internal bool InsertData(Model_凭证单 Voucher, List <Model_凭证明细> VoucherDetails)
            bool              isEmpty           = true;
            decimal           CountBorrow       = 0m;
            decimal           CountLoan         = 0m;
            List <Model_凭证明细> NewVoucherDetails = new List <Model_凭证明细>();

            foreach (Model_凭证明细 VoucherDetail in VoucherDetails)
                if (VoucherDetail.科目编号 != null)
                    CountBorrow += VoucherDetail.借方;
                    CountLoan   += VoucherDetail.贷方;
                    isEmpty      = false;
            if (!isEmpty)
                if (CountBorrow != CountLoan)
                List <Model_凭证单> Vouchers = new List <Model_凭证单>();
                bool result = new PA.Helper.DataBase.DataBase().InsertVoucherAll(Vouchers.OfType <object>().ToList(), NewVoucherDetails.OfType <object>().ToList());
                if (!result)
Beispiel #2
        private void Update()
            string sql  = "";
            bool   flag = Read(out sql);

            flag = new PA.Helper.DataBase.DataBase().Excute(sql);
            if (flag)
        internal int GetPageNum(Guid guid)
            int     result = 1;
            string  sql    = "select count(*) from (SELECT count(*) FROM " + DBTablesName.T_VOUCHER_DETAIL + " WHERE PARENTID = '" + guid + "' GROUP BY VOUCHER_NO)";
            DataSet ds     = new PA.Helper.DataBase.DataBase().Query(sql);

            foreach (DataRow dr in ds.Tables[0].Rows)
                result = int.Parse(dr[0].ToString());
        internal Model_凭证单 GetVoucher(Guid guid)
            Model_凭证单 Voucher = new Model_凭证单();
            string    sql     = "select * from " + DBTablesName.T_VOUCHER + " where id='" + guid + "'";
            DataSet   ds      = new PA.Helper.DataBase.DataBase().Query(sql);

            foreach (DataRow dr in ds.Tables[0].Rows)
                Voucher.ID     = dr[0].ToString();
                Voucher.当前期    = int.Parse(dr[1].ToString());
                Voucher.制表时间   = Convert.ToDateTime(dr[2]);
                Voucher.附属单证数  = int.Parse(dr[3].ToString());
                Voucher.合计借方金额 = decimal.Parse(dr[4].ToString());
                Voucher.合计贷方金额 = decimal.Parse(dr[5].ToString());
                Voucher.会计主管   = dr[6].ToString();
                Voucher.制单人    = dr[7].ToString();
                Voucher.核      = dr[8].ToString();
                Voucher.审核标志   = int.Parse(dr[9].ToString());
                Voucher.除标志    = int.Parse(dr[10].ToString());
        internal List <Model_凭证明细> GetVoucherDetails(Guid guid)
            string            LastVoucherNum = "";
            int               CountNum       = 0;
            bool              isFirstLine    = true;
            List <Model_凭证明细> VoucherDetails = new List <Model_凭证明细>();
            Model_凭证明细        detail;
            string            sql = "select detail.*, subjectA.subject_name as MainSubjectName, subjectB.subject_name as TimesSubjectName"
                                    + " from "
                                    + DBTablesName.T_VOUCHER_DETAIL + " detail"
                                    + " LEFT JOIN " + DBTablesName.T_SUBJECT + " subjectA ON detail.subject_id=subjectA.subject_id"
                                    + " LEFT JOIN " + DBTablesName.T_SUBJECT + " subjectB ON detail.detail=subjectB.subject_id"
                                    + " where PARENTID='" + guid + "'";
            DataSet ds = new PA.Helper.DataBase.DataBase().Query(sql);

