// fill the database with fake data for last month, using a test clock
        public static void FillLastMonthData(ParkingDatabase database, IClock testClock)
                // fill with database with fake data
                for (int i = 0; i < 80; i++)
                    CustomerAccount testAccount = new CustomerAccount(RandomString(), RandomString(), "555-555-5555",
                        RandomString() + "@tester.com", "password");
                    Billing.CreditCard.CreditCardType randomCardType = (Billing.CreditCard.CreditCardType)random.Next(3);
                    Billing.CreditCard testCard = new Billing.CreditCard(1234123412349876, Billing.CreditCard.CreditCardType.MASTERCARD);
                    Accounts.Vehicle testVehicle = new Accounts.Vehicle(RandomString() + " " + RandomString(),
                    DateTime startDate = new DateTime(2012, 11, 25, 10, 0, 0); // 11-25-12 @ 10a
                    DateTime testResDate = RandomTime(startDate);
                    database.AddCreditCard(testCard, testAccount.CustomerID);
                    database.AddVehicle(testVehicle, testAccount.CustomerID);
                    ParkingReservation testReservation = new ParkingReservation(testAccount, testVehicle,
                        testResDate, 120);

                    // generate a random transaction date in the past
                    int hours = random.Next(1, 500);
                    TimeSpan timeSpan = new TimeSpan(hours, 0, 0);
                    DateTime transactionDate = testResDate.Subtract(timeSpan);

                    // add reservation (and transaction) to database
                    database.AddReservation(testReservation, testCard.CardID, transactionDate);
            catch (Exception)
            { } // confict when adding reservation (ignore)
        static void Main()

            // set up the print, mailer, and barrier external components to be used (stubs for now)
            ITerminalPrinter printer = new TerminalPrinterStub();
            IMailer mailer = new MailerStub();
            IBarrier barrier = new BarrierStub();

            // set up test environment
            // source: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/43711/whats-a-good-way-to-overwrite-datetime-now-during-testing
            DateTime testTime = new DateTime(2012, 12, 30, 13, 1, 0);
            IClock testClock = new TestClock(testTime); // a static clock for testing

            ParkingDatabase database = new ParkingDatabase(testClock, mailer);

            // fill with database with fake data
            for (int i = 0; i < 80; i++)
                // create a random customer (including vehicle and billing info) and reservation
                CustomerAccount testAccount = new CustomerAccount(RandomString(), RandomString(), "555-555-5555",
                    RandomString() + "@tester.com", "password");
                Billing.CreditCard.CreditCardType randomCardType = (Billing.CreditCard.CreditCardType)random.Next(3);
                Billing.CreditCard testCard = new Billing.CreditCard(1234123412349876, Billing.CreditCard.CreditCardType.MASTERCARD);
                Accounts.Vehicle testVehicle = new Accounts.Vehicle(RandomString() + " " + RandomString(),
                DateTime startDate = new DateTime(2012, 12, 30, 10, 0, 0); // date to start generating from
                DateTime testResDate = RandomTime(startDate);

                // add fake customer data to database
                database.AddCreditCard(testCard, testAccount.CustomerID);
                database.AddVehicle(testVehicle, testAccount.CustomerID);
                ParkingReservation testReservation = new ParkingReservation(testAccount, testVehicle,
                    testResDate, 120);

                // generate a random transaction date in the past
                int hours = random.Next(1, 500);
                TimeSpan timeSpan = new TimeSpan(hours, 0, 0);
                DateTime transactionDate = testResDate.Subtract(timeSpan);

                    // add fake reservation data to the database
                    database.AddReservation(testReservation, testCard.CardID, transactionDate);

                    // check in with 50% chance
                    if (random.Next(2) == 0)
                        // change status of reservation, if reservation is not in the future
                        if (testReservation.Date < testClock.Now)
                            database.ModifyReservation(testReservation, testReservation.ParkingSpotID,
                                testReservation.Date, testReservation.DurationMinutes, true,

