public bool HasChild(string path, bool force, bool literalPath)
     var runtime = new ProviderRuntime(SessionState, force, literalPath);
     var res = HasChild(path, runtime);
     return res;
 public bool Exists(string path, bool force, bool literalPath)
     var runtime = new ProviderRuntime(SessionState, force, literalPath);
     bool result = Exists(path, runtime);
     return result;
 public Collection<PSObject> Copy(string[] path, string destinationPath, bool recurse, CopyContainers copyContainers,
                                  bool force, bool literalPath)
     var runtime = new ProviderRuntime(SessionState, force, literalPath);
     Copy(path, destinationPath, recurse, copyContainers, runtime);
     return runtime.ThrowFirstErrorOrReturnResults();
Beispiel #4
 public Collection<PathInfo> GetResolvedPSPathFromPSPath(string path)
     var runtime = new ProviderRuntime(_sessionState);
     var res = GetResolvedPSPathFromPSPath(new [] { path }, runtime);
     return res;
        internal Collection <PSObject> GetChildItems(string path, bool recurse, ProviderRuntime providerRuntime)
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(path))
                path = CurrentLocation.Path;

            CmdletProvider provider = GetProviderByPath(path);

            if ((path != null) && (ItemExists(provider, path, providerRuntime)))
                if (IsItemContainer(provider, path, providerRuntime))
                    ContainerCmdletProvider containerProvider = provider as ContainerCmdletProvider;

                    if (containerProvider != null)
                        containerProvider.GetChildItems(path, recurse, providerRuntime);
                    ItemCmdletProvider itemProvider = provider as ItemCmdletProvider;

                    if (itemProvider != null)
                        itemProvider.GetItem(path, providerRuntime);

 public Collection<string> GetNames(string[] path, ReturnContainers returnContainers, bool recurse, bool force,
                                    bool literalPath)
     var runtime = new ProviderRuntime(SessionState, force, literalPath);
     GetNames(path, returnContainers, recurse, runtime);
     var packedResults = runtime.ThrowFirstErrorOrReturnResults();
     var results = (from r in packedResults select r.ToString()).ToList();
     return new Collection<string>(results);
Beispiel #7
        Collection <string> BuiltInGlobbing(CmdletProvider provider, string path, ProviderRuntime runtime)
            var containerProvider = CmdletProvider.As <ContainerCmdletProvider>(provider);
            var ciIntrinsics      = new ChildItemCmdletProviderIntrinsics(_sessionState);
            // first we split the path into globbable components and put them on a stack to work with
            var componentStack = PathToStack(containerProvider, path, runtime);

            // we create a working list with partially globbed paths. each iteration will take all items from the
            // list and add the newly globbed part
            var workingPaths = new List <string>()

            while (componentStack.Count > 0)
                var partialPaths = new List <string>(workingPaths);
                var globComp = componentStack.Pop();
                // check if the current stack component has wildcards. If not, simply append it to all partialPaths
                // and add to workingPaths
                if (!WildcardPattern.ContainsWildcardCharacters(globComp))
                    workingPaths.AddRange(from p in partialPaths select Path.Combine(containerProvider, p, globComp, runtime));

                // otherwise get all childnames, check wildcard and combine the paths
                var globWC = new WildcardPattern(globComp, WildcardOptions.IgnoreCase);
                foreach (var partPath in partialPaths)
                    if (!containerProvider.ItemExists(partPath, runtime) ||
                        !containerProvider.HasChildItems(partPath, runtime))
                        // TODO: throw an error if there was no globbing already performed (then the first part of
                        // the path already did not exists as in a pattern like "/home/notExisting/*.txt"
                    // TODO: verify if we should only consider matching containers or all. maybe the filter won't
                    // apply to partial parts and we need to consider all
                    var childNames = ciIntrinsics.GetValidChildNames(containerProvider, partPath,
                                                                     ReturnContainers.ReturnMatchingContainers, runtime);
                    // TODO: check if Include/Exclude also match partial parts, but i guess only complete ones
                    // add all combined path to the workingPaths for the next stack globbing iteration
                    workingPaths.AddRange(from c in childNames
                                          where globWC.IsMatch(c)
                                          select Path.Combine(containerProvider, partPath, c, runtime));
            // now filter the working paths by include/exlude. last flag is false or we wouldn't be globbing
            var filter       = new IncludeExcludeFilter(runtime.Include, runtime.Exclude, false);
            var globbedPaths = from p in workingPaths where filter.Accepts(p) select p;

            return(new Collection <string>(globbedPaths.ToList()));
Beispiel #8
        string GetProviderPathFromDriveQualifiedPath(string path, ProviderRuntime runtime, out ProviderInfo providerInfo, out PSDriveInfo drive)
            var idx       = path.IndexOf(":");
            var driveName = path.Substring(0, idx);