            foreach (DataRow dr in ds.Tables[0].Rows)
                if (LastVoucherNum == dr[4].ToString() || isFirstLine)
                    detail       = new Model_凭证明细();
                    detail.ID    = int.Parse(dr[0].ToString());
                    detail.序号    = int.Parse(dr[1].ToString());
                    detail.父节点ID = dr[2].ToString();
                    detail.凭证字   = dr[3].ToString();
                    detail.凭证号   = dr[4].ToString();
                    detail.摘要    = dr[5].ToString();
                    detail.科目编号  = dr[6].ToString();
                    detail.子细目ID = dr[7].ToString();
                    detail.记账    = int.Parse(dr[8].ToString());
                    detail.借方    = decimal.Parse(dr[9].ToString());
                    detail.贷方    = decimal.Parse(dr[10].ToString());
                    detail.主科目名  = dr[6].ToString() + " " + dr["MainSubjectName"].ToString();
                    detail.子细目   = dr[7].ToString() + " " + dr["TimesSubjectName"].ToString();
                    LastVoucherNum = dr[4].ToString();
                    isFirstLine = false;
                    for (int i = CountNum; i < 6; i++)
                        detail    = new Model_凭证明细();
                        detail.序号 = i;
                    CountNum     = 0;
                    detail       = new Model_凭证明细();
                    detail.ID    = int.Parse(dr[0].ToString());
                    detail.序号    = int.Parse(dr[1].ToString());
                    detail.父节点ID = dr[2].ToString();
                    detail.凭证字   = dr[3].ToString();
                    detail.凭证号   = dr[4].ToString();
                    detail.摘要    = dr[5].ToString();
                    detail.科目编号  = dr[6].ToString();
                    detail.子细目ID = dr[7].ToString();
                    detail.记账    = int.Parse(dr[8].ToString());
                    detail.借方    = decimal.Parse(dr[9].ToString());
                    detail.贷方    = decimal.Parse(dr[10].ToString());
                    detail.主科目名  = dr[6].ToString() + " " + dr["MainSubjectName"].ToString();
                    detail.子细目   = dr[7].ToString() + " " + dr["TimesSubjectName"].ToString();
                    LastVoucherNum = dr[4].ToString();
            for (int i = CountNum; i < 6; i++)
                detail    = new Model_凭证明细();
                detail.序号 = i;
 /// <summary>
 /// 不显示三级科目
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="condition"></param>
 /// <param name="id"></param>
 /// <param name="isTwo"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public List<string> GetChildSubjectList(string condition, string id, bool isTwo)
     list = new List<string>();
     string sql1 = string.Empty;
     string sql2 = string.Empty;
     sql = "select subject_id,subject_name from " + DBTablesName.T_SUBJECT;
     if (isTwo)
         sql1 = " where parent_id = '" + id + "'";
         sql1 = " where parent_id like '" + id + "%'";
     if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(condition))
         sql2 = " and subject_id like '" + condition + "%'";
     sql += sql1 + sql2 + " order by subject_id";
     DataBase db = new DataBase();
     DataTable dt = db.Query(sql).Tables[0];
     for (int i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++)
         string str = dt.Rows[i][0] + "\t" + dt.Rows[i][1];
     return list;
 /// <summary>
 /// 获取所有科目的最低级科目(子细目)
 /// </summary>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public List<string> GetChildSubjectList(string condition)
     List<string> lists = new List<string>();
     string parm = string.Empty;
     if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(condition))
         parm = " and a.subject_id like '" + condition + "%'";
     string sql  = " SELECT                                                                  "
                 + "     a.SUBJECT_ID,                                                       "
                 + "     a.subject_name,                                                     "
                 + "     b.SUBJECT_ID ParentID,                                              "
                 + "     b.subject_name ParentName,                                          "
                 + "     c.SUBJECT_ID ParentID,                                              "
                 + "     c.subject_name ParentName,                                          "
                 + "     d.SUBJECT_ID ParentID,                                              "
                 + "     d.subject_name ParentName                                           "
                 + " FROM                                                                    "
                 + DBTablesName.T_SUBJECT
                 + " a LEFT JOIN "
                 + DBTablesName.T_SUBJECT
                 + " b ON substr(a.SUBJECT_ID, 0, 4) = b.SUBJECT_ID    "
                 + " LEFT JOIN "
                 + DBTablesName.T_SUBJECT
                 + "  c ON substr(a.SUBJECT_ID, 0, 6) = c.SUBJECT_ID    "
                 + " LEFT JOIN "
                 + DBTablesName.T_SUBJECT
                 + "  d ON substr(a.SUBJECT_ID, 0, 8) = d.SUBJECT_ID    "
                 + " WHERE                                                                   "
                 + "     a.SUBJECT_ID NOT IN (                                               "
                 + "         SELECT                                                          "
                 + "             PARENT_ID                                                   "
                 + "         FROM                                                            "
                 + "             T_SUBJECT_0                                                 "
                 + "         GROUP BY                                                        "
                 + "             PARENT_ID                                                   "
                 + "     )                                                                   "
                 + parm
                 + " ORDER BY                                                                "
                 + "     a.SUBJECT_ID                                                        ";
     DataBase db = new DataBase();
     DataTable dt = db.Query(sql).Tables[0];
     for (int i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++)
         string str  = dt.Rows[i][0] + "\t"
                     + dt.Rows[i][1] + "\t"  //name
                     + dt.Rows[i][2] + "\t"
                     + dt.Rows[i][3] + "\t"  //name
                     + dt.Rows[i][4] + "\t"
                     + dt.Rows[i][5] + "\t"  //name
                     + dt.Rows[i][6] + "\t"
                     + dt.Rows[i][7];        //name
     return lists;
 public List<string> GetSubjectList(string condition)
     list = new List<string>();
     if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(condition))
         sql = "select subject_id,subject_name from " + DBTablesName.T_SUBJECT + " where used_mark=0 and parent_id=0 order by id";
         sql = "select subject_id,subject_name from " + DBTablesName.T_SUBJECT + " where used_mark=0 " + "and subject_id like '" + condition +
                 "%' and parent_id=0  order by id";
     DataBase db = new DataBase();
     DataTable dt = db.Query(sql).Tables[0];
     for (int i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++)
         string str = dt.Rows[i][0]+"\t"+dt.Rows[i][1];
     return list;
        private void DataInitialize()
            DataBase db = new DataBase();
            List<string> dataList = new List<string>();
            dataList = getSqlList(Properties.Resources.DatabaseTable);