                            // change status of parking garage spot
                            database.SetParkingSpotStatus(testReservation.ParkingSpotID, 1);
                catch (Exception)
                { } // conflict when adding reservation (ignore)

            // fill database with fake data for last month
            FillLastMonthData(database, testClock);

            // reminder of admin credentials, for testing
                string.Format("You can login as admin with\nemail: {0}\npassword: {1}",
                "*****@*****.**", "password"));
            Application.Run(new UserForm(testClock, mailer, database, true));
 // modify a reservation with the given information
 public void ModifyReservation(ParkingReservation oldReservation, int newParkingSpot,
     DateTime newDateTime, int newDuration, bool newStatus, int newVehicleID)
     // update the reservation in the database table
     reservationTableAdapter.UpdateReservation(newVehicleID, newDateTime,
         newDuration, newParkingSpot, newStatus, oldReservation.ReservationID);
        // return true if the reservation modification from oldRes to newRes is valid.
        // this is the case if it doesn't conflict with other existing reservations
        public bool ReservationModificationValid(ParkingReservation oldRes, ParkingReservation newRes)
            // Query for available spots during given time
            ParkingManagementDataContext db = new ParkingManagementDataContext();
            Table<Reservation> Reservations = db.GetTable<Reservation>();

            // find possible conflicts
            var conflicts =
                from res in Reservations
                where ((res.DateTime < newRes.ReservationEndTime) &&
                    (res.DateTime >= newRes.Date)) ||
                    ((res.DateTime < newRes.Date) && (res.DateTime.Add(new TimeSpan(0, res.DurationMinutes, 0)) > newRes.Date))
                where res.ParkingSpot.ParkingSpotID == newRes.ParkingSpotID
                where res.CustomerID != oldRes.Customer.CustomerID
                select res;

            // if there any conflicts, then return true; else, false
            if (!conflicts.Any())
                return true;
                return false;
        // get a reservation object for the given reservation number
        public ParkingReservation GetReservation(int reservationNumber)
            ParkingReservation reservation = null;
                // Query for customers with given email
                ParkingManagementDataContext db = new ParkingManagementDataContext();
                Table<Reservation> Reservations = db.GetTable<Reservation>();
                var query =
                    from res in Reservations
                    where res.ReservationID == reservationNumber
                    select res;

                // check if any results were found
                if (query.Any())
                    Reservation dbRes = query.First();

                    // create a new reservation, based on the database information
                    reservation = new ParkingReservation(dbRes.ReservationID, GetCustomerFromID(dbRes.CustomerID),
                        GetVehicleFromID(dbRes.VehicleID), dbRes.DateTime, dbRes.DurationMinutes, dbRes.ParkingSpotID,
                        dbRes.TicketKey, dbRes.IsCheckedIn);
                    throw new ReservationException("Reservation number could not be found.");

            catch (Exception e)
                throw new ReservationException(e.Message);

            return reservation;
        // return true if there are other available parking spots for the given reservation period
        public bool IsOtherParkingSpots(ParkingReservation desiredReservation)
            // retrieve the reservation and parking spot tables
            ParkingManagementDataContext db = new ParkingManagementDataContext();
            Table<Reservation> Reservations = db.GetTable<Reservation>();
            Table<ParkingSpot> ParkingSpots = db.GetTable<ParkingSpot>();

            // find unavailable spots
            var unavailableSpots =
                from spot in ParkingSpots
                join res in Reservations on spot.ParkingSpotID equals res.ParkingSpotID
                // if res start < des start && res end >= des start, then no
                where ((res.DateTime < desiredReservation.Date) &&
                    res.DateTime.AddMinutes(res.DurationMinutes) >= desiredReservation.Date) ||
                    // if res start = des start, then no
               (res.DateTime == desiredReservation.Date) ||
                    // res start > des start && res start <= des end, then no
                ((res.DateTime > desiredReservation.Date) &&
                    res.DateTime <= desiredReservation.ReservationEndTime) ||
                    // must be available
                res.ParkingSpot.AvailabilityStatus != 0
                select spot;

