public static bool AddRight(PNavColumn[,] columns, PNavPoint point, out PNavPoint pOut, PNavPoint pointMax, int verticalDrop, int edgeGap, int islandIndex, PNavIsland island, Queue <PNavPoint> queue)
            PNavColumn column = columns[point.x, point.z];
            PNavNode   node   = column.SurfaceNode();

            bool valid        = GetRightPoint(point, pointMax, 1, out pOut);
            bool connected    = false;
            bool alreadyAdded = false;

            if (valid)
                PNavColumn c  = columns[pOut.x, pOut.z];
                PNavNode   sn = c.SurfaceNode();

                //already checked
                if (sn != null && sn.islandIndex >= 0)
                    alreadyAdded = true;

                connected = column.IsConnected(c, verticalDrop);

                if (connected && !alreadyAdded)
                    sn.islandIndex = islandIndex;

                    //add top to queue
                    PNavPoint pTopOut;

                    bool addedTop = AddTop(columns, pOut, out pTopOut, pointMax, verticalDrop, edgeGap, islandIndex, island);

                    if (addedTop)

                    //add bottom to queue
                    PNavPoint pBottomOut;
                    bool      addedBottom = AddBottom(columns, pOut, out pBottomOut, pointMax, verticalDrop, edgeGap, islandIndex, island);

                    if (addedBottom)

            if (!connected)
                node.type = node.type | (int)ParallelNavIslandNodeType.RightEdge;

            return(connected && !alreadyAdded);
        public bool IsConnected(PNavColumn c, int verticalDrop)
            if (type == ParallelNavColumnType.Walkable && c.type == ParallelNavColumnType.Walkable)
                int surfaceNodeIndex = c.surfaceNodeIndexes[0];

                if (Mathf.Abs(surfaceNodeIndexes[0] - surfaceNodeIndex) <= verticalDrop)

        public static void DrawAABB(PNavMesh pNavMesh)
            if (pNavMesh.columns != null)
                for (int x = 0; x < pNavMesh.columns.GetLength(0); x++)
                    //if (x * pNavMesh.gridSize.x < 95)

                    for (int z = 0; z < pNavMesh.columns.GetLength(1); z++)
                        PNavColumn column = pNavMesh.columns[x, z];

                        for (int y = 0; y < column.nodes.Length; y++)
                            int       objectCount = column.nodes[y].objectCount;
                            Fix64Vec3 l           = column.nodes[y].lower;
                            Fix64Vec3 u           = column.nodes[y].upper;

                            //if (l.x * pNavMesh.gridSize.x < 30)

                            if (objectCount > 0)
                                SceneDebugDraw.DrawAABB(l, u,;
                                //DrawAABB(l, u,;
        public static bool AddBottom(PNavColumn[,] columns, PNavPoint point, out PNavPoint pOut, PNavPoint pointMax, int verticalDrop, int edgeGap, int islandIndex, PNavIsland island)
            PNavColumn column = columns[point.x, point.z];
            PNavNode   node   = column.SurfaceNode();

            bool valid        = GetBottomPoint(point, pointMax, edgeGap, out pOut);
            bool connected    = false;
            bool alreadyAdded = false;

            if (valid)
                PNavColumn c  = columns[pOut.x, pOut.z];
                PNavNode   sn = c.SurfaceNode();

                //already checked
                if (sn != null && sn.islandIndex >= 0)
                    alreadyAdded = true;

                connected = column.IsConnected(c, verticalDrop);

                if (connected && !alreadyAdded)
                    sn.islandIndex = islandIndex;

            if (!connected)
                node.type = node.type | (int)ParallelNavIslandNodeType.BottomEdge;

            return(connected && !alreadyAdded);
        static bool DetectIsland(PNavColumn[,] columns, PNavPoint point, PNavPoint pointMax, int edgeGap, int verticalDrop, int islandIndex, PNavIsland island)
            PNavColumn column = columns[point.x, point.z];

            if (column.type != ParallelNavColumnType.Walkable)

            PNavNode surfaceNode = column.SurfaceNode();

            if (surfaceNode == null)

            //already checked
            if (surfaceNode.islandIndex >= 0)

            surfaceNode.islandIndex = islandIndex;


            Queue <PNavPoint> queue = new Queue <PNavPoint>();


            while (queue.Count > 0)
                PNavPoint p = queue.Dequeue();

                PNavColumn c = columns[p.x, p.z];

                //check top edge
                PNavPoint pTopOut;

                bool addedTop = PNavMeshHelper.AddTop(columns, p, out pTopOut, pointMax, verticalDrop, edgeGap, islandIndex, island);

                if (addedTop)

                //check bottom edge
                PNavPoint pBottomOut;
                bool      addedBottom = PNavMeshHelper.AddBottom(columns, p, out pBottomOut, pointMax, verticalDrop, edgeGap, islandIndex, island);

                if (addedBottom)