            dataList = GetSubjectSqlList();

            dataList = getSqlList(Properties.Resources.DatabaseData);
            string date = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss");

            UsbController usb = new UsbController();
            string _str = usb.getSerialNumberFromDriveLetter();
            string sql = "insert into t_systeminfo (op_time,rkey,value,comments) values ('" + date
                + "','" + (int)ENUM.EM_KEY.软件版本 + "','" + (int)ENUM.EM_SOFTWARESTATE.未注册 + "','第一次运行显示未注册'),('" + date
                + "','" + (int)ENUM.EM_KEY.注册码 + "','','注册码'),('" + date
                + "','" + (int)ENUM.EM_KEY.U盘标识 + "','" + _str + "','USB')";
 private void Update()
     string sql = "";
     bool flag = Read(out sql);
     flag = new PA.Helper.DataBase.DataBase().Excute(sql);
     if (flag)
 internal bool InsertData(Model_凭证单 Voucher, List<Model_凭证明细> VoucherDetails)
     bool isEmpty = true;
     decimal CountBorrow = 0m;
     decimal CountLoan = 0m;
     List<Model_凭证明细> NewVoucherDetails = new List<Model_凭证明细>();
     foreach (Model_凭证明细 VoucherDetail in VoucherDetails)
         if (VoucherDetail.科目编号 != null)
             CountBorrow += VoucherDetail.借方;
             CountLoan += VoucherDetail.贷方;
             isEmpty = false;
     if (!isEmpty)
         if (CountBorrow != CountLoan)
             return false;
         List<Model_凭证单> Vouchers = new List<Model_凭证单>();
         bool result = new PA.Helper.DataBase.DataBase().InsertVoucherAll(Vouchers.OfType<object>().ToList(), NewVoucherDetails.OfType<object>().ToList());
             return false;
     return !isEmpty;
 internal List<Model_凭证明细> GetVoucherDetails(Guid guid)
     string LastVoucherNum = "";
     int CountNum = 0;
     bool isFirstLine = true;
     List<Model_凭证明细> VoucherDetails = new List<Model_凭证明细>();
     Model_凭证明细 detail;
     string sql = "select detail.*, subjectA.subject_name as MainSubjectName, subjectB.subject_name as TimesSubjectName"
         + " from "
             + DBTablesName.T_VOUCHER_DETAIL + " detail"
             + " LEFT JOIN " + DBTablesName.T_SUBJECT + " subjectA ON detail.subject_id=subjectA.subject_id"
             + " LEFT JOIN " + DBTablesName.T_SUBJECT + " subjectB ON detail.detail=subjectB.subject_id"
         + " where PARENTID='" + guid + "'";
     DataSet ds = new PA.Helper.DataBase.DataBase().Query(sql);
     foreach (DataRow dr in ds.Tables[0].Rows)
         if (LastVoucherNum == dr[4].ToString() || isFirstLine)
             detail = new Model_凭证明细();
             detail.ID = int.Parse(dr[0].ToString());
             detail.序号 = int.Parse(dr[1].ToString());
             detail.父节点ID = dr[2].ToString();
             detail.凭证字 = dr[3].ToString();
             detail.凭证号 = dr[4].ToString();
             detail.摘要 = dr[5].ToString();
