Beispiel #1
        public bool Add(AuthorBLL item, out string serverSideError)
            if (item.IsValid)
                using (ProtoLibEntities context = new ProtoLibEntities())
                    if (DatabaseDependantValidation(item, context, out serverSideError))
                        Author newAuth = new Author();

                        //newAuth.BookDetailsSet = whoa... Okay, remember.. first authors are added, then new books and author specified there

                        CrossLayerEntityConverter.AuthorBllToDal(context, item, newAuth);


                        return true;

                return false;
                serverSideError = "The Author object is invalid";
                return false;
Beispiel #2
        public bool Delete(int id)
            using (ProtoLibEntities context = new ProtoLibEntities())
                var dalAuth = (from a in context.Authors
                            where a.AuthorID == id
                            select a).SingleOrDefault();

                if (dalAuth != null)
                    //ALT: Handle author deletion in a better way
                    //Delete this author's credit from all books
                    var creditedBooks = from b in context.BookDetailsSet
                        where b.Authors.Contains(dalAuth)
                        select b;

                    foreach (BookDetails book in creditedBooks)


                    return true;

            return false;
        public bool Add(LibraryBookBLL item, out string serverSideError)
            if (item.IsValid)
                using (ProtoLibEntities context = new ProtoLibEntities())
                    if (DatabaseDependantValidation(item, context, out serverSideError))
                        LibraryBook newLibBook = new LibraryBook();
                        CrossLayerEntityConverter.LibraryBookBllToDal(context, item, newLibBook);


                        return true;

                return false;
                serverSideError = "The LibraryBook object is invalid";
                return false;
        public bool Add(BookDetailsBLL item, out string serverSideError)
            //HACK: in manip bar impl, we try to insert a new book before working on it. Better approach possible.
            if (item.Description.Title == null)
                item.Description.Title = "New book";

            if (item.IsValid)
                using (ProtoLibEntities context = new ProtoLibEntities())
                    if (DatabaseDependantValidation(item,context, out serverSideError))
                        //Good to go.
                        BookDetails newBook = new BookDetails();
                        newBook.BookDimensions = new BookDimensions();
                        CrossLayerEntityConverter.BookDetailsBllToDal(context, item, newBook);


                        return true;

                return false;
                //FIXME: return IDataErrorInfo validation
                serverSideError = "The BookDetails object is invalid";
                return false;
        public List<TransactionBLL> GetMemberTransactions(int memberID)
            using (ProtoLibEntities context = new ProtoLibEntities())
                Member mem = (from m in context.Members
                              where m.MemberID == memberID
                              select m).SingleOrDefault();

                if (mem != null)
                    List<TransactionBLL> retList = new List<TransactionBLL>();

                    foreach (Transaction t in mem.Transactions)
                        TransactionBLL tr = new TransactionBLL();
                        CrossLayerEntityConverter.TransactionDalToBll(context, tr, t);

                    return retList;


            return null;
        public static void AuthorBllToDal(ProtoLibEntities context, AuthorBLL bllAuthor, Author dalAuthor)
            dalAuthor.FirstName = bllAuthor.FirstName;
            dalAuthor.MiddleName = bllAuthor.MiddleName;
            dalAuthor.LastName = bllAuthor.LastName;
            dalAuthor.DateOfBirth = bllAuthor.DateOfBirth;
            dalAuthor.DateOfDeath = bllAuthor.DateOfDeath;
            dalAuthor.Nationality = bllAuthor.Nationality;