            // TODO: validate drive name?
            drive        = _sessionState.Drive.Get(driveName);
            providerInfo = drive.Provider;
            path         = path.Substring(idx + 1).TrimStart(PathIntrinsics.CorrectSlash, PathIntrinsics.WrongSlash);
            return(Path.Combine(providerInfo.CreateInstance(), drive.Root, path, runtime));
        private bool ItemExists(CmdletProvider provider, string path, ProviderRuntime providerRuntime)
            ItemCmdletProvider itemProvider = provider as ItemCmdletProvider;

            if (itemProvider == null)

            return(itemProvider.ItemExists(path, providerRuntime));
        private bool IsItemContainer(CmdletProvider provider, string path, ProviderRuntime providerRuntime)
            NavigationCmdletProvider navigationProvider = provider as NavigationCmdletProvider;

            if (navigationProvider == null)

            return(navigationProvider.IsItemContainer(path, providerRuntime));
Beispiel #11
        private string ResolveRelativePath(string path, ProviderRuntime runtime, ProviderInfo providerInfo)
            var provider = _sessionState.Provider.GetInstance(providerInfo) as ContainerCmdletProvider;
            // TODO: I think PS default relative path resolving can only work with
            // paths that have slash/backslash as spearator. Verify this.
            // skip resolving if the path is absolute or we don't have a navigation provider
            var curRoot = runtime.PSDriveInfo.Root;

            if (provider == null || (curRoot.Length > 0 && path.StartsWith(curRoot)))

            if (IsCommonRootPath(path))
                return(Path.Combine(provider, curRoot, path, runtime));

            var curPath = runtime.PSDriveInfo.CurrentLocation;

            // we must stay in the same drive. to avoid to resolve to directories outside the drive, we first need to
            // get the path relative to the current drive's root
            // Example: the current drive's root is "/foo", the current location is "/foo/bar". If we resolve "../.."
            //          we need to end up with "/foo", not "/", because "/" is outside the current drive

            // I hope this is just fine... at least PS doesn't call the provider NormalizeRelativePath method
            // for it. If we are in the current location, the path should also start with the drive's root, or
            // we are in some inconsistent state
            if (curPath.StartsWith(curRoot))
                curPath = curPath.Substring(curRoot.Length);

            var relStack = PathToStack(provider, path, runtime);

            while (relStack.Count > 0)
                var comp = relStack.Pop();
                if (comp.Equals("."))
                else if (comp.Equals(".."))
                    curPath = Path.ParseParent(provider, curPath, "", runtime);
                // otherwise it's a child component to append
                curPath = Path.Combine(provider, curPath, comp, runtime);
            // don't forget to append the root again
            return(Path.Combine(provider, curRoot, curPath, runtime));
        // actual work with callid the providers

        internal void Get(string[] paths, bool recurse, ProviderRuntime runtime)
            // the include/exclude filters apply to the results, not to the globbing process. Make this sure
            runtime.IgnoreFiltersForGlobbing = true;

            // globbing is here a little more complicated, so we do it "manually" (without GlobAndInvoke)
            foreach (var curPath in paths)
                var path = curPath;
                // if the path won't be globbed or filtered, we will directly list it's child
                var listChildsWithoutRecursion = !Globber.ShouldGlob(path, runtime) && !runtime.HasFilters();

                // the Path might be a mixture of a path and an include filter
                bool clearIncludeFilter;
                path = SplitFilterFromPath(path, recurse, runtime, out clearIncludeFilter);