             detail.科目编号 = dr[6].ToString();
             detail.子细目ID = dr[7].ToString();
             detail.记账 = int.Parse(dr[8].ToString());
             detail.借方 = decimal.Parse(dr[9].ToString());
             detail.贷方 = decimal.Parse(dr[10].ToString());
             detail.主科目名 = dr[6].ToString()+ " " +dr["MainSubjectName"].ToString();
             detail.子细目 = dr[7].ToString() + " " + dr["TimesSubjectName"].ToString();
             LastVoucherNum = dr[4].ToString();
             isFirstLine = false;
             for (int i = CountNum; i < 6; i++)
                 detail = new Model_凭证明细();
                 detail.序号 = i;
             CountNum = 0;
             detail = new Model_凭证明细();
             detail.ID = int.Parse(dr[0].ToString());
             detail.序号 = int.Parse(dr[1].ToString());
             detail.父节点ID = dr[2].ToString();
             detail.凭证字 = dr[3].ToString();
             detail.凭证号 = dr[4].ToString();
             detail.摘要 = dr[5].ToString();
             detail.科目编号 = dr[6].ToString();
             detail.子细目ID = dr[7].ToString();
             detail.记账 = int.Parse(dr[8].ToString());
             detail.借方 = decimal.Parse(dr[9].ToString());
             detail.贷方 = decimal.Parse(dr[10].ToString());
             detail.主科目名 = dr[6].ToString()+ " " +dr["MainSubjectName"].ToString();
             detail.子细目 = dr[7].ToString() + " " + dr["TimesSubjectName"].ToString();
             LastVoucherNum = dr[4].ToString();
     for (int i = CountNum; i < 6; i++)
         detail = new Model_凭证明细();
         detail.序号 = i;
     return VoucherDetails;
 internal Model_凭证单 GetVoucher(Guid guid)
     Model_凭证单 Voucher = new Model_凭证单();
     string sql = "select * from " + DBTablesName.T_VOUCHER + " where id='" + guid + "'";
     DataSet ds = new PA.Helper.DataBase.DataBase().Query(sql);
     foreach (DataRow dr in ds.Tables[0].Rows)
         Voucher.ID = dr[0].ToString();
         Voucher.当前期 = int.Parse(dr[1].ToString());
         Voucher.制表时间 = Convert.ToDateTime(dr[2]);
         Voucher.附属单证数 = int.Parse(dr[3].ToString());
         Voucher.合计借方金额 = decimal.Parse(dr[4].ToString());
         Voucher.合计贷方金额 = decimal.Parse(dr[5].ToString());
         Voucher.会计主管 = dr[6].ToString();
         Voucher.制单人 = dr[7].ToString();
         Voucher.复核 = dr[8].ToString();
         Voucher.审核标志 = int.Parse(dr[9].ToString());
         Voucher.删除标志 = int.Parse(dr[10].ToString());
     return Voucher;
 internal int GetPageNum(Guid guid)
     int result = 1;
     string sql = "select count(*) from (SELECT count(*) FROM " + DBTablesName.T_VOUCHER_DETAIL + " WHERE PARENTID = '"+ guid +"' GROUP BY VOUCHER_NO)";
     DataSet ds = new PA.Helper.DataBase.DataBase().Query(sql);
     foreach (DataRow dr in ds.Tables[0].Rows)
         result = int.Parse(dr[0].ToString());
     return result;