                //search left
                PNavPoint left = p;

                while (true)
                    PNavPoint pLeftOut;

                    bool added = PNavMeshHelper.AddLeft(columns, left, out pLeftOut, pointMax, verticalDrop, edgeGap, islandIndex, island, queue);

                    if (!added)
                        left = pLeftOut;

                //search right

                PNavPoint right = p;

                while (true)
                    PNavPoint pRightOut;

                    bool added = PNavMeshHelper.AddRight(columns, right, out pRightOut, pointMax, verticalDrop, edgeGap, islandIndex, island, queue);

                    if (!added)
                        right = pRightOut;

        public static void Process(PNavMesh pNavMesh)
            ParallelRigidbody3D[] pRigidbody3Ds = GameObject.FindObjectsOfType <ParallelRigidbody3D>();

            using (new SProfiler($"Insert static bodies"))
                //insert static bodies
                foreach (ParallelRigidbody3D rigidbody3D in pRigidbody3Ds)
                    if (rigidbody3D.bodyType != BodyType.Static)


            // make grid
            pNavMesh.xCount = (int)((pNavMesh.worldSize.x) / pNavMesh.gridSize.x);
            pNavMesh.yCount = (int)((pNavMesh.worldSize.y) / pNavMesh.gridSize.y);
            pNavMesh.zCount = (int)((pNavMesh.worldSize.z) / pNavMesh.gridSize.z);

            PNavColumn[,] columns = new PNavColumn[pNavMesh.xCount, pNavMesh.zCount];

            for (int x = 0; x < columns.GetLength(0); x++)
                for (int z = 0; z < columns.GetLength(1); z++)
                    PNavColumn column = new PNavColumn();
                    column.nodes = new PNavNode[pNavMesh.yCount];
                    column.type  = ParallelNavColumnType.Empty;
                    column.surfaceNodeIndexes    = new int[1];
                    column.surfaceNodeIndexes[0] = -1;
                    columns[x, z] = column;
            pNavMesh.columns = columns;

            using (new SProfiler($"CubeCast"))
                int xStart1 = 0;
                int xEnd1   = columns.GetLength(0);
                int zStart1 = 0;
                int zEnd1   = columns.GetLength(1);
                int yStart1 = 0;
                int yEnd1   = pNavMesh.yCount;

                CubeCastInRange(pNavMesh, xStart1, xEnd1, zStart1, zEnd1, yStart1, yEnd1);

                 * int scale2 = 5;
                 * CheckVolume(xStart1, xEnd1, zStart1, zEnd1, yStart1, yEnd1, scale1, (xS, xE, zS, zE, yS, yE) =>
                 * {
                 *  CubeCastInRange(xS, xE, zS, zE, yS, yE);
                 *  CheckVolume(xS, xE, zS, zE, yS, yE, scale2, (xS2, xE2, zS2, zE2, yS2, yE2) =>
                 *  {
                 *      CubeCastInRange(xS2, xE2, zS2, zE2, yS2, yE2);
                 *  });
                 * });

        public static void CubeCastInRange(PNavMesh pNavMesh, int xStart, int xEnd, int zStart, int zEnd, int yStart, int yEnd)
            PShapeOverlapResult3D result = new PShapeOverlapResult3D();

            if (xEnd > pNavMesh.xCount)
                xEnd = pNavMesh.xCount;

            if (zEnd > pNavMesh.zCount)
                zEnd = pNavMesh.zCount;

            if (yEnd > pNavMesh.yCount)
                yEnd = pNavMesh.yCount;

            Debug.Log("CubeCastInRange:" + " xStart=" + xStart + " xEnd=" + xEnd + " zStart=" + zStart + " zEnd=" + zEnd + " yStart=" + yStart + " yEnd=" + yEnd);

            for (int x = xStart; x < xEnd; x++)
                for (int z = zStart; z < zEnd; z++)
                    PNavColumn column = pNavMesh.columns[x, z];

                    int surfaceIndex = -1;

                    for (int y = yStart; y < yEnd; y++)
                        Fix64Vec3 l;
                        Fix64Vec3 u;
                        pNavMesh.GetAABB(x, y, z, out l, out u);
                        Fix64Vec3 center = Fix64.half * (l + u);
                        Fix64Quat rot    = Fix64Quat.identity;
                            center, rot,
                            pNavMesh.gridSize.x, pNavMesh.gridSize.y, pNavMesh.gridSize.z,

                        PNavNode node = new PNavNode();

                        node.lower       = l;
                        node.upper       = u;
                        node.objectCount = result.count;
                        node.islandIndex = -1;
                        node.point       = new PNavPoint(x, z);

                        if (result.count > 0 && y > surfaceIndex)
                            surfaceIndex = y;

                        column.nodes[y] = node;

                    column.surfaceNodeIndexes[0] = surfaceIndex;

                    if (surfaceIndex >= 0)
                        column.type = ParallelNavColumnType.Walkable;
                        column.type = ParallelNavColumnType.Empty;