Beispiel #1
 /// <summary>
 ///  Instantiates a new MinimalSpanningTree.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="mstNodes">The GraphNodes that should be spanned.</param>
 /// <param name="distances">An optional DistanceLookup parameter which
 /// caches the found node-node distances.</param>
 public MinimalSpanningTree(HashSet <GraphNode> mstNodes, DistanceLookup distances = null)
     // Copy might be preferable, doesn't really matter atm though.
     this.mstNodes  = mstNodes;
     this.distances = (distances == null ? new DistanceLookup() : distances);
     _isSpanned     = false;
        public void TestDijkstra()
            // TODO: Maybe make the graphs class members.
            /// 0 -- 1 -- 2 -- 3
            ///  \        |   /
            ///    \      | /
            ///      4 -- 5
            bool[,] graph1 = {
                                 { false, true,  false, false, true,  false },
                                 { true,  false, true,  false, false, false },
                                 { false, true,  false, true,  false, true  },
                                 { false, false, true,  false, false, true  },
                                 { true,  false, false, false, false, true  },
                                 { false, false, true,  true,  true,  false },

            SearchGraph searchGraph1 = SearchGraphFromData(graph1);

            Dictionary<int, GraphNode> graphNodes = GetGraphNodesIdIndex(searchGraph1);

            DistanceLookup distanceLookup = new DistanceLookup();
            Assert.IsTrue(distanceLookup.GetDistance(graphNodes[0], graphNodes[0]) == 0, "Failed 0 distance test");
            Assert.IsTrue(distanceLookup.GetDistance(graphNodes[0], graphNodes[5]) == 2, "Wrong distance");
            Assert.IsTrue(distanceLookup.GetDistance(graphNodes[0], graphNodes[3]) == 3, "Wrong distance");
 /// <summary>
 ///  Instantiates a new MinimalSpanningTree.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="mstNodes">The GraphNodes that should be spanned.</param>
 /// <param name="distances">An optional DistanceLookup parameter which
 /// caches the found node-node distances.</param>
 public MinimalSpanningTree(HashSet<GraphNode> mstNodes, DistanceLookup distances = null)
     // Copy might be preferable, doesn't really matter atm though.
     this.mstNodes = mstNodes;
     this.distances = (distances == null ? new DistanceLookup() : distances);
     _isSpanned = false;
        public void TestMST()
            /// 0 -- 1 -- 2 -- 3
            ///  \        |   /
            ///    \      | /
            ///      4 -- 5 -- 6 -- 7
            bool[,] graph1 = {
                                 { false, true,  false, false, true,  false, false, false },
                                 { true,  false, true,  false, false, false, false, false },
                                 { false, true,  false, true,  false, true,  false, false },
                                 { false, false, true,  false, false, true,  false, false },
                                 { true,  false, false, false, false, true,  false, false },
                                 { false, false, true,  true,  true,  false, true,  false },
                                 { false, false, false, false, false, true,  false, true  },
                                 { false, false, false, false, false, false, true,  false },

            SearchGraph searchGraph1 = SearchGraphFromData(graph1);

            Dictionary<int, GraphNode> graphNodes1 = GetGraphNodesIdIndex(searchGraph1);
            DistanceLookup distanceLookup = new DistanceLookup();

            HashSet<GraphNode> mstNodes1 = new HashSet<GraphNode>
                { graphNodes1[3], graphNodes1[5], graphNodes1[7] };
            MinimalSpanningTree mst1 = new MinimalSpanningTree(mstNodes1);
            mst1.Span(startFrom: graphNodes1[0]);

            Assert.IsTrue(mst1.SpanningEdges.Count == 3, "Wrong amount of spanning edges");
            /// This can fail even if the mst would be valid! The test only works for
            /// the current implementation of the mst algorithm, but I can't find a
            /// better way to do this with the current data structures...
            Assert.IsTrue(mst1.SpanningEdges[0].inside.Id == 0 && mst1.SpanningEdges[0].outside.Id == 5,
                "First edge is wrong");
            Assert.IsTrue(mst1.SpanningEdges[1].inside.Id == 5 && mst1.SpanningEdges[1].outside.Id == 3,
                "Second edge is wrong");
            Assert.IsTrue(mst1.SpanningEdges[2].inside.Id == 5 && mst1.SpanningEdges[2].outside.Id == 7,
                "Third edge is wrong");
            Assert.IsTrue(mst1.UsedNodeCount == 5, "Wrong MST length");

            /// Test unconnected graph

            /// 0 -- 1    2 -- 3
            ///           |   /
            ///           | /
            ///      4 -- 5
            bool[,] graph2 = {
                                 { false, true,  false, false, false, false },
                                 { true,  false, false, false, false, false },
                                 { false, false, false, true,  false, true  },
                                 { false, false, true,  false, false, true  },
                                 { false, false, false, false, false, true  },
                                 { false, false, true,  true,  true,  false },
            SearchGraph searchGraph2 = SearchGraphFromData(graph2);
            Dictionary<int, GraphNode> graphNodes2 = GetGraphNodesIdIndex(searchGraph2);
            HashSet<GraphNode> mstNodes2 = new HashSet<GraphNode> { graphNodes2[0], graphNodes2[2], graphNodes2[4] };

            bool pass = false;
                MinimalSpanningTree mst = new MinimalSpanningTree(mstNodes2);
            catch (DistanceLookup.GraphNotConnectedException)
                pass = true;
            Assert.IsTrue(pass, "No exception thrown for disconnected graph");