                // now perform the actual globbing
                CmdletProvider provider;
                var globbed = Globber.GetGlobbedProviderPaths(path, runtime, out provider);
                var containerProvider = CmdletProvider.As<ContainerCmdletProvider>(provider);
                var filter = new IncludeExcludeFilter(runtime.Include, runtime.Exclude, false);

                foreach (var globPath in globbed)
                        // if we need to actively filter that stuff, we have to handle the recursion manually
                        if (!filter.CanBeIgnored)
                            ManuallyGetChildItems(containerProvider, globPath, recurse, filter, runtime);
                        // otherwise just get the child items / the item directly
                        if (recurse || listChildsWithoutRecursion)
                            GetItemOrChildItems(containerProvider, globPath, recurse, runtime);
                        // no recursion and globbing was performed: get the item, not the child items
                        containerProvider.GetItem(globPath, runtime);
                    catch (Exception e)
                // clean up the include filter of the runtime for the next item, if we split a filter from the path
                if (clearIncludeFilter)
Beispiel #13
 public ProviderRuntime(ProviderRuntime runtime)
     : this(runtime.SessionState, runtime.Force, runtime.AvoidGlobbing)
     _cmdlet = runtime._cmdlet;
     PassThru = runtime.PassThru;
     PSDriveInfo = runtime.PSDriveInfo;
     Include = new Collection<string>(runtime.Include);
     Exclude = new Collection<string>(runtime.Exclude);
     Filter = runtime.Filter;
     AvoidGlobbing = runtime.AvoidGlobbing;
     IgnoreFiltersForGlobbing = runtime.IgnoreFiltersForGlobbing;
     Credential = new PSCredential(runtime.Credential);
     DynamicParameters = runtime.DynamicParameters;
Beispiel #14
 public ProviderRuntime(ProviderRuntime runtime)
     : this(runtime.SessionState, runtime.Force, runtime.AvoidGlobbing)
     _cmdlet                  = runtime._cmdlet;
     PassThru                 = runtime.PassThru;
     PSDriveInfo              = runtime.PSDriveInfo;
     Include                  = new Collection <string>(runtime.Include);
     Exclude                  = new Collection <string>(runtime.Exclude);
     Filter                   = runtime.Filter;
     AvoidGlobbing            = runtime.AvoidGlobbing;
     IgnoreFiltersForGlobbing = runtime.IgnoreFiltersForGlobbing;
     Credential               = new PSCredential(runtime.Credential);
     DynamicParameters        = runtime.DynamicParameters;
 public Collection<PSObject> New(string[] paths, string name, string itemTypeName, object content, bool force)
     // TODO: support globbing (e.g. * in filename)
     Path normalizedPath;
     var runtime = new ProviderRuntime(_cmdlet.ExecutionContext);
     runtime.Force = force;
     foreach (var path in paths)
         var provider = GetContainerProviderByPath(path, name, out normalizedPath);
         provider.NewItem(normalizedPath, itemTypeName, content, runtime);
     return runtime.RetreiveAllProviderData();
Beispiel #16
        private string ResolveHomePath(string path, ProviderRuntime runtime, ProviderInfo providerInfo)
            if (!IsHomePath(path) || providerInfo.Home == null)
            var provider = _sessionState.Provider.GetInstance(providerInfo);
            var restPath = path.Substring(1);
            var homePath = providerInfo.Home;

            // if the path is only something like '~/', PS will return only the Home, without trailing separator
            // But if it's '~/foo/', the trailing separator stays
            if (restPath.Length == 0 || restPath.Equals("/") || restPath.Equals("\\"))
            return(Path.Combine(provider, homePath, restPath, runtime));
Beispiel #17
        internal Collection<string> GetGlobbedProviderPaths(string path, ProviderRuntime runtime, bool itemMustExist,
                                                            out CmdletProvider provider)
            var results = new Collection<string>();
            ProviderInfo providerInfo;

            // get internal path, resolve home path and set provider info and drive info (if resolved)
            path = GetProviderSpecificPath(path, runtime, out providerInfo);
            provider = _sessionState.Provider.GetInstance(providerInfo);

            if (!ShouldGlob(path, runtime))
                // Although even ItemCmdletProvider supports ItemExists, PS doesn't seem
                // to throw errors when resolving paths with ItemProviders, only for ContainerProviders or higher
                // this behavior can be seen in the tests
                var containerProvider = provider as ContainerCmdletProvider;
                if (itemMustExist && containerProvider != null && !containerProvider.ItemExists(path, runtime))
                    var msg = String.Format("An item with path {0} doesn't exist", path);
                    runtime.WriteError(new ItemNotFoundException(msg).ErrorRecord);
                    return results;
                return results;

