Beispiel #1
        public SimulationData(DateTime startTime)
            : base("SD")
            Cells = new PopulationCell[0];          //  10808574
            Humans = new Human[0];                  // ~82000000
            Deaths = new HumanSnapshot[0];
            DeathCount = 0;

            _time = startTime;
Beispiel #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Generates the ultimative matrix. It spreads
        /// the people ALLL over their departments.
        /// **In-Place**
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="populationArray">The already initialized
        /// PopulationCell-matrix which will be used for most stuff.
        /// This array will be modified!</param>
        /// <param name="humanArray">The array of Humans. This array will be modified!</param>
        /// <param name="rawData">The raw DepartmentInfos. This array will be modified!</param>
        /// <param name="width">width of the populationArray (used for offsets)</param>
        /// <param name="height">height of the populationArray (used for offsets)</param>
        public void GenerateMatrix(
            PopulationCell[] populationArray,
            Human[] humanArray,
            IEnumerable<DepartmentInfo> rawData,
            int width, int height)
            WIDTH = width;
            HEIGHT = height;

            if (populationArray.Length != WIDTH * HEIGHT)
                throw new ArgumentException(
                    "The argument has to be an array of PopulationCell with a length of '" + WIDTH * HEIGHT + "'.",

            Combiner comb = new Combiner(populationArray, humanArray);
            int departmentsCount = rawData.Count();

            // the parallel call.
            Parallel.ForEach(rawData, Constants.DEFAULT_PARALLELOPTIONS,
                (item) => {
                    Human[] humans;
                    var res = _dummy? DummyPopulate(item, out humans)
                                    : Populate(item, out humans);         // populate the department.
                    comb.Enqueue(res, humans);
                    res = null;
                    humans = null;

                    DepartmentCalculationFinished.Raise(this, new GeneratorEventArgs
                        Name = item.Name,
                        Total = departmentsCount
                    WriteMessage("Calculated: " + item.Name);
Beispiel #3
 public Combiner(PopulationCell[] cellArray, Human[] humanArray)
     _cells = cellArray;
     _humans = humanArray;
     _humanPoint = 0;
     _queueCells = new ConcurrentQueue<Tuple<int, PopulationCell>[]>();
     _queueHumans = new ConcurrentQueue<Human[]>();
Beispiel #4
        private Tuple<int, PopulationCell>[] PopulateDepartment(DepartmentInfo depInfo, out Human[] humanArray)
            List<Human> humanList = new List<Human>(depInfo.GetTotal());

            int areaSize = depInfo.Coordinates.Length;                      // number of points to be populated.
            Tuple<int, PopulationCell>[] resultArray =                      // the array which will be returned.
                new Tuple<int,PopulationCell>[areaSize];
            int resultArrayIndex = 0;                                       // running index for the array.

            Point origin = CalculateInitialPoint(depInfo.Coordinates);      // the origin as an fixpoint for every point.

            int maximumDistance = depInfo.Coordinates.Max(                  // the maximum distance possible.
                point => point.Distance(origin)) + 1;

            int[] factors = new int[maximumDistance];                       // array of factor for each distance.
            factors[0] = 225;                                               // start factor.
            for (int i = 1; i < maximumDistance; i++)                       // creating every factor for each distance.
                int previousFactor = factors[i - 1];
                int minus = (int)(previousFactor / 3f / 6);
                int random = RANDOM.Next(previousFactor / 3) - minus;
                random = (int)(random * (1 - i / (float)maximumDistance));
                if (previousFactor - random <= 0) random = 5;
                factors[i] = previousFactor - random;

            foreach (Point currentPoint in depInfo.Coordinates)
                int currentDistance = currentPoint.Distance(origin);        // distance of this point to the origin.
                PopulationCell currentCell = new PopulationCell();

                for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)                                 // for each age-group.
                    int additionalRand = RANDOM.Next(10) - 5;
                    int numberForEvenSpread =                               // number of humans if everything would be even/the same.
                        (int)(depInfo.Population[i] / (float)areaSize);
                    int numberOfPeopleToSet =                               // number of humans to be set for this age-group.
                        (int)(numberForEvenSpread *
                        (factors[currentDistance] + additionalRand) / 100f);

                    EGender gender = (i < 4) ?                              // the first four are male, the last female.
                        EGender.Male : EGender.Female;

                    var bounds = GetAgeBounds(i);                              // the age-boundaries for the corresponding age-group.
                    int lowerAgeBound = bounds.Item1;
                    int upperAgeBound = bounds.Item2;

                    for (int setCount = 0; setCount < numberOfPeopleToSet; setCount++)
                        int thisAge = RANDOM.Next(lowerAgeBound, upperAgeBound + 1);
                        Human thisHuman = Human.Create(gender, thisAge, currentPoint.Flatten(WIDTH));
                        currentCell.Data[i]++;                              // 'adds' the human to its cell.