            //FIXME: copy image binary data to BLL object
            dalAuthor.AuthorImage = bllAuthor.AuthorImage;

            foreach (int bookID in bllAuthor.BookDetailsIDs)
                dalAuthor.BookDetailsSet.Add(context.BookDetailsSet.Single(b => b.BookDetailsID == bookID));
        public static void AuthorDalToBll(ProtoLibEntities context, AuthorBLL bllAuthor, Author dalAuthor)
            bllAuthor.ItemID = dalAuthor.AuthorID;

            bllAuthor.FirstName = dalAuthor.FirstName;
            bllAuthor.MiddleName = dalAuthor.MiddleName;
            bllAuthor.LastName = dalAuthor.LastName;
            bllAuthor.DateOfBirth = dalAuthor.DateOfBirth;
            bllAuthor.DateOfDeath = dalAuthor.DateOfDeath;
            bllAuthor.Nationality = dalAuthor.Nationality;

            bllAuthor.AuthorImage = dalAuthor.AuthorImage;

            foreach (BookDetails b in dalAuthor.BookDetailsSet)
        public LibraryBookBLL GetByID(int id)
            using (ProtoLibEntities context = new ProtoLibEntities())
                LibraryBook libBook = (from lb in context.LibraryBooks
                                    where lb.BookID == id
                                    select lb).SingleOrDefault();

                if (libBook != null)
                    LibraryBookBLL retLibBook = new LibraryBookBLL();
                    CrossLayerEntityConverter.LibraryBookDalToBll(context, retLibBook, libBook);
                    return retLibBook;

            return null;
        public bool IssueBook(int libBookID, int memberID, out string serverSideError)
            serverSideError = null;

            using (ProtoLibEntities context = new ProtoLibEntities())
                LibraryBook libBook = (from lb in context.LibraryBooks
                                       where lb.BookID == libBookID
                                       select lb).SingleOrDefault();

                if (libBook != null)
                    Member mem = (from m in context.Members
                                  where m.MemberID == memberID
                                  select m).SingleOrDefault();

                    if (mem != null)
                        Transaction t = new Transaction();
                        t.LibraryBook = libBook;
                        t.Member = mem;
                        t.Fine = 0.0;
                        t.CheckedOutOn = DateTime.Now;
                        t.ReturnedOn = null;

                        libBook.BookStatus = (from st in context.BookStatus1 where st.StatusID == 101 select st).Single();

                        return true;
                        serverSideError = string.Format("No member with ID {0} exists", memberID.ToString());
                        return false;
                    serverSideError = string.Format("No library book with that ID {0} exists", libBookID.ToString());
                    return false;
        public StaffAccountBLL GetByID(int id)
            StaffAccountBLL bllSA = null;

            using (ProtoLibEntities context = new ProtoLibEntities())
                StaffAccount dalSA = (from sa in context.StaffAccounts
                                         where sa.AccountID == id
                                         select sa).SingleOrDefault();

                if (dalSA != null)
                    bllSA = new StaffAccountBLL();
                                                                   bllSA, dalSA);

            return bllSA;
        public bool Delete(int id)
            using (ProtoLibEntities context = new ProtoLibEntities())
                StaffAccount dalSA = (from sa in context.StaffAccounts.Include("AccountPrefs")
                                      where sa.AccountID == id
                                      select sa).SingleOrDefault();

                if (dalSA != null)


                    return true;

            return false;
        /// <summary>
        ///Doesn't support automatically adding NEW related entities... eg. authors,
        ///categories, etc.
        /// </summary>
        public static void BookDetailsBllToDal(ProtoLibEntities context, BookDetailsBLL bllBook, BookDetails dalBook)
            dalBook.ISBN13 = bllBook.PublishInfo.ISBN13;
            dalBook.ISBN10 = bllBook.PublishInfo.ISBN10;
            dalBook.EditionNumber = bllBook.PublishInfo.EditionNumber;
            dalBook.EditionName = bllBook.PublishInfo.EditionName;
            dalBook.Printing = bllBook.PublishInfo.Printing;
            dalBook.DatePublished = bllBook.PublishInfo.DatePublished;

            dalBook.Title = bllBook.Description.Title;
            dalBook.TitleLong = bllBook.Description.TitleLong;
            dalBook.Summary = bllBook.Description.Summary;
            dalBook.Notes = bllBook.Description.Notes;
            dalBook.Language = bllBook.Description.Language;
            dalBook.AmazonLink = bllBook.Description.AmazonLink;

            dalBook.BookDimensions.Pages = bllBook.Dimensions.Pages;
            dalBook.BookDimensions.Height = bllBook.Dimensions.Height;
            dalBook.BookDimensions.Width = bllBook.Dimensions.Width;
            dalBook.BookDimensions.Thickness = bllBook.Dimensions.Thickness;
            dalBook.BookDimensions.Weight = bllBook.Dimensions.Weight;

