Beispiel #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Partition ID
        /// </summary>
        public uint PartitionID()
            uint rVal = 0;

            //Open our binary reader
            Streams.Reader br = FATXDrive.Reader();
            //Seek to the data partition offset
            br.BaseStream.Position = Partition.Offset;
            //Read our buffer
            Streams.Reader mem = new Streams.Reader(new System.IO.MemoryStream(br.ReadBytes(0x200)));
            mem.BaseStream.Position = 0x4;
            rVal = mem.ReadUInt32();
Beispiel #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Number of File Allocation Tables
        /// </summary>
        public uint FATCopies()
            uint rVal = 0;

            //Open our binary reader
            Streams.Reader br = FATXDrive.Reader();
            //Seek to the data partition offset + 0xC (where the FATCopies int is)
            br.BaseStream.Position = Partition.Offset;
            //Create our mem reader / buffer
            Streams.Reader mem = new Streams.Reader(new System.IO.MemoryStream(br.ReadBytes(0x200)));
            mem.BaseStream.Position = 0xC;
            //Get our value (uses outside class for bigendian)
            rVal = mem.ReadUInt32();
Beispiel #3
        public uint RootDirectoryCluster()
            // Open our IO
            Streams.Reader io = FATXDrive.Reader();
            // Set the IO position...
            io.BaseStream.Position = Partition.Offset;
            // Read our buffer
            byte[] buffer = io.ReadBytes(0x200);
            // Re-open the IO in to a memory stream
            io = new Streams.Reader(new System.IO.MemoryStream(buffer));
            // Go to the offset that the root dir is located; 0xC
            io.BaseStream.Position = 0xC;
            // Read and return the int there
            uint rVal = io.ReadUInt32();

Beispiel #4
        //uint dicks(ref uint r3, ref uint r4, ref uint r6, ref uint r7, ref uint r8, ref uint r9, ref uint r10)


        public long GetFreeSpace()
            // Our return
            long Return      = 0;
            long ClusterSize = this.ClusterSize();

            // Get our position
            long positionya = FATOffset;

            // Get our end point
            long toBeLessThan = FATOffset + RealFATSize();

            // Get our IO
            Streams.Reader io = FATXDrive.Reader();
            // Set the position
            io.BaseStream.Position = positionya;

            // Start reading!
            for (long dick = io.BaseStream.Position; dick < toBeLessThan; dick += 0x200)
                bool BreakAndShit = false;
                // Set the position
                io.BaseStream.Position = dick;
                // Read our buffer
                byte[] Buffer = null;
                if ((dick - FATOffset).DownToNearest200() == (toBeLessThan - FATOffset).DownToNearest200())
                    byte[] Temp = io.ReadBytes(0x200);
                    Buffer = new byte[(toBeLessThan - FATOffset) - (dick - FATOffset).DownToNearest200()];
                    Array.Copy(Temp, 0, Buffer, 0, Buffer.Length);
                    Buffer = io.ReadBytes(0x200);
                // Length to loop for (used for the end so we can read ONLY usable partitions)
                long Length = Buffer.Length;
                if (dick == VariousFunctions.DownToNearest200(toBeLessThan))
                    Length       = toBeLessThan - VariousFunctions.DownToNearest200(toBeLessThan);
                    BreakAndShit = true;
                // Check the values
                Streams.Reader ioya = new Streams.Reader(new System.IO.MemoryStream(Buffer));
                for (int i = 0; i < Length; i += EntrySize)
                    // This size will be off by a few megabytes, no big deal in my opinion
                    if (EntrySize == 2)
                        ushort Value = ioya.ReadUInt16();
                        if (Value == 0)
                            Return += ClusterSize;
                        if (ioya.ReadUInt32() == 0)
                            Return += ClusterSize;
                if (BreakAndShit)

Beispiel #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns an array of free blocks based off of the number of blocks needed
        /// </summary>
        public uint[] GetFreeBlocks(Folder Partition, int blocksNeeded, uint StartBlock, long end, bool SecondLoop)
            int  Clustersize = 0x10000;
            uint Block       = StartBlock;

            if (end == 0)
                end = Partition.PartitionInfo.FATOffset + Partition.PartitionInfo.FATSize;
            List <uint> BlockList = new List <uint>();

            // Create our reader for the drive
            Streams.Reader br = Reader();
            // Create our reader for the memory stream
            Streams.Reader mr = null;
            for (long i = VariousFunctions.DownToNearest200(VariousFunctions.BlockToFATOffset(StartBlock, Partition)); i < end; i += Clustersize)
                //Set our position to i
                br.BaseStream.Position = i;
                byte[] buffer = new byte[0];
                if ((end - i) < Clustersize)
                    buffer = VariousFunctions.ReadBytes(ref br, end - i);
                    //Read our buffer
                    buffer = br.ReadBytes(Clustersize);
                catch { }
                mr = new Streams.Reader(new System.IO.MemoryStream(buffer));
                //Re-open our binary reader using the buffer/memory stream
                for (int j = 0; j < buffer.Length; j += (int)Partition.PartitionInfo.EntrySize, Block += (uint)Partition.PartitionInfo.EntrySize)
                    mr.BaseStream.Position = j;
                    //If we've gotten all of our requested blocks...
                    if (BlockList.Count == blocksNeeded)
                        //Close our reader -> break the loop
                    //Read the next block entry
                    byte[] reading = mr.ReadBytes((int)Partition.PartitionInfo.EntrySize);
                    //For each byte in our reading
                    for (int k = 0; k < reading.Length; k++)
                        //If the byte isn't null (if the block isn't open)
                        if (reading[k] != 0x00)
                        //If we've reached the end of the array, and the last byte
                        //is 0x00, then the block is free
                        if (k == reading.Length - 1 && reading[k] == 0x00)
                            //Do some maths to get the block numbah
                            long fOff          = Partition.PartitionInfo.FATOffset;
                            long blockPosition = (long)i + j;
                            uint block         = (uint)(blockPosition - fOff) / (uint)Partition.PartitionInfo.EntrySize;
                //We're putting in one last check so that we don't loop more than we need to
                if (BlockList.Count == blocksNeeded)
            //If we found the required amount of free blocks - return our list
            if (BlockList.Count == blocksNeeded)
            //If we didn't find the amount of blocks required, but we started from a
            //block other than the first one...
            if (BlockList.Count < blocksNeeded && SecondLoop == false)
                BlockList.AddRange(GetFreeBlocks(Partition, blocksNeeded - BlockList.Count, 1, VariousFunctions.DownToNearest200(VariousFunctions.BlockToFATOffset(StartBlock, Partition)), true));
            //We didn't find the amount of free blocks required, meaning we're ref of
            //disk space
            if (BlockList.Count != blocksNeeded)
                throw new Exception("Out of Xbox 360 hard disk space");