public ActionResult Create(Service service)
            if (ModelState.IsValid)
                return RedirectToAction("Index");

            ViewBag.ProviderId = new SelectList(db.Customers, "CustomerId", "Username", service.ProviderId);
            return View(service);
        public ActionResult SearchPetServiceResult(Service cService, decimal fromPrice = -12, decimal toPrice = -12)
            // get list of all valid services
            var theService = (from customer in db.Customers
                              join service in db.Services on customer.CustomerId equals service.ProviderId
                              where service.ServiceName.Equals(cService.ServiceName)
                              where !(from trans in db.Transactions select trans.ServiceId).Contains(service.ServiceId)
                              select new SearchServiceResult
                                  service_id = service.ServiceId,
                                  service_provider_id = service.ProviderId,
                                  service_provider_name = customer.FirstName + " " + customer.LastName,
                                  service_type = service.ServiceName,
                                  service_desc = service.Description,
                                  service_price = (decimal)service.Price

            // Check whether user input a minimum value or maximum value for price
            // if the user only input the minimum price, then only minimum price is set
            // if the user only input the maximum price, then only the maximum price is set
            // if the user input both minimum & maximum price, then the price range is set
            if (!(fromPrice == -12))
                theService = theService.Where(x => x.service_price >= fromPrice);

            if (!(toPrice == -12))
                theService = theService.Where(x => x.service_price <= toPrice);
            //List<SearchPetResult> test = petForSale.ToList();
            //ViewData["petForSale"] = petForSale.ToList();
            //SearchPetResult petForSaleModel = (SearchPetResult)petForSale;
            return View(theService.AsEnumerable());
        public ActionResult PostService(Service cService)
            //@ViewBag.Message = cPet.Description;
            //var cityId = Request.Form["citylist"];
            Customer currentUser = (Customer)Session["currentUser"];
            int customerId = currentUser.CustomerId;

            cService.ProviderId = customerId;


            ViewBag.Message = "Your service has been posted. Thank you for using our service.";

            return View();
 public ActionResult Edit(Service service)
     if (ModelState.IsValid)
         db.Entry(service).State = EntityState.Modified;
         return RedirectToAction("Index");
     ViewBag.ProviderId = new SelectList(db.Customers, "CustomerId", "Username", service.ProviderId);
     return View(service);
        public ActionResult Selling(Pet cPet)
            //@ViewBag.Message = cPet.Description;
            //var cityId = Request.Form["citylist"];
            Customer currentUser = (Customer)Session["currentUser"];
            int customerId = currentUser.CustomerId;

            cPet.CustomerId = customerId;
            if (cPet.Description == null)
                cPet.Description = "";

            Service newService = new Service();
            newService.ProviderId = customerId;
            newService.PetId = cPet.PetId;
            newService.ServiceName = "Pet Selling by " + currentUser.FirstName + " " + currentUser.LastName;
            newService.Description = "Ordinary pet selling transaction";
            newService.Price = cPet.Price;

            ViewBag.Message = "Your pet info has been posted. Thank you for using our service.";

            return View();
        public ActionResult PostFinding(Pet cPet)
            Customer currentUser = (Customer)Session["currentUser"];
            int customerId = currentUser.CustomerId;

            cPet.CustomerId = customerId;
            cPet.Price = 0;

            Service newService = new Service();
            newService.ProviderId = customerId;
            newService.PetId = cPet.PetId;
            newService.ServiceName = "A lost pet founded by " + currentUser.FirstName + " " + currentUser.LastName;
            newService.Description = "Found a lost pet";
            newService.Price = 0;

            ViewBag.Message = "Your pet info has been posted. Thank you for using our service.";

            return View();