            //HACK: Use LINQ intersects
            foreach (int authorID in bllBook.AuthorIDs)
                dalBook.Authors.Add(context.Authors.First(a => a.AuthorID == authorID));

            foreach (int categoryID in bllBook.CategoryIDs)
                dalBook.Categories.Add(context.Categories.First(c => c.CategoryID == categoryID));

            foreach (int subjectID in bllBook.SubjectIDs)
                dalBook.Subjects.Add(context.Subjects.First(s => s.SubjectID == subjectID));

            //dalBook.PublisherID = bllBook.PublishInfo.PublisherID;
            if (bllBook.PublishInfo.PublisherID != null)
                dalBook.Publisher = context.Publishers.First(p => p.PublisherID == (int)bllBook.PublishInfo.PublisherID);
        public bool Delete(int id)
            using (ProtoLibEntities context = new ProtoLibEntities())
                var book = (from b in context.BookDetailsSet.Include("BookDimensions")
                            where b.BookDetailsID == id
                            select b).SingleOrDefault();

                if (book != null)

                    var libBooks = book.LibraryBooks.ToList();
                    foreach (var lb in libBooks)

                    var cats = book.Categories.ToList();
                    foreach (var c in cats)

                    foreach (Subject s in book.Subjects)

                    Publisher p = book.Publisher;

                    var auths = book.Authors.ToList();
                    foreach (var a in auths)

                    return true;

            return false;
        public bool Add(StaffAccountBLL item, out string serverSideError)
            serverSideError = null;
            if (item.IsValid)
                using (ProtoLibEntities context = new ProtoLibEntities())
                    if (DatabaseDependantValidation(item, context, out serverSideError))
                        StaffAccount dalSA = new StaffAccount();
                        dalSA.AccountPrefs = new AccountPrefs();

                        CrossLayerEntityConverter.StaffAccountBllToDal(context, item, dalSA);


                        return true;

            return false;
        public bool Delete(int id)
            using (ProtoLibEntities context = new ProtoLibEntities())
                var libBook = (from lb in context.LibraryBooks
                            where lb.BookInfoID == id
                            select lb).SingleOrDefault();

                if (libBook != null)

                    //FIXME: Don't remove transaction history on deleting book
                    var trans = libBook.Transactions.ToList();
                    foreach (var t in trans)

                    return true;

            return false;
        private bool DatabaseDependantValidation(LibraryBookBLL bllLibBook, ProtoLibEntities context, 
            out string error,
            int idToExclude = 0)
            error = null;

            return true;
        public bool Update(List<LibraryBookBLL> items, out string serverSideError)
            bool failure = false;
            serverSideError = null;
            string error = "";
            string temp = "";
            int numUpdated = 0;

            using (ProtoLibEntities context = new ProtoLibEntities())

                foreach (LibraryBookBLL bllLibBook in items)
                    if (bllLibBook.IsValid)
                        if (DatabaseDependantValidation(bllLibBook, context, out temp, bllLibBook.ItemID))
                            LibraryBook dalLibBook = (from lb in context.LibraryBooks
                                                   where lb.BookID == bllLibBook.ItemID
                                                   select lb).SingleOrDefault();

                            if (dalLibBook != null)
                                CrossLayerEntityConverter.LibraryBookBllToDal(context, bllLibBook, dalLibBook);
                                error += "\nNo item with ID " + bllLibBook.ItemID.ToString() +
                                    " exists.";
                                failure = true;

