Beispiel #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructor of the grammar node.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="p">Parent master grammar.</param>
        public PreGd(MasterGrammar p) : base(p)

            var preGd         = new NonTerminal("Pre-GD", typeof(TransientAstNode));
            var preGdBase     = new NonTerminal("Pre-GD base", typeof(TransientAstNode));
            var preGdStarList = new NonTerminal("Pre-GD star-list", typeof(TransientAstNode));

            var prefPreGdBase   = new NonTerminal("Preference expression (pre-GD)", typeof(PreferenceGdAstNode));
            var prefNameOrEmpty = new NonTerminal("Optional preference name", typeof(TransientAstNode));
            var prefName        = new IdentifierTerminal("Preference name", IdentifierType.CONSTANT);

            var andPreGdBase    = new NonTerminal("AND expression (pre-GDs)", typeof(AndGdAstNode));
            var forallPreGdBase = new NonTerminal("FORALL expression (pre-GD)", typeof(ForallGdAstNode));
            var orGdBase        = new NonTerminal("OR expression (pre-GD)", typeof(OrGdAstNode));
            var notGdBase       = new NonTerminal("NOT expression (pre-GD)", typeof(NotGdAstNode));
            var implyGdBase     = new NonTerminal("IMPLY expression (pre-GD)", typeof(ImplyGdAstNode));
            var existsGdBase    = new NonTerminal("EXISTS expression (pre-GD)", typeof(ExistsGdAstNode));
            var equalsOpGdBase  = new NonTerminal("Equals operator (pre-GD)", typeof(EqualsOpGdAstNode));

            var numCompGdBase  = new NonTerminal("Numeric comparison expression (pre-GD)", typeof(NumCompGdAstNode));
            var binaryComparer = new NonTerminal("Binary comparer", typeof(TransientAstNode));

            var gdStarList = new NonTerminal("GD star-list", typeof(TransientAstNode));

            // USED SUB-TREES

            var typedList       = new TypedList(p);
            var gd              = new Gd(p);
            var predicateGdBase = new PredicateGd(p, BForm.BASE);
            var numericExpr     = new NumericExpr(p);
            var valueOrTerm     = new ValueOrTerm(p);

            // RULES

            preGd.Rule     = p.ToTerm("(") + preGdBase + ")";
            preGdBase.Rule = prefPreGdBase | andPreGdBase | forallPreGdBase | orGdBase | notGdBase | implyGdBase | existsGdBase | predicateGdBase | equalsOpGdBase | numCompGdBase;

            prefPreGdBase.Rule   = p.ToTerm("preference") + prefNameOrEmpty + gd;
            prefNameOrEmpty.Rule = prefName | p.Empty;

            andPreGdBase.Rule    = p.ToTerm("and") + preGdStarList;
            forallPreGdBase.Rule = p.ToTerm("forall") + "(" + typedList + ")" + preGd;
            orGdBase.Rule        = p.ToTerm("or") + gdStarList;
            notGdBase.Rule       = p.ToTerm("not") + gd;
            implyGdBase.Rule     = p.ToTerm("imply") + gd + gd;
            existsGdBase.Rule    = p.ToTerm("exists") + "(" + typedList + ")" + gd;
            equalsOpGdBase.Rule  = p.ToTerm("=") + valueOrTerm + valueOrTerm;

            numCompGdBase.Rule  = binaryComparer + numericExpr + numericExpr;
            binaryComparer.Rule = p.ToTerm(">") | "<" | ">=" | "<=";

            preGdStarList.Rule = p.MakeStarRule(preGdStarList, preGd);
            gdStarList.Rule    = p.MakeStarRule(gdStarList, gd);

            p.MarkTransient(preGd, preGdBase, gd, numericExpr, binaryComparer);

            Rule = preGd;
Beispiel #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructor of the grammar node.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="p">Parent master grammar.</param>
        public Gd(MasterGrammar p) : base(p)

            var gd         = new NonTerminal("GD", typeof(TransientAstNode));
            var gdBase     = new NonTerminal("GD base", typeof(TransientAstNode));
            var gdStarList = new NonTerminal("GD star-list", typeof(TransientAstNode));

            var andGdBase      = new NonTerminal("AND expression (GDs)", typeof(AndGdAstNode));
            var orGdBase       = new NonTerminal("OR expression (GD)", typeof(OrGdAstNode));
            var notGdBase      = new NonTerminal("NOT expression (GD)", typeof(NotGdAstNode));
            var implyGdBase    = new NonTerminal("IMPLY expression (GD)", typeof(ImplyGdAstNode));
            var existsGdBase   = new NonTerminal("EXISTS expression (GD)", typeof(ExistsGdAstNode));
            var forallGdBase   = new NonTerminal("FORALL expression (GD)", typeof(ForallGdAstNode));
            var equalsOpGdBase = new NonTerminal("Equals operator (GD)", typeof(EqualsOpGdAstNode));
            var numCompGdBase  = new NonTerminal("Numeric comparison expression (GD)", typeof(NumCompGdAstNode));
            var binaryComparer = new NonTerminal("Binary comparer", typeof(TransientAstNode));

            // USED SUB-TREES

            var typedList       = new TypedList(p);
            var numericExpr     = new NumericExpr(p);
            var valueOrTerm     = new ValueOrTerm(p);
            var predicateGdBase = new PredicateGd(p, BForm.BASE);

            // RULES

            gd.Rule     = p.ToTerm("(") + gdBase + ")";
            gdBase.Rule = andGdBase | orGdBase | notGdBase | implyGdBase | existsGdBase | forallGdBase | predicateGdBase | equalsOpGdBase | numCompGdBase;

            andGdBase.Rule      = p.ToTerm("and") + gdStarList;
            orGdBase.Rule       = p.ToTerm("or") + gdStarList;
            notGdBase.Rule      = p.ToTerm("not") + gd;
            implyGdBase.Rule    = p.ToTerm("imply") + gd + gd;
            existsGdBase.Rule   = p.ToTerm("exists") + "(" + typedList + ")" + gd;
            forallGdBase.Rule   = p.ToTerm("forall") + "(" + typedList + ")" + gd;
            equalsOpGdBase.Rule = p.ToTerm("=") + valueOrTerm + valueOrTerm;
            numCompGdBase.Rule  = binaryComparer + numericExpr + numericExpr;
            binaryComparer.Rule = p.ToTerm(">") | "<" | ">=" | "<=";

            gdStarList.Rule = p.MakeStarRule(gdStarList, gd);

            p.MarkTransient(gd, gdBase, binaryComparer);

            Rule = gd;