            // find those spots that not unavailable (i.e. are available)
            var result =
                from spot in ParkingSpots
                where !unavailableSpots.Contains(spot)
                select new { spot.ParkingSpotID, spot.AvailabilityStatus };

            // if there is at list one other spot, return true
            if (!result.Any())
                return false;
                return true;
        // Get a list of available parking spots for the given reservation period
        public List<Garage.ParkingSpot> GetAvailableParkingSpots(ParkingReservation desiredReservation)
            List<Garage.ParkingSpot> spotList = null;
                // Query for spots that are not reserved during given time
                ParkingManagementDataContext db = new ParkingManagementDataContext();
                Table<Reservation> Reservations = db.GetTable<Reservation>();
                Table<ParkingSpot> ParkingSpots = db.GetTable<ParkingSpot>();

                var unavailableSpots =
                    from spot in ParkingSpots
                    join res in Reservations on spot.ParkingSpotID equals res.ParkingSpotID
                    // if res start < desred start && res end >= desired start, then no
                    where ((res.DateTime < desiredReservation.Date) &&
                        res.DateTime.AddMinutes(res.DurationMinutes) >= desiredReservation.Date) ||
                        // if res start = des start, then no
                   (res.DateTime == desiredReservation.Date) ||
                        // res start > des start && res start <= des end, then no
                    ((res.DateTime > desiredReservation.Date) &&
                        res.DateTime <= desiredReservation.ReservationEndTime) ||
                        // must be available
                    res.ParkingSpot.AvailabilityStatus != 0
                    select spot;

                // get those spots not found in the above list
                var result =
                    from spot in ParkingSpots
                    where !unavailableSpots.Contains(spot)
                    select new { spot.ParkingSpotID, spot.AvailabilityStatus };

                // if none available, throw an exception
                if (!result.Any())
                    throw new ParkingSpotException("No available parking spots during the specified time period.");

                // convert LINQ-to-SQL result list to a parking spot list
                spotList = result.AsEnumerable()
                    .Select(o => new Garage.ParkingSpot
                        ParkingSpotID = o.ParkingSpotID,
                        AvailabilityStatus = (Garage.ParkingSpot.Availibility)o.AvailabilityStatus

            catch (Exception)
                throw new ParkingSpotException("Attempt to get available parking spots failed.");

            return spotList;
         * Get the relevant reservation for a parking spot.
         * Relevant is defined as:
         * if occupied, show reservation for person occcupying.
         * if not occupied, show reservation any current reservation
         * otherwise, show nothing
        public ParkingReservation GetRelevantReservation(int parkingSpot)
            ParkingReservation resToReturn = null;
            Reservation dbResToReturn = null;
                // Query for spots that are not reserved during given time
                ParkingManagementDataContext db = new ParkingManagementDataContext();
                Table<Reservation> Reservations = db.GetTable<Reservation>();
                Table<ParkingSpot> ParkingSpots = db.GetTable<ParkingSpot>();

                // get parking spot from ID
                var reservationsStillCheckedIn =
                    from spot in ParkingSpots
                    join res in Reservations on spot.ParkingSpotID equals res.ParkingSpotID
                    where spot.ParkingSpotID == parkingSpot
                    where res.IsCheckedIn == true
                    select res;

                // check if customer has overstaid
                bool customerOverstaid = false;
                if (reservationsStillCheckedIn.Any())
                    var resCheckedIn = reservationsStillCheckedIn.First();
                    TimeSpan resDuration = new TimeSpan(0, resCheckedIn.DurationMinutes, 0);
                    DateTime resEnd = resCheckedIn.DateTime.Add(resDuration);
                    if (resEnd < DatabaseClock.Now)
                        customerOverstaid = true;
                        dbResToReturn = resCheckedIn;