                        depInfo.Population[i]--;                            // 'removes' the human out of the population.

                areaSize--;                                                 // 'removes' point from rest-area.

                resultArray[resultArrayIndex++] = new Tuple<int, PopulationCell>(
                        currentPoint.Flatten(WIDTH), currentCell);

            humanArray = humanList.ToArray();
            humanList = null;
            return resultArray;
Beispiel #5
        /// <summary>
        /// The standard method to populate.
        /// </summary>
        private Tuple<int, PopulationCell>[] Populate(DepartmentInfo depInfo, out Human[] humanArray)
            // the count of cells.
            int areaSize = depInfo.Coordinates.Length;

            // precalculating humans. (~ +- 10%)
            for (int i = 0; i < depInfo.Population.Length; ++i)
                depInfo.Population[i] = (int)Math.Round(
                    depInfo.Population[i] * (1 - (RANDOM.Next(20) - 10) / 100f));

            // initializing array.
            var resultArray = new Tuple<int, PopulationCell>[areaSize];
            int resultIndex = 0;

            // the origin used as fixpoint.
            Point origin = CalculateInitialPoint(depInfo.Coordinates);

            // maximum distance possible. (returns a relative small number)
            int maxDistance = depInfo.Coordinates.Max(p => p.Distance(origin)) + 1;

            // array of factors
            double[] factors = new double[maxDistance];
            factors[0] = 1.5;                           // start factor.
            for (int i = 1; i < maxDistance; i++)       // creating every factor for each distance.
                //TODO | dj | randomise
                // (-(1/maxDistance * i)^2 + 1.75) * 100
                double one = 1d / maxDistance * i;
                double two = Math.Pow(one, 2);
                double three = factors[0];
                double four = three - two;
                factors[i] = four;

            // array for each age-group, holding a list of Tuple of cell-indices and count.
            Queue<Tuple<int, ushort>>[] agesOfCells = new Queue<Tuple<int, ushort>>[8];
            agesOfCells.Initialize<Queue<Tuple<int, ushort>>>();

            int humanCount = 0;

            // going through all points and set the counts.
            foreach (Point point in depInfo.Coordinates)
                PopulationCell cell = new PopulationCell();
                int cellIndex = point.Flatten(WIDTH);

                double factor = factors[point.Distance(origin)];
                for (int i = 0; i < 8; ++i)
                    ushort toSet = (ushort)Math.Round(depInfo.Population[i] / (double)areaSize * factor);
                    cell.Data[i] = toSet;
                    agesOfCells[i].Enqueue(new Tuple<int,ushort>(cellIndex, toSet));
                    depInfo.Population[i] -= toSet;
                    //if (cell.Data[i] == 0)
                    //    Console.WriteLine("0 people in {0}", cellIndex);
                if (cell.Total == 0 && depInfo.Population.Sum() != 0)
                    int j = 0;
                        j = RANDOM.Next(8);
                    } while (depInfo.Population[j] == 0);

                    cell.Data[j] = 1;
                    agesOfCells[j].Enqueue(new Tuple<int,ushort>(cellIndex, 1));
                    depInfo.Population[j] -= 1;

                humanCount += cell.Total;

                resultArray[resultIndex++] = new Tuple<int,PopulationCell>(cellIndex, cell);

            // initializing human array
            humanArray = new Human[humanCount];
            int humanIndex = 0;

            // going through all ages and creating the humans.
            for (int i = 0; i < 8; ++i)
                var queue = agesOfCells[i];
                var bounds = GetAgeBounds(i);

                // age-bounds (for random).
                int lowerAge = bounds.Item1;
                int upperAge = bounds.Item2;

                // gender.
                EGender gender = (i < 4) ? EGender.Male : EGender.Female;