                            error += ("\n" + temp);
                            failure = true;
                        error += ("\nItem with ID: " +bllLibBook.ItemID.ToString() +
                                  " is in an invalid state.");
                        failure = true;

                numUpdated = context.SaveChanges();


            if (failure)
                serverSideError = "There were unsuccessful updates. " +
                    numUpdated.ToString() + " items were updated.\n" + error;
                return false;

            Debug.Assert(serverSideError == null);
            return true;
        public bool Update(LibraryBookBLL newItem, out string serverSideError)
            if (newItem.IsValid)
                using (ProtoLibEntities context = new ProtoLibEntities())
                    if (DatabaseDependantValidation(newItem, context, out serverSideError, newItem.ItemID))
                        LibraryBook dalLibBook = (from lb in context.LibraryBooks
                                               where lb.BookID == newItem.ItemID
                                               select lb).Single();

                        CrossLayerEntityConverter.LibraryBookBllToDal(context, newItem, dalLibBook);

                        Debug.Assert(serverSideError == null);
                        return true;
                        return false;

            serverSideError = "Item is in an invalid state!";
            return false;
        public List<LibraryBookBLL> GetSurroundingItems(int midItemID, int numItemsBeforeAndAfter)
            List<LibraryBookBLL> retList = new List<LibraryBookBLL>();

            using (ProtoLibEntities context = new ProtoLibEntities())
                LibraryBookBLL midItem = GetByID(midItemID);
                if (midItem != null)
                    retList.AddRange(GetPreviousItems(midItemID, numItemsBeforeAndAfter));
                    retList.AddRange(GetNextItems(midItemID, numItemsBeforeAndAfter));

            return retList;
        public List<LibraryBookBLL> GetPreviousItems(int beforeItemID, int numItems)
            List<LibraryBookBLL> retList = new List<LibraryBookBLL>();

            using (ProtoLibEntities context = new ProtoLibEntities())
                var dalLibBooks = (from lb in context.LibraryBooks
                                where lb.BookID < beforeItemID
                                orderby lb.BookID descending
                                select lb).Take(numItems);

                LibraryBookBLL bllLibBook = null;
                foreach (LibraryBook dalLibBook in dalLibBooks)
                    bllLibBook = new LibraryBookBLL();
                    CrossLayerEntityConverter.LibraryBookDalToBll(context, bllLibBook, dalLibBook);

            return retList;
        public static void StaffAccountBllToDal(ProtoLibEntities context,
            StaffAccountBLL bllSA, StaffAccount dalSA)
            dalSA.UserName = bllSA.UserName;
            dalSA.Password = bllSA.Password;
            dalSA.ClearanceLevel = bllSA.ClearanceLevel;

            dalSA.Member = context.Members.SingleOrDefault(m => m.MemberID == bllSA.MemberID);

            dalSA.AccountPrefs.CacheSize = bllSA.Preferences.CacheSize;
            dalSA.AccountPrefs.SearchResultsPageSize = bllSA.Preferences.SearchResultsPageSize;
            dalSA.AccountPrefs.FullScreenMode = bllSA.Preferences.FullScreenMode;
        public static void LibraryBookBllToDal(ProtoLibEntities context, LibraryBookBLL bllLibBook, LibraryBook dalLibBook)
            dalLibBook.Price = bllLibBook.Price;
            dalLibBook.ObtainedFrom = bllLibBook.ObtainedFrom;
            dalLibBook.BookDetails = (from book in context.BookDetailsSet where book.BookDetailsID == bllLibBook.BookDetailsId select book).SingleOrDefault();
            dalLibBook.BookStatus = (from st in context.BookStatus1 where st.StatusID == (int)bllLibBook.Status select st).Single();

