Beispiel #1
 // Constructor.
 public TalentTreeNode(string talentName, bool attained)
     ability  = talentName;
     achieved = attained;
     left     = null;
     right    = null;
 private void Insert(string ability, bool attained, TalentTreeNode current)
     // If less than current value.
     if (String.Compare(ability, current.Ability) < 0)
         // try to add node to the left
         if (current.Left == null)                  // space is available
             current.Left = new TalentTreeNode(ability, attained);
         else                                         // space is already occupied
             Insert(ability, attained, current.Left); // go down a level and do the same thing
     else             // greater than or equal to current value, go right
         // try to add the node to right
         if (current.Right == null)
             current.Right = new TalentTreeNode(ability, attained);
         else                 // space occupied
             Insert(ability, attained, current.Right);
 // traverse the tree in order
 public void Traverse(TalentTreeNode current)
     if (current != null)
         Console.Write(current.Ability + " ");
 // Insert methods.
 public void Insert(string ability, bool attained)
     if (root == null)
         root = new TalentTreeNode(ability, attained);
         Insert(ability, attained, root);
Beispiel #5
        public static void Main(string[] args)
            // Create the TalentTree.
            TalentTree myTalentTree = new TalentTree();

            // Populate the TalentTree manually.
            TalentTreeNode root         = new TalentTreeNode("Magika", true);
            TalentTreeNode level2_left  = new TalentTreeNode("Blizzard", true);
            TalentTreeNode level2_right = new TalentTreeNode("Fire", true);

            root.Left  = level2_left;
            root.Right = level2_right;

            TalentTreeNode level3_left1  = new TalentTreeNode("Icicle", false);
            TalentTreeNode level3_right1 = new TalentTreeNode("Blizzaga", false);

            level2_left.Left  = level3_left1;
            level2_left.Right = level3_right1;

            TalentTreeNode level3_left2  = new TalentTreeNode("Pyro", false);
            TalentTreeNode level3_right2 = new TalentTreeNode("Firaga", true);

            level2_right.Left  = level3_left2;
            level2_right.Right = level3_right2;

            myTalentTree.Root = root;

            Console.WriteLine("List of Known Abilities:");

            Console.WriteLine("List of Possible Abilities:");

            Console.WriteLine("Traversal of Talent Tree:");
        // List Possible Abilities.
        // Prints out abilities that the player could learn next.
        public string ListPossibleAbilities(TalentTreeNode node)
            string list = "";

            // If not achieved none of its children can be achieved either.
            // So do not return a value for this.

            if (node == null || !node.Achieved)
                list += "";
            // If it IS achieved:
                // Check to see if its left children nodes can also be added if they aren't null and ARE achieved.
                if (node.Left != null && node.Left.Achieved)
                    list += ListPossibleAbilities(node.Left);
                else if (node.Left != null && !node.Left.Achieved)
                    list += node.Left.Ability + " ";

                // Check to see if its right children nodes can also be added if they aren't null and ARE achieved.
                if (node.Right != null && node.Right.Achieved)
                    list += ListPossibleAbilities(node.Right);
                else if (node.Right != null && !node.Right.Achieved)
                    list += node.Right.Ability + " ";

            // Returns whatever may come out of the recursive process.