundedAngle))

                        //We havent expanded to this node before with this angle
                        if (!lowestCostCells[cellPos.x, cellPos.z].ContainsKey(roundedAngle))
                            lowestCostCells[cellPos.x, cellPos.z].Add(roundedAngle, nextNode.g);
                        //The costs is lower than a previous expansion
                            lowestCostCells[cellPos.x, cellPos.z][roundedAngle] = nextNode.g;

                            //Now we should remove the old node from the heap
                            //Actually not needed because it's costly to remove nodes from the heap
                            //So its better to just skip the node when finding nodes with lowest cost

                        //Add the node to the list with open nodes