            if (providerInfo.Capabilities.HasFlag(ProviderCapabilities.ExpandWildcards))
                var filter = new IncludeExcludeFilter(runtime.Include, runtime.Exclude, runtime.IgnoreFiltersForGlobbing);
                foreach (var expanded in CmdletProvider.As<ItemCmdletProvider>(provider).ExpandPath(path, runtime))
                    if (filter.Accepts(expanded))
                results = BuiltInGlobbing(provider, path, runtime);

            return results;
Beispiel #18
        internal Collection <string> GetGlobbedProviderPaths(string path, ProviderRuntime runtime, bool itemMustExist,
                                                             out CmdletProvider provider)
            var          results = new Collection <string>();
            ProviderInfo providerInfo;

            // get internal path, resolve home path and set provider info and drive info (if resolved)
            path     = GetProviderSpecificPath(path, runtime, out providerInfo);
            provider = _sessionState.Provider.GetInstance(providerInfo);

            if (!ShouldGlob(path, runtime))
                // Although even ItemCmdletProvider supports ItemExists, PS doesn't seem
                // to throw errors when resolving paths with ItemProviders, only for ContainerProviders or higher
                // this behavior can be seen in the tests
                var containerProvider = provider as ContainerCmdletProvider;
                if (itemMustExist && containerProvider != null && !containerProvider.ItemExists(path, runtime))
                    var msg = String.Format("An item with path {0} doesn't exist", path);
                    runtime.WriteError(new ItemNotFoundException(msg).ErrorRecord);

            if (providerInfo.Capabilities.HasFlag(ProviderCapabilities.ExpandWildcards))
                var filter = new IncludeExcludeFilter(runtime.Include, runtime.Exclude, runtime.IgnoreFiltersForGlobbing);
                foreach (var expanded in CmdletProvider.As <ItemCmdletProvider>(provider).ExpandPath(path, runtime))
                    if (filter.Accepts(expanded))
                results = BuiltInGlobbing(provider, path, runtime);

Beispiel #19
        internal PathInfo SetLocation(string path, ProviderRuntime providerRuntime)
            // TODO: deal with paths starting with ".\"

            if (path == null)
                throw new NullReferenceException("Path can't be null");

            path = PathIntrinsics.NormalizePath(path);

            ProviderInfo provider  = null;
            string       driveName = null;

            string      str          = path;
            string      providerId   = null;
            PSDriveInfo currentDrive = CurrentDrive;

            // If path doesn't start with a drive name
            if (path.StartsWith(PathIntrinsics.CorrectSlash.ToString()))
                provider = CurrentLocation.Provider;
            else if (PathIntrinsics.IsAbsolutePath(path, out driveName))
                _currentDrive = GetDrive(driveName, null);

                path = PathIntrinsics.NormalizePath(PathIntrinsics.RemoveDriveName(path));

            _currentDrive.CurrentLocation = path;

            _providersCurrentDrive[CurrentDrive.Provider] = CurrentDrive;

            SetVariable("PWD", CurrentLocation);

            PSDriveInfo drive = CurrentDrive;

Beispiel #20
        internal string GetProviderSpecificPath(string path, ProviderRuntime runtime, out ProviderInfo providerInfo)
            // differentiate between drive-qualified, provider-qualified, provider-internal, and provider-direct paths
            // then strip provider prefix, set provider, set drive is possible or get from Drive.Current
            PSDriveInfo drive;
            string      resolvedPath = null;

            if (IsProviderQualifiedPath(path))
                resolvedPath = GetProviderPathFromProviderQualifiedPath(path, out providerInfo);
                // in case there is no CurrentDrive, set a dummy drive to keep track of the used provider
                drive = providerInfo.CurrentDrive ?? providerInfo.DummyDrive;
            else if (IsDriveQualifiedPath(path))
                resolvedPath = GetProviderPathFromDriveQualifiedPath(path, runtime, out providerInfo, out drive);
            // otherwise we first need to know about the provider/drive in use to properly resolve the path
            else if (runtime.PSDriveInfo != null)
                drive        = runtime.PSDriveInfo;
                providerInfo = drive.Provider;
                drive        = _sessionState.Path.CurrentLocation.Drive;
                providerInfo = _sessionState.Path.CurrentLocation.Provider;
            // TODO: check for provider internal path beginning with \\ or //
            //       make sure to set the drive to a dummy drive then

            runtime.PSDriveInfo = drive;

