Beispiel #1
 internal override void publishPosition(Device d, PositionTools.Position p, EventType e)
     if (linkedwindow != null && !killed)
         if ( == linkedroom || e == EventType.Disappear || e == EventType.MoveOut)
             Application.Current.Dispatcher.BeginInvoke((Action)(() => { if (!killed)
                                                                             linkedwindow.updateDevicePosition(d, p, e);
 internal override void publishPosition(Device d, PositionTools.Position p, EventType e)
     Interlocked.Increment(ref ongoingqueryes);
     if (!killed)
         Task.Factory.StartNew(() =>
             DBInt.addDevicePosition(d.identifier, d.MAC,, p.X, p.Y, p.uncertainity, p.positionDate, e);
             Interlocked.Decrement(ref ongoingqueryes);
         Interlocked.Decrement(ref ongoingqueryes);
Beispiel #3
 /// <summary>
 /// Add the device to its room and propagate the new position to the publishers
 /// </summary>
 private void placeInRoomAndPublish(Room room, Device d, PositionTools.Position p, Publisher.EventType action)
     if (action == Publisher.EventType.Appear || action == Publisher.EventType.MoveIn)
     else if (action != Publisher.EventType.Update)
     foreach (Publisher pb in publishers)
         if (pb.supportsOperation(Publisher.DisplayableType.DeviceDevicePosition))
             pb.publishPosition(d, p, action);
         if (pb.supportsOperation(Publisher.DisplayableType.SimpleStat))
             pb.publishStat(room.devicecount, room, p.positionDate, Publisher.StatType.InstantaneousDeviceCount);
Beispiel #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Compute the device positions given the receivings of a packet
        /// </summary>
        private void locateAndPublish(Device d, Packet p)
            Room oldRoom = (d.lastPosition != null)?;

            PositionTools.Position newposition = PositionTools.triangulate(p.Receivings, p.Timestamp);
            Publisher.EventType    e           = Publisher.EventType.Update;
            newposition.positionDate = p.Timestamp;
            if (oldRoom == null)
                d.firstPosition = newposition;
                e = Publisher.EventType.Appear;
            else if (oldRoom !=
                PositionTools.Position oldpos = new PositionTools.Position(d.lastPosition);
                oldpos.positionDate = newposition.positionDate;
                placeInRoomAndPublish(oldRoom, d, oldpos, Publisher.EventType.MoveOut);
                e = Publisher.EventType.MoveIn;
            d.lastPosition = newposition;
            placeInRoomAndPublish(, d, newposition, e);
 internal virtual void publishPosition(Device d, PositionTools.Position p, EventType e)
     throw new NotSupportedException();