Beispiel #1
 public static extern int infer_palmpose(ref PointXYZ v1, ref PointXYZ v2, ref PointXYZ v3, [In, Out] PointXYZ[] pointArray, ref int size, ref PointXYZ hand, ref PointXYZ wrist);
Beispiel #2
        private void KinectSensorOnAllFramesReady(object sender, AllFramesReadyEventArgs allFramesReadyEventArgs)
            if (null == this.sensor)

            bool depthReceived = false;
            bool colorReceived = false;
            bool bodyReceived  = false;

            Skeleton[]   skeletons      = null;
            List <Point> points         = new List <Point>();
            Point        handPointColor = new Point()
            Point wristPointColor = new Point()
            PointXYZ handXYZ  = new PointXYZ();
            PointXYZ wristXYZ = new PointXYZ();

            using (var colorImageFrame = allFramesReadyEventArgs.OpenColorImageFrame())
                if (colorImageFrame == null)

                colorReceived = true;

            using (SkeletonFrame skeletonFrame = allFramesReadyEventArgs.OpenSkeletonFrame())
                if (skeletonFrame != null)
                    bodyReceived = true;
                    skeletons    = new Skeleton[skeletonFrame.SkeletonArrayLength];

            int leftBound   = 0;
            int topBound    = 0;
            int rightBound  = 0;
            int bottomBound = 0;

            if (bodyReceived)
                foreach (var skel in skeletons)
                    if (skel.TrackingState == SkeletonTrackingState.Tracked)
                        Joint handLeft  = skel.Joints[JointType.HandLeft];
                        Joint wristLeft = skel.Joints[JointType.WristLeft];
                        Joint shoulder0 = skel.Joints[JointType.ShoulderLeft];
                        Joint shoulder1 = skel.Joints[JointType.ShoulderRight];

                        var shoulder0Color = this.sensor.CoordinateMapper.MapSkeletonPointToColorPoint(shoulder0.Position, ColorImageFormat.RgbResolution640x480Fps30);
                        var shoulder1Color = this.sensor.CoordinateMapper.MapSkeletonPointToColorPoint(shoulder1.Position, ColorImageFormat.RgbResolution640x480Fps30);

                        // !!!important parameter to adapt the recognition region
                        // we have to tune it
                        float bodyScaleColor = 9.0f + 32.0f / handLeft.Position.Z;

                        ColorImagePoint handColor =
                        ColorImagePoint wristColor =

                        leftBound   = (handColor.X - bodyScaleColor) < 0 ? 0 : (int)(handColor.X - bodyScaleColor);
                        topBound    = (handColor.Y - bodyScaleColor) < 0 ? 0 : (int)(handColor.Y - bodyScaleColor);
                        rightBound  = (handColor.X + bodyScaleColor) > colorWidth ? colorWidth : (int)(handColor.X + bodyScaleColor);
                        bottomBound = (handColor.Y + bodyScaleColor) > colorHeight ? colorHeight : (int)(handColor.Y + bodyScaleColor);

                        handPointColor  = new Point(handColor.X, handColor.Y);
                        wristPointColor = new Point(wristColor.X, wristColor.Y);
                        handXYZ         = new PointXYZ(handLeft.Position.X, handLeft.Position.Y, handLeft.Position.Z);
                        wristXYZ        = new PointXYZ(wristLeft.Position.X, wristLeft.Position.Y, wristLeft.Position.Z);

                        // quit after handling one player
                        // assuming only one player

            using (DepthImageFrame depthFrame = allFramesReadyEventArgs.OpenDepthImageFrame())
                if (null != depthFrame)
                    // Copy the pixel data from the image to a temporary array
                    depthReceived = true;

            List <SkeletonPoint> candidatePoints = new List <SkeletonPoint>();

            if (true == depthReceived && true == bodyReceived && true == colorReceived)

                System.Drawing.Bitmap bmp = new System.Drawing.Bitmap(colorWidth, colorHeight);

                Image <Bgra, Byte> img = new Image <Bgra, byte>(colorWidth, colorHeight);
                img.Bytes = this.colorPixels;

                Image <Bgra, Byte> crop = null;
                Image <Gray, Byte> res  = null;
                if (bottomBound > topBound && rightBound > leftBound)
                    crop = img.Copy(new System.Drawing.Rectangle(
                                        leftBound, topBound, rightBound - leftBound, bottomBound - topBound));

                    Image <Gray, Byte>    canny = crop.Convert <Gray, Byte>().Canny(50, 150);
                    VectorOfVectorOfPoint vvp   = new VectorOfVectorOfPoint();
                    CvInvoke.FindContours(canny, vvp, null, RetrType.Ccomp, ChainApproxMethod.ChainApproxNone);
                    res = new Image <Gray, byte>(crop.Width, crop.Height);
                    for (int i = 0; i < vvp.Size; i++)
                        for (int j = 0; j < vvp[i].Size; j++)
                            res.Data[vvp[i][j].Y, vvp[i][j].X, 0] = 255;

                // loop over each row and column of the depth
                for (int y = 0; y < this.depthHeight; ++y)
                    for (int x = 0; x < this.depthWidth; ++x)
                        // calculate index into depth array
                        int             depthIndex = x + (y * this.depthWidth);
                        DepthImagePixel depthPixel = this.depthPixels[depthIndex];
                        int             player     = depthPixel.PlayerIndex;
                        // assuming one player
                        if (player > 0 && depthPixel.IsKnownDepth)
                            // retrieve the depth to color mapping for the current depth pixel
                            ColorImagePoint colorImagePoint = this.colorCoordinates[depthIndex];
                            if (colorImagePoint.X >= leftBound && colorImagePoint.X < rightBound &&
                                colorImagePoint.Y >= topBound && colorImagePoint.Y < bottomBound)
                                SkeletonPoint p = this.sensor.CoordinateMapper.MapDepthPointToSkeletonPoint(
                                    new DepthImagePoint()
                                    X = x, Y = y, Depth = depthPixel.Depth