            // if we had no success, yet, we deal with some kind of provider specific (maybe relative) path
            if (resolvedPath == null)
                resolvedPath = ResolveHomePath(path, runtime, providerInfo);
                resolvedPath = ResolveRelativePath(resolvedPath, runtime, providerInfo);

Beispiel #21
        internal string GetProviderSpecificPath(string path, ProviderRuntime runtime, out ProviderInfo providerInfo)
            // differentiate between drive-qualified, provider-qualified, provider-internal, and provider-direct paths
            // then strip provider prefix, set provider, set drive is possible or get from Drive.Current
            PSDriveInfo drive;
            string resolvedPath = null;
            if (IsProviderQualifiedPath(path))
                resolvedPath = GetProviderPathFromProviderQualifiedPath(path, out providerInfo);
                // in case there is no CurrentDrive, set a dummy drive to keep track of the used provider
                drive = providerInfo.CurrentDrive ?? providerInfo.DummyDrive;
            else if (IsDriveQualifiedPath(path))
                resolvedPath = GetProviderPathFromDriveQualifiedPath(path, runtime, out providerInfo, out drive);
            // otherwise we first need to know about the provider/drive in use to properly resolve the path
            else if (runtime.PSDriveInfo != null)
                drive = runtime.PSDriveInfo;
                providerInfo = drive.Provider;
                drive = _sessionState.Path.CurrentLocation.Drive;
                providerInfo = _sessionState.Path.CurrentLocation.Provider;
            // TODO: check for provider internal path beginning with \\ or //
            //       make sure to set the drive to a dummy drive then

            runtime.PSDriveInfo = drive;

            // if we had no success, yet, we deal with some kind of provider specific (maybe relative) path
            if (resolvedPath == null)
                resolvedPath = ResolveHomePath(path, runtime, providerInfo);
                resolvedPath = ResolveRelativePath(resolvedPath, runtime, providerInfo);

            return resolvedPath;
        internal CmdletProvider Add(ProviderInfo providerInfo, ExecutionContext executionContext)
            CmdletProvider provider = providerInfo.CreateInstance();

            var runtime = new ProviderRuntime(executionContext.SessionState);
            providerInfo = provider.Start(providerInfo, runtime);

            // Cache the Provider's Info and instance
            if (!_providers.ContainsKey(providerInfo.Name))
                _providers.Add(providerInfo.Name, new List<ProviderInfo>());
            _providerInstances[providerInfo] = provider;

            // provider is added, default drives can be added
            AddDefaultDrives(provider, runtime);

            return provider;
Beispiel #23
        void SetPathTypes(string path, SessionState sessionState)
            ProviderInfo pinfo;
            // use the globber to parse the path and set the different types
            var runtime = new ProviderRuntime(sessionState);
            runtime.PSDriveInfo = Drive;
            var globber = new PathGlobber(sessionState);
            _path = globber.GetProviderSpecificPath(path, runtime, out pinfo);
            // update the Provider and Drive in case it changed
            Provider = pinfo;
            Drive = runtime.PSDriveInfo;

            _providerQualified = globber.GetProviderQualifiedPath(_path, Provider);
            Path = _providerQualified;

            if (Drive != null && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(Drive.Name))
                _driveQualified = globber.GetDriveQualifiedPath(_path, Drive);
                Path = _driveQualified;
Beispiel #24
 internal Collection<string> GetChildNames(string path, ReturnContainers returnContainers, bool recurse, ProviderRuntime providerRuntime)
     // MUST: fix
     throw new NotImplementedException();
Beispiel #25
        internal PathInfo SetLocation(string path, ProviderRuntime providerRuntime)
            // TODO: deal with paths starting with ".\"

            if (path == null)
                throw new NullReferenceException("Path can't be null");

            path = PathIntrinsics.NormalizePath(path);

            ProviderInfo provider = null;
            string driveName = null;

            string str = path;
            PSDriveInfo currentDrive = CurrentDrive;