            //TODO: Implement branch stuff
            dalLibBook.Branch = (from br in context.Branches where br.BranchID == 100 select br).First();
        public static void BookDetailsDalToBll(ProtoLibEntities context, BookDetailsBLL bllBook, BookDetails dalBook)
            bllBook.ItemID = dalBook.BookDetailsID;

            bllBook.PublishInfo.ISBN13 = dalBook.ISBN13;
            bllBook.PublishInfo.ISBN10 = dalBook.ISBN10;
            bllBook.PublishInfo.EditionNumber = dalBook.EditionNumber;
            bllBook.PublishInfo.EditionName = dalBook.EditionName;
            bllBook.PublishInfo.Printing = dalBook.Printing;
            bllBook.PublishInfo.DatePublished = dalBook.DatePublished;

            bllBook.Description.Title = dalBook.Title;
            bllBook.Description.TitleLong = dalBook.TitleLong;
            bllBook.Description.Summary = dalBook.Summary;
            bllBook.Description.Notes = dalBook.Notes;
            bllBook.Description.Language = dalBook.Language;
            bllBook.Description.AmazonLink = dalBook.AmazonLink;

            bllBook.Dimensions.Pages = dalBook.BookDimensions.Pages;
            bllBook.Dimensions.Height = dalBook.BookDimensions.Height;
            bllBook.Dimensions.Width = dalBook.BookDimensions.Width;
            bllBook.Dimensions.Thickness = dalBook.BookDimensions.Thickness;
            bllBook.Dimensions.Weight = dalBook.BookDimensions.Weight;

            foreach (Author a in dalBook.Authors)

            foreach (Category c in dalBook.Categories)

            foreach (Subject s in dalBook.Subjects)

            bllBook.PublishInfo.PublisherID = bllBook.PublishInfo.PublisherID;
        public static void LibraryBookDalToBll(ProtoLibEntities context, LibraryBookBLL bllLibBook, LibraryBook dalLibBook)
            bllLibBook.ItemID = dalLibBook.BookID;

            bllLibBook.Price = dalLibBook.Price;
            bllLibBook.ObtainedFrom = dalLibBook.ObtainedFrom;
            bllLibBook.BookDetailsId = dalLibBook.BookInfoID;
            bllLibBook.Status = (BookStatusBLL)(dalLibBook.StatusID);
        public static void TransactionDalToBll(ProtoLibEntities context, TransactionBLL bllTrans, Transaction dalTrans)
            bllTrans.ItemID = dalTrans.TransactionID;

            bllTrans.BookID = dalTrans.BookID;
            bllTrans.MemberID = dalTrans.MemberID;
            bllTrans.CheckedOutOn = dalTrans.CheckedOutOn;
            bllTrans.ReturnedOn = dalTrans.ReturnedOn;
            bllTrans.Fine = dalTrans.Fine;
        public static void TransactionBllToDal(ProtoLibEntities context, TransactionBLL bllTrans, Transaction dalTrans)
            dalTrans.LibraryBook = (from lb in context.LibraryBooks where lb.BookID == bllTrans.BookID select lb).SingleOrDefault();
            dalTrans.Member = (from mem in context.Members where mem.MemberID == bllTrans.MemberID select mem).SingleOrDefault();

            dalTrans.CheckedOutOn = bllTrans.CheckedOutOn;
            dalTrans.ReturnedOn = bllTrans.ReturnedOn;

            dalTrans.Fine = bllTrans.Fine;
        public static void MemberBllToDal(ProtoLibEntities context, MemberBLL bllMember, Member dalMember)
            dalMember.FirstName = bllMember.FirstName;
            dalMember.MiddleName = bllMember.MiddleName;
            dalMember.LastName = bllMember.LastName;
            dalMember.DateOfBirth = bllMember.DateOfBirth;
            dalMember.JoinDate = bllMember.JoinDate;
            dalMember.Gender = bllMember.Gender;

