Beispiel #1
            // This handler deals with background graphics and palettes as well,
            // even though those are technically separate "objects"

            public override void ReadClass(Rom rom)
                // The only way to determine the bit depth of each BG palette is
                // to check the bit depth of the backgrounds that use it - so,
                // first we create an array to track palette bit depths:
                int[] palbits = new int[114];
                int[] gfxbits = new int[103];

                for (int i = 0; i < 327; i++)
                    BattleBG bg = new BattleBG();

                    // Now that the BG has been read, update the BPP entry for its palette
                    // We can also check to make sure palettes are used consistently:
                    int pal = bg.PaletteIndex;
                    if (palbits[pal] != 0 && palbits[pal] != bg.BitsPerPixel)
                        throw new Exception("Battle BG Palette Error - inconsistent bit depth");
                    palbits[pal] = bg.BitsPerPixel;

                    gfxbits[bg.GraphicsIndex] = bg.BitsPerPixel;

                // Now load palettes
                for (int i = 0; i < 114; i++)
                    BackgroundPalette p = new BackgroundPalette();
                    p.BitsPerPixel = palbits[i];

                // Load graphics
                for (int i = 0; i < 103; i++)
                    BackgroundGraphics g = new BackgroundGraphics();
                    g.BitsPerPixel = gfxbits[i];
Beispiel #2
        public override void Read(int index)
            // Graphics pointer table entry
            Block gfxPtrBlock = Parent.ReadBlock(0xAD9A1 + index * 4);

            //int gfxPtr = Rom.SnesToHex(gfxPtrBlock.ReadInt());

            // Read graphics

            // Arrangement pointer table entry
            Block arrPtrBlock = Parent.ReadBlock(0xADB3D + index * 4);
            int   arrPtr      = Rom.SnesToHex(arrPtrBlock.ReadInt());

            // Read and decompress arrangement
            Block arrBlock = Parent.ReadBlock(arrPtr);

            arr = arrBlock.Decomp();
Beispiel #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Decompresses data from the block's current position. Note that
        /// this method first measures the compressed data's size before allocating
        /// the destination array, which incurs a slight additional overhead.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>An array containing the decompressed data.</returns>
        public byte[] Decomp()
            int size = Rom.GetCompressedSize(pointer, data);

            if (size < 1)
                throw new Exception("Invalid compressed data.");

            byte[] output = new byte[size];
            int    read;
            int    actualSize = Rom.Decomp(pointer, data, output, out read);

            if (size != actualSize)
                throw new Exception("ERROR! Computed and actual decompressed sizes do not math. Please reinstall universe and reboot.");

Beispiel #4
 public override void WriteClass(Rom rom)
Beispiel #5
 public abstract void WriteClass(Rom rom);
Beispiel #6
 public static void WriteClass(Rom rom)
     throw new Exception("RomObject classes must implement a new static WriteClass method!");
Beispiel #7
 public abstract void ReadClass(Rom rom);
Beispiel #8
  * Methods
 public static void ReadClassFromRom(Rom rom)
     throw new Exception("RomObject classes must implement a new static ReadClass method!");