            // If path doesn't start with a drive name
            if (path.StartsWith(PathIntrinsics.CorrectSlash.ToString()))
                provider = CurrentLocation.Provider;
            else if (PathIntrinsics.IsAbsolutePath(path, out driveName))
                _currentDrive = GetDrive(driveName, null);

                path = PathIntrinsics.NormalizePath(PathIntrinsics.RemoveDriveName(path));

            _currentDrive.CurrentLocation = path;

            _providersCurrentDrive[CurrentDrive.Provider] = CurrentDrive;

            SetVariable("PWD", CurrentLocation);
            return CurrentLocation;
Beispiel #26
        internal PathInfo SetLocation(Path path, ProviderRuntime providerRuntime)
            // TODO: deal with paths starting with ".\"

            if (path == null)
                throw new NullReferenceException("Path can't be null");

            PSDriveInfo nextDrive = CurrentDrive;

            path = path.NormalizeSlashes().ResolveTilde();

            string driveName = null;

            if (path.TryGetDriveName(out driveName))
                    nextDrive = _executionContext.SessionState.Drive.Get(driveName);
                catch (MethodInvocationException) //didn't find a drive (maybe it's "\" on Windows)
                    nextDrive = CurrentDrive;

            Path newLocation = PathNavigation.CalculateFullPath(nextDrive.CurrentLocation, path);

            // I'm not a fan of this block of code.
            // The goal here is to throw an exception if trying to "CD" into an invalid location
            // Not sure why the providerInstances are returned as a collection. Feels like given a
            // path we should have one provider we're talking to.
            if (_providerInstances.ContainsKey(nextDrive.Provider.Name))
                bool pathExists = false;
                IEnumerable <ItemCmdletProvider> cmdletProviders = _providerInstances[nextDrive.Provider.Name].Where(x => x is ItemCmdletProvider).Cast <ItemCmdletProvider>();
                ItemCmdletProvider currentProvider = null;
                foreach (var provider in cmdletProviders)
                    if (provider.ItemExists(newLocation, providerRuntime))
                        pathExists      = true;
                        currentProvider = provider;

                if (!pathExists)
                    throw new Exception(string.Format("Cannot find path '{0}' because it does not exist.", newLocation));
                    if (currentProvider is FileSystemProvider)
                        System.Environment.CurrentDirectory = newLocation;
                throw new NotImplementedException("Unsure how to set location with provider:" + nextDrive.Provider.Name);

            nextDrive.CurrentLocation = newLocation;

            CurrentDrive = nextDrive;
            _providersCurrentDrive[CurrentDrive.Provider] = CurrentDrive;
Beispiel #27
        internal Collection<PSObject> GetChildItems(string path, bool recurse, ProviderRuntime providerRuntime)
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(path))
                path = CurrentLocation.Path;

            CmdletProvider provider = GetProviderByPath(path);

            if ((path != null) && (ItemExists(provider, path, providerRuntime)))
                if (IsItemContainer(provider, path, providerRuntime))
                    ContainerCmdletProvider containerProvider = provider as ContainerCmdletProvider;

                    if (containerProvider != null)
                        containerProvider.GetChildItems(path, recurse, providerRuntime);
                    ItemCmdletProvider itemProvider = provider as ItemCmdletProvider;

                    if (itemProvider != null)
                        itemProvider.GetItem(path, providerRuntime);

            return providerRuntime.RetreiveAllProviderData();
Beispiel #28
 //internal object GetChildItemsDynamicParameters(Path path, bool recurse, CmdletProviderContext context);
 internal void GetChildNames(Path path, ReturnContainers returnContainers, ProviderRuntime runtime)
     ProviderRuntime = runtime;
     GetChildNames(path, returnContainers);
Beispiel #29
 internal void NewItem(Path path, string type, object newItemValue, ProviderRuntime runtime)
     ProviderRuntime = runtime;
     NewItem(path, type, newItemValue);
Beispiel #30
 internal Collection <string> GetGlobbedProviderPaths(string path, ProviderRuntime runtime,
                                                      out CmdletProvider provider)
     return(GetGlobbedProviderPaths(path, runtime, true, out provider));
Beispiel #31
 // internals
 internal void CopyItem(Path path, Path copyPath, bool recurse, ProviderRuntime runtime)
     ProviderRuntime = runtime;
     CopyItem(path, copyPath, recurse);
Beispiel #32
 internal bool ShouldGlob(string path, ProviderRuntime runtime)
     return(WildcardPattern.ContainsWildcardCharacters(path) && !runtime.AvoidGlobbing.IsPresent);
Beispiel #33
        private Stack <string> PathToStack(ContainerCmdletProvider provider, string path, ProviderRuntime runtime)
            var componentStack = new Stack <string>();