                // for each cell.
                while (queue.Count > 0)
                //foreach (Tuple<int, ushort> cellTuple in queue)
                    var cellTuple = queue.Dequeue();

                    int cellIndex = cellTuple.Item1;
                    ushort count = cellTuple.Item2;

                    // for each human (who shall be created).
                    ushort c = count;
                    while (c-- > 0)
                    //for (int c = 0; c < count; ++c)
                        int thisHumanAge = RANDOM.Next(lowerAge, upperAge + 1);
                        Human thisHuman = Human.Create(gender, thisHumanAge, cellIndex);
                        humanArray[humanIndex++] = thisHuman;

                agesOfCells[i] = null;  // not necessary, but who knows :P

            return resultArray;
Beispiel #6
        /// <summary>
        /// The Dummy-implementation.
        /// </summary>
        private Tuple<int, PopulationCell>[] DummyPopulate(DepartmentInfo depInfo, out Human[] humanArray)
            int areaSize = depInfo.Coordinates.Length;

            Tuple<int, PopulationCell>[] tmpArray = new Tuple<int, PopulationCell>[areaSize];
            int tmpCounter = 0;
            humanArray = new Human[depInfo.GetTotal()];
            int humanCounter = 0;

            int[] popsPerPoint = depInfo.Population.Select(x => x / areaSize).ToArray();

            foreach (Point point in depInfo.Coordinates)
                PopulationCell cell = new PopulationCell();

                for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
                    EGender gender = (i < 4) ? EGender.Male : EGender.Female;

                    var bounds = GetAgeBounds(i);
                    int lowerAgeBound = bounds.Item1;
                    int upperAgeBound = bounds.Item2;

                    for (int n = 0; n < popsPerPoint[i]; n++)
                        int thisAge = RANDOM.Next(lowerAgeBound, upperAgeBound + 1);
                        humanArray[humanCounter++] = Human.Create(gender, thisAge, point.Flatten(WIDTH));

                tmpArray[tmpCounter++] = new Tuple<int, PopulationCell>(point.Flatten(WIDTH), cell);


            return tmpArray;
Beispiel #7
        private void InitCell()
            _infosRuntime = new PopulationCell();
            _infosRuntime.MaleBabies = 0;
            _infosRuntime.MaleChildren = ushort.MaxValue;
            _infosRuntime.MaleAdults = ushort.MinValue;
            _infosRuntime.MaleSeniors = 1351;
            _infosRuntime.FemaleBabies = 12;
            _infosRuntime.FemaleChildren = 24;
            _infosRuntime.FemaleAdults = 135;
            _infosRuntime.FemaleSeniors = 12;

            _infosRuntime.Infecting = 46;
            _infosRuntime.Diseased = 35;
Beispiel #8
        /// <summary>
        /// Reads the information out of
        /// the given file and sets the
        /// corresponding values.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="filePath">The path to the .dep-file.</param>
        /// <exception cref="IOException">Might be thrown.</exception>
        public void InitializeFromFile(string filePath)
            var reader = new DepartmentMapReader(filePath);
            reader.IterationPassed += ReadFileIterationPassed.Raise;

            DepartmentInfo[] deps = reader.ReadFile();

            Image img = reader.ReadImage();
            ImageWidth = img.Width;
            ImageHeight = img.Height;

            WriteMessage("Calculating Total-Population...");
            int maxPopulation = deps.Sum(x => x.GetTotal());        // getting maximum population
            Humans = new Human[(int)(maxPopulation * 1.05f)];       // adding 5% :)

            WriteMessage("Generating Matrix...");
            Cells = new PopulationCell[ImageWidth * ImageHeight];

            MatrixGenerator mg = new MatrixGenerator(false);
            mg.DepartmentCalculationFinished += DepartmentCalculated.Raise;
            mg.GenerateMatrix(Cells, Humans, deps, ImageWidth, ImageHeight);

            WriteMessage("...Matrix generated.");
Beispiel #9
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates an CellSnapshot from a PopulationCell
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="input">Input Counts</param>
 /// <param name="position">Position of the cell</param>
 /// <returns>A new CellSnapshot</returns>
 public static CellSnapshot InitializeFromRuntime(PopulationCell input, int position)
     return new CellSnapshot(input.Data, position);