                // if customer has not overstaid, find current reservation in effect
                if (!customerOverstaid)
                    var reservationsInEffect =
                        from res in Reservations
                        where ((res.DateTime <= DatabaseClock.Now) &&
                            res.DateTime.AddMinutes(res.DurationMinutes) > DatabaseClock.Now)
                        where res.ParkingSpot.ParkingSpotID == parkingSpot
                        select res;

                    if (reservationsInEffect.Any())
                        dbResToReturn = reservationsInEffect.First();

                // create a ParkingReservation from the LINQ-to-SQL Reservation class
                if (dbResToReturn != null)
                    resToReturn = new ParkingReservation(dbResToReturn.ReservationID,
                        dbResToReturn.DateTime, dbResToReturn.DurationMinutes, dbResToReturn.ParkingSpotID,
                        dbResToReturn.TicketKey, dbResToReturn.IsCheckedIn);
            catch (Exception)
                throw new ParkingSpotException("Attempt to get reservation failed.");

            return resToReturn;
 // cancel and delete a reservation
 public void CancelReservation(ParkingReservation reservation)
     // deletion in the reservation table should also cascade to transaction
        // add a reservation to the database (does not specifiy spotID, but specifies the transaction date)
        public ParkingReservation AddReservation(ParkingReservation res, int cardID, DateTime transactionDate)
            int spotID = 1;
                // find random open spot
                List<Garage.ParkingSpot> availableSpots = GetAvailableParkingSpots(res);
                int spotIndex = rand.Next(0, availableSpots.Count);
                spotID = availableSpots[spotIndex].ParkingSpotID;
                res.ParkingSpotID = spotID;
            catch (Exception)
                throw new ReservationException("Could not add reservation to database.");

            return AddReservation(res, cardID, spotID, transactionDate);
 // add a reservation to the database (specifices spotID)
 public ParkingReservation AddReservation(ParkingReservation res, int cardID, int spotID)
     return AddReservation(res, cardID, spotID, DatabaseClock.Now);
        // add a reservation to the database
        public ParkingReservation AddReservation(ParkingReservation res, int cardID, int spotID,
            DateTime transactionDate)
                res.ParkingSpotID = spotID;

                // generate random key
                int key = GenerateTicketKey();
                res.TicketKey = key;

                // insert reservation into table
                int resID = Convert.ToInt32(reservationTableAdapter.InsertAndGetID(
                    res.Customer.CustomerID, res.ReservationVehicle.CarID, res.Date,
                    res.DurationMinutes, spotID, key, false));

                // set reservation ID
                res.ReservationID = resID;

                // add transaction for reservation
                decimal cost = res.DurationMinutes * (HOURLY_RATE / 60);
                transactionTableAdapater.Insert(res.Customer.CustomerID, Decimal.Round(cost, 2), resID, 0, cardID,
            catch (Exception)
                throw new ReservationException("Could not add reservation to database.");

            // mail receipt of the reservation to the customer

            return res;
        // check the availability of the provided reservation and add (if available)
        private void checkAvailabilityButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (InputIsValid())
                // retrieve the desired date based on the input
                DateTime desiredDate = new DateTime(
                    desiredTimeDateTimePicker.Value.Minute, 0);

                // retrieve the vehicle based on the input
                Accounts.Vehicle desiredVehicle = vehicleComboBox.SelectedItem as Accounts.Vehicle;

                // create the reservation, based on the input
                ParkingReservation reservation = null;
                    reservation = new ParkingReservation(Customer,
                        desiredVehicle, desiredDate, Convert.ToInt32(

                    // add reservation to database
                    Billing.CreditCard chosenCard = paymentMethodComboBox.SelectedItem as Billing.CreditCard;
                    int cardID = chosenCard.CardID;
                    reservation = Database.AddReservation(reservation, cardID);

                    // display result
                    MessageBox.Show(String.Format("Successfully created new reservation:\nReservation ID: {0}\nDate and Time: {1}\nDuration: {2} minutes\nParking Spot: {3}\nTicket Key: {4}",
                        reservation.ReservationID, reservation.Date, reservation.DurationMinutes, reservation.ParkingSpotID, reservation.TicketKey));

                catch (ReservationException ex)