            while (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(path))
                var child = Path.ParseChildName(provider, path, runtime);
                var parentPath = Path.ParseParent(provider, path, "", runtime);
                if (parentPath.Equals(path))
                    throw new PSInvalidOperationException("Provider's implementation of GetParentPath is inconsistent",
                                                          "ParentOfPathIsPath", ErrorCategory.InvalidResult);
                path = parentPath;
        internal Collection <PSObject> GetChildItems(string path, bool recurse)
            ProviderRuntime providerRuntime = new ProviderRuntime(_executionContext);

            return(GetChildItems(path, recurse, providerRuntime));
 public bool IsContainer(string path)
     var runtime = new ProviderRuntime(SessionState);
     bool result = IsContainer(path, runtime);
     return result;
 public void Invoke(string[] path, bool literalPath)
     var runtime = new ProviderRuntime(SessionState);
     runtime.AvoidGlobbing = literalPath;
     Invoke(path, runtime);
Beispiel #37
        private bool IsItemContainer(CmdletProvider provider, string path, ProviderRuntime providerRuntime)
            NavigationCmdletProvider navigationProvider = provider as NavigationCmdletProvider;

            if (navigationProvider == null)
                return false;

            return navigationProvider.IsItemContainer(path, providerRuntime);
 internal Collection <string> GetChildNames(string path, ReturnContainers returnContainers, bool recurse, ProviderRuntime providerRuntime)
     // MUST: fix
     throw new NotImplementedException();
Beispiel #39
        private bool ItemExists(CmdletProvider provider, string path, ProviderRuntime providerRuntime)
            ItemCmdletProvider itemProvider = provider as ItemCmdletProvider;

            if (itemProvider == null)
                return false;

            return itemProvider.ItemExists(path, providerRuntime);
        internal PathInfo SetLocation(Path path, ProviderRuntime providerRuntime)
            // TODO: deal with paths starting with ".\"

            if (path == null)
                throw new NullReferenceException("Path can't be null");

            if (path == "~")
                // Older Mono versions (sadly the one that's currently still
                // available) have a bug where GetFolderPath returns an empty
                // string for most SpecialFolder values, but only on
                // non-Windows.
                // See:

                path = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.UserProfile);

                // HACK: Use $Env:HOME until Mono 2.10 dies out.
                if (path == "")
                    path = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("HOME");

            PSDriveInfo nextDrive = CurrentDrive;

            path = path.NormalizeSlashes();

            string driveName = null;

            if (path.TryGetDriveName(out driveName))
                nextDrive = GetDrive(driveName);

            if (nextDrive == null)
                nextDrive = CurrentDrive;

            Path newLocation = PathNavigation.CalculateFullPath(nextDrive.CurrentLocation, path);

            // I'm not a fan of this block of code.
            // The goal here is to throw an exception if trying to "CD" into an invalid location
            // Not sure why the providerInstances are returned as a collection. Feels like given a
            // path we should have one provider we're talking to.
            if (_providerInstances.ContainsKey(nextDrive.Provider.Name))
                bool pathExists = false;
                IEnumerable <ItemCmdletProvider> cmdletProviders = _providerInstances[nextDrive.Provider.Name].Where(x => x is ItemCmdletProvider).Cast <ItemCmdletProvider>();
                ItemCmdletProvider currentProvider = null;
                foreach (var provider in cmdletProviders)
                    if (provider.ItemExists(newLocation, providerRuntime))
                        pathExists      = true;
                        currentProvider = provider;

                if (!pathExists)
                    throw new Exception(string.Format("Cannot find path '{0}' because it does not exist.", newLocation));
                    if (currentProvider is FileSystemProvider)
                        System.Environment.CurrentDirectory = newLocation;
                throw new NotImplementedException("Unsure how to set location with provider:" + nextDrive.Provider.Name);

            nextDrive.CurrentLocation = newLocation;