            //FIXME: copy image binary data to BLL object
            dalMember.Portrait = bllMember.Portrait;

            dalMember.Contact.AddLine1 = bllMember.Contact.AddressLine1;
            dalMember.Contact.AddLine2 = bllMember.Contact.AddressLine2;
            dalMember.Contact.AddLine3 = bllMember.Contact.AddressLine3;
            dalMember.Contact.Phone1 = bllMember.Contact.Phone1;
            dalMember.Contact.Phone2 = bllMember.Contact.Phone2;
            dalMember.Contact.Email = bllMember.Contact.Email;
            dalMember.Contact.Website = bllMember.Contact.Website;
            dalMember.Contact.Pin = bllMember.Contact.Pin;

            City city = (from c in context.Cities where c.City1 == bllMember.Contact.City select c).FirstOrDefault();

            if (city == null)
                dalMember.Contact.City = new City();
                dalMember.Contact.City.City1 = bllMember.Contact.City;
                dalMember.Contact.City.StateOrProvince = bllMember.Contact.StateOrProvince;
                dalMember.Contact.City.Country = bllMember.Contact.Country;
                dalMember.Contact.City = city;
        public List<LibraryBookBLL> GetFirstItems(int numItems)
            List<LibraryBookBLL> retList = new List<LibraryBookBLL>();

            using (ProtoLibEntities context = new ProtoLibEntities())
                var dalLibBooks = (from lb in context.LibraryBooks
                                orderby lb.BookID
                                select lb).Take(numItems);

                LibraryBookBLL bllLibBook = null;
                foreach (LibraryBook dalLibBook in dalLibBooks)
                    bllLibBook = new LibraryBookBLL();
                    CrossLayerEntityConverter.LibraryBookDalToBll(context, bllLibBook, dalLibBook);

            return retList;
        public static void StaffAccountDalToBll(ProtoLibEntities context,
            StaffAccountBLL bllSA, StaffAccount dalSA)
            bllSA.ItemID = dalSA.AccountID;
            bllSA.UserName = dalSA.UserName;
            bllSA.Password = dalSA.Password;
            bllSA.ClearanceLevel = dalSA.ClearanceLevel;

            bllSA.MemberID = dalSA.MemberID;

            bllSA.Preferences.CacheSize = dalSA.AccountPrefs.CacheSize;
            bllSA.Preferences.SearchResultsPageSize = dalSA.AccountPrefs.SearchResultsPageSize;
            bllSA.Preferences.FullScreenMode = dalSA.AccountPrefs.FullScreenMode;
        public static void MemberDalToBll(ProtoLibEntities context, MemberBLL bllMember, Member dalMember)
            bllMember.ItemID = dalMember.MemberID;

            bllMember.FirstName = dalMember.FirstName;
            bllMember.MiddleName = dalMember.MiddleName;
            bllMember.LastName = dalMember.LastName;
            bllMember.DateOfBirth = dalMember.DateOfBirth;
            bllMember.JoinDate = dalMember.JoinDate;
            bllMember.Gender = dalMember.Gender;

            //FIXME: copy image binary data to BLL object
            bllMember.Portrait = dalMember.Portrait;

            bllMember.Contact.AddressLine1 = dalMember.Contact.AddLine1;
            bllMember.Contact.AddressLine2 = dalMember.Contact.AddLine2;
            bllMember.Contact.AddressLine3 = dalMember.Contact.AddLine3;
            bllMember.Contact.Phone1 = dalMember.Contact.Phone1;
            bllMember.Contact.Phone2 = dalMember.Contact.Phone2;
            bllMember.Contact.Email = dalMember.Contact.Email;
            bllMember.Contact.Website = dalMember.Contact.Website;
            bllMember.Contact.Pin = dalMember.Contact.Pin;
            bllMember.Contact.City = dalMember.Contact.City.City1;
            bllMember.Contact.StateOrProvince = dalMember.Contact.City.StateOrProvince;
            bllMember.Contact.Country = dalMember.Contact.City.Country;