                PointXYZ v1 = new PointXYZ();
                PointXYZ v2 = new PointXYZ();
                PointXYZ v3 = new PointXYZ();

                int       nPoint         = candidatePoints.Count;
                const int min_point_size = 100;
                if (nPoint > min_point_size)
                    PointXYZ[] pointCloud = new PointXYZ[nPoint];
                    for (int i = 0; i < nPoint; i++)
                        pointCloud[i] = new PointXYZ(candidatePoints[i].X, candidatePoints[i].Y, candidatePoints[i].Z);
                    int pointCloudLength = pointCloud.Length;
                    ExternalAPI.infer_palmpose(ref v1, ref v2, ref v3, pointCloud, ref pointCloudLength,
                                               ref handXYZ, ref wristXYZ);
                    SkeletonPoint[]   skelPoints     = new SkeletonPoint[pointCloudLength];
                    ColorImagePoint[] newColorPoints = new ColorImagePoint[pointCloudLength];
                    for (int i = 0; i < pointCloudLength; i++)
                        skelPoints[i].X = pointCloud[i].x;
                        skelPoints[i].Y = pointCloud[i].y;
                        skelPoints[i].Z = pointCloud[i].z;
                    for (int i = 0; i < pointCloudLength; i++)
                        ColorImagePoint colorP = this.sensor.CoordinateMapper.MapSkeletonPointToColorPoint(skelPoints[i], ColorFormat);
                        newColorPoints[i] = colorP;
                    foreach (var cp in newColorPoints)
                            int index = cp.X + cp.Y * this.colorWidth;
                            this.colorPixels[index * 4 + 0] = 0;
                            this.colorPixels[index * 4 + 1] = 255;
                            this.colorPixels[index * 4 + 2] = 255;
                            this.colorPixels[index * 4 + 3] = 255;

                if (res != null)
                    //Image<Bgra, Byte> resColor = res.Convert<Bgra, Byte>();

                    //int x = leftBound;
                    //int y = topBound;
                    //int w = rightBound - leftBound;
                    //int h = bottomBound - topBound;
                    //int offset = x + y * colorWidth;
                    //int ii = offset * 4;
                    //for (int i = 0; i < h; i++)
                    //    for (int j = 0; j < w; j++)
                    //    {
                    //        this.colorPixels[ii++] = resColor.Data[i, j, 0];
                    //        this.colorPixels[ii++] = resColor.Data[i, j, 1];
                    //        this.colorPixels[ii++] = resColor.Data[i, j, 2];
                    //        this.colorPixels[ii++] = 255;
                    //    }
                    //    ii += (colorWidth - w) * 4;

                this.colorBitmap.WritePixels(new Int32Rect(0, 0, this.colorWidth, this.colorHeight),
                                             this.colorBitmap.PixelWidth * sizeof(int), 0);

                using (DrawingContext dc = this.drawingGroup.Open())
                    dc.DrawImage(this.colorBitmap, new Rect(0, 0, this.colorWidth, this.colorHeight));

                    // if draw hands
                    if (bodyReceived)
                        SkeletonPoint origin = new SkeletonPoint();
                        origin.X = handXYZ.x;
                        origin.Y = handXYZ.y;
                        origin.Z = handXYZ.z;
                        ColorImagePoint originDepth = this.sensor.CoordinateMapper.MapSkeletonPointToColorPoint(origin, ColorFormat);

                        const float len = 0.2f;

                        SkeletonPoint end1 = new SkeletonPoint();
                        end1.X = origin.X + len * v1.x;
                        end1.Y = origin.Y + len * v1.y;
                        end1.Z = origin.Z + len * v1.z;
                        ColorImagePoint end1Depth = this.sensor.CoordinateMapper.MapSkeletonPointToColorPoint(end1, ColorFormat);

                        SkeletonPoint end2 = new SkeletonPoint();
                        end2.X = origin.X + len * v2.x;
                        end2.Y = origin.Y + len * v2.y;
                        end2.Z = origin.Z + len * v2.z;
                        ColorImagePoint end2Depth = this.sensor.CoordinateMapper.MapSkeletonPointToColorPoint(end2, ColorFormat);

                        SkeletonPoint end3 = new SkeletonPoint();
                        end3.X = origin.X + len * v3.x;
                        end3.Y = origin.Y + len * v3.y;
                        end3.Z = origin.Z + len * v3.z;
                        ColorImagePoint end3Depth = this.sensor.CoordinateMapper.MapSkeletonPointToColorPoint(end3, ColorFormat);

                        dc.DrawLine(penX, new Point(originDepth.X, originDepth.Y), new Point(end1Depth.X, end1Depth.Y));
                        dc.DrawLine(penY, new Point(originDepth.X, originDepth.Y), new Point(end2Depth.X, end2Depth.Y));
                        dc.DrawLine(penZ, new Point(originDepth.X, originDepth.Y), new Point(end3Depth.X, end3Depth.Y));

                    // prevent drawing outside of our render area
                    this.drawingGroup.ClipGeometry = new RectangleGeometry(new Rect(0.0, 0.0, this.colorWidth, this.colorHeight));