            CurrentDrive = nextDrive;
            _providersCurrentDrive[CurrentDrive.Provider] = CurrentDrive;
Beispiel #41
 //internal object CopyItemDynamicParameters(Path path, Path destination, bool recurse, CmdletProviderContext context);
 internal void GetChildItems(Path path, bool recurse, ProviderRuntime runtime)
     ProviderRuntime = runtime;
     GetChildItems(path, recurse);
Beispiel #42
        internal PathInfo SetLocation(Path path, ProviderRuntime providerRuntime)
            // TODO: deal with paths starting with ".\"

            if (path == null)
                throw new NullReferenceException("Path can't be null");

            if (path == "~")
                // Older Mono versions (sadly the one that's currently still
                // available) have a bug where GetFolderPath returns an empty
                // string for most SpecialFolder values, but only on
                // non-Windows.
                // See:

                path = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.UserProfile);

                // HACK: Use $Env:HOME until Mono 2.10 dies out.
                if (path == "")
                    path = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("HOME");

            PSDriveInfo nextDrive = CurrentDrive;

            path = path.NormalizeSlashes();

            string driveName = null;
            if (path.TryGetDriveName(out driveName))
                    nextDrive = _executionContext.SessionState.Drive.Get(driveName);
                catch (MethodInvocationException) //didn't find a drive (maybe it's "\" on Windows)
                    nextDrive = CurrentDrive;

            Path newLocation = PathNavigation.CalculateFullPath(nextDrive.CurrentLocation, path);

            // I'm not a fan of this block of code.
            // The goal here is to throw an exception if trying to "CD" into an invalid location
            // Not sure why the providerInstances are returned as a collection. Feels like given a
            // path we should have one provider we're talking to.
            if (_providerInstances.ContainsKey(nextDrive.Provider.Name))
                bool pathExists = false;
                IEnumerable<ItemCmdletProvider> cmdletProviders = _providerInstances[nextDrive.Provider.Name].Where(x => x is ItemCmdletProvider).Cast<ItemCmdletProvider>();
                ItemCmdletProvider currentProvider = null;
                foreach (var provider in cmdletProviders)
                    if (provider.ItemExists(newLocation, providerRuntime))
                        pathExists = true;
                        currentProvider = provider;

                if (!pathExists)
                    throw new Exception(string.Format("Cannot find path '{0}' because it does not exist.", newLocation));
                    if (currentProvider is FileSystemProvider)
                        System.Environment.CurrentDirectory = newLocation;
                throw new NotImplementedException("Unsure how to set location with provider:" + nextDrive.Provider.Name);

            nextDrive.CurrentLocation = newLocation;

            CurrentDrive = nextDrive;
            _providersCurrentDrive[CurrentDrive.Provider] = CurrentDrive;
            return CurrentLocation;
Beispiel #43
 //internal object GetChildNamesDynamicParameters(Path path, CmdletProviderContext context);
 internal bool HasChildItems(Path path, ProviderRuntime runtime)
     ProviderRuntime = runtime;
     return HasChildItems(path);
Beispiel #44
        internal Collection<PSObject> GetChildItems(string path, bool recurse)
            ProviderRuntime providerRuntime = new ProviderRuntime(_executionContext);

            return GetChildItems(path, recurse, providerRuntime);
Beispiel #45
 //internal object NewItemDynamicParameters(Path path, Path type, object newItemValue, CmdletProviderContext context);
 internal void RemoveItem(Path path, bool recurse, ProviderRuntime runtime)
     ProviderRuntime = runtime;
     RemoveItem(path, recurse);
Beispiel #46
 //internal object RemoveItemDynamicParameters(Path path, bool recurse, CmdletProviderContext context);
 internal void RenameItem(Path path, string newName, ProviderRuntime runtime)
     ProviderRuntime = runtime;
     RenameItem(path, newName);
Beispiel #47
 internal ProviderInfo Start(ProviderInfo providerInfo, ProviderRuntime providerRuntime)
     ProviderRuntime = providerRuntime;
     return Start(providerInfo);
 public Collection<PSObject> Get(string[] path, bool force, bool literalPath)
     var runtime = new ProviderRuntime(SessionState, force, literalPath);
     Get(path, runtime);
     return runtime.ThrowFirstErrorOrReturnResults();