Beispiel #1
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Console.WriteLine("Welcome to Good Burger, home of the Good Burger!");
            //Product products = new Product();
            Inventory inv = new Inventory();

            List <Product> products = new List <Product>();

            products.Add(new Product("Good Burger", "Food", "9001 calories", 17.99));
            products.Add(new Product("Good Burger 2", "Food", "9001 calories", 17.99));
            products.Add(new Product("Good Burger 3", "Food", "9001 calories", 17.99));
            products.Add(new Product("Good Burger 4", "Food", "9001 calories", 17.99));
            products.Add(new Product("Good Burger 5", "Food", "9001 calories", 17.99));

            foreach (Product p in products)
                inv.AddProduct(p.Name, 120);
            foreach (Product product in products)
                Console.WriteLine("Quantity: " + inv.Quantity);

            Console.Write("Can I take your order? ");
            string input = Console.ReadLine();

            Console.Write("How many do you want to buy? ");
            int num      = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
            int subTotal = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < num; i++)
                //subTotal += products.

            inv.RemoveProduct(input, num);

Beispiel #2
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Inventory inv = new Inventory();
            Receipt   rec = new Receipt();
            List <Tuple <string, double, int> > orders = new List <Tuple <string, double, int> >();
            List <string>  cart     = new List <string>();
            List <Product> products = new List <Product>();

            products.Add(new Product("Good Burger", "Food", "9,001 calories", 17.99));
            products.Add(new Product("Double Good Burger", "Food", "18,002 calories", 35.98));
            products.Add(new Product("Triple Good Burger", "Food", "27,003 calories", 53.97));
            products.Add(new Product("Good Dog", "Food", "7,400 calories", 14.99));
            products.Add(new Product("Good Chickwich", "Food", "6,500 calories", 13.00));
            products.Add(new Product("Good Taco", "Food", "4,000 calories", 8.00));
            products.Add(new Product("Good Fries", "Food", "5,555 calories", 11.99));
            products.Add(new Product("Good Pickle", "Food", "2,000 calories", 4.00));
            products.Add(new Product("Good Chillie", "Food", "3,500 calories", 6.99));
            products.Add(new Product("Good Orange Soda", "Drink", "5,000 calories", 10.00));
            products.Add(new Product("Good Diet Orange Soda", "Drink", "4,999 calories", 10.00));
            products.Add(new Product("Good Beverage", "Drink", "5,000 calories", 10.00));
            products.Add(new Product("Good Shake", "Dessert", "10,000 calories", 20.00));
            products.Add(new Product("Good Pies", "Dessert", "8,000 calories", 16.00));

            foreach (Product p in products)
                inv.AddProduct(p.Name, 120);

            Console.WriteLine(@"           _,---.     _,.---._       _,.---._                     ");
            Console.WriteLine(@"       _.='.'-,  \  ,-.' , -  `.   ,-.' , -  `.   _,..---._       ");
            Console.WriteLine(@"      /==.'-     / /==/_,  ,  - \ /==/_,  ,  - \/==/,   -  \      ");
            Console.WriteLine(@"     /==/ -   .-' |==|   .=.     |==|   .=.     |==|   _   _\     ");
            Console.WriteLine(@"     |==|_   /_,-.|==|_ : ;=:  - |==|_ : ;=:  - |==|  .=.   |     ");
            Console.WriteLine(@"     |==|  , \_.' )==| , '='     |==| , '='     |==|,|   | -|     ");
            Console.WriteLine(@"     \==\-  ,    ( \==\ -    ,_ / \==\ -    ,_ /|==|  '='   /     ");
            Console.WriteLine(@"      /==/ _  ,  /  '.='. -   .'   '.='. -   .' |==|-,   _`/      ");
            Console.WriteLine(@"      `--`------'     `--`--''       `--`--''   `-.`.____.'       ");
            Console.WriteLine(@"                                               _,---.      ,----.               ");
            Console.WriteLine(@"         _..---.  .--.-. .-.-. .-.,.---.   _.='.'-,  \  ,-.--` , \  .-.,.---.   ");
            Console.WriteLine(@"       .' .'.-. \/==/ -|/=/  |/==/  `   \ /==.'-     / |==|-  _.-` /==/  `   \  ");
            Console.WriteLine(@"      /==/- '=' /|==| ,||=| -|==|-, .=., /==/ -   .-'  |==|   `.-.|==|-, .=., | ");
            Console.WriteLine(@"      |==|-,   ' |==|- | =/  |==|   '='  /==|_   /_,-./==/_ ,    /|==|   '='  / ");
            Console.WriteLine(@"      |==|  .=. \|==|,  \/ - |==|- ,   .'|==|  , \_.' )==|    .-' |==|- ,   .'  ");
            Console.WriteLine(@"      /==/- '=' ,|==|-   ,   /==|_  . ,'.\==\-  ,    (|==|_  ,`-._|==|_  . ,'.  ");
            Console.WriteLine(@"      |==|   -   //==/ , _  .'/==/  /\ ,  )/==/ _  ,  //==/ ,     //==/  /\ ,  )");
            Console.WriteLine(@"      `-._`.___,' `--`..---'  `--`-`--`--' `--`------' `--`-----`` `--`-`--`--' ");

                Console.WriteLine("================== Welcome to Good Burger! Home of the Good Burger! ===================");
                Console.WriteLine("=-------------------------------------- MENU -----------------------------------------=");
                Console.WriteLine("=----------- FOOD ------------------------- CALORIES ------------------- PRICE -------=");

                int menuCount = 0;;
                foreach (Product p in products)
                    Console.WriteLine($"{menuCount,4}. {p}");
                    //Console.WriteLine($"Quantity: {inv.Quantity}");
                    int    numinput = InputInt("\nWhat can I get you?: ");
                    string input    = inv.SelectItem(numinput);
                    int    num;
                    if (inv.Inv.ContainsKey(input))
                        num = InputInt("\nHow many do you want?: ");

                        inv.RemoveQuantity(input, num);
                        rec.AddToCart(input, num);
                        Console.WriteLine($"\nAdding {num} {input}(s).");
                        double pr = 0;
                        for (int i = 0; i < products.Count; i++)
                            if (products[i].Name == input)
                                pr = products[i].Price;
                        orders.Add(Tuple.Create(input, pr, num));
                        Console.WriteLine("\nSorry, we don't have those.\n");
                } while (RunAgain("Can I get you anything else? (y/n): "));

                Console.WriteLine("Thanks for your order!");
                Console.WriteLine("Here's what you got:");
                double subTotal = 0;
                for (int i = 0; i < orders.Count; i++)
                    Console.WriteLine($"{orders[i].Item3}x {orders[i].Item1,-12}{(orders[i].Item2 * orders[i].Item3).ToString("C")}");
                    subTotal += (Math.Round(orders[i].Item2 * orders[i].Item3, 2));

                Console.WriteLine($"\nYour total: {subTotal.ToString("C")}");
                Console.WriteLine("Have a GOOOOOOD Day!");

            } while (RunAgain("Actually would you like to order more?: "));